use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use 5.007003;   # needs "safe signals" - see perlipc

# command-line argument  "bundle=1"
# will force attempt to install bundled modules,
# even if they are already installed

# run installer for the additional modules
# that were included with this distribution.
# run  perl Makefile.PL BUNDLE=1
# to allow re-installation of bundled modules
sub install_bundled_modules {
  if (-d 'bundle') {
    chdir 'bundle';
    opendir my $sub_dh, '.';
    while (my $submod = readdir $sub_dh) {
      next if $submod eq '.';
      next if $submod eq '..';
      next if ! -d $submod;

      if (-f "$submod/") {
	print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "Running builder for submodules/$submod\n";
	chdir $submod;
	chdir '..';
    print "--------------------------------------------------\n";
    closedir $sub_dh;
    chdir '..';

sub probe_system {
  print STDERR "Gathering information on current system\n";
  print STDERR "and creating Forks::Super::SysInfo package.\n";
  system($^X, '',

sub recommend_modules {
  my @recommends = ("Time::HiRes" => '1.30', 
		    "YAML" => '0.62',
		    "JSON" => '2.0',
		    "Sys::CpuAffinity" => '0.9',
		    "Sys::CpuLoadX" => '0.02',

  if ($^O eq "MSWin32" || $^O =~ /cygwin/i) {
    push @recommends, ("Win32::Process" => '0.11',
		       "Win32::API" => '0.43');
  return [ @recommends ];


my @old_ARGV = @ARGV;
@ARGV = grep { !/^bundle\b/i } @ARGV;

    ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION+0 >= 6.46
         ? ('META_MERGE' => { 'recommends' => &recommend_modules })
	 : ()),
    NAME                => 'Forks::Super',
    AUTHOR              => q[Marty O'Brien <>],
    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/Forks/',
    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/Forks/',
    ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION+0 >= 6.3002
      ? ('LICENSE'=> 'perl')
      : ()),
    PL_FILES            => {},

    PREREQ_PM => {
        'Test::More' => 0,

    dist                => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
    clean               => { FILES => join (" ",'Forks-Super-*',
					    'perl.exe.stackdump', # #$@^!cygwin
					    '_Inline') },

@ARGV = @old_ARGV;

package MY;

# additional testing targets

sub MY::postamble {

  my $stresstestargs = "-r 20 -x 5 -s -q";
  if ($^O =~ /solaris/i) {
    $stresstestargs = "-r 25 -x 4 -s -q";
  my $postamble = <<"__END_POSTAMBLE__";

# ------ fasttest: use Forks::Super to run Forks::Super tests in parallel

fasttest :: pm_to_blib
	\$(PERLRUN) t/ \$(TEST_FILES) -h

# ------ stress test: run all tests in parallel 100 times

stresstest :: pm_to_blib
	\$(PERLRUN) t/ \$(TEST_FILES) $stresstestargs


  return $postamble;