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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: makeppgraph,v 1.27 2012/03/04 13:56:35 pfeiffer Exp $

#TODO: when losing BECAUSE child thru merge, become {SELF}BECAUSE

package Mpp;

use strict;

use POSIX ();

our $datadir;
  our $VERSION = '@VERSION@';
# Find the location of our data directory that contains the auxiliary files.
# This is normally built into the program by, but if makepp hasn't
# been installed, then we look in the directory we were run from.
  $datadir = $0;		# Assume it's running from the same place that
				# we're running from.
  unless( $datadir =~ s@/[^/]+$@@ ) { # No path specified?
				# See if we can find ourselves in the path.
    foreach( split( /:/, $ENV{'PATH'} ), '.' ) {
				# Add '.' to the path in case the user is
				# running it with "perl makepp" even if
				# . is not in his path.
      if( -d "$_/Mpp" ) {	# Found something we need?
	$datadir = $_;
  $datadir or die "makepp: can't find library files\n";

  $datadir = eval "use Cwd; cwd . '/$datadir'"
    if $datadir =~ /^\./;	# Make it absolute, if it's a relative path.
  unshift @INC, $datadir;

use Mpp::Utils;
use Mpp::Glob ();
use Mpp::File;
use Mpp::Text ();

sub eval_or_die($) {
  my $result = eval $_[0];

  (*Mpp::Makefile::implicitly_load, # Don't need to and not able to do real stuff.
   *DEPEND, *INCL, *PHONY, *BECAUSE) = @Mpp::Text::N[0, 1, 2, 2, 4];
sub SELF() { '' }		# Impossible node name used for own attributes.

my $home = absolute_filename dereference file_info $ENV{HOME};
$datadir = absolute_filename dereference file_info $datadir;

package Mpp::Rewrite;

# Reduce any file (except dirs) to the containing directory.
sub dir() { defined and $_ ne '' and -d || s!/[^/]+$!! || s!^(\|\w+\|).*!$1! }

# Replace your home directory with '~'
sub home() { defined and s/^$home/~/ }

# Replace makepp dir with abbreviation |m|.
sub makepp() { defined and s!^$Mpp::datadir(?:/|$|(?=:))!|m|! }

# Replace basename including dir or optionally only part of dir with '*'
sub suf(;$) {
  no warnings 'uninitialized';
  if( !defined $_[0] ) {
    s!.+ (\.[^/.]+) $!*$1!x;
  } elsif( !$_[0] ) {
    s!^ ([/~|]?) .+ (\.[^/.]+) $!$1*$2!x;
  } elsif( $_[0] > 0 ) {
    my $n_1 = $_[0] - 1;
    s!^ (\|\w+\| | [/~]?[^/]*/ )? ((?:[^/]+/){0,$n_1}) .+ (\.[^/.]+) $!$1$2*$3!x;
  } else {
    my $n_1 = -1 - $_[0];
    s! (?: ^\|\w+\| | ^/(?:[^/]+/)? | ^~[^/]*/ | [^|/]+/ )? (?:[^/]+/){0,$n_1} [^/]+ (\.[^/.]+) $!*$1!x;

# Replace common system dirs with abbreviation.
sub usr() {
  no warnings 'uninitialized';

sub merge($$$$) {
  return if !/([^\/]+)$_[2]$/;
  my $basename = $1;
  for( keys %{$_[0]} ) {
    if( /(?:.*\/)?\Q$basename\E$_[3]$/ ) {
      delete $_[0]{$_};
      return ["$_$_[1]", $_];

# .o in any dir depending on a C or C++ source
sub c2o($) { merge $_[0], '>o', qr/\.o(?:bj)?/, qr/\.(?:c(|[xp+])\1|cc|CC?)/ }

# basename or .exe in any dir depending on same .o file
sub exe($) { merge $_[0], '*', qr/(?:\.exe)?/, qr/\.o/ }

# Same name in different directories, like headers published to a central include dir.
sub x2($) { merge $_[0], '*2', '', '' }

package Mpp;

