The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
#  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Library General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
#  License along with this library; if not, write to the
#  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
#  Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
#  Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Ryan Eatmon
package Net::HTTPServer;

=head1 NAME



Net::HTTPServer provides a lite HTTP server.  It can serve files, or can
be configured to call Perl functions when a URL is accessed.


Net::HTTPServer basically turns a CGI script into a stand alone server.
Useful for temporary services, mobile/local servers, or embedding an HTTP
server into another program.


    use Net::HTTPServer;

    my $server = new Net::HTTPServer(port=>5000,


    $server->Process();  # Run forever


        $server->Process(5);  # Run for 5 seconds
        # Do something else...


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(%cfg)

Given a config hash, return a server object that you can start, process,
and stop.  The config hash takes the options:

    chroot => 0|1       - Run the server behind a virtual chroot().
                          Since only root can actually call chroot,
                          a URL munger is provided that will not
                          allow URLs to go beyond the document root
                          if this is specified.
                          ( Default: 1 )

    datadir => string   - Path on the filesystem where you want to
                          store the server side session files.
                          ( Deault: "/tmp/nethttpserver.sessions" )

    docroot => string   - Path on the filesystem that you want to be
                          the document root "/" for the server.  If
                          set to undef, then the server will not serve
                          any files off the local filesystem, but will
                          still serve callbacks.
                          ( Default: undef )

    index => list       - Specify a list of file names to use as the
                          the index file when a directory is requested.
                          ( Default: ["index.html","index.htm"] )

    log => string       - Path to store the log at.  If you set this to
                          "STDOUT" then it will display to STDOUT.
                          ( Default: access.log )

    mimetypes => string - Path to an alternate mime.types file.
                          ( Default: included in release )

    numproc => int      - When type is set to "forking", this tells the
                          server how many child processes to keep
                          running at all times.
                          ( Default: 5 )

    oldrequests => 0|1  - With the new request objects, old programs
                          will not work.  To postpone updating your
                          code, just set this to 1 and your programs
                          should work again.
                          ( Default: 0 )
    port => int         - Port number to use.  You can optionally
                          specify the string "scan", and the server
                          will loop through ports until it finds one
                          it can listen on.  This port is then returned
                          by the Start() method.
                          ( Default: 9000 )

    sessions => 0|1     - Enable/disable server side session support.
                          ( Default: 0 )
    ssl => 0|1          - Run a secure server using SSL.  You must
                          specify ssl_key, ssl_cert, and ssl_ca if
                          set this to 1.
                          ( Default: 0 )

    ssl_ca => string    - Path to the SSL ca file.
                          ( Default: undef )

    ssl_cert => string  - Path to the SSL cert file.
                          ( Default: undef )

    ssl_key => string   - Path to the SSL key file.
                          ( Default: undef )

    type => string      - What kind of server to create?  Available
                          types are:
                            single  - single process/no forking
                            forking - preforking server
                          (Default: "single")

=head2 AddServerTokens(token,[token,...])

Adds one or more tokens onto the Server header line that the server sends
back in a response.  The list is seperated by a ; to distinguish the
various tokens from each other.


This would result in the following header being sent in a response:

HTTP/1.1 200
Server: Net::HTTPServer/0.9 test/1.3
Content-Type: text/html

=head2 Process(timeout)

Listens for incoming requests and responds back to them.  This function
will block, unless a timeout is specified, then it will block for that
number of seconds before returning.  Useful for embedding this into
other programs and still letting the other program get some CPU time.

=head2 RegisterAuth(method,url,realm,function)

Protect the URL using the Authentication method provided.  The supported
methods are: "Basic" and "Digest".

When a URL with a path component that matchs the specified URL is
requested the server requests that the client perform the specified
of authentication for the given realm.  When the URL is accessed the
second time, the client provides the authentication pieces and the
server parses the pieces and using the return value from the specified
function answers the request.  The function is called with the username
and the URL they are trying to access.  It is required that the function
return a two item list with a return code and the users's password.

The valid return codes are:

  200   The user exists and is allowed to access
        this URL.  Return the password.
        return( "200", password )

  401   The user does not exist.  Obviously you
        do not have to return a password in this
        return( "401" )

  403   The user is forbidden to access this URL.
        (You must still return the password because
        if the user did not auth, then we do not want
        to tip off the bad people that this username
        is valid.)
        return( "403", password )

The reasoning for having the function return the password is that Digest
authentication is just complicated enough that asking you to write part of
logic would be considered rude.  By just having you give the server the
password we can keep the whole Auth interface simple.

Here is an example:


  sub testBasic
      my $url = shift;
      my $user = shift;

      my $password = &lookupPassword($user);
      return("401","") unless defined($password);
      if (($url eq "/foo/") && ($user eq "dr_evil"))
          return ("403",$password);

      return ("200",$password);

  sub lookupPassword
      my $user = shift;

      my %passwd;
      $passwd{larry}   = "wall";
      $passwd{dr_evil} = "1million";

      return unless exists($passwd{$user});
      return $passwd{$user};

Start a server with that, and the following RegisterURL example,
and point your browser to:


You should be prompted for a userid and password, entering "larry"
and "wall"  will allow you to see the page.  Entering "dr_evil" and
"1million" should result in getting a Forbidden page (and likely
needing to restart your browser).  Entering any other userid or
password should result in you being asked again.

If you have a handler for both RegisterURL and RegisterAuth, then
your function for RegisterURL can find the identify of the user in
the C<$env-E<gt>{'REMOTE_USER'}> hash entry. This is similar to CGI

You can have multiple handlers for different URLs. If you do this,
then the longest complete URL handler will be called. For example,
if you have handlers for C</foo/> and C</foo>, and a URL
of C</foo/> is called, then the handler C</foo/> is
called to authorize this request, but if a URL of C</foo/bar.html>
is called, then the handler C</foo> is called.

