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#! /usr/bin/perl
require './Clui'; import Term::Clui;
use Config;


my $libdir; my $bindir; my $man1dir; my $man3dir; my $comment; my $perlbin;
my $version = '2.12';
($libdir, $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir) = &defaults();

if (! -t STDIN) {  # not interactive, use defaults ...
	if (! $libdir) { die "Sorry, can't write to $libdir\n"; }
	&install("$libdir/Crypt", $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir);
	exit 0;

if ($libdir) {
	my $choice = &choose("Installing\n\n(Arrow-keys and Return, or q to quit)",
	'using system default locations', 'interactively', 'Cancel');
	if ($choice eq 'Cancel') { exit 0; }
	if ($choice eq 'using system default locations') {
		if (! $libdir) { die "Sorry, can't write to $libdir\n"; }
		&install("$libdir/Crypt", $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir);
		exit 0;

$libdir  = &libdir;
$bindir  = &bindir;
($man1dir, $man3dir)  = &mandir;
&install("$libdir/Crypt", $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir);
exit 0;

# --------------------- infrastructure ---------------------

sub defaults {
	my $libdir = $Config{installsitelib};
	my $bindir = $Config{installscript};
	my $man1dir = $Config{installman1dir};
	my $man3dir = $Config{installman3dir};
	if (!-w $libdir) { $libdir = ''; }
	if (!-w $bindir) { $bindir = ''; }
	if (!-w $man1dir) { $man1dir = ''; }
	if (!-w $man3dir) { $man3dir = ''; }
	return ($libdir, $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir);

sub install {  my ($libdir, $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir) = @_;
	if (! $libdir) { die "Sorry, can't write to $libdir\n"; }
	$comment = &comment($libdir, $bindir, $man1dir, $man3dir);
	$perlbin = &which('perl');
	if (! $perlbin) { die "Sorry, no perl in PATH\n"; }

	@localised_lib = &localise('');

	print STDERR "installing $libdir/ ...";
	if (!-d $libdir) { mkdir $libdir, 0755; }
	chmod 0755, $libdir;
	my $target = "$libdir/";
	if (! open (P, "> $target")) { die "\nSorry, can't open $target: $!\n"; }
	print P @localised_lib;  close P;
	chmod 0644, $target;
	print STDERR "\n";

	my @localised_bin;
	if ($bindir) { 
		print STDERR "installing $bindir/tea ...";
		# perl -c tea 
		@localised_bin = &localise('bin/tea');
		my $target = "$bindir/tea";
		if (! open (P, "> $target")) { die "\nSorry, can't open $target: $!\n"; }
		print P @localised_bin;  close P;
		chmod 0755, $target;
		print STDERR "\n";

	if ($man3dir) {
		my $target = "$man3dir/Crypt::Tea.3";
		print STDERR "installing $target ...";
		my $tmpfile = "/tmp/Install.$$";  # can't pipe into pod2man :-(
		if (! open (T, ">$tmpfile")) {die "\nSorry, can't open $tmpfile: $!\n";}
		print T @localised_lib;  close T;
		system "pod2man $tmpfile > $target";
		unlink $tmpfile;
		chmod 0644, $target;
		print STDERR "\n";

	if ($bindir && $man1dir) {
		my $target = "$man1dir/tea.1";
		print STDERR "installing $target ...";
		my $tmpfile = "/tmp/Install.$$";  # can't pipe into pod2man :-(
		if (! open (T, ">$tmpfile")) {die "\nSorry, can't open $tmpfile: $!\n";}
		print T @localised_bin;  close T;
		system "pod2man $tmpfile > $target";
		unlink $tmpfile;
		chmod 0644, $target;
		print STDERR "\n";

sub localise { my $file = $_[$[];
	if (! open(F, $file)) { die "can't open $file: $!\n"; }
	my @localised = ();
	while (<F>) {
		if ($comment) { s/#COMMENT#/$comment/; }
		if ($bindir)  { s/#BINDIR#/$bindir/; }
		if ($version) { s/#VERSION#/$version/; }
		push @localised, $_;
	close F;
	return @localised;

sub bindir {
	my (%tried, %writeable);
	foreach $dir ('/usr/local/bin',split /:/,$ENV{PATH}) {
		next if ($dir =~ /sbin$|\/root/);
		next if ($dir eq '.');
		$tried{$dir} = 1;
		if (-w $dir) { $writeable{$dir} = 1; }
	if (! %writeable) {
		print STDERR <<EOT, "   ", join ("\n   ", keys %tried), "\n" ;
Sorry, can't write to any directories in your PATH; tried
		exit 1;
	} else {
		$bindir = &choose("Where should the script be installed ?",
			keys %writeable, 'Somewhere Else', 'Do not install the script');
		if ($bindir eq 'Somewhere Else') {
			$bindir = &ask('in which directory, then ?');
			# if (! $bindir) { die "not installing, nowhere to install\n"; }
			if (! $bindir) { warn "not installing the script\n"; return ''; }
			if (! -d $bindir) { die "Sorry, $bindir is not a directory.\n"; }
			if (! -w $bindir) { die "Sorry, $bindir is not writeable.\n"; }
		} elsif ($bindir eq 'Do not install the script') {
			return '';
		# if (! $bindir) { die "Sorry, nowhere to install the script\n"; }
	$bindir =~ s/\/$//;
	return $bindir;

sub libdir {
	my (@libdirs, @tried, @writeable, $libdir);
	@libdirs = grep (!/^\.$/, @INC);
	if ($cgidir) { unshift @libdirs, $cgidir; }
	foreach $dir (@libdirs) {
		next if ($dir eq '.');
		push @tried, $dir;
		if (-w $dir) { push @writeable, $dir; }
	if (! @writeable) {
		$libdir = &ask(<<'EOT');
Where should the module be installed ?

