use strict;
use warnings;
use App::Toodledo;

my $todo = App::Toodledo->new( app_id => shift||die "Usage: $0 app_id\n" );
my @tasks = $todo->get_tasks_with_cache;
$todo->foreach( \@tasks, \&convert );
my @saved;
$todo->edit( @saved ) if @saved;

sub convert
  my ($self, @args) = @_;

  my $changed;
  my @tags = $self->tags;
  for ( @tags )
    next unless s/\A([a-z])/\u$1/;  # Yeah, not Unicode-aware

  if ( $changed )
    print "Editing '", $self->title, "'\n";
    $self->tags( @tags );
    push @saved, $self;
    if ( @saved > 49 )
      $todo->edit( @saved );
      @saved = ();


=head1 NAME

  title_case_tags - Change lowercase tags to Title Case


  title_case_tags <app_id>


I had a lot of tags that were all lowercase, and I decided I wanted them
to be in title case (initial capital letter).  This program found and
changed them all.

=head1 AUTHOR

Peter Scott C<cpan at psdt.com>
