    String::Glob::Permute 0.01

    String::Glob::Permute - Expand {foo,bar,baz}[2-4] style string globs

        use String::Glob::Permute qw( string_glob_permute );

        my $pattern = "host{foo,bar,baz}[2-4]";

        for my $host (string_glob_permute( $pattern )) {
            print "$host\n";

          # hostfoo2
          # hostbar2
          # hostbaz2
          # hostfoo3
          # hostbar3
          # hostbaz3
          # hostfoo4
          # hostbar4
          # hostbaz4

    The "string_glob_permute()" function provided by this module expands
    glob-like notations in text strings and returns all possible

    For example, to run a script on hosts host1, host2, and host3, you might

        @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host[1-3]" );

    and get a list of hosts back: ("host1", "host2", "host3").

    Ranges with gaps are also supported, just separate the blocks by commas:

        @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host[1-3,5,9]" );

    will return ("host1", "host2", "host3", "host5", "host9").

    And, finally, using curly brackets and comma-separated lists of strings,
    as in

        @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host{dev,stag,prod}" );

    you'll get permutations with each of the alternatives back: ("hostdev",
    "hoststag", "hostprod") back.

    All of the above can be combined, so

        my @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host{dev,stag}[3-4]" );

    will result in the permutation ("hostdev3", "hoststag3", "hostdev4",

    The patterns allow numerical ranges only [1-3], no string ranges like
    [a-z]. Pattern must not contain blanks.

    The function returns a list of string permutations on success and
    "undef" in case of an error. A warning is also issued if the pattern
    cannot be recognized.

  Zero padding
    An expression like

        @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host[8-9,10]" );
          # ("host8", "host9", "host10")

    will expand to ("host8", "host9", "host10"), featuring no zero-padding
    to create equal-length entries. If you want ("host08", "host09",
    "host10"), instead, pad all integers in the range expression

        @hosts = string_glob_permute( "host[08-09,10]" );
          # ("host08", "host09", "host10")

  Note on Perl's internal Glob Permutations
    Note that there's a little-known feature within Perl itself that does
    something similar, for example

        print "$_\n" for < foo{bar,baz} >;

    will print


    if there is no file in the current directory that matches that pattern.
    String::Glob::Permute, on the other hand, expands irrespective of
    matching files, by simply always returning all possible permutations.
    It's also worth noting that Perl's internal Glob Permutation does not
    support String::Glob::Permute's [m,n] or [m-n] syntax.

    Copyright (c) 2008 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights to
    the contents of this file are licensed under the Perl Artistic License
    (ver. 15 Aug 1997).

    Algorithm, Code: Rick Reed, Ryan Hamilton, Greg Olszewski. Module: 2008,
    Mike Schilli <cpan@perlmeister.com>