You don't have write permission to any of the directories in your
@INC path; if you wish to install in some other directory, enter it ...
		if (! $libdir) { die "not installing, nowhere to install module\n"; }
		if (! -d $libdir) { die "Sorry, $libdir is not a directory.\n"; }
		if (! -w $libdir) { die "Sorry, $libdir is not writeable.\n"; }
	} else {
		$libdir = &choose("Where should the module be installed ?",
			@writeable, 'Somewhere Else');
		if ($libdir eq 'Somewhere Else') {
			$libdir = &ask('in which directory, then ?');
			if (! $libdir) { die "not installing, nowhere to install\n"; }
			if (! -d $libdir) { die "Sorry, $libdir is not a directory.\n"; }
			if (! -w $libdir) { die "Sorry, $libdir is not writeable.\n"; }
		if (! $libdir) { die "Sorry, nowhere to install the module\n"; }
	$libdir =~ s/\/$//;
	return $libdir;

sub mandir {
	my (@tried, @writeable, $mandir);
	foreach $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{MANPATH})) {
		push @tried, $dir;
		if (-w "$dir/man1") { push @writeable, $dir; }
	if (! @writeable) {
		my $manpath = join ("\n   ", @tried);
		$mandir = &ask(<<EOT);
Where should the manual be installed ?

You don't have write permission to any of the directories in your
\@MANPATH; tried:

If you wish to put the manual in some other directory, enter it ...
		if (! $mandir) { $mandir = 'Do Not Install Manual';
		} elsif (! -d $mandir) { die "Sorry, $mandir is not a directory.\n";
		} elsif (! -w $mandir) { die "Sorry, $mandir is not writeable.\n";
	} else {
		$mandir = &choose(
			"Where should the manual be installed ?",
			@writeable, 'Somewhere Else', 'Do Not Install Manual');
	if ($mandir eq 'Somewhere Else') {
		$mandir = &ask('in which directory, then ?');
		if (! $mandir) { die "not installing, nowhere to install\n"; }
		if (! -d $mandir) { die "Sorry, $mandir is not a directory.\n"; }
		if (! -w $mandir) { die "Sorry, $mandir is not writeable.\n"; }
	} elsif ($mandir eq 'Do Not Install Manual') {
		return '';
	} elsif (! $mandir) {
		die "Sorry, nowhere to install the manual\n";
	$mandir =~ s/\/$//;
	if (!-d "$mandir/man1") { mkdir "$mandir/man1", 0755; }
	if (!-d "$mandir/man3") { mkdir "$mandir/man3", 0755; }
	return ("$mandir/man1", "$mandir/man3");

sub comment { my ($libdir, $bindir, $man3dir) = @_;
	my $user = (getpwuid($>))[$[];
	my $build_dir = `pwd`; $build_dir =~ s/\s+$//;
	my $datestamp = &datestamp;
	my $comment = "made $datestamp by $user in $build_dir";
	my $mandir = $man3dir; $mandir =~ s#/man[13]$##;
	if ($libdir) { $comment .= ",\nmodule installed in $libdir"; }
	if ($bindir) { $comment .= ",\nscript installed in $bindir"; }
	if ($mandir) { $comment .= ",\nmanual installed in $mandir"; }
	return $comment;
sub which { my $file = $_[$[];   # looks for executables, Perl libraries
	return '' unless $file;
	my $absfile;
	if ($file =~ /\.p[lm]$/) {   # perl library or module ?
		foreach $dir (@INC) {
			$absfile = "$dir/$file";	return $absfile if -r $absfile;
	} else {	# executable ?
		foreach $dir (split (":", $ENV{PATH})) {
			$absfile = "$dir/$file";	return $absfile if -x $absfile;
sub datestamp { # returns current date in "19940314" format
	local ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
	sprintf ("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday);

sub check_kit {
	print STDERR "Checking your kit ... ";

	my %file_sizes = (
		'README', 1306,
		'Changes', 1808,
		'MANIFEST', 72,
		'', 31608,
		'bin/tea', 3109,
		'examples/tea_demo.cgi', 4610,
		'Clui', 27374,
		'', 10734,

	my $problem_found = 0;
	foreach $file (keys %file_sizes) {
		if (! -f $file) {
			if (! $problem_found) { $problem_found = 1; print STDERR "\n"; }
			print STDERR "   missing: $file\n"
		} elsif (-s $file != $file_sizes{$file}) {
			if (! $problem_found) { $problem_found = 1; print STDERR "\n"; }
			my $is = -s $file;
			my $should = $file_sizes{$file};
			print STDERR "   wrong size: $file is $is, should be $should bytes\n"
	if ($problem_found) { exit 1;
	} else { print STDERR "Looks good.\n"; return 1;