<testcases repeat="1">

    id             = "1"
    description1   = "SAMPLE TEST CASE - load WebInject dev page"
    description2   = "verify string 'Corey Goldberg' exists in response"
    method         = "get"
    url            = "http://www.webinject.org/dev.html"
    verifypositive = "Corey Goldberg"
    warning        = "5"
    critical       = "15"
    label          = "devpage"

    id             = "2"
    description1   = "SAMPLE [NEGATIVE] TEST CASE - load WebInject dev page"
    description2   = "verify string 'bogus string' does not exist in response"
    method         = "get"
    url            = "http://www.webinject.org/dev.html"
    verifynegative = "bogus string"
    warning        = "5"
    critical       = "15"
    label          = "devpage2"

    description1="SAMPLE TEST CASE THAT FAILS - load bogus page"
    description2="case should fail with an HTTP 404 (not found) error"
    warning        = "5"
    critical       = "15"
    label          = "boguspage"

    id             = "4"
    description1   = "SAMPLE TEST CASE THAT FAILS - valid page with bogus verification"
    description2   = "case should fail"
    method         = "get"
    url            = "http://www.webinject.org/dev.html"
    verifypositive = "I am a bogus string"
    warning        = "5"
    critical       = "15"
    label          = "devpage3"
