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# $Id: Iterator-Simple-Lookahead.t,v 1.1 2013/07/16 15:23:14 Paulo Exp $

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Iterator::Simple 'iter';

use_ok 'Iterator::Simple::Lookahead';

my $s;

sub t_get (@) {
	my $where = "[line ".(caller)[2]."]";
	for (@_) {
		is $s->peek,     $_, "$where peek is ".($_||"undef");
		is $s->next,     $_, "$where next is ".($_||"undef");
		is $s->(),       $_, "$where ()   is ".($_||"undef");
		is scalar(<$s>), $_, "$where <>   is ".($_||"undef");

sub t_new (@) {
	my $obj;
	isa_ok $obj = Iterator::Simple::Lookahead->new(@_), 'Iterator::Simple::Lookahead';
	return $obj;

sub array_iter {
	my(@d) = @_;
	return sub { shift @d; };

# new without arguments
	$s = t_new();
	t_get 	undef, undef;
	t_get 	1, 2, 3, undef, undef;

# new with arguments
	my $n;
	$s = t_new(
			iter( [7..9] ),
			sub {
				return array_iter(10..12) if $n == 1;
				return array_iter(13..15) if $n == 2;
	t_get 	1..3;
	t_get 	0,1,4..15, undef, undef;

# unget from within the iterator
	my @d1 = (4..6);

	$s = t_new(
			sub {
				my $ret = shift @d1; 
				if ($ret && $ret == 5) {
				return $ret;
	t_get 	4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, undef, undef;

# peek
	$s = t_new( array_iter(0..100) );
	for (0..100) {
		is $s->peek($_), $_, "peek $_";
	for (101..111) {
		is $s->peek($_), undef, "peek $_";
	t_get 	0..100, undef, undef;

	eval {$s->peek(-1)}; 
	like $@, qr/negative index/, "croak on negative peek";

# stream of []
	$s = t_new( [1,1], [2,4], [3,9] );
	for (1..3) {
		is_deeply $s->(), [$_,$_*$_], "next [$_,$_*$_]";
	t_get undef, undef;

# subclass of Iterator::Simple::Iterator
	$s = t_new( array_iter( 1..10 ) ) | 
		sub {
			return if $_ % 2 != 0;
			return $_ / 2;
	t_get 1..5, undef, undef;
