=head1 PerlBuildSystem User's Manual

=head1 What is PBS?

PBS is PerlBuildSystem, a powerful tool for making correct and intelligent build systems
without the pain, failure and insanity such activities would entail had they been attempted with
I<make(1)>. Rather than a simplistic rule-based build engine, PBS is a meta build system
-- a Perl API for writing build systems if you like.

One of the biggest limitations with I<make> is that it completely lacks any sensible programming
constructs, while users always end up needing them. All it has, save a bunch of ad hoc loops
and primitive string manipulation functions, is global variables and a simplistic rule engine.

PBS is also rule based, but contrary to a Makefile, a Pbsfile is an Perl script.
This means your Pbsfile has the entire power of the Perl language in its hands, making it easy
for you to write library modules with high-level functions for your most common tasks and generally
let you do whatever you need to do. The interface PBS offers you for making a build system,
while powerful, really revolves around three quite simple to use build system commands, plus a few
convenience functions for helping you with the most common tasks.

=head1 PBS Concepts

First of all, PBS is really a Perl API, so knowing a bit of Perl will help.
But don't be intimidated by this if you don't -- you can write Pbsfiles
using the rule syntax of PBS without knowing you're really writing Perl,
and it's quite simple too!

Contrary to most versions of I<make>, PBS has I<no> builtin rules. It does however come with a fairly
advanced library module for figuring out the dependencies of C and C++ files and concluding that an
object file should probably be built from either a C, C++ or an assembly language source file. But this
is just an addon (albeit very convenient). If you want to use it you have to say so. For a more detailed
rant about the shortcomings of I<make>, see 
XXX<a href="http://blah.blah.blah/PBS/">The PerlBuildSystem Homepage</a>. 

Now, on with the show.

In order to support powerful distributed and parallell build systems, PBS is a three stage rocket.
It goes through three distinct stages while building whatever it is you're building:

=head2 Depend

During this stage, PBS builds a I<complete> dependency graph of the I<entire> system.
Nodes are inserted into the dependency graph by running I<all> the in-scope rules until no new dependencies are
generated. Nodes are just named dependencies of other nodes, and don't necessarily correspond to
physical files.

=head2 Check

During which PBS figures out what physical files the nodes in the dependency graph
correspond to, and verifies whether they are up to date or not.

=head2 Build

The process of rebuilding and computing a new digest for any nodes that were for some reason deemed
out of date during the Check stage.

=head1 Deciding if a node should be rebuilt

The things we build can depend on a number of things, but the modification time
of the input to our tools is rarely, if ever, one of them. PBS recognises this and ignores
modification times. Instead, when a node has been built, PBS saves a digest of everything
the node depends on, not just files. When PBS needs to decide if a node should be rebuilt,
it computes a digest from the information in the dependency graph and compares it to the node's
stored digest. Files that are never built by the build system must therefore be excluded from
this digest generation to tell PBS that they are source files (such as source code, system libraries etc).

PBS considers a node out of date if any of the following hold:

=over 2

=item 1. The node should, but doesn't, exist.

=item 2. The node exists and wasn't excluded from digest generation, but doesn't have a stored digest to prove it is up to date.

=item 3. The node exists, and has a stored digest that differs from the digest computed from the dependency graph.

=item 4. The node has a dependency that was deemed out of date.


If a node representing a file doesn't exist, it obviously needs to be built. If a file exists but lacks a digest,
PBS cannot reliably say it is up to date, so it is deemed out of date and rebuilt. If both the file and its digest
exist but the computed and stored digests mismatch, then either a dependency was changed, or the file itself was
changed. Either way the node is rebuilt. Before we continue it's time we introduce some terminology.

=head1 PBS vocabulary:

=head2 Pbsfile

The file describing how to build your thingy. Contrary to most build systems, PBS doesn't
just parse rules and macros -- it I<executes> your Pbsfile in its own namespace, which may contain arbitrary
Perl code. The PBS rule syntax really consists of a set of function calls.

=head2 Target

This is what you tell PBS to build when you start it. It is the first thing PBS will
try to match against your rules to see if it can infer any dependencies, which brings us to...

=head2 Dependency

A thingy, typically I<but not necessarily> a file, that a dependent depends on.
I<Make> calls these I<sources>.

=head2 Dependent

The thingy that has dependencies. I<Make> calls this I<target>, too -- at least
while trying to figure out if it is up to date or not.

=head2 Ancestor

The set of nodes that are directly or indirectly a dependent to a node is called
the node's ancestors.