# Styles which can be overridden.
our %head = ( dot => <<EOSdot, html => <<EOShtml, txt => '', udg => "[\n" );
// Generated by makeppgraph
digraph a {
node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#ffffffe0"]
edge [dir=back]
<meta name='generator' content='makeppgraph' />
a { border: 1px dotted #bbb; padding-left: 1ex; padding-right: 1ex; }
b { font-weight: normal; border: 1px solid; padding-left: 1ex; padding-right: 1ex; }
ul ul { border-left: 1px dotted #bbb; }
ul { margin: 0; padding-left: 1em; }
li { list-style: square; padding: 0; padding-top: 3px; }
li.fold { list-style: disc; }
li.fold > b { cursor: n-resize; }
li.unfold { list-style: circle; }
li.unfold > b { cursor: s-resize; }
.flash { background-color: yellow; }
/* Actually show and hide sublists */
li.fold ul { display: block; }
li.unfold ul { display: none; }
// Inspired by Stuart Langridge,
function foldify( ul ) {
  if( !ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length == 0 ) return;
  // Iterate LIs
  for( var itemi = 0; itemi < ul.childNodes.length; itemi++ ) {
    var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
    if( item.nodeName == "LI" ) {
      // Iterate things in this LI
      var b;
      for( var sitemi = 0; sitemi < item.childNodes.length; sitemi++ ) {
        var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
        switch( sitem.nodeName ) {
          case "B": b = sitem; break;
          case "UL": foldify(sitem);
            item.className = 'fold';
            b.title = 'click to (un)fold, double click to unfold all';
            b.onclick = function() {
              this.parentNode.className = (this.parentNode.className=='fold') ? 'unfold' : 'fold';
              return false;
            b.ondblclick = function() {
              foldify( this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( "ul" )[0] );
              return false;
var last;
function flash( id ) {
  if( id )
    (last = document.getElementById( id )).className = 'flash'
    last.className = '';
<body onload='foldify( document.getElementsByTagName( "ul" )[1] )'>
<table align='right' style='border: 1px solid; background-color: #dfd; padding: 3px; padding-top: 0'><tr><td>
  <li id='_a' class='fold'>subtree</li>
  <li class='unfold'>folded subtree</li>
  <li style='list-style: none'><b>file</b></li>
  <li style='list-style: none'><b style='border: 1px dashed'>phony</b></li>
  <li style='list-style: none'><a href='#_a' onmouseover="flash( '_a' );" onmouseout="flash();">repeated</a></li>
&#x2190; dependency<br />
&#x2191; include
chop $head{html};

our %include =
 (dot => 'style=dotted',	# :-)
  html => 'include',
  udg => 'a("EDGEPATTERN","dotted")');

our %because =
 (dot => 'style=bold color=red',
  html => "because",
  txt => 'because',
  udg => 'a("EDGEPATTERN","thick"),a("EDGECOLOR","#ff0000")');

our %because_self =
 (dot => 'style="filled,bold" color=red',
  html => 'border-color: red',
  txt => 'because',
  udg => 'a("BORDER","double")');

our %phony =
 (dot => 'shape=ellipse',
  html => 'border: 1px dashed',
  txt => 'phony',
  udg => 'a("_GO","ellipse")');

our @file_attr =
  map +($_->[1] =>
	{dot => 'fillcolor="#'.$_->[0].'e0"',
	 html => "background-color: #$_->[0]",
	 udg => 'a("COLOR","#'.$_->[0].'")'}),
    ['f8a808', qr/\.(?:c(|[xp+])\1|cc|CC?)(?:>o)?$/],
    ['f8e800', qr/\.(?:h(|[xp+])\1|hh|HH?)(?:\*2)?$/],
    ['98e800', qr/\.(?:[ep]c)$/],
    ['e8e8e8', qr/\.(?:[ao]|so(?:\.[\d.]+)?|obj|dll)$/], # objects and libs
    ['0090e0', qr/(?:\.(?:p[ml]c?|mk|makepp)|[Mm]akep*file)(?:\.in)?$/];
				# makepp color from css, which is supposed to come from the camelbook

our %foot = ( dot => '}', html => <<EOShtml, txt => '', udg => ']' );


my $type = 'udg';
my $bidirectional = 1;
my( $because, $dependencies, $includes );
my( $down, $up, $rename, $merge );
my( @logfiles, $outfile, $plain );

