2.027 24 April 2010
Remove autoload code from
[perl #74088]
2.026 7 April 2010
Some updates to IO::Compress::Zip documentation.
Fixed default setting for ExtAttr.
2.025 27 March 2010
The "Name" option wasn't documented.
Allow zlib version check to be disabled by setting
TEST_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK environment variable.
[RT #54510]
2.024 7 January 2010
Get memGunzip & memGzip to set $gzerrno
[RT# 47283]
Export memGunzip, memGzip and zlib_version on demand
[RT# 52992]
This sample was using IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate. Much better to
use IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress.
2.023 9 November 2009
Added support for lzma_alone & xz.
2.022 9 October 2009
IO::Compress - Makefile.PL
Fix for core.
2.021 30 August 2009
Less warnnings when reading from a closed filehandle.
[RT# 48350]
Fixed minor typo in an error message.
[RT# 39719]
The PREREQ_PM dependency on Scalar::Util got dropped when
IO-Compress was created in 2.017.
[RT# 47509]
Removed restriction that zip64 is only supported in streaming
The "version made by" and "extract" fields in the zip64 end
central record were swapped.
In the End Central Header record the "offset to the start of the
central directory" will now always be set to 0xFFFFFFFF when
zip64 is enabled.
In the End Central Header record the "total entries in the
central directory" field will be set to 0xFFFF if zip64 is
enabled AND there are more than 0xFFFF entries present.
Don't consume lots of memory when walking a zip file. This makes
life more bearable when dealing with zip64.
documented that memGunzip cannot cope with concatenated gzip data
Changed test harness so that it can cope with PERL5OPT=-MCarp=verbose
[RT# 47225]
GZIP_FEXTRA_MAX_SIZE was set to 0xFF. Should be 0xFFFF. This
issue came up when attempting to unzip a file created by MS
Office 2007.
2.020 3 June 2009
Fixed problem with LimitOutput where a call to uncompress
created more uncompressed output, but didn't consume any of
the input buffer. The symptom is the underlying compression
library (zlib or bzip2) thinks the input stream is corrupt.
[RT #46582]
2.019 4 May 2009
Fixed problem with EOF check.
2.018 3 May 2009
The interface to Compress-Raw-Bzip2 now uses the new LimitOutput
feature. This will make all of the bzip2-related IO-Compress modules
less greedy in their memory consumption.
Fixed exTime & exUnix2
Fixed 'Use of uninitialized value in pack' warning when using
2.017 30 March 2009
Merged IO-Compress-Base, IO-Compress-Bzip2, IO-Compress-Zlib &
Compress-Zlib into IO-Compress.
The interface to Compress-Raw-Zlib now uses the new LimitOutput
feature. This will make all of the zlib-related IO-Compress modules
less greedy in their memory consumption.
Removed MAN3PODS from Makefile.PL
A few changes to get the test harness to work on VMS courtesy of
Craig. A. Berry.
IO::Compress::Base & IO::Uncompress::Base
Downgraded some croaks in the constructors to just set $! (by letting
the code attempt to open a file and fail).
This makes the behavior more consistent to a standard open.
[RT #42657]
Doing a seek with MultiStream could drop some of the uncompressed
data. Fixed.
Fixed problem with the uncompressed & uncompressed fields when
zip64 is enabled. They were set to 0x0000FFFF instead of
0xFFFFFFFF. Also the ZIP64 extra field was 4 bytes short.
Problem spotted by Dino Chiesa.
use POSIX::mktime instead of Time::Local::timelocal to convert
the zip DOS time field into Unix time.
Documented Compress::Zlib::zlib_version()
2.015 3 September 2008
Backout changes made in 2.014
2.014 2 September 2008
Updated to check for indirect dependencies.
2.013 18 July 2008
Allow IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::parse to accept an
IO::Compress::Base::Parameters object.
2.012 15 July 2008
Silenced an uninitialised value warning when reading a line
at a time from a zip file where the content uses ZIP_CM_STORE.
[Problem spotted & fixed by Jeff Holt]
IO::Compress::Base & IO::Uncompress::Base
local-ise $!, $? et al in the DESTROY methods.
2.011 17 May 2008
Fixed problem that prevented the creation of a zip file that
contained more than one compression method.
The private Validator class in this module clashes with another
CPAN module. Moved Validator into the IO::Compress::Base::Common
[RT #35954]
Print an error message if the zip file contains a
member compressed with bzip2 and IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 is
not available.
Could not cope with mixed compression zip files. For example a
zip file that contains both STORED and DEFLATED content.
