The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#        This Perl module is Copyright (c) 2002, Peter J Billam         #
#               c/o P J B Computing,                     #
#                                                                       #
#     This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #

package Term::Clui;
$VERSION = '1.37';
my $stupid_bloody_warning = $VERSION;  # circumvent -w warning
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(ask_password ask confirm choose edit sorry view inform);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(beep tiview back_up get_default set_default timestamp);

no strict; no warnings;

# ------------------------ vt100 stuff -------------------------

$A_NORMAL    =  0;
$A_BOLD      =  1;
$A_REVERSE   =  4;
$KEY_UP    = 0403;
$KEY_LEFT  = 0404;
$KEY_RIGHT = 0405;
$KEY_DOWN  = 0402;
$KEY_ENTER = "\r";
$KEY_ENTER .= '';  # circumvent stupid bloody -w warning
$KEY_PPAGE = 0523;
$KEY_NPAGE = 0522;
$KEY_BTAB  = 0541;

my $irow; my $icol;   # maintained by &puts, &up, &down, &left and &right
sub puts   { my $s = join '', @_;
	$irow += ($s =~ tr/\n/\n/);
	if ($s =~ /\r$/) { $icol = 0; }   # should increment otherwise ...
	print TTY $s;
# could terminfo sgr0, bold, rev, cub1, cuu1, cuf1, cud1 ...
sub attrset { my $attr = $_[$[];
	if (! $attr) {
		print TTY "\033[0m";
	} else {
		if ($attr & $A_BOLD)      { print TTY "\033[1m" };
		if ($attr & $A_REVERSE)   { print TTY "\033[7m" };
		if ($attr & $A_UNDERLINE) { print TTY "\033[4m" };
sub beep     { print TTY "\07"; }
sub clear    { print TTY "\033[H\033[J"; }
sub clrtoeol { print TTY "\033[K"; }
sub black    { print TTY "\033[30m"; }
sub red      { print TTY "\033[31m"; }
sub green    { print TTY "\033[32m"; }
sub blue     { print TTY "\033[34m"; }
sub violet   { print TTY "\033[35m"; }
my ($rin, $nfound, $timeleft);  # for use by select
sub getch {
	my $c = getc(TTYIN);
	if ($c eq "\033") {
		#($nfound, $timeleft)= select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 0.05);
		# warn "nfound=$nfound\n";  # always 0 on FreeBSD's cons25l1 :-(
		#if (! $nfound) {return "\033"; }
		$c = getc(TTYIN);
		if ($c eq "A") { return($KEY_UP); }
		if ($c eq "B") { return($KEY_DOWN); }
		if ($c eq "C") { return($KEY_RIGHT); }
		if ($c eq "D") { return($KEY_LEFT); }
		if ($c eq "5") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_PPAGE); }
		if ($c eq "6") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_NPAGE); }
		if ($c eq "Z") { return($KEY_BTAB); }
		if ($c eq "[") {
			$c = getc(TTYIN);
			if ($c eq "A") { return($KEY_UP); }
			if ($c eq "B") { return($KEY_DOWN); }
			if ($c eq "C") { return($KEY_RIGHT); }
			if ($c eq "D") { return($KEY_LEFT); }
			if ($c eq "5") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_PPAGE); }
			if ($c eq "6") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_NPAGE); }
			if ($c eq "Z") { return($KEY_BTAB); }
	} elsif ($c eq ord(0217)) {
		$c = getc(TTYIN);
		if ($c eq "A") { return($KEY_UP); }
		if ($c eq "B") { return($KEY_DOWN); }
		if ($c eq "C") { return($KEY_RIGHT); }
		if ($c eq "D") { return($KEY_LEFT); }
	} elsif ($c eq ord(0233)) {
		$c = getc(TTYIN);
		if ($c eq "A") { return($KEY_UP); }
		if ($c eq "B") { return($KEY_DOWN); }
		if ($c eq "C") { return($KEY_RIGHT); }
		if ($c eq "D") { return($KEY_LEFT); }
		if ($c eq "5") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_PPAGE); }
		if ($c eq "6") { getc(TTYIN); return($KEY_NPAGE); }
		if ($c eq "Z") { return($KEY_BTAB); }
	} else {
sub up    {
	if ($_[$[] < 0) { &down($_[$[]); return; }
	print TTY "\033[A" x $_[$[]; $irow -= $_[$[];
sub down  {
	if ($_[$[] < 0) { &up($_[$[]); return; }
	print TTY "\n" x $_[$[]; $irow += $_[$[];
sub right {
	if ($_[$[] < 0) { &up($_[$[]); return; }
	print TTY "\033[C" x $_[$[]; $icol += $_[$[];
sub left  {
	if ($_[$[] < 0) { &up($_[$[]); return; }
	print TTY "\033[D" x $_[$[]; $icol -= $_[$[];
sub goto { my $newcol = shift; my $newrow = shift;
	if ($newcol == 0) { print TTY "\r" ; $icol = 0;
	} elsif ($newcol > $icol) { &right($newcol-$icol);
	} elsif ($newcol < $icol) { &left ($icol-$newcol);
	if ($newrow > $irow)      { &down ($newrow-$irow);
	} elsif ($newrow < $irow) { &up   ($irow-$newrow);
sub move { my ($ix,$iy) = @_; printf TTY "\033[%d;%dH",$iy+1,$ix+1; }
my $initscr_already_run = 0; my $stty = '';
sub initscr {
	if ($initscr_already_run) {
		$icol = 0; $irow = 0; $initscr_already_run++; return;
	open(TTY, ">/dev/tty")  || (warn "Can't write /dev/tty: $!\n", return 0);
	$stty = `stty -g`; chop $stty;
	open(TTYIN, "</dev/tty") || (warn "Can't read /dev/tty: $!\n", return 0);