  my $tmp;
    ['b', qr/because|build[-_]?reasons?/, \$because],
    ['D', qr/dependenc(?:ies|y)/, \$dependencies],
    ['d', qr/down(?:wards?)?/, \$down],
    ['g', qr/graphviz|dot/, \$type, 0, 'dot'],
    [qw(h html), \$type, 0, 'html'],
    ['I', qr/include(?:[-_]?dir)?/, \$tmp, 1, sub { unshift @INC, $tmp }],
    ['i', qr/includes/, \$includes],
    ['l', qr/log(?:[-_]?file)?/, \$tmp, 1, sub { push @logfiles, $tmp }],
    [qw(M module), \$tmp, 1, sub { $tmp =~ s/=(.*)/ qw($1)/ and $tmp =~ tr/,/ /; eval_or_die "use $tmp" }],
    [qw(m merge), \$merge, 1],
    [qw(o output), \$outfile, 1],
    [qw(p plain), \$plain],
    [qw(r rename), \$rename, 1],
    ['s', qr/separate[-_]?directions?/, \$bidirectional, 0, 0],
    ['t', qr/te?xt/, \$type, 0, 'txt'],
    ['u', qr/up(?:wards?)?/, \$up],

    splice @Mpp::Text::common_opts;

if( $includes ) {
  $include{txt} = 'include' if $dependencies;
} else {
  $dependencies = 1;
my $build_re = $because ?
  qr/(?!NOT)(?:PHONY()|(CHANGED|MARK_NEW|OLD))?/ :

for( $rename, $merge ) {
  $_ or next;
  $_ = eval_or_die "package Mpp::Rewrite; sub { $_ }";
$rename ||= \&Mpp::Rewrite::cwd;

find_logfiles @logfiles;
for( $outfile ) {
  $_ = $logfiles[0] if !defined;
  last if $_ eq '-';
  s!^\.makepp/+!! || s!/+\.makepp/+!/!;
  open STDOUT, '>', $_;

# Digest the contents of the log file.
my %graph;
for( @logfiles ) {
  open my $log, $_ or die "$Mpp::progname: can't open `$_'--$!\n";

  <$log>;			# 1st line irrelevant here

  my( %dir_name, %file_name );
  while( <$log> ) {

    s/^[\02\03]//s;		# Graphs don't care about indentation.

    if( /\01/ ) {		# A key/finfos line?
      chop( $_ .= <$log> ) while !/\01$/s;
      # Extract the name definitions
      while( s/([\da-f]+)\03([^\01-\03]+)(?:\03([^\01-\03]+)(?:\03([^\01-\03]+))?)?/$1/ ) {
	#my( $key, $name, $dirkey, $dirname ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ) -- expensive copy op
	if( defined $3 ) {	# With dirname
	  if( defined $4 ) {	# Dirname not yet known
	    $dir_name{$3} = $4; # Save orig for concatenating
	    for( "$4" ) {
	      $file_name{$3} = $_ if defined && $_ ne '';
	  for( "$dir_name{$3}/$2" ) {
	    $dir_name{$1} = $_;	# Might be a dir.
	    $file_name{$1} = $_ if defined && $_ ne '';
	} else {
	  for( "$2" ) {
	    $file_name{$1} = $_ if defined && $_ ne '';
      my( $key, @args ) = split /\01/, "$_-";
      pop @args;		# Remove the - we added above to work around
				# the stupid end handling of split.

      if( $includes ) {
	if( $key eq 'INCL' ) {
	  $graph{$file_name{$args[0]}}{$file_name{$args[1]}} |= INCL
	    if exists $file_name{$args[1]} && exists $file_name{$args[0]};
	} elsif( $key eq 'LOAD_INCL' ) {
	  for( $args[1] ) {
	    if( s/:\d+$//	 ) {	# Strip the line number.
	    } elsif( exists $file_name{$_} ) {
	      $_ = $file_name{$_};
	    } else {
	    $graph{$_}{$file_name{$args[0]}} |= INCL
	      if defined && $_ ne '' && exists $file_name{$args[0]};

      next if !$because && !$dependencies;
      if( $key =~ /^BUILD_$build_re/o ) {
	if( exists $file_name{$args[0]} ) {
	  if( $2 ) {		# built because of other files?
	    exists $file_name{$_} and
	      $graph{$file_name{$args[0]}}{$file_name{$_}} |= BECAUSE
		for split /\02/, $args[1];
	  } else {		# built because it's phony or other reason?
	    $graph{$file_name{$args[0]}}{+SELF} |= defined $1 ? PHONY : BECAUSE;
      } elsif( $args[1] && $key eq 'DEPEND' ) { # Anything these depend on?
	my @dependencies;
	for my $start ( split /\02/, $args[0] ) {
	  next if !exists $file_name{$start};
	  @dependencies = map { exists $file_name{$_} ? $file_name{$_} : () } split /\02/, $args[1]
	    or last
	    if !@dependencies;	# Calculate list when 1st needed.
	  $graph{$file_name{$start}}{$_} |= DEPEND
	    for @dependencies;

# Selection from command line.
if( @ARGV ) {			# Start with the args and follow them up and/or downwards.
  my $cwd = absolute_filename( dereference $CWD_INFO ) . '/';
  @ARGV =
    grep { substr $_, 0, 0, $cwd unless /^\//; &$rename; $_ ne '' } map glob, @ARGV;
  my %tmp;

  &$Mpp::both_up_down( \$outfile, \$up, \$down ) if $Mpp::both_up_down; # Hack to speed up the regression
				# test, by doing all before here only once for selection.

