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This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Catalyst.

5.7006	2006-11-03 14.18
	- Updated manifest
	- Fix Slurp dependency
        - Updated HTTP::Body dependency to 0.6, 0.5 can break on large POST requests.
        - Skip utf8 fix for undef values in uri_with() and uri_for()

5.7005   2006-11-07 19:37:35
        - Fixed lighttpd tests to be properly skipped.
        - Moved IE workarounds to exist only in the HTTP engine.
        - Added installation instructions (from Catalyst-Manual dist)

5.7004   2006-11-06 20:48:35
        - Fix Engine::HTTP crash when using IE. (Jesper Krogh, Peter Edwards)
        - clean up Catalyst::Utils to handle some edge cases
        - Properly work around lighttpd PATH_INFO vs. SCRIPT_NAME bug
          (Mark Blythe)
        - add _application accessor to Catalyst::Base
        - Support current_view
        - Allow use of Catalyst::Test without app name (Ton Voon, Altinity)
        - Catalyst::Manual moved to its own package
        - Add option to FastCGI engine to send errors to stdout, not the web server
        - Use Module::Install's auto_install to install prerequisite modules 
        - various documentation fixes and improvements
5.7003   2006-09-21 16:29:45
        - Additions and updates to tutorial

5.7002   2006-09-17 19:35:32
        - unescape captures to match args
        - fix for relative Chained under namespace '' (root)
        - fix for hashrefs in action attributes from config
        - fix for Chained to require correct number of CaptureArgs

5.7001   2006-07-19 23:46:54
        - fix for component loading
        - uri_for and uri_with now behave as they used to with non-
          array references

5.7000   2006-07-07 08:08:08
        - fix warning message with FastCGI engine
        - bumped inc::Module::Install to 0.63 in Makefile.PL
        - fixes to uri_for_action for DispatchType::Chained
        - Further doc work.
        - Minor code cleanups 
        - Changed to depend on Catalyst::Devel

5.70_03  2006-06-28 16:42:00
        - fixup to registered plugins debug at app startup
        - refactored Catalyst::Utils::home

5.70_02  2006-06-27 11:51:00
	- Updated tutorial.

5.70_01  2006-06-26 10:49:00

        - fixed a Catalyst::Base bug causing duplicate action registrations
        - modified DispatchTypes to support multiple registrations
        - added Catalyst::Runtime module as dist marker
        - added Catalyst::ActionChain and Chained DispatchType
        - removed retarded registration requirement in dispatcher
        - removed Module::Pluggable::Fast hack in favor of
        - extended uri_for, added dispatcher->uri_for_action
        - added Catalyst::Base->action_for('methodname')
        - checked and tested :Args multimethod dispatch
        - added ability to set action attributes from controller config
        - added merge_config_hashes() as a convenience method
        - Swapped out CGI::Cookie in favour of CGI::Simple::Cookie
        - Removed test dependencies on Test::NoWarnings, Test::MockObject
        - Removed dependency on UNIVERSAL::require
        - Split out Catalyst::Helper into a new distribution
        - un-bundled the plugins as they are now pre-reqs for Catalyst::Helper
        - nuked each() out of core with prejudice (due to lurking buglets)
        - Added tests from phaylon for dispatcher precedence
        - Use Class::Inspector->loaded($class) instead of $class->can('can')
        - Added ActionClass attribute
        - Removed Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst from Makefile.PL (circular dep)
        - Updated docs for Catalyst::Component
        - Separated execute and dispatch on Catalyst::Action
        - cleaned up logging and debug output
	- significant documentation revisions
        - Added warning for setup being called twice
        - Fix pod to use DBIC::Schema instead of DBIC model
        - Fix ->config failing to copy _config for subclassing
        - Updated log format
        - Updated debug dump

5.6902  2006-05-04 13:00:00
        - Remove tarballs and OSX metadata files.

5.6901  2006-05-03 11.17:00
        - Module::Install didn't overwrite META.yml. 

5.6900  2006-05-03 11.17:00
        - Stupid pause indexer can't count.
        - Better fix for Catalyst::Test
        - more tests.

