The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# (c) 2002 by Murat Ünalan. All rights reserved. Note: This program is
# free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
# terms as perl itself

require 5.005_62; use strict; use warnings;

use Class::Maker;

use Error qw(:try);

use Locale::Language;	# required by langcode langname

package Type::Exception;

	our @ISA = qw(Error);

	sub new
		my $class = shift;

		$class = ref( $class ) || $class;

	    local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1;

		my %args = @_;

		my %super_args;

		foreach my $key ( qw(text package file line object) )
			if( exists $args{$key} )
				$super_args{'-'.$key} = $args{$key};

				delete $args{$key};
		return $class->SUPER::new( %super_args );

package Failure::Type;

		isa => [qw(Type::Exception)],

		public =>
	    	bool => [qw( expected returned )],

			string => [qw( was_file )],

	    	int => [qw( was_line )],

	    	ref => [qw( type value )],

package Failure::Facet;

		isa => [qw(Type::Exception)],
		public =>
	    	bool => [qw( expected returned )],

	    	ref => [qw( type )],

package Data::Type;

	use IO::Extended qw(:all);
	use Iter qw(:all);

	our @types = type_list();

		# generate Type subs


	use Exporter;

	our @ISA = qw( Exporter );

	our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(typ untyp istyp verify overify catalog toc testplan), map { uc } @types ] );

	our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

	our @EXPORT = ();

	our $VERSION = "0.01.03";

	our $DEBUG = 0;

	our @_history;

	our $tie_registry = {};
	no strict 'refs';

	sub strlimit
		my $limit = $_[1] || 60;

		return length( $_[0] ) > $limit ? join('', (split(//, $_[0]))[0..$limit-1]).'..' : $_[0];

	sub info
		my $that = shift;

		my $value = shift;

		$value = '' unless defined( $value );

		printfln "\n\nType '%s' against '%s' (%s)", $value, ref $that, strlimit( $that->info ) if $DEBUG;

	sub expect
		my $expected = shift;

		foreach my $that ( @_ )
				$that->test( $Type::value );

				#info( $that ) if $DEBUG;
			catch Failure::Facet ::with
				my @back = caller(7);

				throw Failure::Type( value => $Type::value, type => $that, was_file => $back[1], was_line => $back[2] ) if $expected;

	sub recording_expect
		my $expected = shift;

		foreach my $that ( @_ )
			push @Data::Type::_history, [ $that, $expected ];

	our $current_expect = 'expect';

	sub pass
		$current_expect->( 1, @_ );

	sub fail
		$current_expect->( 0, @_ );

	sub assert
		println $_[0] ? '..ok' : '..failed';

		# Tests Types

	sub verify
		my $value = shift;

		foreach my $that ( @_ )
			$Type::value = undef;

			info( $that, $value ) if $DEBUG;

			$that->test( $value );

		# verify a collection of types against an object
	sub overify 
		my $rules = shift;
		my @objects = @_;

		my $m;
			foreach my $obj ( @objects )
				foreach ( iter $rules )
					my ( $m, $t ) = ( key(), value() );
					if( ref( $t ) eq 'ARRAY' ) 
						verify( $obj->$m ,  @{ $t } );
					elsif( ref( $t ) eq 'CODE' )
						throw Type::Exception( text => 'overify failed with '.$m.' for object via CODEREF' ) unless $t->( $obj->$m );
						verify( $obj->$m , $t );
		catch Type::Exception ::with
			my $e = shift;
			throw $e; 

	sub testplan
		@Data::Type::_history = ();

		$Data::Type::current_expect = 'recording_expect';

		foreach my $that ( @_ )
			$Type::value = undef;

			$that->test( '' );

		$Data::Type::current_expect = 'expect';

		return @Data::Type::_history;

		# carefull: names beginning with _ are ignored !
	sub _grasp_sym_list
        my $pk = shift or die;
		my @types = Data::Type::_search_pkg( $pk );

		my @result;

		foreach my $key ( @types )
			( my $name ) = ( $key =~ /::(.+)::$/ );

			push @result, $name if $name =~ /^[a-z]/;

		return @result;
	sub type_list { _grasp_sym_list( 'Type::' ) };
	sub filter_list { _grasp_sym_list( 'Filter::' ) };

	sub catalog
		my @types = sort { $a cmp $b } type_list();

		my $result;
		$result .= sprintf __PACKAGE__." $VERSION supports %d types:\n\n", scalar @types;
		foreach my $name ( @types )
			$result .= sprintf "%s%-15s %-8s - %s\n", " " x 2, 
				"Type::${name}"->can( 'export' ) ? join( ', ', "Type::${name}"->export ) : _translate( $name ), 

				"Type::${name}"->VERSION || '', 				
				strlimit( ( bless [], "Type::${name}" )->info(  ) );