=head2 Node

Something that appears in the dependency graph. Everything in the dependency graph is a
dependency of some dependent -- even the target, which is logically a dependency of the
invocation of PBS. Note that a node doesn't necessarily correspond to a physical file;
a node can be I<virtual> (see I<Virtual Rules>).

=head2 Digest

A cryptographic hash (MD5) of all the thingies that affect whether or not a node is considered
up to date, including the contents of the file corresponding to the node itself. This means
your build system will notice if you accidentally corrupt a generated file. The digest is stored
in a plain text file in the same place as the generated file.

=head2  Digest generation

PBS wants a digest for every node it finds, and generates a digest for
everything that gets built.

=head2 Trigger

The act of marking a node as out of date. When a node is triggered, it will in turn
trigger all its ancestors

=head2  Trigger (2)

A PBS mechanism for automatically running an other PBS build system as a subpbs
build in order to create a node in the current build system's dependency graph without knowing the
details of that other build system.

=head2 Subpbs

The PBS notion of hierarchical builds is called a subpbs. A subpbs is a recursive
PBS-run, but contrary to typical I<make> usage it doesn't spawn a separate process for each
step. Instead, it inserts all nodes into a global dependency graph. A subpbs inherits
the build configuration from its parent, but not rules, variables, functions etc...

=head2 Build directory

The directory where the result of the build and the associated digest files end up. If you don't
specify a build directory, PBS will generate a name based on your username and create it in the
current working directory where PBS was invoked.

Now we can look at how to get started with writing a PBS build system.

=head1 Getting started with PBS

Let's start with an example of building an important C program, "hello", from "hello.c".
A Pbsfile is a real Perl script running in strict mode ("use strict" and "use warnings" in
Perl speak), without a package name. We could write our simple Pbsfile like this:

  AddRule 'hello', [ 'hello' => 'hello.c' ]

A bit more verbose than I<make> perhaps, but not too difficult to grasp is it? The first single-quoted
string after AddRule is the name of the rule. Rules have names, because it makes it easier for you to debug
your build system when it doesn't work. The last right-arrow before the command to execute can be replaced
by a comma if you think it's prettier -- '=>' is equivalent to ',' in Perl and a Pbsfile is, after all, real
Perl code. It is recommended you keep the => operator between the target and the dependencies for clarity,
however. %FILE_TO_BUILD and %DEPENDENCY_LIST are XXX link to: built-in PBS variables. Whenever such variables
occur on a command line, PBS expands them to their value.

Let's extend this example to make it a little bit more realistic by building a heavily optimized, i18n hello world:

  my $CFLAGS  = '-O3 -Wall -Werror' ;
  my $LDFLAGS = '-lintl' ;
  my $CC      = 'gcc' ;
  AddRule 'hello',    [ 'hello' => 'hello.o', 'language.o', 'locale.o' ]
  AddRule '.o-files', [ '*/*.o' => '*.c' ]

We now link the executable with an i18n library, and use a separate rule to build all object files we need
from the corresponding C file. This is an example of a I<simplified pattern rule>. The simplified pattern
syntax is actually just a plugin to PBS to make people used to I<make> happy, and it's just as limited.
PBS itself uses only Perl regular expressions to express dependencies; we'll get into this later in
I<Pattern matching rules>. The '*/*.o' in the rule above gets transformed into the same filename with a '.c'
suffix. In this example we could have written just '*.o' because we only have a few object files all in the
same directory. The '*/*.o' is necessary to match any leading path components in the name. The details of
PBS path handling in hierarchical builds are explained in XXX I<Hierarchical builds>. Note how the
commandlines in the rules above now have double quoted strings. Double quoted strings are subject to
variable expansion, while single quoted strings aren't, so we need the double quotes to get the value of
$CFLAGS and $LDFLAGS into our shell commandlines. Otherwise '$CC', '$CFLAGS' etc would be passed verbatim
into PBS internals and evaluated there, in the wrong context, leading to error messages about
"Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///)" and similar. If your build commands don't contain
Perl variables, single quotes work just fine too. The beauty of Pbsfiles is that you can write arbitrarily
complex code to do what you want -- you have an entire, powerful scripting language at hand.