5.682   2006-04-27 13:51:00
        - Damn OSX attributes again :( 

5.681   2006-04-27 08:47:00
        - Updated manifest.
        - Add basename to core . (Deprecates Catalyst::Plugin::Basename)
5.68    2006-04-26 12:23:00
        - ConfigLoader: Updated to version 0.06
        - fixed undef warnings in uri_for() and uri_with()
	- Fixed Catalyst::Test to report errors on failed Class load

5.678   2006-04-24 12:30:00
        - Re-release of 5.67 without OSX metadata files.

5.67    2006-04-23 08:50:00
        - Added $c->req->uri_with() helper
        - ConfigLoader: Updated to version 0.05
        - Fix up Engine to avoid a new 5.8.8 warning
        - Added app name with :: support for PAR
        - Added $c->models/views/controllers
        - Static::Simple: Unescape the URI path before looking for the file.
          This fixes issues with files that have spaces.
        - Looping and recursion tests plus a fix
        - Added lots of API documentation. Refactored main pod.
        - Changed default behaviors for $c->model/$c->controller/$c->view
          to more sane settings.
        - added the clear_errors method - an alias for error(0)
        - Added tmpdir option for uploads (woremacx)
        - Applied patch from GEOFFR to allow normal filehandles.
        - Refactored Dispatcher internals for better readability and speedup
          (stress tests run 12% faster)
        - Allow $c->error to run as a class method

5.66    2006-03-10 17:48:00
        - Added Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst support
        - Cleaned generated tests
        - Added Root controller concept
        - Updated ConfigLoader plugin to version 0.04

5.65    2006-02-21 10:34:00
        - Added plugin introspection.
        - Support optional hashref as last param for parameters in uri_for.
        - Updated tutorial to be more complete.
        - Applied args patch from antirice (Fixes Ticket #67)

5.64    2006-02-07 20:29:00
        - Fixed bug in FastCGI proc manager mode where pm_post_dispatch
          was not run. (Eric Wong)
        - Cleaned up generated tests
        - Updated YAML support to use ConfigLoader
        - Fixed path dispatch to canonicalise correctly
        - Added Catalyst::Manual::About

5.63    2006-01-22 00:00:00
        - Updated prereq versions

5.62    2006-01-17 16:30:00
        - Large update to the tutorial (castaway)
        - Added YAML config support
        - Added COMPONENT() and ACCEPT_CONTEXT() support
        - Action list in debug mode is now displayed as a tree in the
          correct execution order.
        - Fixed engine detection to allow custom mod_perl engines.
        - Static::Simple: Fixed bug in ignore_dirs under win32.
        - Display version numbers of loaded plugins. (Curtis Poe)
        - Added class and method for caught exception messages.
        - Updated PAR support to use "make catalyst_par",
          packages are no longer written by Makefile.PL.
        - Automatically determine Content-Length when serving a
        - Exceptions now return status 500.
        - Updated for Module::Install 0.44.
        - Fixed additional file installation for multi level app names.
        - Added REDIRECT_URL support for applications running behind
          a RewriteRule in Apache. (Carl Franks)
        - Fixed FastCGI engine under win32. (Carl Franks)
        - FastCGI doc updates (Bill Moseley)
        - Bugfix for $c->model and friends (defined).

5.61    2005-12-02 00:00:00
        - Fixed ExtUtils::AutoInstall Bootstrap Code in Makefile.PL

5.60    2005-12-01 22:15:00
        - Fixed Path and index actions in the appclass,
          including those that attach to /
        - Index is now weighted higher than Path
        - Fixed restarter and -d debug switch in
        - Added a warning if you attempt to retrieve a parameter
          using $c->req->params('foo').
        - Fixed the Module::Install::Catalyst @ISA bug

5.59    2005-11-30 13:25:00
        - Fixed shebang line for generated scripts
        - Fixed forward to classes ($c->forward(qw/MyApp foo/))
        - Wrap use block in begin to quelch C:C3 warnings
        - Removed scrollbar from debug output
        - Fixed catalyst_par_core() and catalyst_par_multiarch()