  $up = $down = 1
    if !$up && !$down;		# Neither chosen means go both ways.

  if( $down ) {
    my @list = @ARGV;
    while( @list ) {
      my $elt = shift @list;
      for( keys %{$graph{$elt}} ) {
	push @list, $_
	  if !exists $tmp{$elt}{$_};
	$tmp{$elt}{$_} |= $graph{$elt}{$_};

  if( $up ) {
    my %origin;			# Prepare an inverted graph of edge origins.
    for my $start ( keys %graph ) {
      $_ ne SELF && undef $origin{$_}{$start}
	for keys %{$graph{$start}};

    while( @ARGV ) {		# Walk upwards iteratively.
      my $elt = shift;
      for( keys %{$origin{$elt}} ) {
	push @ARGV, $_;
	delete $origin{$elt}{$_};
	$tmp{$_}{$elt} |= $graph{$_}{$elt};
	$tmp{$elt}{+SELF} ||= 0; # Having leaves as keys (pseudo inner nodes) makes next loop simpler.

    for my $start ( keys %graph ) { # Ensure that the new lower border loses no info.
      if( $because && exists $tmp{$start} ) {
	for( keys %{$graph{$start}} ) {
	  if( $_ ne SELF && !exists $tmp{$start}{$_} && $graph{$start}{$_} & BECAUSE ) {
	    $tmp{$start}{+SELF} |= BECAUSE; # We eliminated a BECAUSE edge, put info on SELF.

      $tmp{$start}{+SELF} |= $graph{$start}{+SELF} # Didn't copy these on the way up.
	if exists $tmp{$start} && exists $graph{$start}{+SELF};

  %graph = %tmp;		# This benchmarks as more efficient than a
				# normal copy.  Maybe Perl just moves the
				# pointer, since %tmp is no longer needed.

sub apply_rename(\%) {
    my %tmp;
    for( keys %graph ) {
      if( !$_[0]{$_} ) {
	$tmp{$_} = $graph{$_};
      } elsif( $tmp{$_[0]{$_}} ) {
	%{$tmp{$_[0]{$_}}} = (%{$tmp{$_[0]{$_}}}, %{$graph{$_}});
      } else {
	$tmp{$_[0]{$_}} = $graph{$_};
    %graph = %tmp;

  for my $node ( keys %graph ) {
    for( keys %{$graph{$node}} ) {
      if( $_[0]{$node} && $_[0]{$node} eq ($_[0]{$graph{$node}{$_}} || '') ) {
	delete $graph{$node}{$_};

if( $merge ) {
  my %rename;

  # Find pairs to merge.
  for( keys %graph ) {
    next if $rename{$_};	# May already have been renamed below via an
				# edge from another node.
    my $new = &$merge( $graph{$_} );
    next if !$new;
    $rename{$_} = $rename{$new->[1]} = $new->[0];

  # Merge them in a 2nd step, because had we done it in the 1st we might have
  # left some as they were, before discovering a new name for them.
  apply_rename %rename;

# Here starts the output formatting backend.

&$Mpp::all_types( $outfile, \$type ) if $Mpp::all_types; # Hack to speed up the
				# regression test, by doing all before
				# here only once for both file types.

if( $plain ) {
  for my $first( keys %graph ) {
    delete $graph{$first}{SELF};
    $graph{$first}{$_} = DEPEND for keys %{$graph{$first}};