=head2 Pattern matching rules

PBS rules are pattern-matching, using powerful Perl regular expressions to generate dependencies.
In the previous example, we simply matched all files with a .o suffix and said they depend a the
corresponding .c file with the same relative path, using the simplified syntax. Some people find
regular expressions hard to read/write/understand, and while it's a pity to throw away the power
of Perl regular expressions for the sake of saving a few hours of learning, PBS supports this
simplified pattern-matching syntax with the SimplifyRule plugin. Since the plugin just transforms
this simplified syntax into a Perl regular expression, we could just as well write it as a pure Perl rule:

  AddRule '.o-files', [ qr/.*\.o/ => '$path/$basename.c' ]

In a pure Perl rule, $path, $basename, $name and $ext are provided on the dependency side of the
dependency definition (the stuff to the right of the '=>'). $path contains the path to the node
matched by the rule, relative the top level of the PBS build. $basename contains the name of the
matched node, without any extension. $ext is the extension (i.e. everything after the last '.' in the
filename) of the file, if any. $name is the full filename, including any extension.
Note the use of single quotes in the dependencies defined by the rule -- we don't want
'$path/$basename' to be expanded at rule definition-time where they aren't defined (remember Pbsfiles
are I<executed>!) so we need single quotes. The single-quoted string is evaluated later at depend
time, when something has matched our regular expression. At that point, the variables are provided
by PBS.

Already, we are starting to see ugliness starting to creep into our example above. We have hardcoded
compiler- and linker flags, and reference local variables in commandlines using double quotes mixed with
PBS' automatic variables %FILE_TO_BUILD and %DEPENDENCY_LIST. Also, we have a generic rule for building
object files from a C file that we probably want to reuse all over the place -- but it depends on the
presense of a variable $CFLAGS being in scope wherever it is used. We'd like to move potentially reusable
code into functions we can include in any Pbsfile when needed, and refer to a I<configuration> rather than
real Perl variables.

=head2 Using reusable PBS modules

To improve the previous example, we could be rewrite it as follows:

  PbsUse 'Configs/Hello' ;
  PbsUse 'Rules/C' ;
  my @objects = qw(hello.o language.o locale.o) ;
  AddRule 'hello', [ 'hello' => @objects ]

We have now moved our generic rule for building object files from C sources to a module called
'C' in a directory called 'Rules' and similarly put our configuration into a module 'Configs/Hello'.
PbsUse includes a PBS module at the point where the PbsUse directive appears, and its contents
gets executed just like the rest of the Pbsfile. You can think of it as the PBS equivalent of
the C preprocessor's #include statement. Modules are loaded at runtime, and you can only PbsUse
a module once per package, i.e. once per Pbsfile. PBS modules are package-less Perl modules, so
our modules above would be in the files 'Configs/Hello.pm' and 'Rules/C.pm'. PBS looks for
modules in all the paths defined with the -plp switch (see section 'prf') , which can be set in a prf file and overridden on the
commandline. See the XXX PBS module Wizard included with the PBS distribution for an example of
how to write your own PBS modules. 

=head2 Separating configuration from rules

We earlier said that your Pbsfiles tend to revolve around three easy to use functions.
AddRule was the first; this leads us to the other two -- AddConfig and GetConfig. In the
'Configs/Hello' module included in the example above, we have put these statements:

  # Typical, fairly complete configuration for using the GNU toolchain.

						# Compiler toolchain and utilities.
  	        'CC'           => 'gcc',
            'AS'           => 'as',
            'LD'           => 'ld',
            'CPP'          => 'gcc -E',
            'CXX'          => 'g++',
            # Build configuration parameters.
            'CFLAGS'       => '-O3 -Wall -Werror',
            'CXXFLAGS'     => '%CFLAGS',
            'LDFLAGS'      => '-lintl'
           ) ;

  # Module must end with a 'true' statement to indicate success.

Everything you define with AddConfig will be available as %-variables in your commandline strings, so now we
can use %CC, %CFLAGS, %LDFLAGS etc. in addition to the variables automatically defined by PBS (See
XXX Builtin variables for a list of special variables defined by PBS). As you can see in the CXXFLAGS
example above, you can define config variables in terms of other config variables, as long as they are
already defined. If you try to define a config variable to the value of a config variable that isn't
defined, PBS will issue a warning. If you want to extract the value of a config variable in a Pbsfile,
you must use GetConfig:

  my $compiler = GetConfig('CC') ;

In hierarchical build systems, configuration is inherited from the top-level PBS and down. This is explained
in more detailed in the next chapter.

=head2 Hierarchical build: subpbs

Typically, build systems are hierarchical with a number of subdirectories containing their own Pbsfiles
defining how to build that part of the system. A Pbsfile can define a special rule to say that any
matching nodes are depended by a subpbs -- this is PBS' way of expressing a hierarchical build system.

Rather than starting a whole new build process in the subdirectory the way people typically do with
I<make>, PBS runs a subpbs in the same process and inserts the new dependencies into a single, global
dependency graph. Rules, Perl code and variables are still private to each subpbs, because PBS
puts each subpbs into its own namespace (called a 'package' in Perl). Here's an example of a rule to
build the shared library MyLib.so in the MyLib subdirectory.

