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package Test::Files;
use Test::Builder;
use Text::Diff;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;

use strict;
use warnings;  # This is off in Test::More, eventually it may have to go.

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = '0.14';

my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
my $diff_options = {
    CONTEXT     => 3,          # change this one later if needed
    STYLE       => "Table",
    FILENAME_A  => "Got",
    FILENAME_B  => "Expected",
    OFFSET_A    => 1,
    OFFSET_B    => 1,
    INDEX_LABEL => "Ln",
    MTIME_A     => "",
    MTIME_B     => "",

sub file_ok {
    my $candidate_file = shift;
    my $expected       = shift;
    my $name           = shift;
    unless (-f $candidate_file and -r _) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag("$candidate_file absent");

    # chomping and reappending the line ending was done in
    # Test::Differences::eq_or_diff
    my $diff = diff($candidate_file, \$expected, $diff_options);
    chomp $diff;
    my $failed = length $diff;
    $diff .= "\n";

    if ($failed) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
    else {
        $Test->ok(1, $name);

sub file_filter_ok {
    my $candidate_file = shift;
    my $expected       = shift;
    my $filter         = shift;
    my $name           = shift;

    unless (open CANDIDATE, "$candidate_file") {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag( "$candidate_file absent" );

    my $candidate = _read_and_filter_handle( *CANDIDATE, $filter );

    # chomping and reappending the line ending was done in
    # Test::Differences::eq_or_diff
    my $diff = diff(\$candidate, \$expected, $diff_options);
    chomp $diff;
    my $failed = length $diff;
    $diff .= "\n";

    if ($failed) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
    else {
        $Test->ok(1, $name);

sub _read_two_files {
    my $first   = shift;
    my $second  = shift;
    my $filter  = shift;
    my $success = 1;
    my @errors;

    unless (open FIRST, "$first") {
        $success = 0;
        push @errors, "$first absent";
    unless (open SECOND, "$second") {
        $success = 0;
        push @errors, "$second absent";
    return ($success, @errors) unless $success;

    my $first_data  = _read_and_filter_handle(*FIRST,  $filter);
    my $second_data = _read_and_filter_handle(*SECOND, $filter);
    close FIRST;
    close SECOND;

    return ($success, $first_data, $second_data);

sub _read_and_filter_handle {
    my $handle = shift;
    my $filter = shift;

    if ($filter) {
        my @retval;
        while (<$handle>) {
            my $filtered = $filter->($_);
            push @retval, $filtered if $filtered;
        return join "", @retval;
    else {
        return join "", <$handle>;

sub compare_ok {
    my $got_file      = shift;
    my $expected_file = shift;
    my $name          = shift;

    @_ = ($got_file, $expected_file, undef, $name);
    goto &compare_filter_ok;

sub compare_filter_ok {
    my $got_file      = shift;
    my $expected_file = shift;
    my $filter        = shift;
    my $name          = shift;
    my @read_result   = _read_two_files($got_file, $expected_file, $filter);
    my $files_exist   = shift @read_result;

    if ($files_exist) {
        my ($got, $expected) = @read_result;
        # chomping and reappending the line ending was done in
        # Test::Differences::eq_or_diff
        my $diff = diff(\$got, \$expected, $diff_options);
        chomp $diff;
        my $failed = length $diff;
        $diff .= "\n";

        if ($failed) {
            $Test->ok(0, $name);
        else {
            $Test->ok(1, $name);
    else {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag(join "\n", @read_result);

sub _dir_missing_helper {
    my $base_dir = shift;
    my $list     = shift;
    my $name     = shift;
    my $function = shift;

    unless (-d $base_dir) {
        return(0, "$base_dir absent");
    if (index(ref $list, 'ARRAY') < 0) {
        return(0, "$function requires array ref as second arg");

    my @missing;
    foreach my $element (@$list) {
        my $elem_path = File::Spec->catfile( $base_dir, $element );
        push @missing, $element unless (-e $elem_path );
    return (\@missing);

sub dir_contains_ok {
    my $base_dir = shift;
    my $list     = shift;
    my $name     = shift;
    my @result   = _dir_missing_helper(
        $base_dir, $list, $name, 'dir_contains_ok'
    if (@result == 2) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);

    my $missing = $result[0];

    if (@$missing) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag("failed to see these: @$missing");
    else {
        $Test->ok(1, $name);

sub dir_only_contains_ok {
    my $base_dir = shift;
    my $list     = shift;
    my $name     = shift;
    my @result   = _dir_missing_helper(
        $base_dir, $list, $name, 'dir_only_contains_ok'
    if (@result == 2) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);

    my $missing = $result[0];

    my $success;
    my @diags;
    if (@$missing) {
        $success = 0;
        push @diags, "failed to see these: @$missing";
    else {
        $success = 1;

    # Then, make sure no other files are present.
    my %expected;
    my @unexpected;
    @expected{ @$list } = ();
    # by defining $contains here, it can use our scope
    my $contains = sub {
        my $name = $File::Find::name;
        return if ($name eq $base_dir);
        $name    = File::Spec->abs2rel( $name, $base_dir );
        push @unexpected, $name unless (exists $expected{$name});

    find($contains, ($base_dir));

    if (@unexpected) {
        $success  = 0;
        my $unexp = @unexpected;
        push @diags, "unexpectedly saw: @unexpected";

    $Test->ok($success, $name);
    $Test->diag(join "\n", @diags) if @diags;

sub compare_dirs_ok {
    my $first_dir  = shift;
    my $second_dir = shift;
    my $name       = shift;