my $sep = $type eq 'dot' ? ' ' : $type eq 'html' ? '; ' : ',';
my $back = $type eq 'udg' ? 'a("_DIR","first")' : $type eq 'html' ? 'back' : '';
my $both = $type eq 'dot' ? 'dir=both' : $type eq 'udg' ? 'a("_DIR","both")' : $plain ? '' : 'bidirectional';
my %node_extra;			# What kinds of extra attributes we get.
sub node_attr() {
  return '' if $plain;
  $node_extra{$graph{$_}{+SELF} || ''} ||= # Remember this combination for reuse.
    ($because && exists $graph{$_}{+SELF} && $graph{$_}{+SELF} & BECAUSE ? "$sep$because_self{$type}" : '') .
    (exists $graph{$_}{+SELF} && $graph{$_}{+SELF} & PHONY ? "$sep$phony{$type}" : '');
  for( my $i = 0; $i < @file_attr; $i += 2 ) {
    return $sep . $file_attr[$i+1]{$type} . $node_extra{$graph{$_}{+SELF} || ''}
      if exists $file_attr[$i+1]{$type} && /$file_attr[$i]/;
  $node_extra{$graph{$_}{+SELF} || ''};

my $style;
sub edge($$$$$;$) {
  # my( $start_id, $start_edge, $start_attr, $end_attr, $end_edge, $sub ) = @_;
  my( $start ) = @_;
  if( $dependencies ) {
    # Unlike the include edge below, this one is rather convoluted, because it
    # checks for both-ended arrows if either both are BECAUSE, or else if
    # neither is but both are DEPEND.
    my $found_both = $because && $_ ne $start && $graph{$_}{$start} && $graph{$_}{$start} & BECAUSE;
				# Assume it might go both ways, e.g. from &dir.
    if( $because && $graph{$start}{$_} & BECAUSE ) {
      $style = $because{$type};
    } else {
      $found_both = $found_both ? 0 : # Misassumed above.
	($_ ne $start && $graph{$_}{$start} && $graph{$_}{$start} & DEPEND);
				# Again assume it might go both ways.
      if( $graph{$start}{$_} & DEPEND ) {
	$style = '';
      } else {
	undef $style;
	$found_both = 0;	# Misassumed again.
    if( defined $style ) {	# It's a dependency, maybe "because".
      if( $bidirectional && $found_both ) {
	$style = $style ? "$style$sep$both" : $both;
	$graph{$_}{$start} &= ~(DEPEND | BECAUSE); # Don't do it again later.
      } elsif( $back ) {
	$style = $style ? "$style$sep$back" : $back;
      print $style ? "$_[1]$_[2]$style$_[3]$_[4]" : "$_[1]$_[4]" if defined $_[1];
      &{$_[5]} if $_[5];
  if( $includes && exists $include{$type} && exists $graph{$start}{$_} && $graph{$start}{$_} & INCL ) {
    $style = $include{$type};
    if( $bidirectional && $_ ne $start && $graph{$_}{$start} && $graph{$_}{$start} & INCL ) {
      $style .= "$sep$both";
      $graph{$_}{$start} &= ~INCL; # Don't do it again later.
    } elsif( $back ) {
      $style .= "$sep$back";
    print "$_[1]$_[2]$style$_[3]$_[4]" if defined $_[1];
    &{$_[5]} if $_[5];

my( $id, %id ) = 'a';
sub DOTid {
  #$id++ if $id =~ /^(?:edge|node|(?:|di|sub)graph|strict)$/; # id "edge" would be reached after 90000 nodes...
  print "$id [label=\"$_\"" . &node_attr . "]\n";

our $TXTindent = '';
my %HTMLedge =
 ('top' => '',

  '' => '&#x2192;',
  'because' => '<span style="color: red">&#x2192;</span>',
  'back' => '&#x2190;',
  'because; back' => '<span style="color: red">&#x2190;</span>',
  'bidirectional' => '&#x2194;',
  'because; bidirectional' => '<span style="color: red">&#x2194;</span>',

  'include' => '&#x2193; ',
  'include; back' => '&#x2191; ',
  'include; bidirectional' => '&#x2195; ');
sub HTMLid {
  my $node_attr = &node_attr;
  $node_attr &&= ' style="' . substr( $node_attr, 2 ) . '"';
  my $start = $_;
  s/&/&amp;/g; s/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g;
  print "\n$TXTindent  <li id='$id'>$HTMLedge{$style || ''}<b$node_attr>$_</b>";
  my $nested = 0;
    local $TXTindent = "$TXTindent    ";
    $id{$start} = $id++;
    for( sort keys %{$graph{$start}} ) {
      next if $_ eq SELF;
      edge $start, undef, undef, undef, undef, sub {
	print "\n$TXTindent<ul>" unless $nested++;
	if( exists $id{$_} ) {
	  my $end = $_;
	  s/&/&amp;/g; s/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g;
	  print "\n$TXTindent  <li>$HTMLedge{$style || ''}<a href='#$id{$end}' onmouseover=\"flash( '$id{$end}' );\" onmouseout=\"flash();\">$_</a></li>";
	  $_ = $end;
	} else {
  print "\n$TXTindent    </ul>\n$TXTindent  " if $nested;
  print '</li>';

