The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Net::FullAuto::ISets::Amazon::Liferay_is;

#    Net::FullAuto - Powerful Network Process Automation Software
#    Copyright © 2000-2015  Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
#    License along with this program.  If not, see:
#    <>.

our $VERSION='0.01';
our $DISPLAY='Liferay® Portal (ce) with MySQL® and Apache™';
our $CONNECT='ssh';
our $defaultInstanceType='t2.small';

use 5.005;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw($select_liferay_setup);

use Net::FullAuto::Cloud::fa_amazon;

my $configure_mysql=sub {

   my $server_type=$_[0];
   my $cnt=$_[1];
   my $selection=$_[2]||'';
   my $server_host_block=$_[3]||'';
   my $lr_inst=$main::aws->{''}->[$cnt]->[0];
   my $handle=$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[1];
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum clean all");
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum grouplist hidden");
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum groups mark convert");
   my $install_mysql=<<'END';

          o o    o .oPYo. ooooo    .oo o     o     o o    o .oPYo.
          8 8b   8 8        8     .P 8 8     8     8 8b   8 8    8
          8 8`b  8 `Yooo.   8    .P  8 8     8     8 8`b  8 8
          8 8 `b 8     `8   8   oPooo8 8     8     8 8 `b 8 8   oo
          8 8  `b8      8   8  .P    8 8     8     8 8  `b8 8    8
          8 8   `8 `YooP'   8 .P     8 8oooo 8oooo 8 8   `8 `YooP8
          :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'        ':::::::::::::
          (Oracle® is **NOT** a sponsor       (`*..,
          of the FullAuto© Project.)           \  , `.
                                                \     \
                   \     \
                                                 /      \.
          Powered by                            ( /\      `*,
           ___    ___            ______   _____  V _      ~-~
          |   \  /   |  _    _  / _____| /  __  \ | |     \
          | |\ \/ /| | | |  | | \___  \  | |  | | | |      `
          | | \  / | | | |__| |  ___)  | | |__| | | |____
          |_|  \/  |_|  \___, | |_____/  \___\ \/ \______|®
                        ____| |               \_\
                       |_____/                            DATABASE
   print $install_mysql;sleep 10;
      "sudo yum groupinstall -y 'MySQL Database'",'__display__');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo service mysqld start",
   $handle->{_cmd_handle}->print('sudo mysql_secure_installation');
   my $prompt=substr($handle->{_cmd_handle}->prompt(),1,-1);
   while (1) {
      my $output=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fetch($handle);
      last if $output=~/$prompt/;
      print $output;
      if (-1<index $output,'root (enter for none):') {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'Set root password? [Y/n]') {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'Remove anonymous users? [Y/n]') {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n]') {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,
            'Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n]') {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n]') {
   my $lr_release=$main::aws->{Liferay_Release};
   my $rnum=$1;my $rtyp=$2;
   print "   Downloading SQL files . . .\n";
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("wget -qO- ".
   my $flag=0;my $lr_url='';
   foreach my $line (split "\n",$stdout) {
      if ($flag && $line=~/^.*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]=["](.*?)["].*$/) {
      } elsif ($line=~/^.*title=["](.*?) (.*?)["]\s*class=["]folder/) {
         my $num=$1;my $typ=$2;
         if ($num=~/^$rnum/ && $rtyp=~/$typ/i) {
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("wget -qO- ".
   my $regx="liferay.*sql-.*$rnum.*".lc($rtyp).".*zip";
   foreach my $line (split "\n",$stdout) {
      if ($flag && $line=~/^.*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]=["](.*?)["].*$/) {
      } elsif ($line=~/^.*title=["]$regx["]\s*class=["]file/) {
      "sudo wget --progress=dot --random-wait $lr_url 2>&1",'__display__');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo unzip -d /opt $lr_url",
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo rm -rvf $lr_url",
   my $cmd='sudo mysql -vvv -u root < '.
   my $lr_pip=$lr_inst->{NetworkInterfaces}->[0]->{PrivateIpAddress};
   $handle->{_cmd_handle}->print('mysql -u root lportal');
   my $cmd_sent=0;
   while (1) {
      my $output=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fetch($handle);
      my $out=$output;
      print $out if $output!~/^mysql>\s*$/;
      last if $output=~/$prompt|Bye/;
      if (!$cmd_sent && $output=~/mysql>\s*$/) {
         my $cmd='grant all privileges on *.* to '.
                 "'lportal'\@'".$lr_pip."' identified by 'liferay'".
                 " with grant option;";
         print "$cmd\n";
         sleep 1;
      } elsif ($cmd_sent==1 && $output=~/mysql>\s*$/) {
         my $cmd="FLUSH PRIVILEGES;";
         print "$cmd\n";
         sleep 1;
      } elsif ($cmd_sent>=2 && $output=~/mysql>\s*$/) {
         print "quit\n";
         sleep 1;
      } sleep 1;
   my $db_inst=$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[0];
   my $db_pip=$db_inst->{NetworkInterfaces}->[0]->{PrivateIpAddress};
   my $lrhandle=$main::aws->{''}->[$cnt]->[1];
   my $pe=$main::aws->{''}->[$cnt]->[2]->[0].
   my $ad="jdbc.default.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
      "sudo sed -i \'/S3Store/a $ad\' $pe");
      "sudo sed -i \'/S3Store/G\' $pe");
      "sudo sed -i \'/Driver/a $ad\' $pe");
   my $id="jdbc.default.username=lportal";
      "sudo sed -i \'/Unicode/a $id\' $pe");
   my $pw="jdbc.default.password=liferay";
      "sudo sed -i \'/username/a $pw\' $pe");
   my $tom_dir=$main::aws->{''}->[$cnt]->[2]->[0];
   my $starting_liferay=<<'END';