5.58    2005-11-24 10:51:00
        - Added ExtUtils::AutoInstall support
        - Allow overriding path in Catalyst::Helper.
        - Added -makefile to to generate a new Makefile.PL.
        - Restored Catalyst::Build with a deprecation notice.
        - Improved PAR support
        - Replaced -short with auto-detection
        - Fixed prereqs, added File::Copy::Recursive
        - Static::Simple changes:
            - Made prepare_action play nice with other plugins by not short-
            - Added tmpl to the ignored extensions.
            - Fixed security problem if req->path contained '..'.

5.57    2005-11-20 22:45:00
        - Updated uri_for to accept undef actions
        - Switched to Module::Install
        - Renamed tests for easier editing
        - Reformatted documentation
        - Renamed -nonew to -force
        - Added PAR support
        - Added keep-alive support and bug fixes to HTTP engine.
          (Sascha Kiefer)
        - Added daemonize option to FastCGI engine. (Sam Vilain)

5.56   2005-11-16 10:33:00
        - Fixed FastCGI engine to not clobber the global %ENV on each
          request. (Sam Vilain)
        - Updated benchmarking to work with detach
        - Fixed dispatcher, so $c->req->action(undef) works again
        - Updated Catalyst::Test to use HTTP::Request::AsCGI
        - Added -pidfile to external FastCGI server.

5.55    2005-11-15 12:55:00
        - Fixed multiple cookie handling

5.54    2005-11-14 22:55:00
        - Fixed a Module::Pluggable::Fast related bug

5.53    2005-11-14 15:55:00
        - Removed t/04prereq.t that was testing for non-required

5.52    2005-11-14 10:57:00
        - Strip '..'s in static urls to fix security issue.

5.51    2005-11-14 00:45:00
        - Changed uri_for to use namespace instead of match.

5.50    2005-11-13 20:45:00
        - Fixed minor bugs.
        - Updated docs.

5.49_05 2005-11-12 20:45:00
        - Large update to the documentation. (David Kamholz)
        - Fixed args handling in forward()
        - Fixed forwarding to classes
        - Fixed Build.PL Makefile section.
        - Fixed relative forwarding
        - Fixed forward arrows in debug output

5.49_04 2005-11-09 23:00:00
        - Made context, dispatcher, engine, request and response classes
        - Added $c->stack.
        - Fixed dispatcher to ignore unknown attributes.
        - Improved format of startup debug log.
        - Updated built in server to restart on win32. (Will Hawes)
        - Fixed streaming write from a filehandle to stop writing
          if the browser is closed.
        - Added $c->controller, $c->model and $c->view shortcuts.
        - Switched to Text::SimpleTable.

5.49_03 2005-11-03 12:00:00
        - Fixed $c->req->{path} for backwards-compatibility.
        - Allow debug to be disabled via ENV as well as enabled.
        - Added -scripts option to for script updating
        - Changed helpers to default to long types, Controller instead of C
        - Added Catalyst::Controller, Catalyst::Model and Catalyst::View
          base classes
        - Added JavaScript to debug screen to show and hide specific dumps
        - Added _DISPATCH, _BEGIN, _AUTO, _ACTION and _END actions
        - Added multi process external FastCGI support
          (see -help) (Sam Vilain)
        - Restarter process in HTTP engine now properly exits when the
          parent app is shut down.  
        - Improved performance of restarter loop while watching for
          changed files.
        - Restarter will now detect new files added to an app on systems
          that change directory mtimes when new files are created.
        - Restarter now properly handles modules that are deleted from an
        - Fixed memory leak in TestApp.