	if ($^O =~ /^FreeBSD$/i) { system("stty -echo -icrnl raw </dev/tty");
	} else { system("stty -echo -icrnl raw </dev/tty >/dev/tty");
	# system("stty -echo -icrnl raw </dev/tty");  # various old tries ...
	# system("stty -echo -icrnl raw");
	# if ($bsd) { system "stty cbreak </dev/tty >/dev/tty 2>&1";
	# } else { system "stty", '-icanon'; system "stty", 'eol', "\001";
	# }

	select((select(TTY), $| = 1)[$[]); print TTY "";
	$rin = ''; vec($rin, fileno(TTYIN), 1) = 1;
	$icol = 0; $irow = 0; $initscr_already_run = 1;
sub endwin {
	print TTY "\033[0m";
	if ($initscr_already_run > 1) { $initscr_already_run--; return; }
	close TTY; close TTYIN;
	if ($^O =~ /^FreeBSD$/i) { system("stty $stty </dev/tty") if $stty;
	} else { system("stty $stty </dev/tty >/dev/tty") if $stty;
	$initscr_already_run = 0;

# ----------------------- size handling ----------------------

my ($must_use_tput, $maxcols, $maxrows); my $size_changed = 1;
my ($otherlines, @otherlines, $notherlines);

eval 'require "Term/"';
if ($@) { $must_use_tput = 1; }

sub check_size {
	if (! $size_changed) { return; }
	if ($must_use_tput) {
		$maxcols = `tput cols`;
		$maxrows = (`tput lines` + 0) || (`tput rows` + 0);
	} else {
		($maxcols, $maxrows) = &Term::Size::chars(*STDERR);
	$maxcols = $maxcols || 80; $maxcols--;
	$maxrows = $maxrows || 24;
	if ($notherlines) {
		@otherlines = &fmt($otherlines);
		$notherlines = scalar @otherlines;
	$size_changed = 0;
$SIG{'WINCH'} = sub { $size_changed = 1; };

# ------------------------ ask stuff -------------------------

# Options such as integer, real, positive, >x, >=x, <x <=x,
# non-null, max-length, min-length, silent  ...
# default could be just one more option, and backward compatibilty
# could be preserved by checking whether the 2nd arg is a hashref ...

