#   $Id: 40bindparam.t,v 1.5 2002/12/29 16:24:55 matt Exp $
#   This is a skeleton test. For writing new tests, take this file
#   and modify/extend it.

$^W = 1;

#   Make -w happy
$test_dsn = '';
$test_user = '';
$test_password = '';

#   Include lib.pl
require DBI;
use vars qw($COL_NULLABLE);
$mdriver = "";
foreach $file ("lib.pl", "t/lib.pl") {
    do $file; if ($@) { print STDERR "Error while executing lib.pl: $@\n";
			   exit 10;
    if ($mdriver ne '') {
if ($mdriver eq 'pNET') {
    print "1..0\n";
    exit 0;

sub ServerError() {
    my $err = $DBI::errstr;  # Hate -w ...
    print STDERR ("Cannot connect: ", $DBI::errstr, "\n",
	"\tEither your server is not up and running or you have no\n",
	"\tpermissions for acessing the DSN $test_dsn.\n",
	"\tThis test requires a running server and write permissions.\n",
	"\tPlease make sure your server is running and you have\n",
	"\tpermissions, then retry.\n");
    exit 10;

if (!defined(&SQL_VARCHAR)) {
    eval "sub SQL_VARCHAR { 12 }";
if (!defined(&SQL_INTEGER)) {
    eval "sub SQL_INTEGER { 4 }";

#   Main loop; leave this untouched, put tests after creating
#   the new table.
while (Testing()) {
    #   Connect to the database
    Test($state or $dbh = DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password),
	or ServerError();
    # For some reason this test is fscked with the utf8 flag on.
    # It seems to be because the string "K\x{00f6}nig" which to
    # me looks like unicode, should set the UTF8 flag on that
    # scalar. But no. It doesn't. Stupid fscking piece of crap.
    # (the test works if I manually set that flag with utf8::upgrade())
    # $dbh->{NoUTF8Flag} = 1 if $] > 5.007;

    #   Find a possible new table name
    Test($state or $table = FindNewTable($dbh), 'FindNewTable')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    #   Create a new table; EDIT THIS!
    Test($state or ($def = TableDefinition($table,
					   ["id",   "INTEGER",  4, 0],
					   ["name", "CHAR",    64, $COL_NULLABLE]) and
		    $dbh->do($def)), 'create', $def)
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    Test($state or $cursor = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table"
	                                   . " VALUES (?, ?)"), 'prepare')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    #   Insert some rows

    my $konig = "Andreas K\xf6nig";
    # warn("Konig: $konig\n");

    # Automatic type detection
    my $numericVal = 1;
    my $charVal = "Alligator Descartes";
    Test($state or $cursor->execute($numericVal, $charVal), 'execute insert 1')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    # Does the driver remember the automatically detected type?
    Test($state or $cursor->execute("3", "Jochen Wiedmann"),
	 'execute insert num as string')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
    $numericVal = 2;
    $charVal = "Tim Bunce";
    Test($state or $cursor->execute($numericVal, $charVal), 'execute insert 2')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    # Now try the explicit type settings
    Test($state or $cursor->bind_param(1, " 4", SQL_INTEGER()), 'bind 1')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
    Test($state or $cursor->bind_param(2, $konig), 'bind 2')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
    Test($state or $cursor->execute, 'execute binds')
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    # Works undef -> NULL?
    Test($state or $cursor->bind_param(1, 5, SQL_INTEGER()))
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
    Test($state or $cursor->bind_param(2, undef))
	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);
    Test($state or $cursor->execute)
 	or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    Test($state or $cursor -> finish, 'finish');

    Test($state or undef $cursor  ||  1, 'undef cursor');

    Test($state or $dbh -> disconnect, 'disconnect');

    Test($state or undef $dbh  ||  1, 'undef dbh');

    #   And now retreive the rows using bind_columns
    #   Connect to the database
    Test($state or $dbh = DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user, $test_password),
	 'connect for read')
	or ServerError();

    # $dbh->{NoUTF8Flag} = 1 if $] > 5.007;

    Test($state or $cursor = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table"
					   . " ORDER BY id"))
	   or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    Test($state or $cursor->execute)
	   or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    Test($state or $cursor->bind_columns(undef, \$id, \$name))
	   or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);

    Test($state or ($ref = $cursor->fetch)  &&  $id == 1  &&
	 $name eq 'Alligator Descartes')
	or printf("Query returned id = %s, name = %s, ref = %s, %d\n",
		  $id, $name, $ref, scalar(@$ref));

    Test($state or (($ref = $cursor->fetch)  &&  $id == 2  &&
		    $name eq 'Tim Bunce'))
	or printf("Query returned id = %s, name = %s, ref = %s, %d\n",
		  $id, $name, $ref, scalar(@$ref));

    Test($state or (($ref = $cursor->fetch)  &&  $id == 3  &&
		    $name eq 'Jochen Wiedmann'))
	or printf("Query returned id = %s, name = %s, ref = %s, %d\n",
		  $id, $name, $ref, scalar(@$ref));

    # warn("Konig: $konig\n");
    Test($state or (($ref = $cursor->fetch)  &&  $id == 4 &&
                   $name eq $konig))
	or printf("Query returned id = %s, name = %s, ref = %s, %d\n",
		  $id, $name, $ref, scalar(@$ref));

    # warn("$konig == $name ?\n");
    Test($state or (($ref = $cursor->fetch)  &&  $id == 5  &&
	or printf("Query returned id = %s, name = %s, ref = %s, %d\n",
		  $id, $name, $ref, scalar(@$ref));

    Test($state or undef $cursor  or  1);

    #   Finally drop the test table.
    Test($state or $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"))
	   or DbiError($dbh->err, $dbh->errstr);