use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

plan skip_all => 'runit not installed' if !grep {-x "$_/runsv"} split /:/, $ENV{PATH};
plan tests => 5;

use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
chomp(my $cwd=`pwd`); $ENV{PATH} = "$cwd/blib/script:$ENV{PATH}";
chdir tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 )
    and system('narada-new') == 0
    or die "Unable to create project: $!";

ok !-e 'var/log/current', 'log file not exists';
system('runsv ./service/log/ &>/dev/null & sleep 1');
ok -e 'var/log/current', 'log file exists';
eval 'use Narada::Log qw( $LOGSOCK )';

ok ref $LOGSOCK, 'log object imported';

ok 256 == system('grep debug var/log/current &>/dev/null'), 'log file not contain "debug"';
ok 0   == system('grep info  var/log/current &>/dev/null'), 'log file contain "info"';

system('sv x ./service/log/');

chdir '/';  # work around warnings in File::Temp CLEANUP handler