		@types = sort { $a cmp $b } filter_list();

		$result .= sprintf "\nAnd %d filters:\n\n", scalar @types;

		foreach my $name ( @types )
			$result .= sprintf "  %-18s - %s\n", _translate( $name ), strlimit( ( bless [], "Filter::${name}" )->info(  ) );
		return $result;

	sub _show_list
		my $hash = shift;
		my $ind = shift || 1;
		my $result;
		foreach my $key (keys %$hash)
			my $val = $hash->{ $key };
				# headlines 
			unless( ref( $key ) )
				$result .= sprintf "%s%s\n", " " x $ind, $key;
				$result .= sprintf "%s%s\n", " " x $ind, $_ for @$key;
				# contents
			if( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' )
				$result .= sprintf "%s%s\n\n", "  " x $ind, join( ', ', sort { $a cmp $b } @$val ); 
			elsif( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' )
				$result .= _show_list( $val, $ind + 2 );
	return $result;

	sub _unique_ordered
		my $prev = shift;
		my @result = ( $prev );
		for ( iter \@_ )
			push @result, VALUE() if VALUE() ne $prev;
			$prev = $_;
	return @result;
	sub toc
		my @types = type_list();

		my $result;
		use Tie::ListKeyedHash;
		tie my %tied_hash, 'Tie::ListKeyedHash';
		foreach my $name ( @types )
			my @isa = _unique_ordered @{ Class::Maker::Reflection::inheritance_isa( @{ "Type::${name}::ISA" } ) };
			my $special_key = [ _unique_ordered map { $_->can( 'desc' ) ?  $_->desc : () } @isa ];
			$tied_hash{ $special_key } = [] unless defined $tied_hash{ $special_key };
			push @{ $tied_hash{ $special_key } }, 
				sprintf( '%s', 
						"Type::${name}"->can( 'export' ) ? join( ', ', "Type::${name}"->export ) : _translate( $name )
		$result .= _show_list \%tied_hash;
	return $result;

	sub typ
		my $type = shift;

		foreach my $xref ( @_ )
			ref($xref) or die sprintf "typ: %s reference detected, instead of a reference.", lc ref($xref) || 'no';

			$type->isa( 'IType::UNIVERSAL' ) or die sprintf "typed( ref, TYPE ) expects a TYPE as second arguemnt. You supplied '%s' which is not.", $type;

			tie $$xref, 'Data::Type::Typed', $type;
			$tie_registry->{$xref+0} = ref( $type );
		return 1;

	sub istyp
		no warnings;
		return $tie_registry->{ $_[0]+0 } if exists $tie_registry->{ $_[0]+0 };  
	sub untyp
		untie $$_ for @_;
		delete $tie_registry->{$_+0} for @_;

	use subs qw(typ untyp);

	sub _search_pkg
		my $path = '';

		my @found;

		no strict 'refs';

		foreach my $pkg ( @_ )
			next unless $pkg =~ /::$/;

			$path .= $pkg;

			if( $path =~ /(.*)::$/ )
				foreach my $symbol ( sort keys %{$path} )
					if( $symbol =~ /::$/ && $symbol ne 'main::' )
						push @found, "${path}${symbol}";

	return @found;

			# Generate Type alias subs
			# - Generate subs like 'VARCHAR' into this package
			# - These are then Exported
			# Note that codegen is called above

	sub _translate
		return uc shift;
	sub _export
		my $what = shift;

		foreach my $where ( @_ )
			warn "exporting $what to $where" if $DEBUG;
			println sprintf "sub %s { Type::Proxy::%s( \@_ ); };", _translate( $where ), _translate( $what ) if $DEBUG;
			eval sprintf "sub %s { Type::Proxy::%s( \@_ ); };", _translate( $where ), _translate( $what );
			warn $@ if $@;
	sub codegen
		my @aliases;
		foreach my $type ( Data::Type::type_list() )
			println $type if $DEBUG;

			my $type_pkg = "Type::${type}";
			warn "$type_pkg can( 'export' ) ? ", $type_pkg->can( 'export' ) ? 'yes' : 'no' if $DEBUG;
			_export( $type, $type_pkg->can( 'export' ) ?  $type_pkg->export : _translate( $type ) );
			push @aliases, $type_pkg->can( 'export' ) ?  $type_pkg->export : _translate( $type );

		println sprintf "use subs qw(%s);", join ' ', @aliases if $DEBUG;

		eval sprintf "use subs qw(%s);", join ' ', @aliases;

		warn $@ if $@;

package Data::Type::Locale;