   .oPYo. ooooo    .oo  .oPYo. ooooo o o    o .oPYo.      o    o  .oPYo.
   8        8     .P 8  8   `8   8   8 8b   8 8    8      8    8  8    8
   `Yooo.   8    .P  8  8YooP'   8   8 8`b  8 8           8    8  8YooP'
       `8   8   oPooo8  8   `b   8   8 8 `b 8 8   oo      8    8  8
        8   8  .P    8  8    8   8   8 8  `b8 8    8      8    8  8
   `YooP'   8 .P     8  8    8   8   8 8   `8 `YooP8      `YooP'  8
         |          |  _     _  ____  ____  ____        __   __
         | [][][]   | | |   | ||  __||  __||  _ `\   /\ \ \ / /
         | [][]     | | |   | || |_  | |__ | |_) |  /  \ \ V /
         | []    [] | | |   | ||  _| |  __||    ./ / /\ \ \ /
         |     [][] | | |__ | || |   | |__ | |\ \ / ____ \| |
         |   [][][] | |____||_||_|   |____||_| \_\_/    \_|_| ®
         |__________|                        _  _  _ ___ _
                                            |_)/ \|_) | |_||         |  \_/| \ | | ||__  CE

   (Liferay Inc. and Community are **NOT** sponsors of the FullAuto© Project.)

   print $starting_liferay;sleep 10;
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$lrhandle->cmd("sudo $tom_dir".
   $lrhandle->{_cmd_handle}->print("tail -f $tom_dir/logs/catalina.out");
   while (1) {
      my $output=Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fetch($lrhandle);
      my $out=$output;
      print $out;
      if ($out=~/Server startup in/) {
      sleep 1;
   my ($hash,$json,$output,$error)=('','','','');
   my $in_id=$lr_inst->{InstanceId};
       run_aws_cmd("aws ec2 describe-instances ".
       "--filters Name=instance-id,Values=$in_id");
   if ($error) {
      print $error;
   my $lr_ip=
   print "\n   ACCESS LIFERAY PORTAL AT:  http://$lr_ip:8080\n";


