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# $Id: xupdate,v 1.18 2003/12/03 12:01:54 pajas Exp $

use FindBin;
use lib ("$FindBin::RealBin", "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib",
	 "$FindBin::Bin/lib", "$FindBin::RealBin/lib",

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

use vars qw($VERSION $REVISION $keep_ws $strip_ws $print_version $help $usage $indent $extra_indent @prefixmap);

use XML::LibXML;
use XML::XUpdate::LibXML;
use XML::Normalize::LibXML qw(xml_strip_element);

  Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
  GetOptions('-help|h' => \$help,
	     '-version|V' => \$print_version,
	     '-keep-ws|k' => \$keep_ws,
	     '-strip-ws|s' => \$strip_ws,
	     '-indent|i' => \$indent,
	     '-extra-indent|j' => \$extra_indent,
	     '-namespace|n=s' => \@prefixmap,
	     '-usage|u' => \$usage,
	     '-debug|D' => \$XML::XUpdate::LibXML::debug,
	    ) || die "Wrong command-line arguments\n";
  $REVISION='$Revision: 1.18 $';

if ($print_version) {
  print "Current version is $VERSION ($REVISION)\n";
  print "Current version of XML::XUpdate::LibXML is $XML::XUpdate::LibXML::VERSION\n";
  exit 1;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help;
pod2usage() if ($usage or @ARGV<2);

my $parser  = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xupdate = XML::XUpdate::LibXML->new();

foreach (@prefixmap) {
  my ($prefix,$uri)= split /\s*=\s*/,$_;
  if ($prefix ne '' and $uri ne '') {

if ($extra_indent||$strip_ws) {
} else {
my $dom = $parser->parse_file($ARGV[1]);

if ($keep_ws) {
} else {
my $actions = $parser->parse_file($ARGV[0]);

unless ($keep_ws) {
  my $command=$actions->getDocumentElement->firstChild;
  while ($command) {
    $command = $command->nextSibling();

$xupdate->process($dom->getDocumentElement(), $actions);

print $dom->toString(0+($indent||$extra_indent)+$extra_indent);



=head1 xupdate

xupdate - Process XUpdate commands over an XML document


xupdate [options] <xupdate-file> <input-file>

   -u | --usage        print brief help on usage
   -h | --help         print documentation

   -n | --namespace prefix=namespace-uri
                       associate a namespace with a prefix for use
                       in XPath selections in XUpdate file
                       (this option may occur several times)

   -k | --keep-ws      preserve whitespace in the XUpdate file
   -s | --strip-ws     strip ignorable whitespace from the input file
   -V | --version      print current version and revision
   -i | --indent       indent the output XML
   -j | --extra-indent like -i, but also adds a leading and a trailing
                       linebreak to every text node.

 but also put an extra newline after
 every start-tag and before every end-tag

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--usage>

Print a brief help message on usage and exits.

=item B<--help>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<--namespace> prefix=namespace-uri

Associate a namespace with a prefix. The prefix may be used in the
XPath selections in the XUpdate file to address nodes of the source
document that belong to the given namespace.  This is especially
useful for mapping the default namespace to a prefix because XPath by
definition doesn't honour default namespaces. This option may occur
several times.

=item B<--keep-ws>

Preserves any whitespace in XUpdate file. The default behaviour is to
remove all ignorable whitespace and any leading or trailing whitespace
in all XUpdate command elements in the XUpdate file.

=item B<--strip-ws>

Remove "ignorable" whitespace from the input file. The default
behaviour is to keep any whitespace unless the --extra-indent (-j)
option is used. Note that the whitespace being present or not may
affect results returned by some XPath expressions (such as

=item B<--version>

Print version and revision number of B<This program> command and
version number of XML::XUpdate library used.

=item B<--indent>

Indent the resulting document on output.

=item B<--extra-indent>

Indent the resulting document on output as --indent, but also add a
leading and a trailing linebreak to every text node.

=item B<--debug>

Print some debugging information about commands being applied.



B<This program> will parse the given XUpdate file and the input file
and print the input file updated accordingly. XUpdate file format is
described in XUpdate Working Draft from 2000-09-14


=head1 AUTHOR

Petr Pajas,


Copyright 2002-2003 Petr Pajas, All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.