Only complete directories are matched, so if you had a handler for
C</foo/bar>, then it would not be called for either /foo/ or

=head2 RegisterRegex(regex,function)

Register the function with the provided regular expression.  When a
URL that matches that regular expression is requested, the function
is called and passed the environment (GET+POST) so that it can do
something meaningfiul with them.  For more information on how the
function is called and should be used see the section on RegisterURL


This will match any URL that ends in ".news" and call the &news
function.  The URL that the user request can be retrieved via the
Request object ($reg->Path()).

=head2 RegisterRegex(hash ref)

Instead of calling RegisterRegex a bunch of times, you can just pass
it a hash ref containing Regex/callback pairs.

                           ".*.news$" => \&news,
                           ".*.foo$" => \&foo,

=head2 RegisterURL(url,function)

Register the function with the provided URL.  When that URL is requested,
the function is called and passed in the environment (GET+POST) so that
it can do something meaningful with them.  A simple handler looks like:


  sub test
      my $req = shift;             # Net::HTTPServer::Request object
      my $res = $req->Response();  # Net::HTTPServer::Response object

      $res->Print("  <head>\n");
      $res->Print("    <title>This is a test</title>\n");
      $res->Print("  </head>\n");
      $res->Print("  <body>\n");
      $res->Print("    <pre>\n");

      foreach my $var (keys(%{$req->Env()}))
          $res->Print("$var -> ".$req->Env($var)."\n");
      $res->Print("    </pre>\n");
      $res->Print("  </body>\n");

      return $res;
Start a server with that and point your browser to:


You should see a page titled "This is a test" with this body:

  test -> bing
  test2 -> bong
=head2 RegisterURL(hash ref)

Instead of calling RegisterURL a bunch of times, you can just pass
it a hash ref containing URL/callback pairs.

                         "/foo/" => \&test1,
                         "/foo/" => \&test2,

See RegisterURL() above for more information on how callbacks work.

=head2 Start()

Starts the server based on the config options passed to new().  Returns
the port number the server is listening on, or undef if the server was
unable to start.

=head2 Stop()

Shuts down the socket connection and cleans up after itself.


Net::HTTPServer provides support for server-side sessions much like PHP's
session model.  A handler that you register can ask that the request object
start a new session.  It will check a cookie value to see if an existing
session exists, if not it will create a new one with a unique key.

You can store any arbitrary Perl data structures in the session.  The next
time the user accesses your handler, you can restore those values and have
them available again.  When you are done, simple destroy the session.

=head1 HEADERS

Net::HTTPServer sets a few headers automatically.  Due to the timing of
events, you cannot get to those headers programatically, so we will
discuss them general.

Obviously for file serving, errors, and authentication it sends back
all of the appropriate headers.  You likely do not need to worry about
those cases.  In RegisterURL mode though, here are the headers that are

   Accept-Ranges: none                    (not supported)
   Content-Length: <length of response>
   Connection: close                      (not supported)
   Content-Type: text/html                (unless you set it)
   Date: <current time>
   Server: <version of Net::HTTPServer
            plus what you add using the
            AddServerTokens method>

If you have any other questions about what is being sent, try using
DEBUG (later section).

=head1 DEBUG

When you are writing your application you might see behavior that is
unexpected.  I've found it useful to check some debugging statements
that I have in the module to see what it is doing.  If you want to
turn debugging on simply provide the debug => [ zones ] option when
creating the server.  You can optionally specify a file to write
the log into instead of STDOUT by specifying the debuglog => file

I've coded the modules debugging using the concept of zones.  Each
zone (or task) has it's own debug messages and you can enable/disable
them as you want to.  Here are the list of available zones:

  INIT - Initializing the sever
  PROC - Processing a request
  REQ  - Parsing requests
  RESP - Returning the response (file contents are not printed)
  AUTH - Handling and authentication request
  FILE - Handling a file system request.
  READ - Low-level read
  SEND - Low-level send (even prints binary characters)
  ALL  - Turn all of the above on.

So as an example:

  my $server = new Net::HTTPServer(..., debug=>["REQ","RESP"],...);

That would show all requests and responses.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ryan Eatmon


Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Ryan Eatmon <>. All rights
reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

use strict;
use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use FileHandle;
use File::Path;
use POSIX;
use Net::HTTPServer::Session;
use Net::HTTPServer::Response;
use Net::HTTPServer::Request;

use vars qw ( $VERSION %ALLOWED $SSL $Base64 $DigestMD5 );

$VERSION = "1.1.1";


# Do we have IO::Socket::SSL for https support?
if (eval "require IO::Socket::SSL;")
    require IO::Socket::SSL;
    import IO::Socket::SSL;
    $SSL = 1;
    $SSL = 0;

# Do we have MIME::Base64 for Basic Authentication support?
if (eval "require MIME::Base64;")
    require MIME::Base64;
    import MIME::Base64;
    $Base64 = 1;
    $Base64 = 0;

# Do we have Digest::MD5 for Digest Authentication support?
if (eval "require Digest::MD5;")
    require Digest::MD5;
    import Digest::MD5;
    $DigestMD5 = 1;
    $DigestMD5 = 0;

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = { };
    bless($self, $proto);

    my (%args) = @_;

    $self->{ARGS} = \%args;

    # Get the hostname...
    my $hostname = (uname)[1];
    my $address  = gethostbyname($hostname);
    if ($address)
        $hostname = $address;
        my $temp = gethostbyaddr($address, AF_INET);
        $hostname = $temp if ($temp);

    $self->{SERVER}->{NAME} = $hostname;