sub ask_password { # no echo - use for passwords
	local ($silent) = 'yes'; &ask ($_[$[]);
sub ask { my ($question, $default) = @_;
	return '' unless $question;
	&initscr(); my $nol = &display_question($question);

	my $i = 0; my $n = 0; my @s = (); # cursor position, length, string
	if ($default) {
		$default =~ s/\t/	/g;
		@s = split ('', $default); $n = scalar @s; $i = $[;
		foreach $j ($[ .. $n) { &puts($s[$j]); }

	while (1) {
		$c = &getch();
		if ($c eq "\r") { &erase_lines(1); last; }
		if ($size_changed) {
			&erase_lines(0); $nol = &display_question($question);
		if ($c == $KEY_LEFT && $i > 0) { $i--; &left(1);
		} elsif ($c == $KEY_RIGHT) {
			if ($i < $n) { &puts ($silent ? "x" : $s[$i]); $i++; }
		} elsif (($c eq "\cH") || ($c eq "\c?")) {
			if ($i > 0) {
			 	$n--; $i--; splice(@s, $i, 1); &left(1);
			  	foreach $j ($i .. $n) { &puts($s[$j]); }
			  	&clrtoeol(); &left($n-$i);
		} elsif ($c eq "\cC" || $c eq "\cX" || $c eq "\cD") {  # clear ...
			&left($i); $i = 0; $n = 0; @s = (); &clrtoeol();
		} elsif ($c eq "\cB") { &left($i); $i = 0;
		} elsif ($c eq "\cE") { &right($n-$i); $i = $n;
		} elsif ($c eq "\cL") {  # redraw ...
		} elsif ($c > 255) { &beep();
		} elsif ($c =~ /^[\040-\376]$/) {
			splice(@s, $i, 0, $c);
			$n++; $i++; &puts($silent ? "x" : $c);
			foreach $j ($i .. $n) { &puts($s[$j]); }
			&clrtoeol();  &left($n-$i);
		} else { &beep();
	&endwin(); $silent = ''; return join("", @s);

# ----------------------- choose stuff -------------------------
sub debug {
	if (! open (DEBUG, '>>/tmp/clui.log')) {
		warn "can't open /tmp/clui.log: $!\n"; return;
	print DEBUG "$_[$[]\n"; close DEBUG;

my (%irow, %icol, $nrows, $clue_has_been_given, $choice, $this_cell);
my @marked;
my $HOME = $ENV{'HOME'} || $ENV{'LOGDIR'} || (getpwuid($<))[7];
srand(time() ^ ($$+($$<15)));

sub choose {  local ($question, @list) = @_;  # @list must be local
	# As from 1.22, allows multiple choice if called in array context

	return unless @list;
	grep (($_ =~ s/\n$//) && 0, @list);	# chop final \n if any
	my @biglist = @list; my $icell; @marked = ();

	$question =~ s/^[\n\r]+//;   # strip initial newline(s)
	$question =~ s/[\n\r]+$//;   # strip final newline(s)
	my $firstline;
	($firstline,$otherlines) = split ("\n", $question, 2);
	my $firstlinelength = length $firstline;

	$choice = &get_default($firstline);
	# If wantarray ? Is remembering multiple choices safe ?

	@otherlines = &fmt($otherlines);
	$notherlines = scalar @otherlines;
	if (wantarray) {
		$#marked = $#list;
		if ($firstlinelength < $maxcols-30) {
			&puts("$firstline (multiple choice with spacebar)\r\n");
		} elsif ($firstlinelength < $maxcols-16) {
			&puts("$firstline (multiple choice)\r\n");
		} elsif ($firstlinelength < $maxcols-9) {
			&puts("$firstline (multiple)\r\n");
		} else {
	} else {
	if ($nrows >= $maxrows) {
		@list = &narrow_the_search(@list);
		if (! @list) {
			&up(1); &clrtoeol(); &endwin (); $clue_has_been_given = 0;
			return wantarray ? () : undef;