my $configure_apache=sub {

   my $server_type=$_[0];
   my $cnt=$_[1];
   my $selection=$_[2]||'';
   my $server_host_block=$_[3]||'';
   my $handle=$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[1];
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum clean all");
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum grouplist hidden");
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo yum groups mark convert");
      "sudo yum -y groupinstall 'Development tools'",'__display__');
      "sudo yum -y install pcre-devel",'__display__');
      "sudo yum -y install openssl-devel",'__display__');
   my $url='';
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("wget -qO- $url");
   my $flag=0;my $apache_lib='';my $apr_util='';my $apr='';
   foreach my $line (split "\n",$stdout) {
      if (-1<index $line,'Unix Source') {
         $flag=1 unless $flag;
      } elsif ($flag) {
         next if 1<$flag && $line!~/apr-util/;
            "sudo wget --progress=dot --random-wait $apache_lib 2>&1",
            "sudo tar zxvf $apache_lib -C /opt",'__display__');
            "sudo rm -rfv $apache_lib",'__display__');
         if ($line=~/apr-util/) {
         } else {
         if ($line=~/apr-util/) {
         } else {
         if ($line=~/apr-util/) {
               "sudo ./configure --with-apr=/opt/$apr".
               " --with-openssl".
               " --with-crypto 2>/dev/null",
            ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo ./configure 2>/dev/null",
            ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo make install",
         } else {
            ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo ./configure 2>/dev/null",
            "sudo make install",'__display__');
         last if $flag++==2;
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("wget -qO- $url");
   $flag=0;my $apache='';
   foreach my $line (split "\n",$stdout) {
      if ($line=~/Stable Release/) {
      } elsif ($flag && $line=~/^.*[#]apache.*?[>](.*gz?)[<].*$/) {
      } elsif ($line=~/Source:.*$apache.*gz/) {
   my $download_apache=<<'END';

   ooo.   .oPYo. o      o o    o o     .oPYo.      .oo ooo.   o o    o .oPYo.
   8  `8. 8    8 8      8 8b   8 8     8    8     .P 8 8  `8. 8 8b   8 8    8
   8   `8 8    8 8      8 8`b  8 8     8    8    .P  8 8   `8 8 8`b  8 8
   8    8 8    8 8  db  8 8 `b 8 8     8    8   oPooo8 8    8 8 8 `b 8 8   oo
   8   .P 8    8 `b.PY.d' 8  `b8 8     8    8  .P    8 8   .P 8 8  `b8 8    8
   8ooo'  `YooP'  `8  8'  8   `8 8oooo `YooP' .P     8 8ooo'  8 8   `8 `YooP8

                             _                 _
         __,,--;;;v\\_V_=-" /_\  _ __  __ _ __| |_  ___      ______ _
    _--;;\\V^V^\\\//7 ^    / _ \| '_ \/ _` / _| ' \/ -_)  |_| |  | |_)
   <_,,,==//^~*'''        /_/ \_\ .__/\__,_\__|_||_\___|  | | |  | |   SERVER
                                |_|                   ™

   (The Apache™ Foundation is **NOT** a sponsor of the FullAuto© Project.)

   print $download_apache;sleep 10;
      "sudo wget --progress=dot --random-wait $apache 2>&1",'__display__');
      "sudo tar zxvf $apache -C /opt",'__display__');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo rm -rfv $apache",'__display__');
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo ./configure ".
      "--with-apr=/opt/$apr ".
      "--with-apr-util=/opt/$apr_util ".
      "--with-ssl 2>/dev/null",
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo make install",'__display__');
      "sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start");
      "sudo cat /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log",'__display__');
   my ($hash,$json,$output,$error)=('','','','');
   my $in_id=$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[0]->{InstanceId};
       run_aws_cmd("aws ec2 describe-instances ".
       "--filters Name=instance-id,Values=$in_id");
   if ($error) {
      print $error;
   my $ap_ip=
   print "\n   ACCESS APACHE WEB SERVER AT:  http://$ap_ip\n\n";