	# add localization stuff here
package Type::Proxy;

	use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

		( my $func = $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s/.*:://;

	return bless [ @_ ], sprintf "Type::%s", lc $func;

package Regex;

	use Regexp::Common;

	use Carp;
	sub exact
		return '^'.$_[0].'$';
	our $LIST =
		word => qr/[^\s]+/,
		mysql_date => qr/\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\d/,
		mysql_datetime => qr/\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\d [0-2]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d/,
		mysql_timestamp => qr/[1-2][9|0][7-9,0-3][0-7]-[01]\d-[0-3]\d [0-2]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d/,
		mysql_time => qr/-?\d{3,3}:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d/,
		mysql_year4 => qr/[0-2][9,0,1]\d\d/,
		mysql_year2 => qr/\d{2,2}/,
		binary => qr/[01]+/,
		hex => qr/[0-9a-fA-F]+/,
		email => qr/(?:[^\@]*)\@(?:\w+)(?:\.\w+)+/,	# not used 

		dna => qr/[ATGC]+/,
		rna => qr/[AUGC]+/,
		triplet => qr/[ATGC]{3,3}/,
	sub list
		return $LIST->{$_[0]} if exists $LIST->{$_[0]};
		carp "Unknown $_[0] Regex::list regex requested";

package Type;

		# This value is important. It gets reset to undef in verify() before the test starts. During test
		# it hold the $value of the data to tested against.

	our $value;

package IType::UNIVERSAL;

	sub to_text : method
		my $this = shift;

		die "abstract IType::UNIVERSAL::to_text() called.";

	sub cast : method
		die "abstract IType::UNIVERSAL::cast() called.";		
package IType::Numeric;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'Numeric' }
package IType::Temporal;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'Time or Date related' }

package IType::String;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'String' }

package IType::Logic;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'Logic' }

package IType::DB::Mysql;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'Database' }

package IType::W3C;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	sub desc { 'W3C' }

package IType::Business;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::UNIVERSAL);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';
	sub desc { 'Business' }

package Type::varchar;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'a string with limited length of %s', $this->[0] || 'choice (default 60)';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = length( shift );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::range( 0, $this->[0] || 60 ) );

package Type::word;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a word (without spaces)';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::list( 'word' ) ) );

package Type::bool;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Numeric);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'a %s value', $this->[0] || 'true or false';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			if( $this->[0] eq 'true' )
				Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::bool( $this->[0] ) );
				Data::Type::fail( Facet::Proxy::bool( $this->[0] ) );

package Type::int;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Numeric);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'an integer';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( $Regex::RE{num}{int} ) ) );

package Type::num;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Numeric);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a number';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

				# Here we test the hierarchy feature -> nested types !

			Type::int->test( $value );

package Type::real;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Numeric);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a real';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( $Regex::RE{num}{real} ) ) );

package Type::email;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'an email address';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::email( $this->[0] ) );

			#Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::list( 'email' ) ) );

package Type::uri;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		my $scheme = $this->[0] || 'http';

		return sprintf 'an %s uri', $scheme;

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			my $scheme = $this->[0] || 'http';

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( $Regex::RE{URI}{HTTP}{'-scheme='.$scheme} ) ) );

package Type::ip;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'an IP (V4, MAC) network address';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			my $format = lc( $this->[0] || 'v4' );

			$format = 'IP'.$format if $format =~ /^[vV][46]$/;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( $Regex::RE{net}{$format} ) ) );

package Type::quoted;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a quoted string';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( $Regex::RE{quoted} ) ) );

package Type::gender;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'a gender %s', join( ', ', $this->choice );
	sub choice { qw(male female) }

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ $this->choice ] ) );

package Type::yesno;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::String);

	sub info 
		my $this = shift;
		return sprintf q{a simple answer (%s)}, join( ', ', $this->choice ) ;

	sub choice { qw(yes no) }
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );
			Filter::lc->filter( \$Type::value );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ $this->choice ] ) );

package Type::dk_yesno;

	our @ISA = qw(Type::yesno);
	sub export { qw(DK::YESNO) };
	sub choice { qw(ja nein) }

package Type::date;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Temporal);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.01';
	sub info
		my $this = shift;

			#The supported range is '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31' (mysql)

		return 'a date (mysql or Date::Parse conform)';

	sub usage 
		my $this = shift;
		return <<ENDE;
DATE( [ 'MYSQL','DATEPARSE' ] ) MYSQL is mysql's builtin data type behaviour 
and DATAPARSE employs Data::Parse's str2time function. Filtered by: chomp.
	our $supported = { mysql => 1, dateparse => 1 };
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;
		my $format = 'mysql';
			$format = $this->[0] if @$this;

			$format = lc $format;

			my @back = caller(1);
			throw Failure::Type( 
				text => "unknown ".__PACKAGE__." argument '$format'",
				value => $Type::value, type => __PACKAGE__, was_file => $back[1], was_line => $back[2] 
				) unless exists $supported->{$format};