    $self->{CFG}->{ADMIN}       = $self->_arg("admin",'webmaster@'.$hostname);
    $self->{CFG}->{CHROOT}      = $self->_arg("chroot",1);
    $self->{CFG}->{DATADIR}     = $self->_arg("datadir","/tmp/nethttpserver.sessions");
    $self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}     = $self->_arg("docroot",undef);
    $self->{CFG}->{INDEX}       = $self->_arg("index",["index.html","index.htm"]);
    $self->{CFG}->{LOG}         = $self->_arg("log","access.log");
    $self->{CFG}->{MIMETYPES}   = $self->_arg("mimetypes",undef);
    $self->{CFG}->{NUMPROC}     = $self->_arg("numproc",5);
    $self->{CFG}->{OLDREQUEST}  = $self->_arg("oldrequest",0);
    $self->{CFG}->{PORT}        = $self->_arg("port",9000);
    $self->{CFG}->{SESSIONS}    = $self->_arg("sessions",0);
    $self->{CFG}->{SSL}         = $self->_arg("ssl",0) && $SSL;
    $self->{CFG}->{SSL_KEY}     = $self->_arg("ssl_key",undef);
    $self->{CFG}->{SSL_CERT}    = $self->_arg("ssl_cert",undef);
    $self->{CFG}->{SSL_CA}      = $self->_arg("ssl_ca",undef);
    $self->{CFG}->{TYPE}        = $self->_arg("type","single",["single","forking"]);

    if ($self->{CFG}->{LOG} eq "STDOUT")
        $| = 1;
        $self->{LOG} = \*STDOUT;
        $self->{LOG} = new FileHandle(">>$self->{CFG}->{LOG}");
        if (!defined($self->{LOG}))
            croak("Could not open log $self->{CFG}->{LOG} for append:\n    $!");

    $self->{DEBUGZONES} = {};
    $self->{DEBUG} = $self->_arg("debug",[]);
    $self->{DEBUGLOG} = $self->_arg("debuglog","STDOUT");

    if ((ref($self->{DEBUG}) eq "ARRAY") && ($#{$self->{DEBUG}} > -1))

        foreach my $zone (@{$self->{DEBUG}})
            $self->{DEBUGZONES}->{$zone} = 1;

        if ($self->{DEBUGLOG} eq "STDOUT")
            $| = 1;
            $self->{DEBUGLOG} = \*STDOUT;
            my $log = $self->{DEBUGLOG};
            $self->{DEBUGLOG} = new FileHandle(">$log");
            if (!defined($self->{DEBUGLOG}))
                croak("Could not open log $log for write:\n    $!");


    if (!defined($self->{CFG}->{MIMETYPES}))
        foreach my $lib (@INC)
            if (-e "$lib/Net/HTTPServer/mime.types")
                $self->{CFG}->{MIMETYPES} = "$lib/Net/HTTPServer/mime.types";
    if ($DigestMD5)
        $self->{PRIVATEKEY} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex("Net::HTTPServer/$VERSION".time);

    $self->{AUTH} = {};
    $self->{CALLBACKS} = {};
    $self->{SERVER_TOKENS} = [ "Net::HTTPServer/$VERSION" ];

    if ($self->{CFG}->{SESSIONS})
        if (-d $self->{CFG}->{DATADIR})
        if (!(-d $self->{CFG}->{DATADIR}))

    $self->{REGEXID} = 0;

    #XXX Clean up the datadir of files older than a certain time.

    return $self;

# AddServerTokens - Add more tokens that will be sent on the Server: header
#                  line of a response.
sub AddServerTokens
    my $self = shift;
    my (@tokens) = @_;

    foreach my $token (@tokens)
        if ($token =~ / /)
            croak("Server token cannot contain any spaces: \"$token\"");

# Process - Inner loop to handle connection, read requests, process them, and
#           respond.
sub Process
    my $self = shift;
    my $timeout = shift;

    if (!defined($self->{SOCK}))
        croak("Process() called on undefined socket.  Check the result from Start().\n    ");

    my $timestop = undef;
    $timestop = time + $timeout if defined($timeout);
    $self->_debug("PROC","Process: type($self->{CFG}->{TYPE})");

    my $block = 1;
        if ($self->{CFG}->{TYPE} eq "single")
        elsif ($self->{CFG}->{TYPE} eq "forking")

        $block = 0 if (defined($timestop) && (($timestop - time) <= 0));

# RegisterAuth - Protect the given URL using the given authentication method
#                and calling the supplied function to verify the username
#                and password.
sub RegisterAuth
    my $self = shift;
    my $method = shift;
    my $url = shift;
    my $realm = shift;
    my $callback = shift;

    $method = lc($method);
    if (($method ne "basic") && ($method ne "digest"))
        croak("You did not specify a valid method to RegisterAuth: \"$method\"\nValid options are:\n    basic, digest\n");

    if (($method eq "basic") || ($method eq "digest"))
	    if (!$Base64)
            $self->_log("Cannot register authentication callback as MIME::Base64 is not installed...");
            carp("Cannot register authentication callback as MIME::Base64 is not installed...");
    if ($method eq "digest")
	    if (!$DigestMD5)
            $self->_log("Cannot register authentication callback as Digest::MD5 is not installed...");
            carp("Cannot register authentication callback as Digest::MD5 is not installed...");
    $self->{AUTH}->{$url}->{method}   = $method;
    $self->{AUTH}->{$url}->{realm}    = $realm;
    $self->{AUTH}->{$url}->{callback} = $callback;

# RegisterRegex - given a regular expressions, call the supplied function when
#                 it a request path matches it.
sub RegisterRegex
    my $self = shift;
    my $regex = shift;
    my $callback = shift;

    $regex =~ s/\//\\\//g;

    my $id = "__nethttpserver__:regex:".$self->{REGEXID};
    $self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}->{$regex}->{callback} = $id;
    $self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}->{$regex}->{id} = $self->{REGEXID};
    $self->{CALLBACKS}->{$id} = $callback;