  AddRule 'subpbs_example', {
														# Mandatory parameters.
														NODE_REGEX => qr(.*/MyLib/MyLib.so),
														PBSFILE    => 'MyLib/Pbsfile.pl',
														PACKAGE    => 'MyLib',
														# Other parameter can go here...
														} ;

That's a mouthful, but you can add many parameters to a subpbs: See XXX Subpbs in the reference section for
all options. For the simple task of just adding a subdirectory to your hierarchical build, PBS provides the
convenience function AddSubPbsRule. It accepts the same parameters as the normal Subpbs definition, but looks
friendlier when you just need to supply the mandatory parameters:

	AddSubpbsRule 'rule_name', qr(.*/MyLib/MyLib.so), 'MySubDir/Pbsfile.pl', 'MySubDirPackageName' ;

You can add extra subpbs parameters to AddSubpbsRule as well; you just add the extra KEY => 'value' pairs
at the end of the argument list. You may have noticed that our regular expressions here are delimited with
parentheses, while at the beginning of this manual we had a qr/.../ expression. For convenience, Perl allows
many characters to delimit its quote-like operators (See "Quote and Quote-like Operators" in the perlop
manual page of your Perl distribution for details). Using something other than / as delimiter for
qr ("quote-regexp") is convenient when you deal with filename patterns containing / as path separator.

An important thing when defining a subpbs rule is making sure the node regex only matches the nodes that
should be built by the subpbs. When we write rules in a subpbs, we usually want the rules to match regardless
of whether we are building from the top of the build tree or locally in the subdirectory. With the simplified
syntax, we do this by saying:

	AddRule 'objects', [ '*/*.o' => '*.c' ], '%CC %CFLAGS -c -o %FILE_TO_BUILD %DEPENDENCY_LIST' ;

If this rule is invoked to depend the node './foo/bar.o', the '*/*.o' ensures that the rule matches.
Similarly, if we invoke PBS to build 'bar.o' locally in the subdirectory, the node will become './bar.o'
(since PBS always considers the top of the build tree to be './'), so our '*/*.o' still matches. However,
it also matches everything else that has the same '.o' extension. Since PBS runs all rules in scope on
all nodes until no new dependencies are generated, this can cause accidental or even cyclic dependencies
if the node regex matches too much.

To make it easier to match only the nodes the (sub-)Pbsfile was invoked to depend, PBS provides the
automatic variable %TARGET_PATH on the dependent side of the dependency definition. It expands to the
path prefix of the node the Pbsfile was invoked to depend (which is not identical to the relative path
of the Pbsfile. See XXX %TARGET_PATH in the reference section for details). Note that this variable is
I<not> available on the dependency side of the definition; with the simplified pattern syntax, %TARGET_PATH
is automatically prepended to the dependencies. With pure perl regex rules, it is all up to you. You
have to use $path, $basename, $name and $ext to construct the full dependency names yourself. Since the
SimplifyRule plugin is just a rule preprocessor, these variables are actually available when using
the simplified pattern syntax as well, but the plugin will still prepend %TARGET_PATH to the dependency side,
so it may not work quite as expected. Here are a few example rules to make it more visual:

We invoke a subpbs to depende the node './b/z/foo.o':

  AddRule 'c', [ qr'%TARGET_PATH/foo.o' => '$basename.c'], BuildOk("do nothing");

We have a pure perl rule (since the dependent is a Perl regex), so PBS gives us full control over the
dependency names. Hence we will get the dependency './b/z/foo.o' => 'foo.c' here.

  AddRule 'c', [ '%TARGET_PATH/foo.o' => '$path/$basename.c'], BuildOk("do nothing");

Now we have a plain text rule, but our variables are still available to construct a name.
XXX Why do we get the same dependency with $path included?

  AddRule 'c', [ '%TARGET_PATH/foo.o' => '*.c'], BuildOk("do nothing");
  AddRule 'c', [ '%TARGET_PATH/*.o' => '*.c'], BuildOk("do nothing");
  AddRule 'c', [ '*/*.o' => '*.c'], BuildOk("do nothing");

  '*/*.o' => './p1/*.o'

These three simplified pattern rules all generate the same dependency; the '*' on the dependency
side expands to the basename of the dependent and has %TARGET_PATH prepended to it. However, the
'*/*.o' in the last example will also match any other path.

