The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#  You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  (C) Paul Evans, 2010-2012 --

use strict;
use warnings;

use Tickit::Async;
use Tickit::Widget::Tabbed 0.005;
use Tickit::Widget::VBox;

use Net::Async::Tangence::Client 0.08;

use Circle::FE::Term::Tab;
use Circle::FE::Term::Ribbon;

use IO::Async::Loop;

use Text::Balanced qw( extract_bracketed );
use Getopt::Long;

my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();


   'identity|i=s' => \$IDENTITY,
   'help' => sub { usage(0) },
) or usage(1);

sub usage
   my ( $exitcode ) = @_;

   print { $exitcode ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT } <<'EOF';
circle-fe-term [options...] [URL]


   --identity, -i IDENTITY   Use the given session identity for reconnection

URL should be one of:



   exit $exitcode;

my $URL = shift @ARGV or usage(1);

if( !defined $IDENTITY ) {
   my $hostname = `hostname -f`; chomp $hostname;
   $IDENTITY = $ENV{USER} . "@" . $hostname . "/Term";

my $client = Net::Async::Tangence::Client->new(
   identity => $IDENTITY,

   on_closed => sub {
      warn "Connection closed\n";

   on_error => sub { warn "Received MSG_ERROR: $_[0]\n"; },

$loop->add( $client );

$client->connect_url( $URL );

my $rootobj;
$loop->loop_once until $rootobj = $client->rootobj;

my $t = Tickit::Async->new;

$loop->add( $t );

# Haaaaack. Think about how to do this nicer.
my $esc_held;
my $esc_indicator_window =$t->rootwin->make_float( 0, 0, 1, 4 );
$esc_indicator_window->pen->chattr( rv => 1 );
$esc_indicator_window->set_on_expose( with_rb => sub {
   my ( undef, $rb, $rect ) = @_;
   $rb->text_at( 0, 0, "ESC-" );
} );
my $esc_timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
   delay => 3,
   on_expire => sub {
      $esc_held = 0;
$t->add_child( $esc_timer );

my $old_on_key = Tickit->can( "on_key" );
no warnings 'redefine';
*Tickit::on_key = sub {
   my $self = shift;
   my ( $args ) = @_;

   if( $esc_held ) {
      $args = {
         type => "key",
         str  => "M-$args->{str}",
         mod  => $args->{mod} | 2,

      $esc_held = 0;

   return 1 if $old_on_key->( $self, $args );

   if( $args->{type} eq "key" and $args->{str} eq "Escape" ) {
      $esc_held = 1;
      $esc_indicator_window->reposition( $t->rootwin->lines - 1, 0 );
# End Haaaaack

my $top_vbox = Tickit::Widget::VBox->new;

# TODO: Consider a menubar

my $tabbed = Tickit::Widget::Tabbed->new(
   tab_position => "bottom",
   pen_active   => Tickit::Pen->new( b => 1, u => 1 ),
   tab_class    => "Circle::FE::Term::Tab",
   ribbon_class => "Circle::FE::Term::Ribbon",

$t->bind_key( "C-n" => sub { $tabbed->next_tab } );
$t->bind_key( "C-p" => sub { $tabbed->prev_tab } );

$top_vbox->add( $tabbed, expand => 1 );

$t->set_root_widget( $top_vbox );

   method => "get_session",
   args   => [ [ 'tabs' ] ],
   on_result => sub {
      my ( $session ) = @_;

         property => "tabs",
         on_set => sub {
            my ( $objarray ) = @_;

            foreach my $obj ( @$objarray ) {
               $tabbed->add_tab( Tickit::Widget::VBox->new, object => $obj );
         on_push => sub {
            my @new = @_;
            foreach my $obj ( @new ) {
               $tabbed->add_tab( Tickit::Widget::VBox->new, object => $obj );
         on_shift => sub {
            my ( $count ) = @_;
            $tabbed->remove_tab( 0 ) for 1 .. $count;
         on_splice => sub {
            my ( $index, $count, @objs ) = @_;

            # $count times, remove the one at $index, as they'll shuffle down
            $tabbed->remove_tab( $index ) for 1 .. $count;

            # TODO: I have no idea wtf is going on here
            foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#objs ) {
               my $obj = $objs[$i];
               die "TODO: insert tab\n";
         on_move => sub {
            my ( $index, $delta ) = @_;

            $tabbed->move_tab( $index, $delta );
         want_initial => 1,