			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );
			if( $format eq 'mysql' )
				Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_date' ) ) ) );
			elsif( $format eq 'dateparse' )
				use Date::Parse;
				throw Failure::Type( 
					text => 'is not a Date::Parse date',
					value => $Type::value, type => __PACKAGE__, was_file => $back[1], was_line => $back[2] 
					) unless str2time( $Type::value );

package Type::datetime;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Temporal);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

			 #The supported range is '1000-01-01 00:00:00' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' (mysql)

		return 'a date and time combination';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_datetime' ) ) ) );

package Type::timestamp;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Temporal);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a timestamp (mysql)';

	sub usage 
		return q{The range is '1970-01-01 00:00:00' to sometime in the year 2037 (mysql)};
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_timestamp' ) ) ) );

package Type::time;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Temporal);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a time (mysql)';

	sub usage
		return q{The range is '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59' (mysql)};
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_time' ) ) ) );

package Type::year;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Temporal);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return 'a year in 2- or 4-digit format';
	sub usage 
		return 	'The allowable values are 1901 to 2155, 0000 in the 4-digit year format, and 1970-2069 if you use the 2-digit format (70-69) (default is 4-digit)';

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			my $yformat = $this->[0] || 4;

			if( $yformat == 2 )
					#1970-2069 if you use the 2-digit format (70-69);

				Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_year2' ) ) ) );
					#The allowable values are 1901 to 2155, 0000 in the 4-digit

				Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'mysql_year4' ) ) ) );

package Type::tinytext;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return "text with a max length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters (alias mysql tinyblob)";

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = length( shift );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::max( 255 ) );

package Type::text;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return "blob with a max length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters (alias mysql text)";

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = length( shift );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::max( 65535 ) );

package Type::mediumtext;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return "text with a max length of 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters (alias mysql mediumblob)";

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = length( shift );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::max( 16777215 ) );

package Type::longtext;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return "text with a max length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) characters (alias mysql longblob)";

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = length( shift );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::max( 4294967295 ) );

package Type::enum;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Logic);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

			#A string object that can have only one value, chosen from the list of values 'value1', 'value2', ..., NULL or the special "" error value. An ENUM can have a maximum of 65535 distinct values (mysql)

		return qq{a member of an enumeration};

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			throw Failure::Facet() if @$this > 65535;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ @$this ] ) );

package Type::set;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::DB::Mysql IType::Logic);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

			# A string object that can have zero or more values, each of which must be chosen from the list of values 'value1', 'value2', ... A SET can have a maximum of 64 members. (mysql)

		return qq{a set (can have a maximum of 64 members (mysql))};

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			throw Failure::Facet() if @$Type::value > 64;

			throw Failure::Facet() if @$this > 65535;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ @$this ] ) );

package Type::ref;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a reference to a variable};

	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::ref( $Type::value ) );
			if( @$this )
				$Type::value = ref( $Type::value );
				$this = [ @$this ] unless ref( $this ) eq 'ARRAY';
				Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ @$this ] ) );

package Type::creditcard;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Business);

	our $cardformats = 
		DINERS => 
			name	=> 'Diners Club',
			prefix	=> { 3000 => 3059, 3600 => 3699, 3800 => 3889 },
			digits	=> [ 14 ],
		AMEX => 
			name	=> 'American Express',
			prefix	=> { 3400 => 3499, 3700 => 3799 },
			digits	=> [ 15 ],
		JCB => 
			name	=> 'JCB',
			prefix	=> { 3528 => 3589 },

			digits	=> [ 16 ],
		BLACHE => 
			name	=> 'Carte Blache',
			prefix	=> { 3890 => 3899 },

			digits	=> [ 14 ],
		VISA => 
			name	=> 'VISA',
			prefix=> [ 4 ],

			digits	=> [ 13, 16 ],
			name	=> 'MasterCard',
			prefix	=> { 5100 => 5599 },

			digits	=> [ 16 ],
			name	=> 'Australian BankCard',
			prefix	=> [ 5610 ],

			digits	=> [ 16 ],
			name	=> 'Discover/Novus',
			prefix	=> [ 6011 ],

			digits	=> [ 16 ],

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'is one of a set of creditcard type (%s)', join( ', ', keys %$cardformats );

	sub usage
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf "CREDITCARD( Set of [%s], .. )", join( '|', keys %$cardformats );
	our $default_cc = 'VISA';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\D' );

			printf "creditcard '%s' is about to be tested\n", $Type::value if $Data::Type::DEBUG;
			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::mod10check( $Type::value ) );

			push @$this, $default_cc unless @$this;
			my $results = {};
			foreach ( @$this )
				$results->{$_} = [];
				my $card = $cardformats->{$_};
				push @{ $results->{$_} }, 'digits' if map { length($Type::value) eq $_ ? () : 'invalid' } @{ $card->{digits} };
				if( ref $card->{prefix} eq 'HASH' )
					my $prefix;
					while( my( $min, $max ) = each %{ $card->{prefix} } )
						$prefix = pack( 'a'.length($max), $Type::value );

						push @{ $results->{$_} }, 'prefix' if $prefix+0 > $max;

