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# Copyright (c) 2002 the World Wide Web Consortium :
#       Keio University,
#       Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique,
#       Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
# written by Olivier Thereaux <> for W3C
# $Id:,v 1.3 2003/03/28 09:47:29 ot Exp $

package W3C::LogValidator::HTMLOutput;
use strict;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw() ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw();
our $VERSION = '0.1';

# usual package interface #
our $verbose = 1;
our %config;

sub new
        my $self  = {};
        my $proto = shift;
        my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
	# configuration for this module
	if (@_) {%config =  %{(shift)};}
	if (defined $config{verbose}) {$verbose = $config{verbose}}
        bless($self, $class);
        return $self;

sub output
	my $self = shift;
	my %results;
	my $outputstr ="";
	if (@_) {%results = %{(shift)}}
	$outputstr= "
<h2>Results for module ".$results{'name'}."</h2>\n";
	$outputstr= $outputstr."<p>".$results{"intro"}."</p>\n" if ($results{"intro"});
	my @thead = @{$results{"thead"}};
	my @trows = @{$results{"trows"}};
	if ((@thead) or (@trows))
		$outputstr= $outputstr."<table>\n";
	if (@thead)
		$outputstr= $outputstr."<tr>\n";
		while (@thead)
			my $header = shift (@thead);	
			$outputstr= $outputstr."<th>$header</th>";
		$outputstr= $outputstr."</tr>\n";
	while (@trows)
		my @row=@{shift (@trows)};
		$outputstr= $outputstr."<tr>\n";
		my $tcell;
		while (@row)
			$tcell= shift (@row);	
			chomp $tcell;
			$outputstr= $outputstr."<td>$tcell</td>";
		$outputstr= $outputstr."</tr>\n";
		$outputstr= $outputstr."</table>\n";
	$outputstr= $outputstr."\n";
	$outputstr= $outputstr."<p>".$results{"outro"}."</p>\n\n" if ($results{"outro"});
	return $outputstr;	

sub finish                                                                            
# embed HTML tidbits in a full HTML file 
# and either save or output
 my $self = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time);
$mon ++; # weird 'feature': months run 0-11; days run 1-31 :-(
my $date = ($year+1900) .'-'. ($mon>9 ? $mon:"0$mon") .'-'. ($day>9 ? $day:"0$day");

 my $result_string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>LogValidator results</title>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="" />
<h1>Log Validator results</h1>'."
<p>Generated on $date at $hour:$min:$sec GMT.</p>";

       if (@_)
                my $tmp_result_string = shift;
		$result_string = $result_string.$tmp_result_string;

$result_string = $result_string.'

	if (defined $config{OutputTo}) 
		my $filetosave = $config{OutputTo};
		open (HTMLOUT, "> $filetosave")
		||  print STDERR "could not open file $filetosave for saving : $!";
		print HTMLOUT $result_string;
		close HTMLOUT;
		print $result_string;

package W3C::LogValidator::HTMLOutput;



=head1 NAME

W3C::LogValidator::HTMLOutput - HTML Output to the Log Validator


  use  W3C::LogValidator::HTMLOutput;


This module is part of the W3C::LogValidator suite, and outputs
the result of the log processing and validation in HTML format.

=head1 AUTHOR

Olivier Thereaux <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

W3C::LogValidator::LogProcessor, perl(1).
