The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib 'lib';

use Getopt::Long;

my %opts = map { $_ => undef } qw/

    "title=s"     => \$opts{mom_title},
    "subtitle=s"  => \$opts{mom_subtitle},
    "author=s"    => \$opts{mom_author},
    "copyright=s" => \$opts{mom_copyright},
    "cover"       => \$opts{mom_cover},
    "toc"         => \$opts{mom_toc},
    "stdtoc"      => \my $stdtoc,
    "parser=s"    => \my $parse_class,
    "ps!"         => \my $make_ps,

$parse_class ||= 'Pod::Parser::Groffmom';
eval "use $parse_class";
if ( my $error = $@ ) {
    die "Could not use ($parse_class): $error";

foreach my $key ( keys %opts ) {
    delete $opts{$key} unless defined $opts{$key};
$opts{mom_toc} = $stdtoc if defined $stdtoc;

my $file = shift or die "makemom podfile";
my $mom = $file;
unless ( $mom =~ s/\.\w$/.mom/ ) {
    $mom = "$";

my $parser = $parse_class->new( \%opts );
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Cannot open ($file) for reading: $!";
open my $out, '>', $mom or die "$!";
print $out $parser->mom;

exit if not $make_ps;
my $ps = $mom;
$ps =~ s/\.mom$/.ps/;

my $command = "groff -mom > $ps $mom";
print $command, $/;
system($command) == 0 or die $?;

if ( $opts{mom_toc} && !$stdtoc ) {
    # XXX yeah, I know this is a really, really nasty hack, rewriting the
    # postscript on the fly, but mom does not support tables of contents
    # except at the end of the document.

    open $fh, '<', $ps or die "Cannot open ($ps) for reading: $!";
    my $postscript = do { local $/; <$fh> };    # can be expensive!
    close $fh;
    my $toc_page = find_toc_page($postscript);
    if ( $opts{mom_cover} ) {
        if ($postscript =~ s{
            \n%%Page:  \s+ 1         \s+ 1 (.+)          # page 1
            (\n%%Page: \s+ 2         \s+ 2 .+ )          # page 2 up to
            \n%%Page:  \s+ $toc_page \s+ $toc_page (.+)  # TOC
        }{\n%%Page: 0 0 $1\n%%Page: 1 1$3$2$4}sx
            open $fh, '>', $ps or die "Cannot open ($ps) for writing $!";
            print $fh $postscript;
        else {
            die "Could not move the TOC to the front of $ps";
    else {
        if ($postscript =~ s{
            (\n%%Page:  \s+ 1          \s+ 1         .+)   # page 1 up to
            (\n%%Page:  \s+ $toc_page  \s+ $toc_page .+)   # TOC
            open $fh, '>', $ps or die "Cannot open ($ps) for writing $!";
            print $fh $postscript;
        else {
            die "Could not move the TOC to the front of $ps";

sub find_toc_page {
    my $postscript = shift;

    # contents start with something like this, but we use a heuristic to
    # figure out if we really have contents because a previous page might have
    # 'Contents' as the header, so we look for the last one.

    # %%Page: 57 57
    # %%BeginPageSetup
    # BP
    # %%EndPageSetup
    # /F0 16/Helvetica-Bold@0 SF(Contents)72 90 Q/F1 12.5 

    my @lines = split "\n" => $postscript;
    my $page;

    for my $i (0..$#lines - 4) {
        my ( $line, $header ) = @lines[ $i, $i+4 ];
        next unless $line =~ /^%%Page: (\d+)/;
        my $page_num = $1;
        if ( $header =~ /\QSF(Contents)/ ) {
            $page = $page_num;
    return $page;


=head1 NAME

pod2mom - Turn POD into mom

=head1 USAGE

 pod2mom [options] file_with_pod

=head1 OPTIONS

All options will override any options inferred from the POD document.

Boolean options:

 --cover        Create a cover page
 --toc          Create a table of contents
 --stdtoc       "mom" standard table of contents page (at end of document)
 --ps           Create a Postscript file (requires groff in your path)
 --nops         Don't create a Postscript file

Options that take arguments:

 --title        Title of document
 --subtitle     Subtitle of document
 --copyright    Copyright info (only displayed with --cover)
 --author       Author of document
 --parser       Alternate parser to use (subclass from Pod::Parser::Groffmom)

This script turns a standard POD file into a "mom" document.  If the C<--ps>
option is present, attempts to create a Postscript document with the same name
as the original document, but with a C<.ps> extension.  This is suitable for
opening with Ghostview (gv), (on Mac OS X) or anything else which
can open Postscript files.

Note that "mom" limits you to having the table of contents at the end of the
document.  If you specify C<--toc> and not C<--stdtoc>, we attempt to rewrite
the Postscript document on the fly to reposition the table of contents.  If
Postscript generation is not requested, C<--toc> and C<--stdtoc> are the same
(the Table of Contents is at the end of the document).

=for mom newpage

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<Pod::Parser::Groffmom>

=item * C<man groff_mom>