[RT #35573]
2.010 5 May 2008
Fixed problem that meant Perl 5.10 could not upgrade this module.
[RT #35342 & 35341]
2.009 20 April 2008
Removed the alpha status from File::GlobMapper
When writing output never output a zero length buffer.
Done to improve interoperability with other tied filenandle
Changed IO::Uncompress::Base to not use the offset parameter of
the read method when reading from a filehandle.
The object returned from Net::FTP::retr implements a non-standard
read method. The third parameter is used for a timeout value
rather than an offset.
Changed IO::Uncompress::Base to not use the eof method when
reading from a filehandle.
The object returned from Net::FTP::retr implements both the read
method and the eof method. Unfortunately the implementation of
the read method uses non-buffered IO (by using sysread) while
the eof method uses buffered IO. Mixing buffered and non-buffered
IO results in data corruption.
Added exUnix2 option to allow storing of UID & GID.
When running on a Unix derivative the ExtAttr option now defaults
to the equivalent of 0666. For all other systems the default
remains 0.
Minor documentation issue with flush.
[ #31446]
2.008 2 November 2007
Minor documentation changes in README
EBCDIC Cleanup.
Tidied up the character classes used to defined invalid
lib/Compress/ -- 1.x Backward Compatability issues
gzclose - documented return value was wrong, should be 0 for ok.
gzflush - return value didn't match 1.x, should return 0 if ok.
2.006 1 September 20007
Added INSTALLDIRS directive to install as a core module when built
on a perl >= 5.9.
Fixed export problem - "$RawDeflateError" and "rawdeflate" were
not being exported with ":all".
Fixed crc32 and adler32 tests in to remove ascii assumption.
Make gzreadline not support $/, just like in Compress::Zlib 1.x
Folk who want $/ with readline support can get it in
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip. [ #28663] and
2.005 18 June 2007
Stephen Turner reported a problem when using IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
with XML::Parser. Turns out there were two issues.
Firstly an IO::Uncompress object isn't an IO::Handle. It is now.
Secondly the implementation of "read" wasn't honouring this
SCALAR will be grown or shrunk to the length actually read.
In particular it didn't do the right thing on EOF.
This has been fixed.
IO::Compress::Gzip & IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
RFC1952 says that the FNAME & FCOMMENT header fields must be ISO
8859-1 (LATIN-1) characters. The code can optionally police this.
Added a fix for this logic when running on EBCDIC.
Added info about removing Compress::Zlib version 1, before
installing version 2.
2.004 3 March 2007
Made seek less wasteful of memory.
Added Zip64 documentation.
Fixed extended timestamp.
Creation time isn't available in Unix so only store the
modification time and the last access time in the extended field.
Fixed file mode.
Added ExtAttr option to control the value of the "external file
attributes" field in the central directory.
Added Unix2 extended attribute ("Ux").
This stores the UID & GID.
Fixed 050interop-gzip.t for Windows
Fixed 050interop-bzip2.t for Windows
rewrote memGzip using IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip
2.003 2 January 2007
Added explicit version checking
2.002 29 December 2006
Documentation updates.
Added IO::Handle to the ISA test in isaFilehandle
Add an explicit use_ok test for Scalar::Util in the test harness.
The error message reported by 01misc implied the problem was
somewhere else.
Also explictly check that 'dualvar' is available.
Fix append mode with gzopen. 24041
Allow gzopen to read from and write to a scalar reference.
2.001 1 November 2006
Remove beta status.
2.000_14 26 October 2006
Added support for $/ in record mode
The readline interface was substantially slower than the 1.x
equivalent. This has now been sorted.
Thanks to Andreas J. Koenig for spotting the problem.
Added IO::Uncompress::Lzf to the list of supported uncompresors.
Added TrailingData to one-shot interface.
Remove raw-deflate (RFC1951) from the default list of compressors
to check.
It can still be included if the new RawInflate parameter is
This change was made because the only way to tell if content is
raw-deflate is to attempt to uncompress it - a few false positives
have popped up recently, which suggests that auto-detecting raw
deflate is far from perfect.
The equivalent change has been made to IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate.
[Core patch #28445]
Don't check that filehandles are writable. It would seem that
"-w *STDOUT" on windows returns false.
[Core Patch #28415]
Beefed up the magic signature check. Means less false positives
when auto-detecting the compression type.
Tighten up the zip64 extra field processing to cope with the case
wheere only some of the local header fields are superceeded.
Remove raw-deflate (RFC 1951) from the default list of compressors
to check.