my $configure_liferay=sub {

   # \
   #       /liferay-osgi-and-shell-access-via-gogo-shell

   # \
   #       blogs/power-of-beanshell-in-liferay


   my $server_type=$_[0];
   my $cnt=$_[1];
   my $selection=$_[2]||'';
   my $server_host_block=$_[3]||'';
   my $handle=$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[1];
   my ($stdout,$stderr,$url)=(''.''.'');
   foreach my $k (1..5) {
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("wget -qO- ".
      $url=~s/ /%20/g;
      last if $url=~/zip$/;
   die "Cannot get Liferay file location\n" unless $url=~/zip$/;
   my $zip=$url;
   my $download_liferay=<<'END';

   ooo.   .oPYo. o      o o    o o     .oPYo.      .oo ooo.   o o    o .oPYo.
   8  `8. 8    8 8      8 8b   8 8     8    8     .P 8 8  `8. 8 8b   8 8    8
   8   `8 8    8 8      8 8`b  8 8     8    8    .P  8 8   `8 8 8`b  8 8
   8    8 8    8 8  db  8 8 `b 8 8     8    8   oPooo8 8    8 8 8 `b 8 8   oo
   8   .P 8    8 `b.PY.d' 8  `b8 8     8    8  .P    8 8   .P 8 8  `b8 8    8
   8ooo'  `YooP'  `8  8'  8   `8 8oooo `YooP' .P     8 8ooo'  8 8   `8 `YooP8
           |          |  _     _  ____  ____  ____        __   __
           | [][][]   | | |   | ||  __||  __||  _ `\   /\ \ \ / /
           | [][]     | | |   | || |_  | |__ | |_) |  /  \ \ V /
           | []    [] | | |   | ||  _| |  __||    ./ / /\ \ \ /
           |     [][] | | |__ | || |   | |__ | |\ \ / ____ \| |
           |   [][][] | |____||_||_|   |____||_| \_\_/    \_|_| ®
           |__________|                       _  _  _ ___ _
                                             |_)/ \|_) | |_||    COMMUNITY          |  \_/| \ | | ||__  EDITION

   (Liferay Inc. and Community are **NOT** sponsors of the FullAuto© Project.)

   print $download_liferay;sleep 10;
      "sudo wget --progress=dot --random-wait ".
      "$url 2>&1",'__display__');
   print "WGET LIFERAY ERROR=$stderr\n" if $stderr;
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/lr_jvm1");
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo unzip -d /var/opt/lr_jvm1 $zip",
   print "\n   ";
   if ($selection=~/1 Server & 2/ || $selection=~/2 Servers & 4/) {
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/lr_jvm2");
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo unzip -d /var/opt/lr_jvm2 $zip",
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo rm -rvf $zip",'__display__');
   my $rand = localtime;
   my $lr_cnt=0;
   my $lrbn='liferay-repository-'.$main::aws->{fullauto}->{InstanceId}.
   my $output='';
   while (1) {
      my $s="aws s3 mb s3://$lrbn 2>&1";
      my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
      print "   ".$output;
      if ((-1<index $output,'bucket name is not avail') ||
            ((-1<index $output,'you already own it') &&
            (-1==index $output,'make_bucket:'))) {
      } elsif (-1<index $output,'make_bucket:') {
      } elsif ($error) {
   ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo ls -1 /var/opt/lr_jvm1");
   my $lr_release=$stdout;
      "sudo ls -1 /var/opt/lr_jvm1/$lr_release");
   my %tom=();
   foreach my $item (split "\n", $stdout) {
      chomp $item;
      if ($item=~/tomcat-(.*)$/) {
   my @tom=sort keys %tom;
   my $num=$cnt+1;
      [ "/var/opt/lr_jvm$num/$lr_release/$tom{$tom[$#tom]}" ];
   if ($selection=~/1 Server & 2/ || $selection=~/2 Servers & 4/) {
      push @{$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[2]},
   foreach my $jvm (@{$main::aws->{$server_type}->[$cnt]->[2]}) {
      my $dlak='';
      my $dlsk='';
      my $dlbn='';
      my $ak='';my $sk='';
      unless (exists $main::aws->{access_id}) {
         while (my $line=<CF>) {
            if ($line=~/^aws_access_key_id *= *(.*)\s*/) {
            } elsif ($line=~/^aws_secret_access_key *= *(.*)\s*/) {
         close CF;
      } else {
      my $pe="$jvm/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/";
      my $impl='';
      my $s3='';
      my $content="\n$dlak=$ak".
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo touch $pe");
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo chmod 777 $pe");
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo echo \"$content\" > $pe");
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("sudo chmod 644 $pe");