5.49_02 2005-10-26 12:39:00 
        - Whole new dispatcher!
        - Added index action
        - Added path_to method
        - Added support for passing an IO::Handle object to $c->res->body.
          (Andrew Bramble)
        - Added a new welcome screen.
        - Included Catalyst buttons and icons in helper.
        - Added Static::Simple plugin to core.
        - Added self restarting test server
        - Added filename to debug output for uploaded files.
        - Fixed forwarding with embedded arguments.
        - Fixed handling of escaped query strings.
        - Added upload parameters back into $c->req->params.
        - Added multiple paths support to dispatcher
        - Fixed bug in req->path where changing the path added a trailing
        - Removed req->handle and res->handle
        - Added prepare_body_chunk method as a hook for upload progress.
        - Fixed bug in uri_for method when base has no path.
        - Added automated tests for HTTP, CGI, and FastCGI servers.

5.49_01 2005-10-10 10:15:00 
        - Refactored all internals, should be 99% compatible to previous
        - *IMPORTANT* The Apache engines have been moved to a separate package
          for this release.  Please install Catalyst::Engine::Apache if you
          need Apache support.

        - Added support for calling forward with arguments in the path, i.e.
        - Made $c->req->uri a URI object, added req->path_info for CGI compat.
          Raw query string is available as $c->req->uri->query.
        - Made $c->req->base a URI object.
        - Parameters with multiple values (?a=1&a=2) now display properly
          in the debug output.
        - Semi-colon separators in query strings now work properly.
        - Expanded documentation of (Andrew Ford)
        - Added support for running as a backend server behind a frontend
          proxy so req->base and req->address are set properly.
        - Added an 'abort' method to the Log api, so that you can
          kill loggging for a whole request.
        - Added $c->uri_for method to simplify url handling.
        - Added more tests and reorganized the t directory.
        - Reimplemented core engines, all are now CGI based for better test
          coverage and maintainability.
        - Added fork support to built in test server.
        - Fixed all memory leaks.
        - Thread-related bug fixes and tests.  We now believe the Catalyst
          core to be thread-safe.
        - Added streaming IO support through $c->req->read() and
        - Added MyApp->config->{parse_on_demand} (streaming input)
        - Added $c->req->handle and $c->res->handle
        - Improved documentation
        - Fixed mkpath in Catalyst::Helper (Autrijus Tang)
        - Fixed bug in dispatcher where an invalid path could call a valid
          action. (Andy Grundman)
        - Fixed Helper so it works with CRLF line-endings. (Andy Grundman)

5.33  2005-08-10 15:25:00
        - Now with updated manifest.

5.32  2005-08-10 15:10:00
        - Dispatcher might fail if object returns false. (Florian Ragwitz)

5.31  2005-06-04 12:35:00 (never released to CPAN)

        - helpers now create .new files where files already exist and differ
        - fixed $Data::Dumper::Terse (Robin Berjon)
        - added arguments for detach
        - new credits section in pod
        - fixed detach to allow relative action names (Matt and Robert)
        - added the ability to have whitespaces in Path( '' ) and Regex( '' )

5.30  2005-06-04 12:35:00

        - Fixed a bug where it was not possible to $c->forward to a 
          that was not inheriting from Catalyst::Base.
        - Fix for inheritance bug.
        - Allow forward with arguments.
        - Updated cookbook
        - Allow overriding home/root in config.
        - make module build cons README automatically.
        - prettify home path by resolving '..' (Andy Grundman)
        - improved helper templates a bit, new naming scheme for tests.
        - added support for case sensitivity, MyApp->config->{case_sensitive}
        - added $c->detach for non-returning forwards
        - added unified error handling, Catalyst::Exception
        - added section on param handling in Intro.pod
        - added $c->request->cookie
        - added Catalyst::Setup
        - refactored Catalyst::import()
        - improved rendering of error messages in debug mode
        - fixed a bug in Catalyst::Helper::mk_dir
        - further doc changes, esp. to Intro.pod

5.23  2005-06-03 02:30:00
        - added support for non Catalyst::Base components to live in namespace
        - improved concurrency connections in Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Daemon

5.22  2005-05-26 14:24:00
        - improved base locating in MP engines
        - improved error messages in C::E::HTTP::Daemon
        - hostnames are now resolved on demand unless provided by engine
        - fixed memory leak in $c->execute (Michael Reece, Matt S Trout)