						$prefix = pack( 'a'.length($min), $Type::value );

						push @{ $results->{$_} }, 'prefix' if $prefix+0 < $min;
				elsif( ref $card->{prefix} eq 'ARRAY' )
					for ( @{ $card->{prefix} } )
						$_ .= '';
						push @{ $results->{$_} }, 'prefix' unless $Type::value =~ /$_/;
		throw Failure::Facet() unless map { @{ $results->{$_} } == 0 ? 1 : () } keys %$results;

package Type::binary;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::W3C IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{binary code};

	sub usage 
	return 'Set of ( [0|1] )';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'binary' ) ) ) );

package Type::hex;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::W3C IType::String);

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{hexadecimal code};

	sub usage 
	return 'Set of ( ([0-9a-fA-F]) )';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'hex' ) ) ) );

package Type::langcode;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';
	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a Locale::Language language code};

	sub usage 
	return '';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );
			Filter::lc->filter( \$Type::value );
			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ Locale::Language::all_language_codes() ] ) );

package Type::langname;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';
	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a Locale::Language language name};

	sub usage 
	return '';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );
			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::exists( [ Locale::Language::all_language_names() ] ) );

package Type::issn;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Business);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{an International Standard Serial Number};

	sub usage 
	return 'example: 14565935';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );

			use Business::ISSN;
			throw Failure::Facet() unless new Business::ISSN( $Type::value )->is_valid;

package Type::upc;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Business);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{standard (type-A) Universal Product Code};

	sub usage 
		return 'i.e. 012345678905';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );

			use Business::UPC;
			throw Failure::Facet() unless Business::UPC->new( $Type::value )->is_valid;

package Type::cins;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Business);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a CUSIP International Numbering System Number};

	sub usage 
	return 'i.e. 035231AH2';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );

			use Business::CINS;

			my $result = Business::CINS->new( $Type::value )->error;
			throw Failure::Facet( text => $result ) if defined $result;

	# BIO stuff
	# Resources:
	# CPAN: Bio::Tools::CodonTable 	
package Type::dna;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub export { qw(BIO::DNA) }

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return q{a dna sequence};

	sub usage 
	return 'sequence of [ATGC]';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'dna' ) ) ) );

package Type::rna;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub export { qw(BIO::RNA) }

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a rna sequence};

	sub usage 
	return 'sequence of [ATUC]';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );

			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'rna' ) ) ) );

	# Resource:
package Type::codon;

	our @ISA = qw(IType::Logic);

	our $VERSION = '0.01.03';

	sub export { qw(BIO::CODON) }

	sub info
		my $this = shift;

		return qq{a DNA (default) or RNA nucleoside triphosphates triplet};

	sub usage 
	return 'a triplet of DNA or RNA';
	sub test
		my $this = shift;

		$Type::value = shift;

			Filter::strip->filter( \$Type::value, '\s' );
			Filter::chomp->filter( \$Type::value );
			Filter::uc->filter( \$Type::value );
			my $kind = $this->[0] || 'DNA';
			die sprintf "'%s' expects 'DNA' or 'RNA' as an argument and not '%s'",$this->export,$kind unless $kind eq 'DNA' || $kind eq 'RNA';
			#Data::Type::verify $Type::value, Type::Proxy::dna if $kind eq 'DNA';
			#Data::Type::verify $Type::value, Type::Proxy::rna if $kind eq 'RNA';
			Data::Type::pass( Facet::Proxy::match( Regex::exact( Regex::list( 'triplet' ) ) ) );

	# Facets here

package Facet::Proxy;

	use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

		( my $func = $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s/.*:://;

	return bless [ @_ ], sprintf 'Facet::%s', $func;

package Facet::email;

	use Email::Valid;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		my $mxcheck = shift || 0;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless Email::Valid->address( -address => $val, -mxcheck => $mxcheck );

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $mxcheck = shift || 0;

		return sprintf "a valid email address (%s mxcheck)", $mxcheck ? 'with' : 'without';

package Facet::ref;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless ref( $val );

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf $this->[0] ? 'reference' : 'reference to %s', $this->[0];

package Facet::range;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined( $val );

		throw Failure::Facet() unless $val >= $this->[0] && $val <= $this->[1];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'between %s - %s', $this->[0], $this->[1];

package Facet::lines;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined($val);

		throw Failure::Facet() unless ($val =~ s/(\n)//g) > $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf '%d lines', $this->[0];

package Facet::less;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined($val);

		throw Failure::Facet() unless length($val) < $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'less than %d chars long', $this->[0];

package Facet::max;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined($val);

		throw Failure::Facet() if $val > $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'maximum of %d', $this->[0];

package Facet::min;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined($val);

		throw Failure::Facet() if $val < $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'minimum of %d', $this->[0];

package Facet::match;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless defined($val);

		throw Failure::Facet() unless $val =~ $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'matching the regular expression /%s/', $this->[0];

package Facet::is;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf 'exact %s', $this->[0];

package Facet::bool;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless $this->[0];

