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#!/usr/bin/env perl
=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME



Script to use the FSpot::DbTool and related tools

=head1 SYNOPSIS [options]

               Requires: from, to
               Optional: merge, rename
               Requires: from, to
               Requires: path

   --from   Path from
   --to     Path to
   --path   It's a path!
   --merge  Do a merge
   --rename Rename files if necessary

=head2 Actions


use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '../lib';
use FSpot::DbTool;
use YAML::Any qw/Dump/;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

if( -f 'log4perl.conf' ){
    Log::Log4perl->init( 'log4perl.conf');
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('fspot');

my $args = {};
my $result = GetOptions( $args,
                         'help' );

# If the Getoptions did not complete, show the usage and exit
if( ! $result ){
    pod2usage( { -message => "Invalid options",
                 -exitval => 2,
                 -verbose => 1,
                 } );

# User requested some help: show full documentation
if( $args->{help} ){
    pod2usage( {  -exitval => 1,
                  -verbose => 2,
                 } );

# Check that action defined
if( ! $args->{action} ){
    pod2usage( { -message => "action not defined",
                 -exitval => 2,
                 -verbose => 1,
                 } );

my $fsdb = FSpot::DbTool->new();

=head3 move_dir

Move pictures from one directory to another.  Does the move on the filesystem, and the corresponding
move of the path in the FSpot database afterwards


if( $args->{action} eq 'move_dir' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Paths' );
    $fsdb->move_dir( 'from'   => $args->{from},
                    'to'     => $args->{to},
                    'merge'  => $args->{merge},
                    'rename' => $args->{rename} );

=head3 replace_path

Useful if you have already moved files in your filesystem (e.g. moved your entire photo folder to 
a new location.  Will replace all instances of a path with a new path


  from = /home/clarkero/my_pictures
  to   = /home/rcl/pictures/processed


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'replace_path' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Paths' );
    $fsdb->replace_path( 'from' => $args->{from},
                         'to'   => $args->{to} );

=head3 clean_trailing_slashes

Clean trailing slashes off the end of paths in the database


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'clean_trailing_slashes' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Paths' );

=head3 find_lost

Find files which exist in the filesystem, but do not exist in the database


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'find_lost' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Paths' );
    my $lost_files = $fsdb->find_lost_files( 'path' => $args->{path} );
    print Dump( $lost_files );

=head3 find_orphans

Find orphaned files (files which exist in in the database, but not on the filesystem)


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'find_orphans' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Paths' );
    my $orphans = $fsdb->find_orphans();
    my $f = File::Util->new();
    foreach my $photo_id( keys( %{ $orphans } ) ){
        printf( "%s  %s\n", $orphans->{$photo_id}->{_path}, $orphans->{$photo_id}->{description} );

=head3 tag_no_description

Tag all photos which do not yet have a description


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'tag_no_description' ){
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Tags' );

=head3 check_db

Confirms you have the correct database version for this script to work with


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'check_db' ){
    my $dbh = $fsdb->dbh();

=head3 backup_db

Make a backup of the database
This is carried out automatically for move_dir, replace_path and compact_db actions.


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'backup_db' ){

=head3 compact_db

Carries out the SQLite compact function (VACUUM) on the database.


}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'compact_db' ){
}elsif( $args->{action} eq 'test' ){
    printf "Tools before loading Test: %s\n", join( ', ', sort{ $a cmp $b } @{ $fsdb->tools() } );
    $fsdb->load_tool( tool => 'Test' );
    printf "Tools after loading Test: %s\n", join( ', ', sort{ $a cmp $b } @{ $fsdb->tools() } );
    printf "Designed for db: %s\n", $fsdb->designed_for_db_version();
    pod2usage( { -message => "Unknown action: $args->{action}",
                 -exitval => 2,
                 -verbose => 1,
               } );

exit( 0 );


=head1 AUTHOR

Robin Clarke C<>