5.21  2005-05-24 14:56:00
        - fixed a bug in https detection
        - fixed auto chain finally
        - added MYAPP_HOME and CATALYST_HOME environment variables

5.20  2005-05-18 19:52:00
        - improved uploads and parameters
        - added $c->req->protocol and $c->req->secure
        - added $c->req->user and $c->req->uri
        - improved error message when forwarding to unknown module
        - fixed win32 installer
        - added deep recursion detection
        - fixed auto actions
        - fixed inheritance in dispatcher
        - allow whitespaces between brackets and quoted string
          in Path and Regex attributes
        - new helper templates
        - installer now supports install_base and destdir
        - allow multiple Catalyst apps to run on the same mod_perl
          instance (not the same app!)
        - fixed MP2 engines
        - removed apreq dependency from all MP engines
        - added support for MP registry scripts
        - added support for LocationMatch and ScriptAliasMatch in MP engines
        - added SpeedyCGI engine

5.10  2005-04-23 11:16:00
        - updated dependencies to require latest module::pluggable::fast
        - new installer for templates and stuff using Module::Build
        - scripts are now prefixed, for being installable
        IMPORTANT: You have to regenerate the script directory,
        remove Makefile.PL and add Build.PL
        - Added compat to install Module::Build if required.
        - Improved: Params handling with MP engines
        - Fixed: Params handling on POST with CGI engine (Andy Grundman)
        - Fixed: on Win32 (Matt S Trout)

5.03  2005-04-19 20:35:00 (Revision 462)
        - fixed Test example (Torsten Seeman)
        - added Plugins chapter to manual
        - applied doc patch from Robert Boone <>
        - improved Dispatcher error messages.
        - refactored so we don't need to include helper from
 - Fixes issues with FindBin
        - applied patch from Andy Grundman <>
        - added plugin() method for instant plugins
        - FCGI is no more considered experimental

5.02  2005-04-18 10:00:00 
        - fixed manifest

5.01  2005-04-17 23:00:00 
        - some documentation bugs fixed
        - added Catalyst::Utils
        - fixed regexp bug (Matt S Trout)
        - fixed upload bug with MP19
        - added $c->req->body
        - aliased $c->res->output to $c->res->body
        - Read AUTHOR from passwd or $ENV{AUTHOR} when 
          generating code.
        - extended attribute handling
        - added global config for components

5.00  2005-04-15 18:00:00
        - new core to support inheritance trees
        - new syntax for action declaration
        - new helper system using TT2
        - problems with mod_perl2 fixed
        - added Test::Pod support
        - added new server backend with HTTP/1.1 support
        - added option to run tests against a remote server
        - renamed errors() to error()
        - more better docs
        - countless minor improvements
          IMPORTANT: This release is very incompatible to previous ones
          and you have to regenerate the helper scripts again...

4.34  2005-03-23 07:00:00 2005
        - added some messages to Makefile.PL
        - added Catalyst::Engine::Test
        - added Catalyst::Engine::CGI::NPH
        - simplified Catalyst::Log to be easier to implement/subclass
        - added
        - updated Catalyst::Test to use Catalyst::Engine::Test
        - updated helper scripts
          IMPORTANT: this will be the last time you'll have to regenerate
          the script directory. We promise!

4.33  2005-03-23 01:00:00 2005
        - documented the log() accessor method in Catalyst (Andrew Ford)
        - added optional arguments to Catalyst::Log methods (Andrew Ford)
        - removed
        - added and Catalyst::Engine::FCGI
        - fixed an undef durng make test (Dan Sully)
        - new path test (Christian Hansen)
          IMPORTANT: you have to regenerate the script directory again

4.32  2005-03-22 02:10:00 2005
        - made a damn typo *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!*

4.31  2005-03-22 02:00:00
        - fixed inheritance (Christian Hansen)
        - previous release was borked!
          fixed that, but you have to regenerate the scripts again :(