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return sprintf "boolean '%s' value", $this->[0] ? 'true' : 'false';

package Facet::null;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless uc( $val ) eq 'NULL';

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return "exactly 'NULL'";

package Facet::exists;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;
		my $val = shift;
			if( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' )
					# if we have to test against an array, just go through the
					# elements and look if they exist in the $val hash
				$this->test( $_ ) for @$val;


				# convert an array to hash inplace
			if( ref( $this->[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' )
				my %hash;

				@hash{ @{ $this->[0] } } = 1;

				$this->[0] = \%hash;

		throw Failure::Facet() unless exists $this->[0]->{$val};

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		if( ref( $this->[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
			return sprintf 'element of hash keys (%s)', join( ', ', keys %{ $this->[0] } );

		return sprintf 'element of array (%s)', join(  ', ', @{$this->[0]} );

package Facet::mod10check;

	# could have used Algorithm::LUHN
	use Business::CreditCard;

	sub test : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $val = shift;

			# We use Business::CreditCard's mod10 luhn
		throw Failure::Facet() unless validate( $val );

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return 'LUHN formula (mod 10) for validation of creditcards';
package Filter;

	sub filter : method
		die "abstract method called";

	sub info : method
		die "abstract method called";

package Filter::chomp;

	our @ISA = ( 'Filter' );
	sub filter : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $sref_val = shift;
	return chomp $$sref_val;

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return "chomps";

package Filter::lc;

	our @ISA = ( 'Filter' );
	sub filter : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $sref_val = shift;
	return $$sref_val = lc $$sref_val;

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return "lower cases";

package Filter::strip;

	our @ISA = ( 'Filter' );
	sub filter : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $sref_val = shift;
		my $what = shift;
		$$sref_val =~ s/$what//go;
	return $$sref_val;

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return 'strip';

package Filter::uc;

	our @ISA = ( 'Filter' );
	sub filter : method
		my $this = shift;

		my $sref_val = shift;
	return $$sref_val = uc $$sref_val;

	sub info : method
		my $this = shift;

		return "upper cases";

package Data::Type::Typed;

	use strict;

	require Tie::Scalar;

	our @ISA = qw(Tie::StdScalar);

	our $DEBUG = 0;

	our $BEHAVIOUR = { exceptions => 1, warnings => 1 };
		ref( $_[1] ) || die;

		$_[1]->isa( 'IType::UNIVERSAL' ) || die;

		Data::Type::printfln "TIESC '%s'", ref( $_[1] ) if $DEBUG;

	    return bless [ undef, $_[1] ], $_[0];

	sub STORE
		my $this = shift;

		my $value = shift || undef;

		Data::Type::printfln "STORE '%s' into %s typed against '%s'", $value, $this, ref( $this->[1] ) if $DEBUG;

			Data::Type::verify( $value, $this->[1] );
		catch Type::Exception ::with
			my $e = shift;

			my @back = caller(4);

			warn sprintf "type conflict: '%s' is not %s at %s line %d\n", $value, $this->[1]->info, $back[1], $back[2] if $BEHAVIOUR->{warnings};

			$e->value = $value;
			$e->was_file = $back[1];
			$e->was_line = $back[2];
			throw $e if $BEHAVIOUR->{exceptions};

		$this->[0] = $value;

	sub FETCH
		my $this = shift;

		Data::Type::printfln "FETCH $this '%s' ", $this->[0] if $DEBUG;

		return $this->[0];

package Data::Type::Guard;

	use Carp;
		public =>
			array => [qw( allow )],
			hash => [qw( tests )],
	sub inspect : method
		my $this = shift;
		my $object = shift;

		my $decision;

		if( @{ $this->allow } > 0 )
			my %t;
			@t{ $this->allow } = 1;

			unless( exists $t{ ref( $object ) } )
				carp "Guard is selective and only accepts ", join ', ', $this->allow if $Data::Type::DEBUG;
				return 0;
			Data::Type::overify( { $this->tests }, $object );
			$decision = 1;
		catch Type::Exception ::with
			$decision = 0;
	return $decision; 