	while (1) {
		$c = &getch();
		if ($size_changed) {
			if ($nrows >= $maxrows) {
				@list = &narrow_the_search(@list);
				if (! @list) {
					&up(1); &clrtoeol(); &endwin (); $clue_has_been_given = 0;
					return wantarray ? () : undef;
		if ($c eq "q" || $c eq "\cD") {
			if ($clue_has_been_given) {
				my $re_clue = &confirm("Do you want to change your clue ?");
				&up(1); &clrtoeol();   # erase the confirm
				if ($re_clue) {
					$irow = 1;
					@list = &narrow_the_search(@biglist); &wr_screen(); next;
				} else {
					&up(1); &clrtoeol(); &endwin (); $clue_has_been_given = 0;
					return wantarray ? () : undef;
			&goto (0,0); &clrtoeol(); &endwin (); $clue_has_been_given = 0;
			return wantarray ? () : undef;
		} elsif (($c eq "\t") && ($this_cell < $#list)) {
			$this_cell++; &wr_cell($this_cell-1);
		} elsif ((($c eq "l") || ($c == $KEY_RIGHT)) && ($this_cell < $#list)
			&& ($irow[$this_cell] == $irow[$this_cell+1])) {
			$this_cell++; &wr_cell($this_cell-1);
		} elsif ((($c eq "\cH") || ($c == $KEY_BTAB)) && ($this_cell > $[)) {
			$this_cell--; &wr_cell($this_cell+1);
		} elsif ((($c eq "h") || ($c == $KEY_LEFT)) && ($this_cell > $[)
			&& ($irow[$this_cell] == $irow[$this_cell-1])) {
			$this_cell--; &wr_cell($this_cell+1);
		} elsif ((($c eq "j") || ($c == $KEY_DOWN)) && ($irow < $nrows)) {
			$mid_col = $icol[$this_cell] + 0.5 * $l[$this_cell];
			$left_of_target = 1000;
			for ($inew=$this_cell+1; $inew < $#list; $inew++) {
				last if $icol[$inew] < $mid_col;	# skip rest of row
			for (; $inew < $#list; $inew++) {
				$new_mid_col = $icol[$inew] + 0.5 * $l[$inew];
				last if $new_mid_col >= $mid_col;		# we've reached it
				last if $icol[$inew+1] <= $icol[$inew]; # we're at EOL
				$left_of_target = $mid_col - $new_mid_col;
			if (($new_mid_col - $mid_col) > $left_of_target) { $inew--; }
			$iold = $this_cell; $this_cell = $inew;
			&wr_cell($iold); &wr_cell($this_cell);
		} elsif ((($c eq "k") || ($c == $KEY_UP)) && ($irow > 1)) {
			$mid_col = $icol[$this_cell] + 0.5 * $l[$this_cell];
			$right_of_target = 1000;
			for ($inew=$this_cell-1; $inew > 0; $inew--) {
				last if $irow[$inew] < $irow[$this_cell];	# skip rest of row
			for (; $inew > 0; $inew--) {
				last unless $icol[$inew];
				$new_mid_col = $icol[$inew] + 0.5 * $l[$inew];
				last if $new_mid_col < $mid_col;		 # we're past it
				$right_of_target = $new_mid_col - $mid_col;
			if (($mid_col - $new_mid_col) > $right_of_target) { $inew++; }
			$iold = $this_cell; $this_cell = $inew;
			&wr_cell($iold); &wr_cell($this_cell);
		} elsif ($c eq "\cL") {
			if ($size_changed) {
				if ($nrows >= $maxrows) {
					@list = &narrow_the_search(@list);
					if (! @list) {
						&up(1); &clrtoeol(); &endwin (); $clue_has_been_given = 0;
						return wantarray ? () : undef;
		} elsif ($c eq "\r") {
			&erase_lines(1); &goto($firstlinelength+1, 0);
			my @chosen;
			if (wantarray) {
				my $i; for ($i=$[; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
					if ($marked[$i] || $i==$this_cell) { push @chosen, $list[$i]; }
				my $remaining = $maxcols-$firstlinelength;
				my $last = pop @chosen;
				my $dotsprinted;
				foreach (@chosen) {
					if (($remaining - length $_) < 4) {
						$dotsprinted=1; &puts("..."); $remaining -= 3; last;
					} else {
						&puts("$_, "); $remaining -= (2 + length $_);
				if (!$dotsprinted) {
					if (($remaining - length $last)>0) { &puts($last);
					} elsif ($remaining > 2) { &puts('...');
				push @chosen, $last;
			} else {
			&set_default($firstline, $list[$this_cell]); # join ($,,@chosen) ?
			$clue_has_been_given = 0;
			if (wantarray) { return @chosen;
			} else { return $list[$this_cell];
		} elsif ($c eq " ") {
			if (wantarray) {
				$marked[$this_cell] = !$marked[$this_cell];
				if ($this_cell < $#list) {
					$this_cell++; &wr_cell($this_cell-1); &wr_cell($this_cell); 
			} elsif ($this_cell < $#list) {
				$this_cell++; &wr_cell($this_cell-1); &wr_cell($this_cell); 
	&endwin ();
	warn "choose: shouldn't reach here ...\n";
sub layout { my @list = @_;
	$this_cell = 0; my $irow = 1; my $icol = 0;  my $i;
	for ($i=$[; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
		$l[$i] = length ($list[$i]) + 2;
		if (($icol + $l[$i]) >= $maxcols ) { $irow++; $icol = 0; }
		if ($irow > $maxrows) { return $irow; }  # save time
		$irow[$i] = $irow; $icol[$i] = $icol;
		$icol += $l[$i];
		if ($list[$i] eq $choice) { $this_cell = $i; }
	return $irow;
sub wr_screen {
	my $i;
	for ($i=$[; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
		&wr_cell($i, $this_cell) unless $i==$this_cell;
	if ($notherlines && ($nrows+$notherlines) < $maxrows) {
		&puts("\r\n", join("\r\n", @otherlines), "\r");
sub wr_cell { my $i = shift;
	&goto ($icol[$i], $irow[$i]);
	if ($marked[$i]) { &attrset($A_BOLD); }
	if ($i == $this_cell) { &attrset($A_REVERSE); }
	my $no_tabs = $list[$i];
	$no_tabs =~ s/\t/ /;
	$no_tabs =~ s/^(.{1,77}).*/$1/;
	&puts(" $no_tabs ");
	if ($marked[$i] || $i == $this_cell) { &attrset($A_NORMAL); }
	$icol += length ($no_tabs) + 2;
sub size_and_layout {
	my $erase_rows = shift;
	my $oldmaxrows = $maxrows;
	if ($erase_rows) {
		if ($erase_rows > $maxrows) { $erase_rows = $maxrows; } # XXX?
	$nrows = &layout(@list);
sub narrow_the_search { my @biglist = @_;
	# replaces the old ... require '';
	# return &Complete("$firstline (TAB to complete, ^D to list) ", @list);
	my $nchoices = scalar @_;
	my $n; my $i; my @s; my $s; my @list = @biglist;
	$clue_has_been_given = 1;
	&ask_for_clue($nchoices, $i, $s);
	while (1) {
		$c = &getch();
		if ($size_changed) {
			if ($nrows < $maxrows) { &erase_lines(1); return @list; }
		if ($c == $KEY_LEFT && $i > 0) { $i--; &left(1); next;
		} elsif ($c == $KEY_RIGHT) { if ($i < $n) { &puts($s[$i]); $i++; next; }
		} elsif (($c eq "\cH") || ($c eq "\c?")) {
			if ($i > 0) {
			 	$n--; $i--; splice(@s, $i, 1); &left(1);
			  	foreach $j ($i..$n) { &puts($s[$j]); } &clrtoeol(); &left($n-$i);
		# but these should do the "q for quit" job XXX
		} elsif ($c eq "\cC" || $c eq "\cX" || $c eq "\cD") {  # clear ...
			if (! @s) { $clue_has_been_given = 0; &erase_lines(1); return (); }
			&left($i); $i = 0; $n = 0; @s = (); &clrtoeol();
		} elsif ($c eq "\cB") { &left($i); $i = 0; next;
		} elsif ($c eq "\cE") { &right($n-$i); $i = $n; next;
		} elsif ($c eq "\cL") {

