Revision history for Perl module Net::FreshBooks::API
0.15 2010-11-10
Estimate objects are now supported
Moved some methods into Moose roles
0.14 2010-10-07
Fixed missing package versions which broke distro 0.13
0.13 2010-10-07
Fixed a bug where OAuth URL would not always use correct account_name
when being constructed
Added many new API params
Expanded documentation and shifted much off of and to the
0.12 2010-09-07
Fixed some documentation errors
Documented OAuth-specific methods
Overriding more of Net::OAuth::Simple in order to get examples working
0.11 2010-09-07
Move distro management to Dist::Zilla
Added OAuth support
Moved a lot of the documentation from to sub-modules
0.10 2009-11-23
Iterator's next() method now returns cloned objects
Added documentation for Invoice links() and list() functionality
0.09 2009-11-19
Added amount field to recurring items
Added documentation for the lines() method
0.08 2009-11-18
Added explicit documentation for most available methods
Calls to list() no longer perform lookups while iteration takes place.
This is no longer necessary after updates to the FreshBooks API in
August 2009. This means that one call to list returns all of the data
for the requested page, so multiple API calls are no longer necessary.
Multiple API calls will still, of course, be necessary if fetching
multiple pages.
0.07 2009-11-05
Added return_uri field to Invoice and Recurring
perltidied source
0.06 2009-08-12
Added XML::Simple and Test::Exception to dependencies
Improved handling of error messages. In many cases the returned message
had been blank
Added test to confirm error messages are being correctly parsed
"verbose" setting is now referred to in the documentation (if only
0.05 2009-07-16
Added Crypt::SSLeay to dependencies to fix the following error:
"501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported (Crypt::SSLeay or
IO::Socket::SSL not installed)"
Added Path::Class to dependencies
0.04 2009-07-15
Fixed failing test t/007_live_test.t "Can't call method "childNodes" on an
undefined value at /tmp/net-freshbooks-api/lib/Net/FreshBooks/API/
line 174"
0.03 2009-07-13
Fixed file names in MANIFEST
0.02 2009-07-10
Added Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring
Created a new FreshBooks test account because the original account was
failing the ping method
Added tests for recurring items
Added a sample script: examples/
Added some POD tests
All modules now pass Perl::Critic severity 4