4.30  2005-03-21 23:00:00 
        - more documentation (Andrew Ford)
        - added connection informations (Christian Hansen)
        - HTTP::Request support in Catalyst::Test (Christian Hansen)
        - moved to
        - added Catalyst::Engine::Server (Christian Hansen)
        - removed Catalyst::Test::server
        - updated helper scripts
          IMPORTANT: note that you have to regenerate script/,
          script/ and script/ (now

4.28  2005-03-19 22:00:00
        - fixed isa tree (Christian Hansen)
        - added script/, so no more server restarting after
          code changes
        - reworked documentation (Andrew Ford <>)

4.27  2005-03-19 01:00:00
        - debug message for parameters
        - Fix redirects (Christian Hansen <>)
        - some random fixes
        - new helper api for Catalyst::Helper::* support
          you have to update script/ to use it

4.26  2005-03-16 10:00:00
        - fixed the weird bug that caused regex actions to fail on every
          second request
        - more debug messages
        - 100% pod coverage.

4.25  2005-03-12 18:00:00
        - correct perl pathes for helper generated scripts (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
        - improved cgi engine docs (Christoper Hicks)

4.24  2005-03-12 01:00:00
        - updated cookbook example  
        - fixed base for apache and https (Andrew Ruthven)
4.23  2005-03-09 20:00:00
        - no more regex actions in forward
        - added support for test directories t/m, t/v and t/c

4.22  2005-03-08 20:00:00
        - catch errors in application class
        - handle die properly.

4.21  2005-03-05 17:00:00
        - fixed docs

4.20  2005-03-04 22:00:00
        - moved bin to script

4.13  2005-03-03 11:00:00
        - improved documentation
        - pod coverage test for helper generated apps
        - new helper api

4.12  2005-03-02 11:00:00 2005
        - server_base sucks, removed
        - added $c->log->dump()

4.11  2005-03-02 11:00:00 2005
        - removed some warnings
        - improved docs
        - private prefixed actions override private non prefixed actions
        - added server_base
        - updated Catalyst::Manual::Intro

4.10  2005-03-02 10:00:00 2005
        - improved documentation
        - fixed upload bug
        - fixed prefixed private actions bug
        - fixed more little bugs

4.01  2005-03-01 10:00:00 2005
        - improved documentation
        - documentation fixes (Johan Lindstrom)

4.00  2005-02-27 22:00:00
        - more verbose debug messages, especially for forward()
        - implemented prefixed prvate actions, icluding built in
          !?default, !?begin and !?end
        - new Catalyst::Manual::Intro
        - new helpers, bin/catalyst
        - helper api

3.11  2005-02-23 21:00:00
        - added dependency to UNIVERSAL::require (Marcus Ramberg)
        - added a little workaround for a warning in Catalyst::Test
          (Marcus Ramberg)
        - improved documentation for actions

3.10  2005-02-19 20:00:00
        - removed roles management from Catalyst::Engine
          and added it to Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::CDBI

3.04  2005-02-17 21:00:00 
        - error reporting for app class
        - no more engine debug messages
        - class->method forwards get resolved now

3.03  2005-02-16 23:00:00 
        - friendlier statistics

3.02  2005-02-16 22:00:00
        - fixed unintialized actions (Marcus Ramberg)

3.01  2005-02-16 20:30:00
        - better statistics

3.00  2005-02-16 20:00:00
        - real version number for
        - fixed redirect in CGI engine
        - more statistics in debug logs
        - ? prefix for forward()

2.99_15  2005-02-02 22:00:00
        - support for short namespaces, MyApp::M, MyApp::V and MyApp::C
        - Replaced "Catched" with "Caught" in Catalyst::Engine
          (Gary Ashton Jones)
        - replaced _ with ! for private actions
        - added ? for prefixed actions
        - misc improvememts

2.99_14  2005-01-31 22:00:00 2005
        - arguments for _default
        - $c->entrance removed for more flexibility
        - added $c->req->method

2.99_13  2005-01-30 18:00:00 2005
        - POD fixes and improvements

2.99_12  2005-01-28 22:00:00 2005
        - first development release