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Revision history for Perl module Module::Reload
1.11 2017-04-17 NEILB
- Fix the tests to pass when '.' is no longer in @INC (Perl 5.26.0)
1.10 2015-11-13 NEILB
- Supress warning if entries in %INC don't have a value.
Miko O'Sullivan pointed out how this can happen. Added test case for it.
- Added a link to "perldoc require" in SEE ALSO
1.09 2015-10-27 NEILB
- Updated github repo URL after changing my github username
- Include a META.json in releases, and tag & push to github on release
1.08 2014-06-08 NEILB
- Got rid of each on %INC, since we might delete from %INC, so each
is unsafe.
- Added Changes file
- Added standard doc sections for author, license, and repository
- Added some entries to SEE ALSO
- Switched to Dist::Zilla, moving into lib/Module/ in the process
1.07 1998-08-20 JPRIT
1.06 1998-07-30 JPRIT
1.05 1998-07-28 JPRIT
- First release to CPAN