sub TXTid {
  local $TXTindent = "$TXTindent  ";
  undef $id{$_};		# Make it exist
  my $start = $_;
  for( sort keys %{$graph{$_}} ) {
    next if $_ eq SELF;
    my $attr = $plain ? '' : exists $id{$_} ? ',repeated' : &node_attr;
    substr $attr, 0, 1, ' {' and $attr .= '}' if $attr;
    edge $start, $TXTindent, '{', '} ', "$_$attr\n", sub {
      &TXTid unless exists $id{$_};

sub UDGid {
  print qq!l("$id",n("",[a("OBJECT","$_")! . &node_attr . "],[\n";
  $id{$_} = $id++;
  my $start = $_;
  for( reverse sort keys %{$graph{$_}} ) {
    next if $_ eq SELF;
    edge $start, q!e("",[!, '', '', '],', sub {
      if( exists $id{$_} ) {
	print qq!r("$id{$_}")),\n!;
      } else {
	print "),\n";
  print "]))\n";

print $head{$type};
if( $type eq 'dot' ) {
  for( sort keys %graph ) {
    next if $_ eq SELF;
    $a = $id{$_} ||= &DOTid;
    my $start = $_;
    for( sort keys %{$graph{$_}} ) {
      next if $_ eq SELF;
      $b = $id{$_} ||= &DOTid;
      edge $start, "$a -> $b", ' [', ']', "\n";
} elsif( $type eq 'udg' ) {
  exists $id{$_} or &UDGid, print ',' for reverse sort keys %graph;
} else {
  my %roots;			# Find all nodes with no father
  @roots{keys %graph} = ();
  for my $first( keys %graph ) {
    length and exists $graph{$first}{$_} and delete $roots{$_}
      for keys %{$graph{$first}};
  if( $type eq 'txt' ) {
    for( sort( keys %roots ), sort keys %graph ) {
      next if exists $id{$_};
      my $attr = &node_attr;
      print $_ . ($attr ? ' {' . substr( $attr, 1 ) . "}\n" : "\n");
  } else {			# html
    exists $id{$_} or $style = 'top', &HTMLid
      for sort( keys %roots ), sort keys %graph;
print $foot{$type};

Usage: makeppgraph [-options] [starting-point ...]
Generate a graphical representation of the last build for viewing with
uDraw(Graph), Graphviz or as a textual representation.

Valid options are:

-A filename, --args-file=filename, --arguments-file=filename
    Read the file and parse it as possibly quoted whitespace- and/or
    newline-separated options.
-b, --because, --build-reasons
    If a node was rebuilt because of a dependency, then that edge is shown
    in red.
-D, --dependencies
    Draw a graph of the dependency relationship determined by makepp.
-d, --down, --downwards
    This option is only meaningful if you provide one or more patterns.
-g, --graphviz, --dot
    Produce a Graphviz .dot file, instead of the default uDraw(Graph) .udg
-h, --html
    Produce a browser .html file, instead of the default uDraw(Graph) .udg
-?, --help
    Print out a brief summary of the options.
-I directory, --include=directory, --include-dir=directory
    Add directory to Perl load path @INC.
-i, --includes
    Instead of dependencies (or with "-D, --dependencies" additionally to
    them) draw a graph of include relationships.
-l filename, --log=filename, --log-file=filename
    The filename is to where makepp wrote its log.
-M module[=arg,...], --module=module[=arg,...]
    Load module and import any functions it exports.
-m perlcode, --merge=perlcode
    Perform perlcode for every target and its dependencies.
-o filename, --output=filename
    Write the output to this file.
-p, --plain
    Don't use attributes like colors or dotted lines.
-r perlcode, --rename=perlcode
    Perform perlcode for every target and its dependencies.
-s, --separate-directions
    Draw two separate arrows, instead of each double ended arrow, to make
    them easier to spot.
-t, --text
    Produce a human readable .txt file, instead of the default uDraw(Graph)
    .udg file.
-u, --up, --upwards
    This option is only meaningful if you provide one or more patterns.
-V, --version
    Print out the version number.

Look at @htmldir@/makeppgraph.html for more details,
or at
or type "man makeppgraph".