# RegisterURL - given a URL path, call the supplied function when it is
#               requested.
sub RegisterURL
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = shift;

    if (ref($url) eq "HASH")
        foreach my $hashURL (keys(%{$url}))
            $self->{CALLBACKS}->{$hashURL} = $url->{$hashURL};
        my $callback = shift;

        $self->{CALLBACKS}->{$url} = $callback;

# Start - Just a little initialization routine to start the server.
sub Start
    my $self = shift;

    $self->_debug("INIT","Start: Starting the server");

    my $port = $self->{CFG}->{PORT};
    my $scan = ($port eq "scan" ? 1 : 0);
    $port = 8000 if $scan;
    $self->{SOCK} = undef;

        $self->_debug("INIT","Start: Attempting to listen on port $port");
        if ($self->{CFG}->{SSL} == 0)
            $self->{SOCK} = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalPort=>$port,
                                                 (($^O ne "MSWin32") ?
                                                  (Blocking=>0) :
            if (!defined($self->{CFG}->{SSL_KEY}) ||
                !defined($self->{CFG}->{SSL_CERT}) ||
                croak("You must specify ssl_key, ssl_cert, and ssl_ca if you want to use SSL.");
            $self->_debug("INIT","Start: Create an SSL socket.");
            $self->{SOCK} = new IO::Socket::SSL(LocalPort=>$port,
                                                SSL_verify_mode=> 0x01,
                                                (($^O ne "MSWin32") ?
                                                 (Blocking=>0) :
        last if defined($self->{SOCK});
        last if ($port == 9999);
        last if !$scan;

    if (!defined($self->{SOCK}))
        $self->_log("Could not start the server...");
        if ($self->{CFG}->{SSL} == 0)
            carp("Could not start the server: $!");
            carp("Could not start the server: ",&IO::Socket::SSL::errstr);


    $self->{SELECT} = new IO::Select($self->{SOCK});

    if ($self->{CFG}->{TYPE} eq "forking")
        $self->_debug("INIT","Start: Initializing forking");
        $SIG{CHLD} = sub{ $self->_forking_reaper(); };
        $self->{CHILDREN} = {};
        $self->{NUMCHILDREN} = 0;
    $self->_log("Server running on port $port");

    $self->{SERVER}->{PORT} = $port;

    return $port;

# Stop - Stop the server.
sub Stop
    my $self = shift;

    $self->_debug("INIT","Stop: Stopping the server");

    if ($self->{CFG}->{TYPE} eq "forking")
    if (exists($self->{SELECT}) && defined($self->{SELECT}))

    if (exists($self->{SOCK}) && defined($self->{SOCK}))

#| Private Flow Functions

# _HandleAuth - Make sure that the user has passed the authentication to view
#               this page.
sub _HandleAuth
    my $self = shift;
    my $requestObj = shift;
    my $authURL = $self->_checkAuth($requestObj->Path());
    return unless defined($authURL);

    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuth: url(".$requestObj->Path().")");
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuth: authURL($authURL) method($self->{AUTH}->{$authURL}->{method})");

    if ($self->{AUTH}->{$authURL}->{method} eq "basic")
        return $self->_HandleAuthBasic($authURL,$requestObj);
    elsif ($self->{AUTH}->{$authURL}->{method} eq "digest")
        return $self->_HandleAuthDigest($authURL,$requestObj);


# _HandleAuthBasic - Parse the Authentication header and make sure that the
#                    user is allowed to see this page.
sub _HandleAuthBasic
    my $self = shift;
    my $authURL = shift;
    my $requestObj = shift;

    my $realm = $self->{AUTH}->{$authURL}->{realm};

    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthBasic: authURL($authURL) realm($realm)");

    # Auth if they did not send an Authorization
    return $self->_AuthBasic($realm) unless $requestObj->Header("Authorization");
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthBasic: there was an Authorization");

    my ($method,$base64) = split(" ",$requestObj->Header("Authorization"),2);

    # Auth if they did not send a Basic Authorization
    return $self->_AuthBasic($realm) if (lc($method) ne "basic");
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthBasic: it was a Basic");

    my ($user,$password) = split(":",MIME::Base64::decode($base64));

    my ($code,$real_password) =
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthBasic: callback return code($code)");

    # Return the results of the authentication handler
    return $self->_AuthBasic($realm) if ($code eq "401");
    return $self->_AuthBasic($realm) if ($password ne $real_password);
    return $self->_Forbidden() if ($code eq "403");

    # We authed, so set REMOTE_USER in the env hash and return

# _HandleAuthDigest - Parse the Authentication header and make sure that the
#                     user is allowed to see this page.
sub _HandleAuthDigest
    my $self = shift;
    my $authURL = shift;
    my $requestObj = shift;

    my %digest;
    $digest{algorithm} = "MD5";
    $digest{nonce} = $self->_nonce();
    $digest{realm} = $self->{AUTH}->{$authURL}->{realm};
    $digest{qop} = "auth";

    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: authURL($authURL) realm($digest{realm})");

    # Auth if they did not send an Authorization
    return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest) unless $requestObj->Header("Authorization");
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: there was an Authorization");

    my ($method,$directives) = split(" ",$requestObj->Header("Authorization"),2);

    # Auth if they did not send a Digest Authorization
    return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest) if (lc($method) ne "digest");
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: it was a Digest");

    my %authorization;
    foreach my $directive (split(",",$directives))
        my ($key,$value) = ($directive =~ /^\s*([^=]+)\s*=\s*\"?(.+?)\"?\s*$/);
        $authorization{$key} = $value;
    # Make sure that the uri in the auth and the request are the same.
    return $self->_BadRequest() if ($requestObj->URL() ne $authorization{uri});

    my ($code,$real_password) =
    $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: callback return code($code)");

    my $ha1 = $self->_digest_HA1(\%authorization,$real_password);
    my $ha2 = $self->_digest_HA2(\%authorization,$requestObj->Method());
    my $kd = $self->_digest_KD(\%authorization,$ha1,$ha2);

