package Padre::Search;


=head1 NAME

Padre::Search - The Padre Search API


  # Create the search object
  my $search = Padre::Search->new(
      find_term => 'foo',
  # Execute the search on the current editor


This is the Padre Search API. It allows the creation of abstract search
object that can independently search and/or replace in an editor object.

=head2 METHODS


use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp         ();
use Encode       ();
use List::Util   ();
use Scalar::Util ();
use Params::Util ();

our $VERSION    = '0.98';
our $COMPATIBLE = '0.93';

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = bless {@_}, $class;

	# Check params
	unless ( defined $self->find_term ) {
		die "Did not provide 'find_term' search term";
	unless ( length $self->find_term ) {

		# Pointless zero-length search

	# Apply defaults
	$self->{find_case}    ||= 0;
	$self->{find_regex}   ||= 0;
	$self->{find_reverse} ||= 0;

	# Pre-compile the search
	unless ( defined $self->search_regex ) {

	return $self;

sub find_term {

sub find_case {

sub find_regex {

sub find_reverse {

sub replace_term {

sub search_regex {
	my $self = shift;

	# Escape the raw search term
	my $term = $self->find_term;
	if ( $self->find_regex ) {

		# Escape non-trailing $ so they won't interpolate
		$term =~ s/\$(?!\z)/\\\$/g;
	} else {

		# Escape everything
		$term = quotemeta $term;

	# Compile the regex
	my $search_regex = eval { $self->find_case ? qr/$term/m : qr/$term/mi };
	return if $@;
	return $search_regex;

sub equals {
	my $self = shift;
	my $search = Params::Util::_INSTANCE( shift, 'Padre::Search' ) or return;
	return Scalar::Util::refaddr($self) == Scalar::Util::refaddr($search);

# Command Abstraction

sub search_next {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->find_reverse ) {
		return $self->search_up(@_);
	} else {
		return $self->search_down(@_);

sub search_previous {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->find_reverse ) {
		return $self->search_down(@_);
	} else {
		return $self->search_up(@_);

sub replace_next {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->find_reverse ) {
		return $self->replace_up(@_);
	} else {
		return $self->replace_down(@_);

sub replace_previous {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->find_reverse ) {
		return $self->replace_down(@_);
	} else {
		return $self->replace_up(@_);

# Content Abstraction

sub search_down {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	$self->editor_search_down( $editor, @_ );

sub search_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	$self->editor_search_up( $editor, @_ );

sub search_count {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $_[0], 'Padre::Wx::Editor' ) ) {
		return $self->editor_search_count(@_);
	} elsif ( Params::Util::_SCALAR0( $_[0] ) ) {
		return $self->scalar_search_count(@_);
	die "Missing or invalid content object";

sub replace {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	$self->editor_replace_down( $editor, @_ );

sub replace_down {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	$self->editor_replace_down( $editor, @_ );

sub replace_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	$self->editor_replace_up( $editor, @_ );

sub replace_all {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $_[0], 'Padre::Wx::Editor' ) ) {
		return $self->editor_replace_all(@_);
	} elsif ( Params::Util::_SCALAR0( $_[0] ) ) {
		return $self->scalar_replace_all(@_);
	die "Missing or invalid content object";

# Editor Interaction

sub editor_search_down {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);

	# Execute the search and move to the resulting location
	my ( $start, $end, @matches ) = $self->matches(
		text  => $editor->GetText,
		regex => $self->search_regex,
		from  => $editor->GetSelectionStart,
		to    => $editor->GetSelectionEnd,
	return unless defined $start;

	# Highlight the found item
	$editor->match( $self, $start, $end );

sub editor_search_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);

	# Execute the search and move to the resulting location
	my ( $start, $end, @matches ) = $self->matches(
		text      => $editor->GetText,
		regex     => $self->search_regex,
		from      => $editor->GetSelectionStart,
		to        => $editor->GetSelectionEnd,
		backwards => 1,
	return unless defined $start;

	# Highlight the found item
	$editor->match( $self, $start, $end );

sub editor_search_count {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);

	# Execute the regex search for all matches

sub editor_replace_down {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	my $from   = $editor->GetSelectionStart;
	my $to     = $editor->GetSelectionEnd;

	# Execute the search so we can establish if we have already
	# selected a match.
	my ( $start, $end, @matches ) = $self->matches(
		text  => $editor->GetText,
		regex => $self->search_regex,
		from  => $from,
		to    => $from,
	return unless @matches;

	# Are we perfectly selecting a match already
	unless ( $from == $to ) {
		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#matches ) {
			my $match = $matches[$i];
			next unless $match->[0] == $from;
			next unless $match->[1] == $to;

			# The selection matches, replace it
			$editor->ReplaceSelection( $self->replace_term );

			# Shortcut if there are no more matches
			return unless $#matches;

			# Move to the next match
			if ( $i == $#matches ) {

				# Wrap to the beginning of the document
				$start = $matches[0]->[0];
				$end   = $matches[0]->[1];
			} else {
				my $delta = $editor->GetSelectionEnd - $to;
				my $down  = $matches[ $i + 1 ];
				$start = $down->[0] + $delta;
				$end   = $down->[1] + $delta;


