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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Tk;

my $mw = MainWindow->new;

my $mb = $mw->Menubutton(-text => "Strange Menu")->pack;

my $menu = $mb->menu;
my $lb = $menu->Scrolled('Listbox')->pack;
$menu->configure(-takefocus => 1, -highlightborder => 1);
$lb->insert('end',grep(-T $_,<*>));

$mw->Message(-text => qq(
Example of (ab)use of Menu. Creates a list box as a child of Menu and packs it.
Interaction is tricky. <Escape> should unpost, if menu  as a whole has 'focus'.

$mw->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => [destroy => $mw])->pack;