my $standup_liferay=sub {

   my $type="]T[{select_type}";
   $type=substr($type,0,(index $type,' ->')-3);
   my $database="]T[{select_database_for_liferay}";
   my $liferay="]T[{select_liferay_setup}";
   my $i=$main::aws->{fullauto}->{ImageId}||'';
   my $s=$main::aws->{fullauto}->
   my $g=$main::aws->{fullauto}->
   my $n=$main::aws->{fullauto}->
   my $c='aws ec2 describe-security-groups '.
         "--group-names $n";
   my ($hash,$output,$error)=('','','');
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error;
   my $cidr=$hash->{SecurityGroups}->[0]->{IpPermissions}
   $c='aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name '.
      'LiferaySecurityGroup --description '.
      '" Security Group" 2>&1';
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name LiferaySecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 22 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name LiferaySecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 8080 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name LiferaySecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 8081 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name '.
      'ApacheSecurityGroup --description '.
      '" Security Group" 2>&1';
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name ApacheSecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 22 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name ApacheSecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 80 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name ApacheSecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 443 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name '.
      'MySQLSecurityGroup --description '.
      '"MySQL Security Group" 2>&1';
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name MySQLSecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 22 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   $c='aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress '.
      '--group-name MySQLSecurityGroup --protocol '.
      'tcp --port 3306 --cidr '.$cidr." 2>&1";
   Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if $error
      && $error!~/already exists/;
   my $cnt=0;
   my $pemfile=$pem_file;
   if (exists $main::aws->{''}) {
      my $g=get_aws_security_id('LiferaySecurityGroup');
      my $c="aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $i --count 1 ".
            "--instance-type $type --key-name $pemfile ".
            "--security-group-ids $g --subnet-id $s";
      if ($#{$main::aws->{''}}==0) {
      } else {
         my $num=$#{$main::aws->{''}}-1;
         foreach my $num (0..$num) {
   if (exists $main::aws->{''}) {
      my $g=get_aws_security_id('ApacheSecurityGroup');
      my $c="aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $i --count 1 ".
         "--instance-type $type --key-name $pemfile ".
         "--security-group-ids $g --subnet-id $s";
      if ($#{$main::aws->{''}}==0) {
      } else {
         my $num=$#{$main::aws->{''}}-1;
         foreach my $num (0..$num) {
   if (exists $main::aws->{''}) {
      my $g=get_aws_security_id('MySQLSecurityGroup');
      my $c="aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $i --count 1 ".
         "--instance-type $type --key-name $pemfile ".
         "--security-group-ids $g --subnet-id $s";
      if ($#{$main::aws->{''}}==0) {
   my $thanks=<<'END';

     ______                  _    ,
       / /              /   ' )  /        /
    --/ /_  __.  ____  /_    /  / __ . . /
   (_/ / /_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_  (__/_(_)(_/_'   For Trying

           _   _      _         _____      _ _    _         _
          | \ | | ___| |_      |  ___|   _| | |  / \  _   _| |_  |
          |  \| |/ _ \ __| o o | |_ | | | | | | / _ \| | | | __/ | \
          | |\  |  __/ |_  o o |  _|| |_| | | |/ ___ \ |_| | ||     |
          |_| \_|\___|\__|     |_|   \__,_|_|_/_/   \_\__,_|\__\___/ ©

