#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl;
use Net::Discident;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Std;

my %opt;
getopts( 'jhu', \%opt );

my $path = shift;
pod2usage() if $opt{h} or !defined $path;

my $ident = Net::Discident->new( $path );

if ( $opt{'u'} ) {
    say $ident->query_url();
elsif ( $opt{'j'} ) {
    say $ident->query( undef, 1 );
else {
    say $ident->ident();


=head1 NAME 

discident - fingerprint a DVD


B<discident> [-u | -j] I<path>

Returns the fingerprint of the DVD at I<path>.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item -u

Return the discident.com URL

=item -j

Return the JSON response from querying discident.com 