	$editor->match( $self, $start, $end );

sub editor_replace_up {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);
	my $from   = $editor->GetSelectionStart;
	my $to     = $editor->GetSelectionEnd;

	# Execute the search so we can establish if we have already
	# selected a match.
	my ( $start, $end, @matches ) = $self->matches(
		text  => $editor->GetTextRange( 0, $editor->GetLength ),
		regex => $self->search_regex,
		from  => $from,
		to    => $from,
	return unless @matches;

	# Are we perfectly selecting a match already
	unless ( $from == $to ) {
		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#matches ) {
			my $match = $matches[$i];
			next unless $match->[0] == $from;
			next unless $match->[1] == $to;

			# The selection matches, replace it
			$editor->ReplaceSelection( $self->replace_term );

			# Shortcut if there are no more matches
			return unless $#matches;

			# Move to the next match
			if ( $i == 0 ) {

				# Wrap to the end of the document
				my $delta = $editor->GetSelectionEnd - $to;
				$start = $matches[-1]->[0] + $delta;
				$end   = $matches[-1]->[1] + $delta;
			} else {
				my $up = $matches[ $i - 1 ];
				$start = $up->[0];
				$end   = $up->[1];


	$editor->match( $self, $start, $end );

sub editor_replace_all {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $editor = _EDITOR(shift);

	# Execute the search for all matches
	my ( undef, undef, @matches ) = $self->matches(
		text  => $editor->GetTextRange( 0, $editor->GetLength ),
		regex => $self->search_regex,
		from  => $editor->GetSelectionStart,
		to    => $editor->GetSelectionEnd,
	return 0 unless @matches;

	# Replace all matches, returning the number we replaced
	my $replace = $self->replace_term;
	@matches = map { [ @$_, $replace ] } reverse @matches;
	require Padre::Delta;
	Padre::Delta->new( position => @matches )->to_editor($editor);

# Scalar Interaction

sub scalar_search_count {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $scalar = shift;
	unless ( Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar) ) {
		die "Failed to provide SCALAR to count in";

	# Execute the regex search for all matches

sub scalar_replace_all {
	my $self   = shift;
	my $scalar = shift;
	unless ( Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar) ) {
		die "Failed to provide SCALAR to count in";

	# Prepare the search and replace
	my $search  = $self->search_regex;
	my $replace = $self->replace_term;

	# Do the replacement
	my $count = $$scalar =~ s/$search/$replace/g;

	# Return the replace count
	return $count;

# Core Search Methods


=head2 matches

  my ($first_char, $last_char, @all) = $search->matches(
      text      => $search_text,
      regex     => $search_regexp,
      from      => $from,
      to        => $to,
      backwards => $reverse,


* The text in which we need to search

* The regular expression

* The offset within the text where we the last match started so the next
  forward match must start after this.

* The offset within the text where we the last match ended so the next
  backward match must end before this.

* backward bit (1 = search backward, 0 = search forward)


sub matches {
	my $self  = shift;
	my %param = @_;

	# Searches run in unicode
	my $text  = Encode::encode( 'utf-8', delete $param{text} );
	my $regex = Encode::encode( 'utf-8', delete $param{regex} );

	# Find all matches for the regex
	my @matches = ();
	my $submatch = $param{submatch} || 0;
	while ( $text =~ /$regex/g ) {
		push @matches, [ $-[$submatch], $+[$submatch] ];
	unless (@matches) {
		return ( undef, undef );

	my $pair = [];
	my $from = $param{from} || 0;
	my $to   = $param{to} || 0;

	if ( $param{backwards} ) {

		# Search backwards
		$pair = List::Util::first { $from >= $_->[1] } reverse @matches;
		$pair = $matches[-1] unless $pair;
	} else {

		# Search forwards
		$pair = List::Util::first { $to <= $_->[0] } @matches;
		$pair = $matches[0] unless $pair;

	return ( @$pair, @matches );

# NOTE: This current fails to work with multi-line search expressions
sub match_lines {
	my $self  = shift;
	my @lines = split /\n/, Encode::encode( 'utf-8', shift );
	my $regex = shift;

	# Apply the search regex as a filter
	return map { [ $_ + 1, $lines[$_] ] } grep { $lines[$_] =~ /$regex/ } ( 0 .. $#lines );

sub match_count {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $text  = Encode::encode( 'utf-8', shift );
	my $regex = shift;
	my $count = () = $text =~ /$regex/g;
	return $count;

# Support Functions

sub _EDITOR {
	unless ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE( $_[0], 'Padre::Wx::Editor' ) ) {
		Carp::croak("Missing or invalid Padre::Ex::Editor param");
	return $_[0];




Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.


# Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.