It can still be included if the new RawInflate parameter is
This change was made because the only way to tell if content is
raw-deflate is to attempt to uncompress it - a few false positives
have popped up recently, which suggests that auto-detecting raw
deflate is far from perfect.
The equivalent change has been made to IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress.
[Core patch #28445]
2.000_13 20 June 2006
Store compress & uncompressed sizes as 64-bit.
For one-shot uncompression, like this
unzip "" => \@a, MultiStream => 1;
Push each uncompressed stream from "" onto @a.
Added IO::Compress::Base::FilterEnvelope
Added IO::Uncompress::Base::nextStream
The '-' filehandle now maps to either *STDIN or *STDOUT.
This keeps mod_perl happier. Was using these before
new IO::File("<-")
new IO::File(">-")
Preliminary support for reading zip files with zip64 members.
2.000_12 3 May 2006
Moved the code for creating and parsing the gzip extra field into so that IO::Compress::Zip &
IO::Uncompress::Unzip can use it as well.
Added ExtraFieldLocal & ExtraFieldCentral options to IO::Compress::Zip.
These allow the creation of user-defined extra fields in the local
and central headers, just like the ExtraField option in
Moved the zip constants into IO::Compress::Zip::Constants
Added exTime option to IO::Compress::Zip.
This allows creation of the extended timestamp extra field.
Added Minimal option to IO::Compress::Zip.
This disables the creation of all extended fields.
Added TextFlag option to IO::Compress::Zip.
Documented Comment and ZipComment options in IO::Compress::Zip.
Fixed gzread to zap the output buffer to an empty string when zero
bytes are requested. This matches the behaviour of C::Z 1.x
2.000_11 10 April 2006
Transparent + InputLength made more robust where input data is not
Updated Documentation for zip modules.
Changed IO::Compress::Zip 'Store' option to 'Method' and added
symbolic constants ZIP_CM_STORE, ZIP_CM_DEFLATE and ZIP_CM_BZIP2 to
allow the compression method to be picked by the user.
Added support to allow bzip2 compressed data to be written/read
with IO::Compress::Zip and IO::Uncompress::Unzip.
Beefed up 050interop-gzip.t to check that the external gzip command
works as expected before starting the tests. This means that
this test harness will just be skipped on problematic systems.
Merged core patch 27565 from Steve Peters. This works around a
problem with gzip on OpenBSD where it doesn't seem to like
compressing files < 10 bytes long.
Beefed up 050interop-bzip2.t to check that the external bzip2 command
works as expected before starting the tests. This means that
this test harness will just be skipped on problematic systems.
2.000_10 13 March 2006
AnyUncompress doesn't assume that IO-Compress-Zlib is installed any
Documentation updates.
Changed gzread so that its behaviour matches C::Z::gzread 1.x if it
is called after eof. In this case it will write an empty string
into the output parameter. This change is solely for backward
compatability reasons.
2.000_09 3 March 2006
Released to CPAN.
2.000_08 2 March 2006
Split IO::Compress::Base into its own distribution.
Split IO::Compress::Bzip2 into its own distribution.
Added opened, autoflush and input_line_number.
Beefed up support for $.
Split IO::Compress::Zlib into its own distribution.
Beefed up support for zip/unzip
Breakout zlib specific code into separate modules.
Limited support for reading/writing zip files
2.000_06 5 October 2005
Added eof parameter to Compress::Zlib::inflate method.
Fixed issue with 64-bit
2.000_05 4 October 2005
Renamed IO::* to IO::Compress::* & IO::Uncompress::*
2.000_04 23 September 2005
Fixed some more non-portable test that were failing on VMS.
fixed problem where error messages in the oneshot interface were
getting lost.
2.000_03 12 September 2005
Fixed some non-portable test that were failing on VMS.
Fixed export of zlib constants from the IO::* classes
2.000_02 6 September 2005
Split Append mode into Append and Merge
Fixed typos in the documentation.
Added pod/FAQ.pod
Added libscan to Makefile.PL
Added InputLength for IO::Gunzip et al
2.000_01 22 August 2005
Fixed VERSION in Compress::Gzip::Constants
Removed Compress::Gzip::Info from the distribution.
2.000_00 21 August 2005
First Beta relase of Compress::zlib rewrite.
Compress-Zlib version 1 Changes
1.38 - 6 September 2005
Integrate core change 25304 -- Symbian Update
Added libscan to Makefile.PL
1.37 - 12 August 2005
Change to t/03examples.t for VMS from Abe Timmerman
1.36 - 3 August 2005
Renamed zlib-src-1.2.3 to zlib-src to help VMS
Fixed Makefile.PL for VMS
Fixed t/03examples.t for VMS
Added a couple of notes about incompatibility with Unix compress.