    # Return the results of the authentication handler
    return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest) if ($code eq "401");
    return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest) if ($kd ne $authorization{response});
    return $self->_Forbidden() if ($code eq "403");

    # If they authed, then check over the nonce and make sure it's valid.
    my ($time,$privatekey) = split(":",MIME::Base64::decode($authorization{nonce}));

    if ($privatekey ne $self->{PRIVATEKEY})
        $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: nonce is stale due to key.");
        $digest{stale} = "TRUE";
        return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest)

    if ((time - $time) > 30)
        $self->_debug("AUTH","_HandleAuthDigest: nonce is stale due to time.");
        $digest{stale} = "TRUE";
        return $self->_AuthDigest(\%digest);
    # XXX - check nc for replay attack
    # XXX - better nonce to minimize replay attacks?
    # We authed, so set REMOTE_USER in the env hash and return

# _ProcessRequest - Based on the URL and Environment, figure out what they
#                   wanted, and call the correct handler.
sub _ProcessRequest
    my $self = shift;
    my $requestObj = shift;

    # Catch some common errors/reponses without doing any real hard work
    return $self->_ExpectationFailed()
        if ($requestObj->_failure() eq "expect");
    return $self->_MethodNotAllowed()
        unless exists($ALLOWED{$requestObj->Method()});
    return $self->_BadRequest()
        unless $requestObj->Header("Host");
    return $self->_LengthRequired()
        if ($requestObj->Header("Transfer-Encoding") &&
            $requestObj->Header("Transfer-Encoding") ne "identity");

    return $self->_Options()
        if ($requestObj->Method() eq "OPTIONS");

    return new Net::HTTPServer::Response()
        if ($requestObj->Method() eq "TRACE");

    my $responseObj;

    my $reqPath = $requestObj->Path();
    my $method = "not found";

    my $reqPath1 = $reqPath."/";
    my ($reqPath2) = ($reqPath =~ /^(.+)\/$/);
    $reqPath2 = $reqPath if !defined($reqPath);

    if (exists($self->{CALLBACKS}->{$reqPath}))
        $method = "callback";
    elsif (exists($self->{CALLBACKS}->{$reqPath1}))
        $method = "callback";
        $reqPath = $reqPath1;
    elsif (exists($self->{CALLBACKS}->{$reqPath2}))
        $method = "callback";
        $reqPath = $reqPath2;
    elsif (my $regex = $self->_RegexMatch($reqPath))
        $reqPath = $regex;
        $method = "callback";
    elsif (defined($self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}) &&
           (-e $self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}."/".$reqPath))
        $method = "file";

        if (-d $self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}."/".$reqPath)
            $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: This is a directory, look for an index file.");
            foreach my $index (@{$self->{CFG}->{INDEX}})
                my $testPath = $reqPath;
                $testPath .= "/" unless ($reqPath =~ /\/$/);
                $testPath .= $index;

                $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest:   index? ($testPath)");

                if (exists($self->{CALLBACKS}->{$testPath}))
                    $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest:   index: callback: ($testPath)");
                    $method = "callback";
                    $reqPath = $testPath;

                if (-f $self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}."/".$testPath)
                    $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest:   index: file: ($testPath)");
                    $reqPath = $testPath;
        $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: Might be a virtual directory... index callback?");

        foreach my $index (@{$self->{CFG}->{INDEX}})
            my $testPath = $reqPath;
            $testPath .= "/" unless ($reqPath =~ /\/$/);
            $testPath .= $index;
            $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest:   index? ($testPath)");
            if (exists($self->{CALLBACKS}->{$testPath}))
                $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest:   index: callback: ($testPath)");
                $method = "callback";
                $reqPath = $testPath;

    $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: method($method)");
    if ($method eq "callback")
        my $auth = $self->_HandleAuth($requestObj);
        return $auth if defined($auth);

        $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: Callback");
        if ($self->{CFG}->{OLDREQUEST})
            my $response = &{$self->{CALLBACKS}->{$reqPath}}($requestObj->Env(),$requestObj->Cookie());
            $responseObj = new Net::HTTPServer::Response(code=>$response->[0],
            $responseObj = &{$self->{CALLBACKS}->{$reqPath}}($requestObj);
    elsif ($method eq "file")
        my $auth = $self->_HandleAuth($requestObj);
        return $auth if defined($auth);

        $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: File");
        $responseObj = $self->_ServeFile($reqPath);        
        $self->_debug("PROC","_ProcessRequest: Not found");
        $responseObj = $self->_NotFound();

    return $responseObj;

# _ReadRequest - Take the full request, pull out the type, url, GET, POST, etc.
sub _ReadRequest
    my $self = shift;
    my $request = shift;
    my $requestObj =
        new Net::HTTPServer::Request(chroot=>$self->{CFG}->{CHROOT},

    $self->_debug("REQ","_ReadRequest: method(".$requestObj->Method().") url(".$requestObj->URL().")");
    $self->_debug("REQ","_ReadRequest: request(".$requestObj->Request().")");
    $self->_log($requestObj->Method()." ".$requestObj->URL());

    return $requestObj;

# _RegexMatch - loop through all of the regex callbacks and see if any match
#               the request path.
sub _RegexMatch
    my $self = shift;
    my $reqPath = shift;

    return unless exists($self->{REGEXCALLBACKS});

    foreach my $regex (sort {$self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}->{$a}->{id} <=> $self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}->{$b}->{id}} keys(%{$self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}}))
        return $self->{REGEXCALLBACKS}->{$regex}->{callback} if ($reqPath =~ /$regex/);


# _ReturnResponse - Take all of the pieces and generate the reponse, and send
#                   it out.
sub _ReturnResponse
    my $self = shift;
    my $client = shift;
    my $requestObj = shift;
    my $responseObj = shift;