    @_ = ($first_dir, $second_dir, undef, $name);
    goto &compare_dirs_filter_ok;

sub compare_dirs_filter_ok {
    my $first_dir  = shift;
    my $second_dir = shift;
    my $filter     = shift;
    my $name       = shift;

    unless (-d $first_dir) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag("$first_dir is not a valid directory");
    unless (-d $second_dir) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag("$second_dir is not a valid directory");
    unless (not defined $filter or ref($filter) =~ /CODE/) {
        $Test->ok(0, $filter);
            "Third argument to compare_dirs_filter_ok must be "
            . "a code reference (or undef)"

    my @diags;

    my $matches = sub {
        my $name = $File::Find::name;

        return if (-d $name);

        $name    = File::Spec->abs2rel( $name, $first_dir );
        return if length($name) < 1;  # skip the base directory

        my $first_file  = File::Spec->catfile( $first_dir,  $name );
        my $second_file = File::Spec->catfile( $second_dir, $name );

        my @result = _read_two_files(
            $first_file, $second_file, $filter
        my $files_exist = shift @result;

        if ($files_exist) {
            my ($got, $expected) = @result;
            my $diff = diff(
                    FILENAME_A => $first_file,
                    FILENAME_B => $second_file,
            chomp $diff;
            my $failed = length $diff;
            $diff .= "\n";

            if ($failed) {
                push @diags, $diff;
        else {
            push @diags, "$result[0]\n";

    find({ wanted => $matches, no_chdir => 1 }, $first_dir);

    if (@diags) {
        $Test->ok(0, $name);
        $Test->diag(sort @diags);
    else {
        $Test->ok(1, $name);


=head1 NAME

Test::Files - A Test::Builder based module to ease testing with files and dirs


    use Test::More tests => 5;
    use Test::Files;
    use File::Spec;

    my $some_file  = File::Spec->catfile( qw/ path to some file / );
    my $other_file = File::Spec->catfile( qw/ path to other file / );
    my $some_dir   = File::Spec->catdir ( qw/ some dir / );
    my $other_dir  = File::Spec->catdir ( qw/ dir with same stuff / );

    file_ok($some_file, "contents\nof file", "some file has contents");

        "filtered contents\nof file",
        "some file has contents"

    compare_ok($some_file, $other_file, "files are the same");
            $file1, $file2, \&filter, "they're almost the same"

            [qw(files some_dir must contain)],
            "$some_dir has all files in list"

        [qw(files some_dir should contain)],
        "$some_dir has exactly the files in the list"

    compare_dirs_ok($some_dir, $other_dir);
    compare_dirs_filter_ok($some_dir, $other_dir, \&filter_fcn);


  Test::Builder based test helper for file and directory contents.


This module is like Test::More, in fact you should use that first as shown
above.  It exports

=over 4

=item file_ok 

compare the contents of a file to a string

=item file_filter_ok 

compare the contents of a file to a string, but filter the file first.
(You must filter your own string if needed.)

=item compare_ok

compare the contents of two files

=item compare_filter_ok

compare the contents of two files, but sends each line through a filter
so things that shouldn't count against success can be stripped

=item dir_contains_ok

checks a directory for the presence of a list files

=item dir_contains_only_ok

checks a directory to ensure that the listed files are present and
that they are the only ones present

=item compare_dirs_ok

compares all text files in two directories reporting any differences

=item compare_dirs_filter_ok

works like compare_dirs_ok, but calls a filter function on each line of
input, allowing you to exclude or alter some text to avoid spurious failures
(like timestamp disagreements).


Though the SYNOPSIS examples don't all have names, you can and should provide
a name for each test.  Names are omitted above only to reduce clutter and line

You should follow the lead of the SYNOPSIS examples and use File::Spec.
This makes it much more likely that your tests will pass on a different
operating system.

All of the content comparison routines provide diff diagnostic output
when they report failure.  Currently that diff output is always in table
form and can't be changed.

Most of the functions are self explanatory.  One exception is
C<compare_dirs_filter_ok> which compares two directory trees, like
C<compare_dirs_ok> but with a twist.  The twist is a filter which each
line is fed through before comparison.  I wanted this because some
files are really the same, but look different textually.  In particular,
I was comparing files with machine generated dates.  Everything in them
was identical, except those dates.

The filter function receives each line of each file.  It may perform
any necessary transformations (like excising dates), then it must
return the line in (possibly) transformed state.  For example, my first
filter was

    sub chop_dates {
        my $line = shift;
        $line =~ s/\d{4}(.\d\d){5}//;
        return $line;

This removes all strings like 2003.  Everything else is
unchanged and my failing tests started passing when they shold.  If you want
to exclude the line from consideration, return "" (do not return undef,
that makes it harder to chain filters together and might lead to warnings).

C<compare_filter_ok> works in a similar manner for a single file comparison,
while C<file_filter_ok> filters the file before comparing it to your
unfiltered string.

The test suite has examples of the use of each function and what the
output looks like on failure, though it that doesn't necessarily make
them easy to read.

=head2 BUGS

C<compare_dirs_ok> and C<compare_dirs_filter_ok> do not test for
whether the first directory has all the files that are in the second.
If you care about missing files in the first direcotry, you must also
call C<dir_contains_ok> or C<dir_contains_only_ok>.  The C<compare_dirs_*>
routines do notice when the second directory does not have a files that
the first one has.

=head2 EXPORT



    Test::Builder::Tester (used only during testing)

=head1 SEE ALSO

Consult Test::Simple, Test::More, and Test::Builder for more testing help.
This module really just adds functions to what Test::More does.

=head1 AUTHOR

Phil Crow, E<lt><gt>


Copyright 2003-2007 by Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl 5.8.1 itself. 