		} elsif ($c > 255) { &beep();
		} elsif ($nchoices && $c =~ /^[\040-\376]$/) {
			splice(@s, $i, 0, $c);
			$n++; $i++; &puts($c);
			foreach $j ($i..$n) { &puts($s[$j]); } &clrtoeol();  &left($n-$i);
		} else { &beep();
		# grep, and if $nchoices=1 return
		$s = join("", @s);
		@list = grep($[ <= index($_,$s), @biglist);
		$nchoices = scalar @list;
		$nrows = &layout(@list);
		if ($nchoices==1 || ($nchoices && ($nrows<$maxrows))) {
			&puts("\r"); &clrtoeol(); &up(1); &clrtoeol(); return @list;
		&ask_for_clue($nchoices, $i, $s);
	warn "narrow_the_search: shouldn't reach here ...\n";
sub ask_for_clue { my ($nchoices, $i, $s) = @_;
	my $headstr; my $tailstr;
	if ($nchoices) {
		if ($s) {
			$headstr = "the choices won't fit; there are still";
			$tailstr = "of them";
			&goto(0,1); &puts("$headstr $nchoices $tailstr"); &clrtoeol();
			&goto(0,2); &puts("lengthen the clue : "); &right($i);
		} else {
			$headstr = "the choices won't fit; there are";
			$tailstr = "of them";
			&goto(0,1); &puts("$headstr $nchoices $tailstr"); &clrtoeol();
			&goto(0,2); &puts("   give me a clue : "); &right($i);
	} else {
		&goto(0,1); &puts("No choices fit this clue !"); &clrtoeol();
		&goto(0,2); &puts(" shorten the clue : "); &right($i);
sub get_default { my ($question) = @_;
	if ($ENV{CLUI_DIR} eq 'OFF') { return undef; }
	if (! $question) { return undef; }
	my @choices;
	my $n_tries = 5;
	while ($n_tries--) {
		if (dbmopen (%CHOICES, &dbm_file(), 0600)) {
		} else { 
			if ($! eq 'Resource temporarily unavailable') {
				my $wait = rand 0.45; select undef, undef, undef, $wait;
			} else { return undef;
	@choices = split ($; ,$CHOICES{$question}); dbmclose %CHOICES;
	if (wantarray) { return @choices;
	} else { return $choices[$[];
sub set_default { my $question = shift; my $s = join ($; , @_);
	if ($ENV{CLUI_DIR} eq 'OFF') { return undef; }
	if (! $question) { return undef; }
	my $n_tries = 5;
	while ($n_tries--) {
		if (dbmopen (%CHOICES, &dbm_file(), 0600)) {
		} else { 
			if ($! eq 'Resource temporarily unavailable') {
				my $wait = rand 0.50; select undef, undef, undef, $wait;
			} else { return undef;
	$CHOICES{$question} = $s; dbmclose %CHOICES;
	return $s;
sub dbm_file {
	if ($ENV{CLUI_DIR} eq 'OFF') { return undef; }
	my $db_dir;
	if ($ENV{CLUI_DIR}) {
		$db_dir = $ENV{CLUI_DIR};
		$db_dir =~ s#^~/#$HOME/#;
	} else { $db_dir = "$HOME/.clui_dir";
	mkdir ($db_dir,0750);
	return "$db_dir/choices";