1.35 - 16 July 2005
Updated zlib source to 1.2.3
Fixed problem with where two calls to gzclose would hang the debugger.
Added code from Alexey Tourbin to use XSLoader when available,
and DynaLoader otherwise.
Documented that the compress & uncompress functions were not
the same as the Unix utilities of the same name.
Fixed 05gzsetp -- it left a temp file hanging around.
Integrate core change 24787 - SvUPGRADE returns void in blead
Integrate core change 24788 - Makefile.PL adjustments for the core
1.34 - 30 January 2005
Fixed typo in the README
Fixed examples.t on Win32 where paths have embedded whitespace.
Fix for Cygwin and core integration from Jos I. Boumans
Upgrade zlib source to 1.2.2
1.33 - 14 January 2004
Reworked Makefile.PL to avoid creating a private copy of zlib.
This both simplifies the build, plus it makes life easier for VMS.
Patches for Makefile.PL to get it to work on VMS supplied by
Craig A. Berry.
memGunzip has very slow on FreeBSD. Turns out to be down to
the way realloc works on FreeBSD. Changed both inflate & deflate
to use exponentially increasing buffer sizes when they need to
realloc. Thanks to Peter Jeremy for the lowdown on FreeBSD
memory allocation.
1.32 - 26 November 2003
Steve Hay reported a problem on with Windows and
MSCV++ 6.0 where the source from the zlib directory was getting
installed with the rest of the module.
This has been fixed by renaming the "zlib" directory to "zlib-src"
thus avoiding a conflict with the name of this Perl module.
Fixed a bug in the inflate method where the input buffer is an
lvalue (via substr). Problem & solution reported by Salvador Fandiqo.
Tightened up the logic in Makefile.PL when BUILD_ZLIB is
True. Issue spotted by Ralf S. Engelschall.
1.31 - 29 October 2003
Reinstated the creation of .bak files - $^I seems to need a
backup file on Windows. For OpenVMS, the extenstion _bak is used.
1.30 - 28 October 2003
Bundled a sub-set of the zlib source with the module and changed
the default make behaviour to build with the included zlib source.
The previous behaviour of using a pre-built zlib library is
still available for those that want it.
Added prototypes to the subs in that didn't already have
them. Patch from Ed Avis.
No .bak files are created by Makefile.PL any more - this keep
distclean much happier. Patch suggested by Ed Avis.
This also fixes a similar problem reported by Dr. Martin Zinser
on OpenVMS.
Documentation for some of the gz functions updated.
Format strings modified in DispStream to keep OpenVMS happy.
Problem reported by Dr. Martin Zinser.
1.22 - 17 June 2003
Makefile.PL now displays a warning about not installing
Compress::Zlib via the CPAN shell.
Fix to allow intermingling of gzread & gzreadline - patch
supplied by Doug Perham.
memGunzip will silently now work if the gzip trailer is
missing. Some HTTP Origin Servers seem to leave it out.
1.21 - 28 April 2003
Tests 148 & 150 from t/02zlib.t were failing on redhat 9.
Added a few words about the problems with Mac OS X to the README file.
1.20 - 4 April 2003
Fixed bug in gzopen where $gzerrno wasn't being set correctly.
The symptom was $gzerrno was set to Z_MEM_ERROR although the file
was opened ok. If gzopen failed, $gzerrno was being set correctly.
This problem wasn't spotted before because the typical test
to determine whether gzopen passed or failed was to check its
return value.
1.19 - 31 October 2002
fixed a problem with t/02zlib.t that was failing with redhat 8.
1.18 - 24 October 2002
fixed a Win32 problem in t/02zlib.t by changing sysread to read.
zlib 1.0.5 & older doesn't have gzsetparams & gzeof. Added a new
variable to to flag an old version of zlib. Split
out the tests for gzsetparams into t/05gzsetp.t
1.17 - 23 May 2002
Moved the test to check the versions of libz & zlib.h into a separate
file and added troubleshooting notes to README.
In gzopen, only attempt to call "tell" for normal files.
Fixed to work in taint mode.
Broke changes out of README into Changes file.
Replaced internal use of Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH symbol with Z_SYNC_FLUSH.
zlib.h says /* will be removed, use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead */
1.16 - 13 December 2001
Fixed bug in Makefile.PL that stopped "perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=..."
1.15 - 4th December 2001
Changes a few types to get the module to build on 64-bit Solaris
Changed the up/downgrade logic to default to the older constructs, and
to only call a downgrade if specifically requested. Some older versions
of Perl were having problems with the in-place edit.
added the new XS constant code.