=head1 NAME

Data::Type - versatile data and value types


	use Data::Type qw(:all);
	use Error qw(:try);
		verify $email		, EMAIL;
		verify $homepage	, URI('http');
		verify $server_ip	, IP('v4');
		verify $cc			, CREDITCARD( 'MASTERCARD', 'VISA' );
		verify $answer_a	, YESNO;
		verify $gender		, GENDER;
		verify 'one'		, ENUM( qw(one two three) );
		verify [qw(two six)], SET( qw(one two three four five six) ) );

		verify 'A35231AH1'	, CINS;
		verify '14565935'	, ISSN;		
		verify 'DE'			, LANGCODE;		
		verify 'German'		, LANGNAME;
		verify '012345678905', UPC();
		verify '5276440065421319', CREDITCARD( 'MASTERCARD' ) );

		verify 'ATGCAAAT'	, BIO::DNA;				
		verify 'AUGGGAAAU'	, BIO::RNA;		

		verify '01001001110110101', BINARY;
		verify '0F 0C 0A', HEX;

		verify '234'		, NUM( 20 );
		verify '1' 			, BOOL( 'true' );
		verify '100'		, INT;
		verify '1.1'		, REAL;

		my $foo = bless( \'123', 'SomeThing' );
		verify $foo 		, REF;
		verify $foo			, REF( qw(SomeThing Else) );
		verify [ 'bar' ]	, REF( 'ARRAY' );

		verify ' ' x 20		, VARCHAR( 20 );
		verify '2001-01-01'	, DATE( 'MYSQL' );
		verify '16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST'	, DATE( 'DATEPARSE' );
		verify '9999-12-31 23:59:59', DATETIME;
		verify '1970-01-01 00:00:00', TIMESTAMP;
		verify '-838:59:59'	, TIME;
		verify '2155'		, YEAR;
		verify '69'			, YEAR(2);
		verify '0' x 20		, TINYTEXT;
		verify '0' x 20		, MEDIUMTEXT;
		verify '0' x 20		, LONGTEXT;
		verify '0' x 20		, TEXT;
	catch Type::Exception with
		my $e = shift;
		printf "Expected '%s' %s at %s line %s\n",

		foreach my $entry ( testplan( $e->type ) )
			printf "\texpecting it %s %s ", $entry->[1] ? 'is' : 'is NOT', $entry->[0]->info();

		# believe it or not, this really works
		print $_->info;						
		print $_->usage;					
		print $_->export;					# does it have other names
		print $_->choice;					# what are my choice i.e. [yes,no]
		print $_->isa( 'IType::Business' ); # is it a Business related type ?
		print $_->VERSION;					# first apperance in Data::Type release
		# tied interface (alias 'typ')
		typ ENUM( qw(DNA RNA) ), \( my $a, my $b );

		print "a is typ'ed" if istyp( $a );

		$a = 'DNA';		# $alias only accepts 'DNA' or 'RNA'
		$a = 'RNA';		
		$a = 'xNA';		# throws exception 
		untyp( $alias );
	catch Type::Exception ::with
		printf "Expected '%s' %s at %s line %s\n",
	my $g = Data::Type::Guard->new( 

		allow => [ 'Human', 'Others' ],		# blessed objects of that type
		tests =>
			email		=> EMAIL( 1 ),		# mxcheck ON ! see Email::Valid
			firstname	=> WORD,
			social_id	=> [ NUM, VARCHAR( 10 ) ],
			contacts	=> sub { my %args = @_; exists $args{lucy} },				
	$g->inspect( $h );

		# compact version
	overify { email => EMAIL( 1 ), firstname => WORD }, $object_a, $object_b;
	print toc();
	print catalog();

This module supports versatile data and value types. Out of the ordinary it supports 
parameterised types (like databases have i.e. VARCHAR(80) ). When you try to feed a 
typed variable against some odd data, this module explains what he would have expected. 


data types, data manipulation, data patterns, form data, user input, tie

=head1 TYPES and FILTERS

perl -e "use Data::Type qw(:all); print catalog()" lists all supported types:

Data::Type 0.01.03 supports 36 types:

