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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Test::More 'no_plan';

BEGIN { use_ok 'Gravatar::URL';
        use_ok 'Libravatar::URL'; }

my %interfaces = (
    libravatar => {
        func => \&libravatar_url,
        base => '',
        https_base => '',
    gravatar => {
        func => \&gravatar_url,
        base => '',
        https_base => '',

for my $interface_name (keys %interfaces) {
    my $interface = $interfaces{$interface_name};
    my $base = $interface->{base};
    my $https_base = $interface->{https_base};
    my $func = $interface->{func};

    my $id = 'a60fc0828e808b9a6a9d50f1792240c8';
    my $email = 'whatever@wherever.whichever';

    my @tests = (
        [{ email => $email },
        [{ id => $id },
        [{ email => $email,
           https => 1

        [{ email => $email,
           https => 0

        [{ email => $email,
           base  => ''

        [{ email => $email,
           base  => '',
           https => 1

        # Make sure we don't get a double slash after the base.
        [{ email => $email,
           base  => ''
        [{ default => "/local.png",
           email   => $email
        [{ default => "/local.png",
           rating  => 'X',
           email   => $email,
        [{ default  => "/local.png",
           email    => $email,
           rating   => 'R',
           size     => 80

        [{ default => "/local.png",
           rating  => 'PG',
           size    => 45,
           email   => $email,

        [{ default => "/local.png",
           rating  => 'PG',
           size    => 45,
           email   => $email,

        [{ default => "/local.png",
           rating  => 'PG',
           size    => 45,
           email   => $email,
           short_keys => 1,
        [{ default => "/local.png",
           rating  => 'PG',
           size    => 45,
           email   => $email,
           short_keys => 0,

    # Add tests for the special defaults.
    for my $special ("identicon", "mm", "monsterid", "retro", "wavatar") {
        my $test = [{ default => $special,
                      email   => $email,
        push @tests, $test;

    for my $test (@tests) {
        my($args, $url) = @$test;
        is &$func( %$args ), $url, join ", ", keys %$args;