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use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }
use Pod::SAX;
use XML::SAX::Writer;

my $output = '';
my $p = Pod::SAX->new(
            Handler => XML::SAX::Writer->new(
                Output => \$output

print "$output\n";
ok($output, qr/<pod>.*<\/pod>/s, "Matches basic pod outline");
ok($output, qr/<link/, "Contains a link");
ok($output, qr/<xlink\s+href=['"]http:\/\/\/['"]/, "URL link");
ok($output, qr/<xlink\s+href=['"]http:\/\/\/['"]>with text/, "URL link");


=head1 NAME

SomePod - Some Pod to parse


Foo here's a L<page1>

Here's a L<page2/mysection>

Here's a L<Some Text|page3/mysection>

And a URL L<>

A URL L<with text|>

A link with text L<Some Text|Link>

=head2 Sub Title



=item Link in =item: L<link>

=item Link with text in =item: L<Some text|LinkHere>


A really complex link example from TorgoX:

L<< SWITCH B<<< E<115>tatements >>>|perlsyn/Basic I<<<< BLOCKs >>>> and Switch StatementE<115> >>

And another from the axkit wiki:

  Can I L<< Trying a link with a F<file/reference> >> link to that?
