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# $Id: mibProxy,v 1.9 2006/08/16 07:09:39 nito Exp $
# Simple perl program used to be a pass_persist executable for the snmpd
# daemon.
# It uses the snmptranslate command to get the name of the OID that should
# be fetched from the configuration file.
# Nito@Qindel.ES
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Std;
use Config::Properties::Simple;
use Config::Properties;
use Log::Log4perl;
use SNMP;

# global vars
local our $logger;

# prototypes
sub get_command_line_options();
sub getProperties($);
sub OIDCompare($$);
sub returnResponseForOid($$$$);
sub getNextOid($$);

# Constants
use constant AUTHOR => 'Nito@Qindel.ES';
use constant VERSION => '$Id: mibProxy,v 1.9 2006/08/16 07:09:39 nito Exp $ ';
use constant LOG_TAG => 'mibProxy.Default';
use constant CONFIGFILE => '/etc/mibProxy/mibProxy.conf';
use constant PROPERTIESFILE => '/var/lib/logparser/';
use constant OPERATION_PING => 'PING';
use constant OPERATION_GET => 'get';
use constant OPERATION_SET => 'set';
use constant OPERATION_GETNEXT => 'getnext';
use constant RESPONSE_PONG => 'PONG';
use constant RESPONSE_NONE => 'NONE';
use constant UPDATE_STATS_INTERVAL => 300;
# main
my ($cfg, $propertiesFile, $updateInterval) = get_command_line_options();
$| = 1;
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(LOG_TAG);
$logger->info("$0 has started");

# Load all the MIBS
$logger->debug("Loading the mibs");

# First we need to get the properties file, do the translations
# of the variables to OIDs and viceversa (this is for the
# getnext operation).
my ($properties,$sortedOid_ref)=getProperties($propertiesFile);
my $lastUpdateTime = time;
my $operation=undef;
while (<>) {

  # Check if the properties file should be reloaded
  if ((time - $lastUpdateTime) > $updateInterval) {
    $logger->debug("Updated the propertiesFile $propertiesFile");
    $lastUpdateTime = time;
  $logger->debug("Received message: $_");
  if ($_ eq OPERATION_PING) {
    # PING
    print RESPONSE_PONG."\n";
    $logger->debug("Sent message: PONG");
  } elsif (/^get$/) {
    # GET operation
  } elsif (/^getnext$/) {
    # GETNEXT operation
  } elsif (/^set$/) {
    # GETNEXT operation
    # $operation=OPERATION_SET;
  } elsif (/^((\.\d+)+)$/) {
    # For sets the value would be for example:
    # integer 100
    # OID
    my $oid = $1;
    returnResponseForOid($operation,$oid, $properties, $sortedOid_ref);
  } else {
    # ERROR
    print "NONE\n";
    $logger->error("Sent message: NONE. Error message for <$_>: Non recognized command");

$logger->info("$0 has ended");

# Subroutines
# get_command_line_options
# Checks the commandline options and the configuration file
# to verify to set the configuration file options
# Input:
# implicitly the commandline options
# Output:
# An array with the following elements:
# - Configuration object
# - The properties file where the info is stored
sub get_command_line_options() {
  my ($globalsavespace_ref) = @_;

  our ($opt_f, $opt_p, $opt_s, $opt_h, $opt_v, $opt_d, $opt_i);
  getopts('f:s:i:hv') or pod2usage(2);

  if ($opt_v) {
    print $0." version ".VERSION." ".AUTHOR."\n";
    exit 0;

  if ($opt_h) {
    pod2usage({'-verbose'=>2, '-exitval'=>0});
    exit 0;
  my $file = defined($opt_f) ? $opt_f : CONFIGFILE;
  my $cfg = Config::Properties::Simple->new(file => $file);
  my $propertiesFile = defined($opt_s) ? $opt_s : $cfg->requireProperty('propertiesFile', PROPERTIESFILE);
  my $updateInterval = defined($opt_i) ? $opt_i : $cfg->requireProperty('updateInterval', UPDATE_STATS_INTERVAL);

  return ($cfg, $propertiesFile, $updateInterval);

# getProperties
# Input:
# A file where the properties are stored
# Output:
# Returns an array with two elements:
# - The first element is the properties object
# - The second element is an array of two elements. The first element
#   is a hash where the keys are all the OIDs that are
#   provided and the value is an index to a given element of the sorted
#   array. The second element is a sorted array of all the oids.

sub getProperties($) {
  my ($file) = @_;
  open FILE, "$file"
    or $logger->error_die("Cannot open properties file $file: $!");
  my $properties = new Config::Properties();
  $logger->info("Loaded property file $file");
  $logger->debug("The properties are:".Dumper($properties));

