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Revision history for Sysadm::Install
0.40 (2012/09/15)
(ms) Applied pull request by ks0608 to fix Cwd problem on Win32/Mac
0.39 (2012/05/17)
(ms) Fixed bin_find, to omit directories
(ms) Added cdback() with reset option
0.38 (2011/07/30)
(ms) Fixed Win32 test in 012tap.t
0.37 (2011/06/25)
(ms) [rt.cpan.org #68095] Applied fix by Kai von Thadden for
tap's raise_error option and added test case.
0.36 (2011/05/01)
(ms) Added owner_cp() to copy uid and gid of a file or directory.
(ms) Added raise_error option for tap()
(ms) snip() now returns original string (with unprintables replaced)
if the data length is shorter than $maxlen.
0.35 (2010/04/13)
(ms) [RT 54885] Merged with github fork by Thomas Lenz, fixing
blurt_atomic on Win32.
(ms) Fixed local caller_depth increments
(ms) Fixed printable() bug masking '-'.
0.34 (2010/02/21)
(ms) Added github repository link to Makefile.PL
(ms) [RT 53324] bin_find fix for Windows using $Config::Config{path_sep}
(ms) [RT 54555] Fixed test suite errors on Win32
0.33 (2009/09/12)
(ms) utf8_available() now uses eval"" to check for Encode module,
Sysadm::Install therefore no longer requires Encode to be installed.
(ms) Got rid of LWP::Simple because of its env_proxy() call at
compile time, which freaks out on env variables like "use_proxy"
when set to numeric values. Using LWP::UserAgent instead.
0.32 2009/08/28
(ms) Made utf8 handling configurable instead of sneaky capability
detection, after all, there's apps using different encodings.
0.31 2009/08/27
(ms) nhandler(at)ubuntu.com provided a patch to resolve pod2man errors:
(ms) slurp() and blurt() now use utf8 mode by default if available
(ms) added utf8_available() and is_utf8_data()
0.29 2009/06/25
(ms) Greg Olszewski added proper error handling to print and
pipe statements
(ms) Fixed up some "if $dir" cases to protect against a
value of "0" in $dir.
(ms) Fixed up logcroak calls to use the current logger instead of
the root logg
0.28 2009/05/11
(ms) Skipping fs_read_open test case if there's no cpio on
the target system (reported for armv5tejl-linux).
(ms) Fixed download() with a better check for getstore(),
suggested by Bernhard Minks.
0.27 2008/03/26
(ms) Fixes a broken CPAN upload.
0.26 2008/03/25
(ms) Added rc/stdout/stderr debug output to tap()
(ms) Added perm_get/set to export list
(ms) Added shell escapes for tap()
0.25 2008/02/07
(ms) Fixed directory stack bug in cdback()
0.24 2007/10/24
(ms) Added def_or() function to emulate the //= operator
(ms) Added blurt_atomic() to write data to a file, guaranteeing that
the operation either fully succeeds or fails. It makes sure that
we're not left with a partially written file in case the
operation gets interrupted.
(ms) fixed password_read() documentation bug
0.23 2007/04/01
(ms) Added nice_time() and password_read().
(ms) Fixed quote($str, ":shell") to escape single quotes within
single quotes in a shell-compatible way.
0.22 2006/09/19
(ms) Skipping Archive::Tar tests if A:T isn't installed
0.21 2006/02/02
(ms) Added log messages to cp, mv, download, make.
(ms) untar() and untar_in() now pass the cwd value to
Archive::Tar's extract function to avoid excessive
and expensive cwd() calls (thanks to Greg Olszewski
for finding this performance bottleneck).
0.20 2005/08/13
(ms) Requiring Log4perl-1.00 now to avoid a problem with the
test suite.
0.19 2005/07/28
(ms) Greg Olszewski reported a bug in untar_in() with tarfiles
on relative paths, fixed by using one-argument version of
0.18 2005/07/14
(ms) Requiring File::Temp 0.16 now (S:I needs OO-API).
(ms) Errors are now reported via croak(), which reports the location
in the calling script, not in Sysadm::Install.
0.17 2005/04/23
(ms) Added interactive mode. If you call
Sysadm::Install::confirm(1) before running Sysadm::Install
commands, every writing function (cp(), mv(), untar(), pie(),
blurt(), ...) will ask the user for confirmation before actually
performing what's been requested. Sysadm::Install::confirm(0)
switches back to normal.
(ms) Added patch by Jud Dagnall to allow slurp() to process
@ARGV like <> does.
(ms) Archive::Tar is no longer mandatory for installation, just
for using untar() and untar_in().
0.16 2005/04/10
(ms) Bumped up Log4perl reporting level. On typical S:I functions,
the log message will show the *calling program*'s file name
and line number.
(ms) slurp() and blurp() are now displaying parts of the data
(ms) Added check for IO::Zlib and better error message if it's
not installed and a compressed tarball needs to be processed.
(ms) Requiring L4p 0.48 and Archive::Tar 1.23 to make sure test
suite succeeds.
0.15 (03/17/2005)
(ms) Added eg/one-liner
0.14 (03/10/2005)
(ms) Added dry-run function dry_run(1) suppressing write actions
(ms) Added perm_get and perm_set to compliment perm_cp
0.13 (01/25/2005)
(ms) Makefile.PL prerequisite changed from undef to '0'.
0.12 (01/15/2005)
(ms) Added fs_read_open(), fs_write_open() and pipe_copy()
(ms) blurt/slurp now report the # of bytes
0.11 (01/11/2005)
(ms) tap() single-quotes args now by default
(ms) tap() allows for optional double-quoting or no-quoting
0.10 (01/09/2005)
(ms) removed Expect dependency ('require' on demand)
(ms) added say()
(ms) added sudo_me() and bin_find()
(ms) tap() now returns the exit code as a third parameter. Improved
command handling by using qquote() to separate args.
0.09 (12/04/2004)
(ms) added hammer() and dependency on Expect
(ms) corrected shell escapes with qquote()
0.08 (11/24/2004)
(ms) added perm_cp() to copy file permissions
(ms) added untar_in() to untar tarballs in specified directories
(ms) added sysrun() to run shell commands plus logging
(ms) added pick() and ask() to ask for interactive user input
0.07 (11/17/2004)
(ms) added qquote()
0.06 (11/04/2004)
(ms) added plough
0.05 (10/16/2004)
(ms) added mv
(ms) Functions not exported by default anymore. Use
use Sysadm::Install qw(:all)
to get the old behaviour.
(ms) added tap
0.04 (10/08/2004)
(ms) Fixed untar and test suite
0.03 (10/08/2004)
(ms) Added slurp/blurt and pie() to support 'perl -pie ...'-like commands
0.02 (07/17/2004)
(ms) Added untar()
0.01 (07/16/2004)
(ms) Where it all began.