  AddRule 'c', [ '*.o' => '*.c'], 'echo %FILE_TO_BUILD depends on %DEPENDENCY_LIST';

Now you've seen the most basic parts of a Pbsfile; How to write simplified and pure perl rules, how to define
configuration variables, and how to include modules. The following chapters discuss these and other PBS
concepts in greater detail.

# Reference manual section starts here

=head1 PBS reference manual

=head2 Rules

The full anatomy of an AddRule statement is as follows:


Here, elements enclosed in [] are optional. Some of these elements can be written in a number of ways.
We explain them one by one:

=head3 Rule types

PBS rules can have an optional type that modify their behaviour in certain ways. Rule types are written
in all caps. Some types can be combined by separating them by comma. The types are as follows:

=head4 VIRTUAL

This type indicates that the dependent of the rule is virtual -- it doesn't correspond to a
physical file and there should indeed not be a physical file with that name. It is somewhat similar to
I<make>'s notion of "PHONY" targets. Typical usage is to build many things in one go by defining a rule
to build a top-level virtual target 'all' that depends on the things to build but itself doesn't do anything.

=head4  FORCED

A dependent that is FORCED will be rebuilt even when its dependencies are up to date. It's
a way of wedging unconditional builders into your build system and is typically used in conjunction with
VIRTUAL; e.g. a virtual target 'stats' which prints a dump of the sizes of the various segments of the
final executable.

=head4 LOCAL

A LOCAL node is something that must exist in the build directory, even if PBS finds an up to date
version of it in a source directory. This is primarily a way to get around the fact that if your
source directories include a directory of pre-compiled objects containing an up to date version of
your target, you will end up with an empty build directory. This tends to confuse people. Making
a target LOCAL ensures that PBS will copy the up to date file to your private build directory
when using binary repositories.

The entire type definition is then written enclosed in square brackets, like this:

  [VIRTUAL] or

=head3 Rule names

PBS Rules are named, in order to make it easier to debug your build system. Many commandline switches
cause PBS to display the name of the rule as it processes Pbsfiles and generates the dependency graph.

=head3 Depender definition

The depender definition defines how to depend a node. That is, how to determine if the rule matches a requested
node and if so, what dependencies the matching rule should contribute to the node. We have already seen the
most simple form of depender definition:

[ 'dependent' => 'dependency1', 'dependency2', ... ]

Generally speaking, there are three kinds of depender definitions: a list, a subpbs definition
and a complete depender sub (a Perl function).

=head4 Dependency list definition

A target-dependency-list is written enclosed in square brackets, as above. The dependent can be either
a plain string, a full "qr" regular expression, or a reference to a sub (Perl function). The dependent may
contain the PBS automatic variable %TARGET_PATH, which expands to the path prefix of the node(s) the
Pbsfile was invoked to depend, relative the top-level. This is not identical to the relative path to the
Pbsfile itself -- they just tend to coincide, since we usually put one Pbsfile in each directory of a
source tree and only put rules to build the files in that location in it. That is, if we depend the node
"./foo/bar.o", %TARGET_PATH expands to "foo/" regardless of where the Pbsfile is located.

The SimplifyRule plugin also provides a simplified pattern matching syntax of the form
[ '*.ext1' => '*.ext2' ] for simple basename/extension transformations. The syntax '*/*.ext1' is
used to match nodes that have a path prefix, i.e. in a subpbs. %TARGET_PATH is available in the
simplified pattern syntax as well, and is sometimes preferrable since it only matches nodes with the
subpbs' path prefix rather than all nodes with the same extension. Note that %TARGET_PATH is the path
prefix of the node(s) the Pbsfile was invoked to depend, and 

To the right of the dependency arrow '=>' is a simple list of the
dependencies this rule should contribute to the node; remember, several rules can match a node and they all
have their dependencies added to the node. Each dependency can be either a string (XXX dependency attributes!)
or a Perl subroutine reference (XXX elaborate, put under advanced topics?).
XXX how exactly is %TARGET_PATH (or whatever) prepended to the dependency side names?

=head4 Subpbs definition

A subpbs definition is a list of keywords and values enclosed in curly brackets, as follows:

  NODE_REGEX => qr//,
  PBSFILE    => 'Otherpbsfile.pl',
  PACKAGE    => 'Otherpackage',
  XXX There's a bunch of other stuff that can go here too!

=head4 Depender sub

=head3 Builders

=head3 Node subs

=head1 Configuration

=head1 Advanced topics

=head2 Triggers

=head2 Node subs

=head1 Missing in this documentation

=over 2

=item * warp

=item * BuildOk

=item * Post-PBS

=item * Debugging, PBS breakpoints.

=item * commandline switches.