# ----------------------- confirm stuff -------------------------

sub confirm { my $question = shift;  # asks user Yes|No, returns 1|0
	return(0) unless $question;  return(0) unless -t STDERR;
	my $nol = &display_question($question); &puts (" (y/n) ");
	while (1) { $response=&getch();  last if ($response=~/[yYnN]/);  &beep(); }
	&left(6); &clrtoeol(); 
	if ($response=~/^[yY]/) { &puts("Yes"); } else { &puts("No"); }
	&erase_lines(1); &endwin();
	if ($response =~ /^[yY]/) { return 1; } else { return 0 ; }

# ----------------------- edit stuff -------------------------

sub edit {	my ($title, $text) = @_;
	my $argc = $#_ - $[ +1;
	my ($dirname, $basename, $rcsdir, $rcsfile, $rcs_ok);
	if ($argc == 0) {	# start editor session with no preloaded file
		system $ENV{EDITOR} || "vi"; # should also look in ~/db/choices.db
	} elsif ($argc == 2) {
		# must create tmp file with title embedded in name
		$tmpdir = '/tmp';
		($safename = $title) =~ s/[\W_]+/_/g;
		$file = "$tmpdir/$safename.$$";
		if (!open (F,"> $file")) {&sorry("can't open $file: $!\n");return '';}
		print F $text; close F;
		$editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || "vi"; # should also look in ~/db/choices.db
		system "$editor $file";
		if (!open (F,"< $file")) {&sorry ("can't open $file: $!\n");return 0;}
		undef $/; $text = <F>; $/ = "\n";
		close F; unlink $file; return $text;
	} elsif ($argc == 1) {	# its a file, we will try RCS ...
		my $file = $title;