  BINARY                   - binary code
  BOOL                     - a true or false value
  CINS            0.01.03  - a CUSIP International Numbering System Number
  BIO::CODON      0.01.03  - a DNA (default) or RNA nucleoside triphosphates triplet
  CREDITCARD               - is one of a set of creditcard type (DINERS, BANKCARD, VISA, ..
  DATE            0.01.01  - a date (mysql or Date::Parse conform)
  DATETIME                 - a date and time combination
  DK::YESNO                - a simple answer (ja, nein)
  BIO::DNA        0.01.03  - a dna sequence
  EMAIL                    - an email address
  ENUM                     - a member of an enumeration
  GENDER                   - a gender male, female
  HEX                      - hexadecimal code
  INT                      - an integer
  IP                       - an IP (V4, MAC) network address
  ISSN            0.01.03  - an International Standard Serial Number
  LANGCODE        0.01.03  - a Locale::Language language code
  LANGNAME        0.01.03  - a Locale::Language language name
  LONGTEXT                 - text with a max length of 4294967295 (2^32 - 1) characters (..
  MEDIUMTEXT               - text with a max length of 16777215 (2^24 - 1) characters (al..
  NUM                      - a number
  QUOTED                   - a quoted string
  REAL                     - a real
  REF                      - a reference to a variable
  BIO::RNA        0.01.03  - a rna sequence
  SET                      - a set (can have a maximum of 64 members (mysql))
  TEXT                     - blob with a max length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters (alias..
  TIME                     - a time (mysql)
  TIMESTAMP                - a timestamp (mysql)
  TINYTEXT                 - text with a max length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters (alias my..
  UPC             0.01.03  - standard (type-A) Universal Product Code
  URI                      - an http uri
  VARCHAR                  - a string with limited length of choice (default 60)
  WORD                     - a word (without spaces)
  YEAR                     - a year in 2- or 4-digit format
  YESNO                    - a simple answer (yes, no)

And 4 filters:

  CHOMP              - chomps
  LC                 - lower cases
  STRIP              - strip
  UC                 - upper cases



      ENUM, SET

   Time or Date related








verify( $teststring, $type, [ .. ] ) - Verifies a 'value' against a 'type'.

overify( { member => TYPE, .. }, $object, [ .. ] ) - Verifies members of objects against multiple 'types' or CODEREFS.

=head2 Data::Type::Guard class

This is something like a Bouncer. He inspect 'object' members for a specific type. The class has two attributes and one
=head3 'allow' attribute (Array)

If empty isn't selective for special references (  HASH, ARRAY, "CUSTOM", .. ). If is set then "inspect" will fail if the object
is not a reference of the listed type.

=head3 'tests' attribute (Hash)

Keys are the members names (anything that can be called via the $o->member syntax) and the type(s) as value. When a member should
match multple types, they should be contained in an array reference ( i.e. 'fon' => [ qw(NUM TELEPHONE) ] ).

=head3 'inspect' member

Accepts a blessed reference as a parameter. It returns 0 if a guard test or type constrain will fail, otherwise 1.  

=head2 TYPE BINDING (via Tie)


typ and untyp are simlar to perl's tie/untie, but they are for Data::Type's. They tie a Data::Type to a variable, so
each time it gets assigned a new value, it gots verified if its matching the datatypes constrains.

=head1 Exceptions

Exceptions are implemented via the 'Error' module.

=head2 Type::Exception

This is a base class inheriting 'Error'. 

=head2 Failure::Type

Is a 'Type::Exception' and has following additional members:

		expected	- reserved for future use 
		returned	- reserved for future use
		was_file	- the filename where the exception was thrown
		was_line	- the line number
		type 		- the type 'object' used for verification
		value		- a reference to the data given for verification against the type

=head2 Failure::Facet (Internal use only)

This exception is thrown in the verification process if a Facet (which is a subelement
of the verification process) fails.

Is a 'Type::Exception' and has following additional members.

		expected 	- reserved for future use
		returned	- reserved for future use
		type		- the type 'object' used for verification

=head1 Retrieving Type Information

=head2 catalog()

returns a static string containing a listing of all know types (and a short information). This
may be used to get an overview via:

perl -e "use Data::Type qw(:all); print catalog()"

=head2 toc()

returns a string containing a grouped listing of all know types.

=head2 testplan( $type )

Returns the entry-objects how the type is verified. This may be used to create a textual description how a type is verified.
=head2 EXPORT

all = (typ untyp istyp verify catalog testplan), map { uc } @types

None by default.

=head2 LAST CHANGES 0.01.03
  * Changed the Data::Type::Guard attribute 'types' to 'allow', because was ambiguous with types per se.
  * New group IType::Business (see toc).

  * Some minor changes
   - toc() now sorts types alphanumeretically
   - IType:: Groups also get version
   - added type version number to catalog() output

  * New (or updated) types:
  CINS            0.01.03  - a CUSIP International Numbering System Number
  BIO::CODON      0.01.03  - a DNA (default) or RNA nucleoside triphosphates triplet
  BIO::DNA        0.01.03  - a dna sequence
  ISSN            0.01.03  - an International Standard Serial Number
  LANGCODE        0.01.03  - a Locale::Language language code
  LANGNAME        0.01.03  - a Locale::Language language name
  BIO::RNA        0.01.03  - a rna sequence
  UPC             0.01.03  - standard (type-A) Universal Product Code

=head1 AUTHOR

Murat Ünalan, <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

Data::Types, String::Checker, Regexp::Common, Data::FormValidator, HTML::FormValidator, CGI::FormMagick::Validator, CGI::Validate,
Email::Valid::Loose, Embperl::Form::Validate, Attribute::Types, String::Pattern, Class::Tangram