1.14 - 27th August 2001
Memory overwrite bug fixed in "inflate". Kudos to Rob Simons for
reporting the bug and to Anton Berezin for fixing it for me.
1.13 - 31st June 2001
Make sure is consistant when released.
1.12 - 28th April 2001
Modified Makefile.PL to only enable the warnings pragma if
using perl 5.6.1 or better.
1.11 - 17th February 2001
Added logic in Makefile.PL to toggle between using $^W and
the warnings pragma in the module.
The module, the examples & the test harness are now all strict
& warnings clean.
1.10 - 5th February 2001
fixed a bug in memGunzip. Used Z_ERR instead of Z_DATA_ERROR.
1.09 - 15th January 2001
Silenced a few compiler warnings.
Updated zlib home site in README & to
Minor typo in - a link used AUTHORS instead of AUTHOR
- spotted by Frank Martini.
Mention Archive::Zip
added memGunzip. This is largely based on code provided by Jim Leonard.
$deflate->flush can now take an optional parameter. Valid
and Z_FINISH. The default is Z_FINISH.
1.08 - 6 Jan 2000
uncompress was clobbering its input parameter. Now it doesn't.
This bug was spotted by Deven T. Corzine.
If a variable that only ever contained a number was given
to compress or deflate, it would not be compressed properly. Now
it will be coerced to a string and then compressed. This bug
was spotted by Deven T. Corzine.
1.07 - 27 Nov 1999
ANSI-ified the static functions in Zlib.xs
Added the ability to build zlib along with the module.
This feature is 90% based on a Makefile provided by Gurusamy
1.06 - 20 Sep 1999
Fixed a nasty problem where inflate could truncate the data
returned. Thanks to Douglas Thomson <>
for both spotting the problem and fixing the bug.
Added a note about the undocumented features in zlib that are
required when accessing zip files.
gzclose will now get called automatically when the gzip object is
1.05 - 3 June 1999
Previous release used newSVpvn, which doesn't exist in 5.004_04
or earlier. Changed to use newSVpv instead.
The module needs Perl 5.004 or better, so updated the version
checking in and Makefile.PL
1.04 - 27 May 1999
Bug 19990527.001: compress(undef) core dumps -- Fixed.
1.03 - 17 Mar 1999
Updated to use the new PL_ symbols.
Means the module can be built with Perl 5.005_5*
1.02 - 31 Jan 1999
The return codes for gzread, gzreadline and gzwrite were
documented incorrectly as returning a status code.
The test harness was missing a "gzclose". This caused problem
showed up on an amiga. Thanks to Erik van Roode for reporting
this one.
Patched zlib.t for OS/2. Thanks to Ilya Zakharevich for the patch.
1.01 - 23 Nov 1997
A number of fixes to the test suite and the example scripts to
allow them to work under win32. All courtesy of Gurusamy
1.00 - 14 Nov 1997
Fixed crc32 & adler32. They were very broken.
The following functions can now take a scalar reference in
place of a scalar for their buffer parameters:
This should mean applications that make use of the module don't
have to copy large buffers around.
Normally the inflate method consumes I<all> of the input buffer
before returning. The exception to this is when inflate detects
the end of the stream (Z_STREAM_END). In this case the input
buffer need not be completely consumed. To allow processing of
file formats that embed a deflation stream (e.g. zip, gzip),
the inflate method now sets the buffer parameter to be what
remains after inflation.
When the return status is Z_STREAM_END, it will be what remains
of the buffer (if any) after deflation. When the status is Z_OK
it will be an empty string.
This change means that the buffer parameter must be a lvalue.
Fixed crc32 and adler32. They were both very broken.
Added the Compress::Zlib::memGzip function.
0.5 - Confirmed that no changes were necessary for zlib 1.0.3, or 1.0.4.
The optional parameters for deflateInit and inflateInit can now
be specified as an associative array in addition to a reference
to an associative array. They can also accept the -Name
gzopen can now optionally take a reference to an open
filehandle in place of a filename. In this case it will call
Added gzstream example script.
0.4 - Upgrade to support zlib 0.99
Added dictionary interface.
Fixed bug in gzreadline - previously it would keep returning
the same buffer. This bug was reported by Helmut Jarausch
Removed dependency to zutil.h and so dropped support for
DEF_WBITS (use MAX_WBITS instead)
0.3 - Added prototype specification.
0.2 - Fixed a minor allocation problem in Zlib.xs
0.1 - first alpha release. 2nd October 1995