  $logger->info("Generating list of OIDs for file $file");
  my @oids;
  my %nextOid;
  my ($name, $oid);

  foreach $name ($properties->propertyNames) {
    $oid = SNMP::translateObj($name);
    if (defined($oid)) {
      push @oids, $oid;
    } else {
      $logger->error("No translation for name <$name> was found. Variable will be skipped");

  my @sortedOids = sort OIDCompare @oids;
  $logger->debug("The OIDs handled are: ".Dumper(map {$_ => SNMP::translateObj($_)} @sortedOids)) if ($logger->is_debug());
  my %referenceOids;
  for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#sortedOids; ++ $i) {
    $referenceOids{$sortedOids[$i]} = $i;
  return ($properties, [\%referenceOids, \@sortedOids]);

# OIDCompare
# Compares two OIDs
# and returns 0, 1 or -1
sub OIDCompare($$) {
  my ($firstOid,$secondOid) = @_;
  my @firstArray = split /\./, $firstOid;
  my @secondArray = split /\./, $secondOid;
  # Remove the two first elements (.1.3.1) => The first element becomes "".
  shift @firstArray;
  shift @secondArray;

  my ($return, $firstElement, $secondElement);
  foreach $firstElement (@firstArray) {
    # Lexigraphic the same prefix but firstArray has more elements
    return 1 if ($#secondArray < 0);

    $secondElement = shift @secondArray;
    return -1 if ($firstElement < $secondElement);
    return 1 if ($firstElement > $secondElement);
    # Same prefix continue with the next element
  # Lexigraphic the same prefix but secondArray has more elements
  return -1 if ($#secondArray >= 0);

  # They are the same...
  return 0;

# getNextOid
# We try to match an OID in the hash, if not we need to do a linear
# scan...
# Input:
# - A reference to the sorted OID hash and array
# - A OID
# Output:
# - String with the next oid higher than the one passed. If not undef is returned
sub getNextOid($$) {
  my ($sortedOids_ref, $oid) = @_;
  my ($sortedOidsHash_ref, $sortedOidsArray_ref) = @$sortedOids_ref;
  my $startIndex = 0;
  if (exists($$sortedOidsHash_ref{$oid})) {
    $startIndex = $$sortedOidsHash_ref{$oid};
  for (my $i = $startIndex; $i <= $#$sortedOidsArray_ref; $i ++) {
    $_ = $$sortedOidsArray_ref[$i];
    #    $logger->debug("cmp $oid, :".OIDCompare($oid,$_));
    return $_ if (OIDCompare($oid, $_) < 0);
  return undef;
# returnResponseForOid
# Input:
# - The operation
# - The Numeric OID
# - The properties file where the values are stored
# - An oid ordered array
# Output:
# If the oid is found then it returns the triple
# OID,Type,Value (separated by newlines)
# If some error condition appears then NONE is returned.
sub returnResponseForOid($$$$) {
  my ($operation, $oid, $properties, $sortedOID_ref) = @_;
  my $requestOid = $oid;
  my ($name, $value, $type, $nextOid);

  # Check for a valid operation
  if (defined($operation) && $operation eq OPERATION_GET) {
  } elsif (defined($operation) && $operation eq OPERATION_GETNEXT) {
    # We don't mind if it exists and is undef ;-)
    $nextOid = getNextOid($sortedOID_ref, $oid);
    if (!defined($nextOid)) {
      print RESPONSE_NONE."\n";
      $logger->debug("Sent message: NONE. End of MIB for OID $oid");
  } else {
    print RESPONSE_NONE."\n";
    $logger->error("Sent message: NONE. Internal error. Unknown operation:".Dumper($operation));

  # Check if we can translate the OID to a MIB name
  if (!defined($name)) {
    print RESPONSE_NONE."\n";
    $logger->error("Sent message: NONE. The MIB Translation for OID $oid is not found. Operation: $operation");

  #Check for type
  $type = SNMP::getType($oid);
  if (!defined($type)) {
    print RESPONSE_NONE."\n";
    $logger->error("Sent message: NONE. Unknown type for OID $oid");
  # The default IPaddress type is returned as IPADDR instead of ipaddress
  $type = 'ipaddress' if ($type =~ /^IPADDR/i);
  # Check if we have a value for the MIB name
  $value = $properties->getProperty($name, undef);;
  if (!defined($value)) {
    print RESPONSE_NONE."\n";
    $logger->error("Sent message: NONE. The Property doesn't exist for OID $oid->$name. Operation: $operation");

  $type = 'string' if ($type eq 'OCTETSTR');

  print "$oid\n$type\n$value\n";
  $logger->debug("Sent message: $oid,$type,$value");


=head1 NAME



B<mibProxy> [-f configtFile] [-p propertiesFile] [-i updateInterval]

Uses the protocol specified in the option B<pass_persist> in B<snmpd.conf>

B<mibProxy> -h

Shows the help man page

B<mibProxy> -v

shows the version


The mibProxy is a utility script used as a pass_persist entry for the
snmp daemon of NETSNMP.

