The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# XXX add cookie reading on the server side to the test

BEGIN { delete @ENV{ qw( http_proxy HTTP_PROXY ) }; }

use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;

if ( $^O =~ /Win32/ ) {
    plan skip_all => 'HTTP::Server::Simple does not support Windows yet.';
else {
    plan tests => 14;

use WWW::Mechanize;
use URI::Escape qw( uri_unescape );

use lib 't/';
use TestServer;

my $ncookies = 0;

sub send_cookies {
    my $cgi = shift;
    return if !ref $cgi;


            -cookie => $cgi->cookie(
                -name    => 'my_cookie',
                -value   => "Cookie #$ncookies",
                -domain  => '',
                -path    => '/',
                -expires => '+1h',
                -secure  => 0,
        $cgi->start_html( -title => "Home of Cookie #$ncookies" ),
        $cgi->h1( "Here is Cookie #$ncookies" ),

sub nosend_cookies {
    my $cgi = shift;
    return if !ref $cgi;

        $cgi->start_html( -title => 'No cookies sent' ),
        $cgi->h1( 'No cookies sent' ),

my $server = TestServer->new();
$server->set_dispatch( {
    '/feedme'   => \&send_cookies,
    '/nocookie' => \&nosend_cookies,
} );
my $pid = $server->background();

my $root             = $server->root;

my $cookiepage_url   = "$root/feedme";
my $nocookiepage_url = "$root/nocookie";

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
isa_ok( $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize' );

    $mech->get( $cookiepage_url );
    is( $mech->status, 200, 'First fetch works' );

    my $cookieval = cookieval( $mech );

    is( $cookieval, 'Cookie #1', 'First cookie matches' );
    is( $mech->title, 'Home of Cookie #1', 'Right title' );

    $mech->get( $cookiepage_url );
    is( $mech->status, 200, 'Second fetch works' );

    my $cookieval = cookieval( $mech );

    is( $cookieval, 'Cookie #2', 'Second cookie matches' );
    is( $mech->title, 'Home of Cookie #2', 'Right title' );


    my $cookieval = cookieval( $mech );

    is( $cookieval, 'Cookie #2', 'Cookie did not change...' );
    is( $mech->title, 'Home of Cookie #1', '... but back to the first page title' );

    $mech->get( $nocookiepage_url );

    my $cookieval = cookieval( $mech );

    is( $cookieval, 'Cookie #2', 'Cookie did not change...' );
    is( $mech->title, 'No cookies sent', 'On the proper 3rd page' );

    $mech->get( $cookiepage_url );

    my $cookieval = cookieval( $mech );

    is( $cookieval, 'Cookie #3', 'Got the third cookie' );
    is( $mech->title, 'Home of Cookie #3', 'Title is correct' );

my $signal = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 9 : 15;
my $nprocesses = kill $signal, $pid;
is( $nprocesses, 1, 'Signaled the child process' );

sub cookieval {
    my $mech = shift;

    return uri_unescape( $mech->cookie_jar->{COOKIES}{''}{'/'}{'my_cookie'}[1] );