Revision history for XML-Hash-LX
TODO: make hash2xml faster
0.0603 2011-08-19
Fix tests
0.0602 2011-08-18
Merge encoding patch from ~gugu
0.06_01 2011-06-16
Fix when attribute/cdata/comment value is empty/undef
Cleanup tests (move qualitee tests to xt/*)
add bt/* - benchmark testing draft
0.06 2009-09-15
Fix dist: remove from install
0.05 2009-09-03
Fix: work with earlier versions of XML::LibXML (for ex 1.58)
Remove Catalyst stuff from distribution, make it separate
0.04 2009-08-27
Fight for kwalitee. No major changes in code
0.03 2009-08-26
Fix deps on Catalyst::Action
0.02 2009-08-26
Optimize work with text in hash2xml
0.01 2009-08-12
First version