#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

use strict;

use lib 'lib';
use TAPx::Base;

use Test::More tests => 30;


    # No callbacks allowed
    can_ok 'TAPx::Base', 'new';
    ok my $base = TAPx::Base->new(), 'object creation succeeds';
    isa_ok $base, 'TAPx::Base', 'object of correct type';
    foreach my $method (qw(callback _croak _callback_for _initialize)) {
        can_ok $base, $method;

    eval {
            some_event => sub {

                # do nothing
    like( $@, qr/No callbacks/, 'no callbacks allowed croaks OK' );
    my $cb = $base->_callback_for('some_event');
    ok( !$cb, 'no callback installed' );


    # No callbacks allowed, constructor should croak
    eval {
        my $base = TAPx::Base->new(
            {   callbacks => {
                    some_event => sub {

                        # do nothing
    like( $@, qr/No callbacks/, 'no callbacks in constructor croaks OK' );

package CallbackOK;
use lib 'lib';
use TAPx::Base;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = 'TAPx::Base';

sub _initialize {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    $self->SUPER::_initialize( $args, [qw( nice_event other_event )] );
    return $self;

package main;
    ok my $base = CallbackOK->new(), 'object creation succeeds';
    isa_ok $base, 'TAPx::Base';

    eval {
            some_event => sub {

                # do nothing
    like( $@, qr/Callback some_event/, 'illegal callback croaks OK' );

    my ( $nice, $other ) = ( 0, 0 );

    eval {
        $base->callback( other_event => sub { $other-- } );
        $base->callback( nice_event => sub { $nice++; return shift() . 'OK' }

    ok( !$@, 'callbacks installed OK' );

    my $nice_cb = $base->_callback_for('nice_event');
    ok( ref $nice_cb eq 'CODE', 'callback for nice_event returned' );
    my $got = $nice_cb->('Is ');
    is( $got, 'Is OK', 'args passed to callback' );
    cmp_ok( $nice, '==', 1, 'callback calls the right sub' );

    my $other_cb = $base->_callback_for('other_event');
    ok( ref $other_cb eq 'CODE', 'callback for other_event returned' );
    cmp_ok( $other, '==', -1, 'callback calls the right sub' );

    $got = $base->_make_callback( 'nice_event', 'I am ' );
    is( $got, 'I am OK', 'callback via _make_callback works' );

    my ( $nice, $other ) = ( 0, 0 );

    ok my $base = CallbackOK->new(
        {   callbacks => {
                nice_event => sub { $nice++ }
      'object creation with callback succeeds';

    isa_ok $base, 'TAPx::Base';

    eval {
            some_event => sub {

                # do nothing
    like( $@, qr/Callback some_event/, 'illegal callback croaks OK' );

    eval {
        $base->callback( other_event => sub { $other-- } );

    ok( !$@, 'callback installed OK' );

    my $nice_cb = $base->_callback_for('nice_event');
    ok( ref $nice_cb eq 'CODE', 'callback for nice_event returned' );
    cmp_ok( $nice, '==', 1, 'callback calls the right sub' );

    my $other_cb = $base->_callback_for('other_event');
    ok( ref $other_cb eq 'CODE', 'callback for other_event returned' );
    cmp_ok( $other, '==', -1, 'callback calls the right sub' );

    my $status = undef;

    # Replace callback
    $base->callback( other_event => sub { $status = 'OK' } );
    my $new_cb = $base->_callback_for('other_event');
    ok( ref $new_cb eq 'CODE', 'new callback for other_event returned' );
    is( $status, 'OK', 'new callback called OK' );