The main operation is the following:

1) It receives a query of the form via stdin (see pass_persist in
snmpd.conf). Alternatively it can also receive a "PING" which is
answered by a "PONG". Any unknown request will be answered by a "NONE"



2) It then tries to translate with the command "snmptranslate" the OID
into string format. That is from "." to "private"

3) It then tries to find the property "private" in the properties
specified. Assume that the following line exists in the config file


4) It then returns the following via stdout
The main configuration comes from the configuration file (see the B<-f>
switch in the B<OPTIONS> seciont).




=head1 OPTIONS

All the command line options override the options in the configuration file.


=over 8

=item B<-f configuration file>

Indicates the configuration file.
There is no corresponding configuration file option.
The default value is ".logParser", "../etc/logParser.conf",
"../conf/logParser.conf", "/etc/logParser.conf"

See B<Config::Find> for the exact rules.

=item B<-p propertiesFile>

Indicates in which file the properties of the values are stored for retrieval.

The corresponding configuration option is "propertiesFile"

=item B<-i updateInterval>

Indicates with which frequency (in seconds) should the propertiesFile be reloaded.
This only happens if a request is received. That is if no requests were received
for the last 10 minutes and the updateInterval is 30 seconds then the file
will be uploaded before the next request.

The corresponding configuration option is "updateInterval"

=item B<-h>

Shows this help page

=item B<-v>

Shows the version of the script.



The configuration tag used is "mibProxy::Default"

=over 8

=item B<log4perl>

This option specifies the log4perl settings for logs.
See the B<Log::Log4perl> documentation.



Currently not known...

=head1 EXAMPLE

This is a simple example to implement a MIB of one counter and table with two entries.

The steps are:

=over 8

=item # Create the MIB

=item # Put the MIB in a place where SNMP can find it

=item # Copy the script to the target machine

=item # Edit snmpd.conf and add a MIB file

=item # Add the statistic file

=item # Test it


=head2 Create the MIB

the example MIB that we will use is a subset of the qindel-antivirus MIB:

                        FROM RFC-1212
                        FROM RFC-1215
                        FROM RFC1213-MIB
                TimeTicks, Counter, Gauge
                        FROM RFC1155-SMI
		qindel, project, antispam
	antivirus	OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { antispam 3 }
 infectedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Counter
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
	    "The number of messages infected"
    ::= { antivirus 1 }
 virusFoundTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF virusFoundEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A list of virus found.  The number of
            entries is given by the value of differentVirusFound."
    ::= { antivirus 4 }
 virusFoundEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  VirusFoundEntry
    ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS  mandatory
            "An virus entry containing the number of times
	    that a particular virus has been found."
    INDEX   { virusFoundIndex }
    ::= { virusFoundTable 1 }
 AntispamMethodFrequencyEntry ::=
        virusFoundIndex   INTEGER,
        virusFoundDescr   DisplayString,
        virusFoundCounter Counter
 virusFoundIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A unique value for each method.  Its value
            ranges between 1 and the value of 
            differentVirusFound. "
    ::= { virusFoundEntry 1 }
 virusFoundDescr  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
            "A textual string containing information about the
            virus, as it appears in the MailScanner log."
    ::= { virusFoundEntry 2 }
 virusFoundCounter  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX  Counter
    ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS  mandatory
            "The total number of messages which have
             been identified cointaining the virus
    ::= { virusFoundEntry 3 }

=head2 Put the MIB in a place where SNMP can find it

This is usually /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ but it will depend on where your NET-SNMP is installed

=head2 Copy the script to the target machine

If you copy the script to /usr/local/bin/mibProxy be aware that the likely place to store
the configuration file mibProxy.conf is /usr/local/etc/mibProxy

The configuration file could be something like:

 log4perl.logger.mibProxy.Default= DEBUG, A1
 log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%c] %m %n
 # propertiesFile
 # Indicates which file should be used to save %savespace hash
 # By default it is /var/lib/logparser/
 # propertiesFile=/var/lib/logparser/

=head2 Edit snmpd.conf and add a MIB file

Add the following line to snmpd.conf:

pass_persist . /usr/local/bin/mibProxy

=head2 Add the statistic file

In the /var/lib/logparser/ file add the following:

 virusFoundDescr.1="My simple test"
 virusFoundDescr.2="My simple test2"

=head2 Test it

Restart your SNMP agent and run an snmpwalk against it and see what happens...


B<Required Perl packages>

The perl packages installed for this script are:

=over 8

=item * File-Temp-0.14

=item * File-HomeDir-0.05

=item * File-Which-0.05

=item * Config-Properties-Simple-0.09

=item * SNMP (from NET-SNMP)


=head1 BUGS

=head1 TODO

=over 8

=item * At the moment it only supports integers


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 8

=item B<snmpd.conf(5)> man page for snmpd,


=head1 AUTHOR

Nito Martinez <Nito@Qindel.ES>