    # If this is not a redirect...
    if (!$responseObj->Header("Location"))
        # Initialize the content type
            unless $responseObj->Header("Content-Type");
        # Check that it's acceptable to the client
        if ($requestObj->Header("Accept"))
            $responseObj = $self->_NotAcceptable()
                unless $self->_accept($requestObj->Header("Accept"),

        # Initialize any missing (and required) headers
        $responseObj->Header("Allow",join(", ",keys(%ALLOWED)));
            unless $responseObj->Header("Content-Length");
        $responseObj->Header("Server",join(" ",@{$self->{SERVER_TOKENS}}));

    # If this was a HEAD, then there is no response
    $responseObj->Clear() if ($requestObj->Method() eq "HEAD");
    if ($requestObj->Method() eq "TRACE")

    my ($header,$body) = $responseObj->_build();

    # Debug
    $self->_debug("RESP","_ReturnResponse: ----------------------------------------");
    $self->_debug("RESP","_ReturnResponse: $header");
    if (($responseObj->Header("Content-Type") eq "text/html") ||
        ($responseObj->Header("Content-Type") eq "text/plain"))
        $self->_debug("RESP","_ReturnResponse: $body");
    $self->_debug("RESP","_ReturnResponse: ----------------------------------------");

    # Send the headers and response
    return unless defined($self->_send($client,$header));
    return unless defined($self->_send($client,$body));

# _ServeFile - If they asked for a valid file in the file system, then we need
#              to suck it in, profile it, and ship it back out.
sub _ServeFile
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;

    my $fullpath = $self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT}."/$path";

    $self->_debug("FILE","_ServeFile: fullpath($fullpath)");
    if (-d $fullpath)
        $self->_debug("FILE","_ServeFile: This is a directory.");

        if ($path !~ /\/$/)
            return $self->_Redirect($path."/");

        $self->_debug("FILE","_ServeFile: Show a directory listing.");
        return $self->_DirList($path);

    if (!(-f $fullpath))
        $self->_debug("FILE","_ServeFile: 404, File not found.  Whoop! Whoop!");
        return $self->_NotFound();

    my $fileHandle = new FileHandle($fullpath);
    return $self->_NotFound() unless defined($fileHandle);

    my $response = new Net::HTTPServer::Response();

    my ($ext) = ($fullpath =~ /\.([^\.]+?)$/);
    if (($ext ne "") && exists($self->{MIMETYPES}->{$ext}))
    elsif (-T $fullpath)

    $response->Header("Content-Length",(stat( $fullpath ))[7]);
    $response->Header("Last-Modified",&_date((stat( $fullpath ))[9]));


    return $response;

#| Private Canned Responses

# _Auth - Send an authentication response
sub _Auth
    my $self = shift;
    my $method = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    my @directives = "";

    foreach my $key (keys(%{$args}))

    my $directives = join(",",@directives);
    return $self->_Error("401",
                         { 'WWW-Authenticate' => "$method $directives" },
                         "Authorization is required to access this object on this server."

# _AuthBasic - Send a Basic authentication response
sub _AuthBasic
    my $self = shift;
	my $realm = shift;

    return $self->_Auth("Basic",{ realm=>$realm });

# _AuthDigest - Send a Digest authentication response
sub _AuthDigest
    my $self = shift;
	my $args = shift;

    return $self->_Auth("Digest",$args);

# _BadRequest - 400, someone was being naughty
sub _BadRequest
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("400",
                         "Bad Request",
                         "You made a bad request.  Something you sent did not match up.",

# _DirList - If they want a directory... let's give them a directory.
sub _DirList
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;

    my $res = "<html><head><title>Dir listing for $path</title></head><body>\n";
    foreach my $file (sort {$a cmp $b} readdir(DIR))
        next if ($file eq ".");
        next if (($file eq "..") && ($path eq "/"));

        if ($file =~ /\:/)
            $res .= "<a href='${path}${file}'>$file</a><br/>\n";
            $res .= "<a href='$file'>$file</a><br/>\n";

    $res .= "</body></html>\n";

    return new Net::HTTPServer::Response(body=>$res);

# _Error - take a code, headers, error string, and text and return a standard
#          response.
sub _Error
    my $self = shift;
    my $code = shift;
    my $headers = shift;
    my $string = shift;
    my $body = shift;

    my $response = "<html>";
    $response .= "<head><title>".$string."!</title></head>";
    $response .= "<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' text='#000000' link='#0000CC'>";
    $response .= "<h1>".$string."!</h1>";
    $response .= "<dl><dd>".$body."</dd></dl>";
    $response .= "<h2>Error ".$code."</h2>";
    $response .= "</body>";
    $response .= "</html>";

    return new Net::HTTPServer::Response(code=>$code,

# _ExpectationFailed - 417, sigh... I never meet anyone's expectations
sub _ExpectationFailed
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("400",
                         "Expectation Failed",
                         "The server could not meet the expectations you had for it."

# _Forbidden - ahhh the equally dreaded 403
sub _Forbidden
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("403",
                         "You do not have permission to access this object on this server.",

# _LengthRequired - 411, we got a Transfer-Encoding that was not set to 
#                   "identity".
sub _LengthRequired
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("411",
                         "Length Required",
                         "You must specify the length of the request.",

# _MethodNotAllowed - 405... you must only do what is allowed
sub _MethodNotAllowed
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("405",
                         "Method Not Allowed",
                         "You are not allowed to do what you just tried to do..."

# _NotAcceptable - the client is being inflexiable... they won't accept what
#                  we want to send.
sub _NotAcceptable
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("406",
                         "Not Acceptable",
                         "The server wants to return a file in a format that your browser does not accept.",

# _NotFound - ahhh the dreaded 404
sub _NotFound
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_Error("404",
                         "Not Found",
                         "The requested URL was not found on this server.  If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again."

