
use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::Async::Loop;
use Net::Async::CassandraCQL;

use Getopt::Long;
use Future::Utils qw( fmap_void );

   'host|h=s' => \(my $HOST = "localhost"),
   'user|u=s' => \my $USERNAME,
   'pass|p=s' => \my $PASSWORD,
) or exit 1;

my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

my $cass = Net::Async::CassandraCQL->new(
   host     => $HOST,
   username => $USERNAME,
   password => $PASSWORD,
$loop->add( $cass );


my %schema; # {$keyspace}{$columnfamily} = \@columns

# Ofcourse this could be done neater with a SELECT on system.schema_columns
# without WHERE clauses, but we're demonstrating metadata methods here :)

$cass->schema_keyspaces->then( sub {
   my $result = shift;

   fmap_void {
      my $row = shift;
      my $keyspace = $row->{keyspace_name};

      $cass->schema_columnfamilies( $keyspace )->then( sub {
         my $result = shift;

         fmap_void {
            my $row = shift;
            my $columnfamily = $row->{columnfamily_name};

            $cass->schema_columns( $keyspace, $columnfamily )->then( sub {
               my $result = shift;

               foreach my $row ( $result->rows_hash ) {
                  my $column = $row->{column_name};
                  push @{ $schema{$keyspace}{$columnfamily} }, $column;
         } foreach => [ $result->rows_hash ];
   } foreach => [ $result->rows_hash ];

foreach my $keyspace ( sort keys %schema ) {
   print "Keyspace: $keyspace\n";
   foreach my $columnfamily ( sort keys %{ $schema{$keyspace} } ) {
      print "  Column family: $columnfamily\n";

      print "    $_\n" for @{ $schema{$keyspace}{$columnfamily} };

      print "\n";
   print "\n";