Revision history for AnyEvent-I3
0.14 2012-09-22
support the mode event
0.13 2012-08-05
support the GET_VERSION request with a fall-back to i3 --version
0.12 2012-07-11
taint mode fix: remove relative directories from $ENV{PATH}
0.11 2012-07-10
taint mode fix for FreeBSD
0.10 2012-07-09
Use i3 --get-socketpath by default for determining the socket path
Bugfix: Also delete callbacks which are triggered due to an error
0.09 2011-10-12
Implement GET_BAR_CONFIG request
0.08 2011-09-26
Implement GET_MARKS request
The synopsis mentioned ->workspaces, but it’s ->get_workspaces
0.07 2010-11-21
Implement GET_TREE request
0.06 2010-06-16
Add check to Makefile to abort in a Windows environment (neither i3 nor
unix sockets available)
0.05 2010-06-09
use getpwuid() to resolve ~ in socket paths instead of glob()
0.04 2010-03-27
use new default ipc-socket path, glob() path, bump version
0.03 2010-03-26
0.02 2010-03-23
first upload to CPAN