# _Options - returns a response to an OPTIONS request
sub _Options
    my $self = shift;

    return new Net::HTTPServer::Response(code=>200,

# _Redirect - Excuse me.  You need to be going somewhere else...
sub _Redirect
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = shift;

    return new Net::HTTPServer::Response(code=>"307",
                                         headers=>{ Location=>$url },

#| Private Socket Functions

# _read - Read it all in.  All of it.
sub _read
    my $self = shift;
    my $client = shift;

    my $select = new IO::Select($client);
    my $request = "";
    my $headers = "";
    my $got_request = 0;
    my $body_length = 0;

    my $timeEnd = time+5;

    my $done = 1;
    my $met_expectation = 0;
        while( $request !~ /\015?\012\015?\012/s)
            return if (time >= $timeEnd);
        if ($headers eq "")
            ($headers) = ($request =~ /^(.+?\015?\012\015?\012)/s);
            if ($headers =~ /^Content-Length\s*:\s*(\d+)\015?\012?$/im)
                $body_length = $1;

        if (!$met_expectation && ($request =~ /^Expect\s*:\s*(.+?)\015?\012?$/im))
            my $expect = $1;
            if ($expect eq "100-continue")
                $self->_send($client,"HTTP/1.1 100\n");
                $met_expectation = 1;
                return $request."\012\012";

        $self->_debug("READ","_read: length: request (",length($request),")");
        $self->_debug("READ","_read: length: headers (",length($headers),")");
        $self->_debug("READ","_read: length: body    (",$body_length,")");
        if (length($request) == (length($headers) + $body_length))
            $self->_debug("READ","_read: Ok.  We got a request.");
            $got_request = 1;
            my $status = $self->_read_chunk($select,$client,\$request);
            return unless defined($status);
            $got_request = 1 if ($status == 0);
            return if (time >= $timeEnd);

    return $request;

# _read_chunk - Read a chunk at a time.
sub _read_chunk
    my $self = shift;
    my $select = shift;
    my $client = shift;
    my $request = shift;
    if ($select->can_read(.01))
        my $status = $client->sysread($$request,4*POSIX::BUFSIZ,length($$request));
        if (!defined($status))
            $self->_debug("READ","_read_chunk: Something... isn't... right... whoa!");
        elsif ($status == 0)
            $self->_debug("READ","_read_chunk: End of file.");
            $self->_debug("READ","_read_chunk: status($status)\n");
            $self->_debug("READ","_read_chunk: request($$request)\n");

        return $status;
    return 1;

# _send - helper function to keep sending until all of the data has been
#         returned.
sub _send
    my $self = shift;
    my $sock = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    if (ref($data) eq "")
        return unless defined($self->_send_data($sock,$data));
    if (ref($data) eq "FileHandle")
        while(my $temp = <$data>)
            return unless defined($self->_send_data($sock,$temp));

    return 1;

# _send_data - helper function to keep sending until all of the data has been
#              returned.
sub _send_data
    my $self = shift;
    my $sock = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    my $select = new IO::Select($sock);
    my $length = length($data);
    my $offset = 0;
    while (($length != 0) && $select->can_write())
        $self->_debug("SEND","_send_data: offset($offset) length($length)");
        my $written = $sock->syswrite($data,$length,$offset);
        if (defined($written))
            $self->_debug("SEND","_send_data: written($written)");
            $length -= $written;
            $offset += $written;
            $self->_debug("SEND","_send_data: error");

    $self->_debug("SEND","_send_data: sent all data");
    return 1;

#| Private Server Functions

# _forking_huntsman - Kill all of the child processes
sub _forking_huntsman
    my $self = shift;

    $self->_debug("PROC","_forking_hunstman: Killing children");
    $self->_log("Killing children");
    $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
    if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{CHILDREN}})) > 0)

# _forking_process - This is a forking model.
sub _forking_process
    my $self = shift;
    while($self->{NUMCHILDREN} < $self->{CFG}->{NUMPROC})


# _forking_reaper - When a child dies, have a funeral, mourn, and then move on
sub _forking_reaper
    my $self = shift;

    $SIG{CHLD} = sub{ $self->_forking_reaper(); };
    my $pid = wait;
    if (exists($self->{CHILDREN}->{$pid}))

# _forking_spawn - Give birth to a new child process
sub _forking_spawn
    my $self = shift;

    my $pid;

    croak("Could not fork: $!") unless defined ($pid = fork);
    if ($pid)
        $self->{CHILDREN}->{$pid} = 1;
        $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = 'DEFAULT';
        $SIG{PIPE} = 'DEFAULT';

        my $max_clients = 20;  # Make this a config?
        foreach my $i (0..$max_clients)
            my $client;
                $client = $self->{SOCK}->accept();
            last unless defined($client);


# _process - Handle a client.
sub _process
    my $self = shift;
    my $client = shift;

    $self->_debug("PROC","_process: We have a client, let's treat them well.");

    my $request = $self->_read($client);
    # Take the request and do the magic
    if (defined($request))
        # Create the Request Object
        my $requestObj = $self->_ReadRequest($request);
        # Profile the client
        my $other_end = $client->peername();

        if ($other_end)
            my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
            my $ip_addr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
            my $hostname = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET);
            $requestObj->_env("REMOTE_NAME",$hostname) if ($hostname);

            if defined($self->{CFG}->{DOCROOT});
            if defined($requestObj->Header("Referer"));
            if defined($requestObj->Header("User-Agent"));
        $requestObj->_env("SERVER_SOFTWARE",join(" ",@{$self->{SERVER_TOKENS}}));
        # Process the Request
        my $responseObj = $self->_ProcessRequest($requestObj);
        # Return the Response
    # That's it.  Close down the connection.
    $client->close() if ($self->{CFG}->{SSL} == 0);
    $client->close(SSL_no_shutdown=>1) if ($self->{CFG}->{SSL} == 1);
    $self->_debug("PROC","_process: Thanks for shopping with us!");

