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use strict;
use Test::More tests => 47;
use lib qw( t t/local );
=head1 NAME
This tests Mech's Back "button". Tests were converted from t/live/back.t,
and subsequently enriched to deal with RT ticket #8109.
use Tools;
use_ok( 'WWW::Mechanize' );
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(cookie_jar => {});
isa_ok( $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize' );
isa_ok( $mech->cookie_jar(), 'HTTP::Cookies', 'this $mech starts with a cookie jar' );
my $html = <<'HTML';
<a href="images/">Images</a>
<a href="/scripts">Scripts</a>
<a href="/ports/">Ports</a>
<a href="modules/">Modules</a>
<form action="/search.cgi">
<input type="text" name="q">
<input type="submit">
my $server = LocalServer->spawn( html => $html );
isa_ok( $server, 'LocalServer' );
ok( !$mech->back(), 'With no stack, no going back' );
ok( $mech->success, 'Fetched OK' );
my $first_base = $mech->base;
my $title = $mech->title;
$mech->follow_link( n=>2 );
ok( $mech->success, 'Followed OK' );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
is( $mech->base, $first_base, 'Did the base get set back?' );
is( $mech->title, $title, 'Title set back?' );
$mech->follow_link( text => 'Images' );
ok( $mech->success, 'Followed OK' );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
is( $mech->base, $first_base, 'Did the base get set back?' );
is( $mech->title, $title, 'Title set back?' );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Pre-search check' );
fields => { 'q' => 'perl' },
ok( $mech->success, 'Searched for Perl' );
like( $mech->title, qr/search.cgi/, 'Right page title' );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 1, 'POST is in the stack' );
$mech->head( $server->url );
ok( $mech->success, 'HEAD succeeded' );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 1, 'HEAD is not in the stack' );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
ok( $mech->success, 'Back' );
is( $mech->base, $first_base, 'Did the base get set back?' );
is( $mech->title, $title, 'Title set back?' );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Post-search check' );
=head2 Back and misc. internal fields
RT ticket #8109 reported that back() is broken after reload(), and
that the cookie_jar was also damaged by back(). We test for that:
reload() should not alter the back() stack, and the cookie jar should
not be versioned (once a cookie is set, hitting the back button in a
browser does not cause it to go away).
$mech->follow_link( text => 'Images' );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
is($mech->title, $title, 'reload() does not push page to stack' );
'$mech still has a cookie jar after a number of back()');
# Now some other weird stuff. Start with a fresh history by recreating
# $mech.
skip 'Test::Memory::Cycle not installed', 1 unless $canTMC;
memory_cycle_ok( $mech, 'No memory cycles found' );
$mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
isa_ok( $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize' );
$mech->get( $server->url );
ok( $mech->success, 'Got root URL' );
my @links = qw(
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Pre-404 check' );
my $server404 = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalAddr => 'localhost') or die;
my $server404url = $server404->url;
die 'Cannot fork' if (! defined (my $pid404 = fork()));
local $?;
kill KILL => $pid404 if $pid404; # Extreme prejudice intended, because we do not
# want the global cleanup to be done twice.
if (! $pid404) { # Fake HTTP server code: a true 404-compliant server!
while ( my $c = $server404->accept() ) {
while ( $c->get_request() ) {
$c->send_response( HTTP::Response->new(404) );
is( $mech->status, 404 , '404 check') or
diag( qq{\$server404url=$server404url\n\$mech->content="}, $mech->content, qq{"\n} );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 1, 'Even 404s get on the stack' );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
is( $mech->uri, $server->url, 'Back from the 404' );
is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Post-404 check' );
for my $link ( @links ) {
$mech->get( $link );
warn $mech->status() if (! $mech->success());
is( $mech->status, 200, "Get $link" );
ok( $mech->back(), 'Back should succeed' );
is( $mech->uri, $server->url, "Back from $link" );
skip 'Test::Memory::Cycle not installed', 1 unless $canTMC;
memory_cycle_ok( $mech, 'No memory cycles found' );