		# weed out no-go situations
		if (-d $file)  { &sorry ("$file is already a directory\n"); return 0; }
		if (-B _ && -s _)  { &sorry("$file is not a text file\n");  return 0; }
		if (-T _ && !-w _) { &view ($file); return 1; }
		# it's a writeable text file, so work out the locations
		if ($file =~ /\//) {
			($dirname, $basename) = $file =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/;
			$rcsdir  = "$dirname/RCS";
			$rcsfile = "$rcsdir/$basename,v";
		} else {
			$basename = $file;
			$rcsdir  = "RCS";
			$rcsfile = "$rcsdir/$basename,v";
		$rcslog = "$rcsdir/log";
		# we no longer create the RCS directory if it doesn't exist,
		# so `mkdir RCS' to enable rcs in a directory ...
		$rcs_ok = 1;	if (!-d $rcsdir) { $rcs_ok = 0; }
		if (-d _ && ! -w _) { $rcs_ok = 0;	warn "can't write in $rcsdir\n"; }
		# if the file doesn't exist, but the RCS does, then check it out
		if ($rcs_ok && -f $rcsfile && !-f $file) {system "co -l $file $rcsfile";}

		my $starttime = time;
		$editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || "vi"; # should also look in ~/db/choices.db
		system "$editor $file";
		my $elapsedtime = time - $starttime;
		# could be output or logged, for worktime accounting
		if ($rcs_ok && -T $file) {	 # check it in
			if (!-f $rcsfile) {
				my $msg = &ask ("$file is new. Please describe it:");
				my $quotedmsg = $msg;  $quotedmsg =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
				if ($msg) {
					system "ci -q -l -t-'$quotedmsg' -i $file $rcsfile";
					&logit ($basename, $msg);
			} else {
				my $msg = &ask ("What changes have you made to $file ?");
				my $quotedmsg = $msg;  $quotedmsg =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
				if ($msg) {
					system "ci -q -l -m'$quotedmsg' $file $rcsfile";
					&logit ($basename, $msg);
sub logit { my ($file, $msg) = @_;
	if (! open (LOG, ">> $rcslog")) {  warn "can't open $rcslog: $!\n";
	} else {
		$pid = fork;	# log in background for better response time
		if (! $pid) {
			($user) = getpwuid ($>);
			print LOG &timestamp, " $file $user $msg\n"; close LOG;
			if ($pid == 0) { exit 0; }	# the child's end, if a fork occurred
sub timestamp {
	# returns current date and time in "199403011 113520" format
	my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
	$wday += 0; $yday += 0; $isdst += 0; # avoid bloody -w warning
	return sprintf ("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d %2.2d%2.2d%2.2d",
		$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);

# ----------------------- sorry stuff -------------------------

sub sorry { # warns user of an error condition
	print STDERR "Sorry, $_[$[]\n";
sub inform { my $text = $_[$[];
	$text =~ s/([^\n])$/$1\n/s;
	if (open(TTY, ">/dev/tty")) { print TTY $text; close TTY;
	} else { warn $text;