# _single_process - This is a single process model.
sub _single_process
    my $self = shift;
    my $timestop = shift;

    my $client;
    my $clientSelect;
    my $wait = (defined($timestop) ? $timestop - time : 10);
    $self->_debug("PROC","_single_process: Wait for $wait seconds");
    # Take the request and do the magic
    if ($self->{SELECT}->can_read($wait))
        $self->_debug("PROC","_single_process: Incoming traffic");
        $client = $self->{SOCK}->accept();
    if (defined($client))

#| Private Utility Functions

# _accept - given an Accept line and Content-Type, is it in the list?
sub _accept
    my $self = shift;
    my $accept = shift;
    my $contentType = shift;

    $accept =~ s/\s*\,\s*/\,/g;
    $accept =~ s/\s*\;\s*/\;/g;
    $accept =~ s/\s*$//;

    my ($mainType,$subType) = split("/",$contentType,2);

    foreach my $entry (split(",",$accept))
        my ($testType,$scale) = split(";",$entry,2);
        return 1 if ($testType eq $contentType);
        return 1 if ($testType eq "$mainType/*");
        return 1 if ($testType eq "*/*");


# _arg - if the arg exists then use it, else use the default.
sub _arg
    my $self = shift;
    my $arg = shift;
    my $default = shift;
    my $valid = shift;

    my $val = (exists($self->{ARGS}->{$arg}) ? $self->{ARGS}->{$arg} : $default);

    if (defined($valid))
        my $pass = 0;
        foreach my $check (@{$valid})
            $pass = 1 if ($check eq $val);
        if ($pass == 0)
            croak("Invalid value for setting '$arg' = '$val'.  Valid are: ['".join("','",@{$valid})."']");

    return $val;

# _checkAuth - return 1 if the url requires an Auth, undefined otherwise.
sub _checkAuth
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = shift;

	my @url = split("/",$url);
    foreach my $i (reverse 0..$#url)
        my $check = join("/",@url[0..$i]);
        if($check eq "")
            $check = "/";
        $self->_debug("AUTH","_checkAuth: check($check)");
        return $check if exists($self->{AUTH}->{$check});


# _date - format the date correctly for the given time.
sub _date
    my $time = shift;
    my $delta = shift;

    $time = time unless defined($time);
    $time += $delta if defined($delta);

    my @times = gmtime($time);
    my $date = sprintf("%s, %02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
                       (qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat))[$times[6]],
                       (qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec))[$times[4]],

    return $date;

# _debug - print out a debug message
sub _debug
    my $self = shift;
    my $zone = shift;
    my (@message) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->{DEBUGLOG};
    print $fh "$zone: ",join("",@message),"\n"
        if (exists($self->{DEBUGZONES}->{$zone}) ||

# _digest_HA1 - calculate the H(A1) per RFC2617
sub _digest_HA1
    my $self = shift;
    my $auth = shift;
    my $passwd = shift;
    my @raw;
    my $raw = join(":",@raw);

    #$self->_debug("AUTH","_digest_HA1: raw($raw)");

    return Digest::MD5::md5_hex($raw);

# _digest_HA2 - calculate the H(A2) per RFC2617
sub _digest_HA2
    my $self = shift;
    my $auth = shift;
    my $method = shift;

    my @raw;

    my $raw = join(":",@raw);

    #$self->_debug("AUTH","_digest_HA2: raw($raw)");

    return Digest::MD5::md5_hex($raw);

# _digest_KD - calculate the KD() per RFC2617
sub _digest_KD
    my $self = shift;
    my $auth = shift;
    my $ha1 = shift;
    my $ha2 = shift;

    my @raw;

    if(exists($auth->{qop}) && ($auth->{qop} eq "auth"))

    my $raw = join(":",@raw);

    #$self->_debug("AUTH","_digest_KD: raw($raw)");

    return Digest::MD5::md5_hex($raw);

# _log - print out the message to a log with the current time
sub _log
    my $self = shift;
    my (@message) = @_;
    my $fh = $self->{LOG};
    print $fh $self->_timestamp()," - ",join("",@message),"\n";

# _mimetypes - Read in the mime.types file
sub _mimetypes
    my $self = shift;

        next if /^\#/;
        next if /^\s+$/;

        my ($mime_type,$extensions) = /^(\S+)(.*?)$/;

        next if ($extensions =~ /^\s*$/);
        $extensions =~ s/\s+/\ /g;
        foreach my $ext (split(" ",$extensions))
            next if ($ext eq "");

            $self->{MIMETYPES}->{$ext} = $mime_type;

# _nonblock - given a socket, make it non-blocking
sub _nonblock
    my $self = shift;
    my $socket = shift;
    # Code copied from POE::Wheel::SocketFactory...
    # Win32 does things one way...
    if (($^O eq "MSWin32") || ($^O eq "cygwin"))
        my $FIONBIO = 0x8004667E;
        my $temp = 1;
        ioctl( $socket, $FIONBIO, \$temp) ||
            croak("Can't make socket nonblocking (".$^O."): $!");

    # And UNIX does them another
    my $flags = fcntl($socket, F_GETFL, 0) ||
        croak("Can't get flags for socket: $!\n");
    fcntl($socket, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK) ||
        croak("Can't make socket nonblocking: $!\n");

# _nonce - produce a new nonce
sub _nonce
    my $self = shift;

    return MIME::Base64::encode(time.":".$self->{PRIVATEKEY},"");

# _timestamp - generic funcion for getting a timestamp.
sub _timestamp
    my $self = shift;

    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = localtime(time);

    my $month = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')[$mon];

    return sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",($year + 1900),$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
