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Revision history for Perl module Devel::LeakGuard::Object
0.01 2009-06-14
- Initial version.
0.02 2009-06-14
- Fix MyBuilder.pm so blib doesn't get bundled in dist.
0.03 2009-06-23
- Rename state as leakstate to avoid clashes under use 5.010.
0.04 2009-06-23
- Update this file.
0.05 2009-06-23
- Use latest instead of strict + warn.
0.06 2009-06-24
- Fix import problems caused by circular relationship between
0.07 2015-09-04
- Fix t/guard.t test failures on some versions of perl and Carp.pm
due to an extra full stop (".").
- Replace Module::Build with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Basic code and distribution cleanup
0.08 Unknown
- Specify minimum perl version
- Some perlcritic-related cleanup
- Relax ExtUtils::MakeMaker minimum version requirement
- Add kwalitee tests
- Fix installation instructions in README