# ----------------------- view stuff -------------------------

foreach $f ("/usr/bin/less", "/usr/bin/more") {
	if (-x $f) { $default_pager = $f; }
sub view {	my ($title, $text) = @_;	# or ($filename) =
	if (! $text && -T $title && open(F,"< $title")) {
		$nlines = 0;
		while (<F>) { last if ($nlines++ > $maxrows); } close F;
		if ($nlines > (0.6*$maxrows)) {
			system (($ENV{PAGER} || $default_pager) . " \'$title\'");
		} else {
			open (F,"< $title"); undef $/; $text=<F>; $/="\n"; close F;
			&tiview($title, $text);
	} else {
		local (@lines) = split (/\r?\n/, $text, $maxrows);
		if (($#lines - $[) < 21) {
			&tiview ($title, $text);
		} else {
			local ($safetitle); ($safetitle = $title) =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/_/g;
			local ($tmp) = "/tmp/$safetitle.$$";
			if (! open (TMP, "> $tmp")) { warn "can't open $tmp: $!\n"; return; }
			print TMP $text;	close TMP;
			system (($ENV{PAGER} || $default_pager) . " \'$tmp\'");
			unlink $tmp;
			return 1;
sub tiview {	my ($title, $text) = @_;
	return unless $text; local ($[) = 0;
	$title =~ s/\t/ /g; my $titlelength = length $title;
	my @rows = &fmt($text, nofill=>1);
	if (3 > scalar @rows) {
		&puts(join("\r\n",@rows), "\r\n"); &endwin(); return 1;
	if ($titlelength > ($maxcols-35)) { &puts ("$title\r\n");
	} else { &puts ("$title   (<enter> to continue, q to clear)\r\n");
	&puts("\r", join("\e[K\r\n",@rows), "\r");
	$icol = 0; $irow = scalar @rows; &goto ($titlelength+1, 0);
	while (1) {
		$c = &getch();
		if ($c eq 'q' || $c eq "\cX" || $c eq "\cW" || $c eq "\cZ"
		|| $c eq "\cC" || $c eq "\c\\") {
			&erase_lines(0); &endwin(); return 1;
		} elsif ($c eq "\r") {  # <enter> retains text on screen
			&clrtoeol(); &goto (0, @rows+1); &endwin(); return 1;
		} elsif ($c eq "\cL") {
			&puts("\r"); &endwin(); &tiview($title,$text); return 1;
	warn "tiview: shouldn't reach here\n";

# -------------------------- infrastructure -------------------------

sub display_question {   my $question = shift; my %options = @_;
	# used by &ask and &confirm, but not by &choose ...
	my ($firstline, @otherlines);
	if ($options{nofirstline}) {
		@otherlines = &fmt($question);
	} else {
		($firstline,$otherlines) = split (/\r?\n/, $question, 2);
		@otherlines = &fmt($otherlines);
		if ($firstline) { &puts("$firstline "); }
	if (@otherlines) {
		&puts("\r\n", join("\r\n", @otherlines), "\r");
		&goto(1 + length $firstline, 0);
	return scalar @otherlines;
sub erase_lines {  # leaves cursor at beginning of line $_[$[]
	&goto(0, $_[$[]); &puts("\e[J");
sub fmt { my $text = shift; my %options = @_;
	# Used by tiview, ask and confirm; formats the text within $maxcols cols
	my (@i_words, $o_line, @o_lines, $o_length, $last_line_empty, $w_length);
	my (@i_lines, $initial_space);
	@i_lines = split (/\r?\n/, $text);
	foreach $i_line (@i_lines) {
		if ($i_line =~ /^\s*$/) {   # blank line ?
			if ($o_line) { push @o_lines, $o_line; $o_line=''; $o_length=0; }
			if (! $last_line_empty) { push @o_lines,""; $last_line_empty=1; }
		$last_line_empty = 0;

		if ($options{nofill}) {
			push @o_lines, substr($i_line, $[, $maxcols); next;
		if ($i_line =~ s/^(\s+)//) {   # line begins with space ?
			$initial_space = $1; $initial_space =~ s/\t/   /g;
			if ($o_line) { push @o_lines, $o_line; }
			$o_line = $initial_space; $o_length = length $initial_space;
		} else {
			$initial_space = '';

		@i_words = split (' ', $i_line);
		foreach $i_word (@i_words) {
			$w_length = length $i_word;
			if (($o_length + $w_length) > $maxcols) {
				push @o_lines, $o_line;
				$o_line = $initial_space; $o_length = length $initial_space;
			if ($w_length > $maxcols) {  # chop it !
				push @o_lines, substr($i_word,$[,$maxcols); next;
			if ($o_line) { $o_line .= ' '; $o_length += 1; }
			$o_line .= $i_word; $o_length += $w_length;
	if ($o_line) { push @o_lines, $o_line; }
	if ((scalar @o_lines) < $maxrows-2) { return (@o_lines);
	} else { return splice (@o_lines, $[, $maxrows-2);
sub back_up {
	open(TTY, ">/dev/tty") || (warn "Can't write /dev/tty: $!\n", return 0);
	print TTY "\r\033[K\033[A\033[K";
	close TTY;