   Copyright © 2000-2015  Brian M. Kelly

   eval {
      local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
      alarm 15;
      print $thanks;
      print "   \n   Press Any Key to EXIT ... ";
   print "\n\n\n   Please wait at least a minute for the Default Browser\n",
         "   to start with your new Liferay installation!\n\n\n";


my $liferay_setup_summary=sub {

   package liferay_setup_summary;
   use JSON::XS;
   my $region="]T[{awsregions}";
   my $type="]T[{select_type}";
   my $money=$type;
   $money=~s/^.*-> \$(.*?) +(?:[(].+[)] )*\s*per hour$/$1/;
   $type=substr($type,0,(index $type,' ->')-3);
   my $liferay="]T[{select_liferay_setup}";
   my $database="]T[{select_database_for_liferay}";
   my $httpd="]T[{select_httpd_for_liferay}";
   #print "REGION=$region and TYPE=$type\n";
   #print "LIFERAY=$liferay and DB=$database\n";
   #print "HTTPD=$httpd\n";
   my $num_of_servers=0;
   my $ln=$liferay;
   if ($ln==1) {
   } elsif ($ln=~/^\d+$/ && $ln) {
      foreach my $n (0..$ln) {
         $main::aws->{''}=[] unless exists
   my $hd=$httpd;
   if ($hd==1) {
   } elsif ($hd=~/^\d+$/ && $hd) {
      foreach my $n (0..$hd) {
         $main::aws->{''}=[] unless exists
   my $cost=int($num_of_servers)*$money;
   my $cents='';
   if ($cost=~/^0\./) {
      if (length $cents>2) {
         $cents=' ('.$cents.' cents)';
      } else {
         $cents=' ('.$cents.' cents)';
   my $show_cost_banner=<<'END';

      _                  _       ___        _  ___
     /_\  __ __ ___ _ __| |_    / __|___ __| ||__ \
    / _ \/ _/ _/ -_) '_ \  _|  | (__/ _ (_-<  _|/_/
   /_/ \_\__\__\___| .__/\__|   \___\___/__/\__(_)

   Note: There is a \$$cost per hour cost$cents to launch $num_of_servers
         AWS EC2 $type servers for the FullAuto Demo:

         $database Database on 1 Server

   my %show_cost=(

      Name => 'show_cost',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => "I accept the \$$cost$cents per hour cost",
         Result => $standup_liferay,

      Item_2 => {

         Text => "Return to Choose Demo Menu",
         Result => sub { return '{choose_demo_setup}<' },

      Item_3 => {

         Text => "Exit FullAuto",
         Result => sub { Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cleanup() },

      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $show_cost_banner,

   return \%show_cost;


my $select_httpd_for_liferay=sub {

   my @options=('Do NOT use a separate httpd (web) server',
                'Use 1 httpd server on 1 additional Server',
                'Use 2 httpd servers on 2 additional Servers');

   my $select_database_banner=<<'END';

    _   _          __      __   _      ___                         ___
   | | | |___ ___  \ \    / /__| |__  / __| ___ _ ___ _____ _ _ __|__ \
   | |_| (_-</ -_)  \ \/\/ / -_) '_ \ \__ \/ -_) '_\ V / -_) '_(_-< /_/
    \___//__/\___|   \_/\_/\___|_.__/ |___/\___|_|  \_/\___|_| /__/(_)

   If you choose to use httpd (web) servers in front of Liferay,
   additional servers will be launched. Depending on all your choices,
   FullAuto will launch and install supporting software on up to 5
   separate AWS EC2 servers.

   my %select_httpd_for_liferay=(

      Name => 'select_httpd_for_liferay',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@options,
         Result => $liferay_setup_summary,

      Scroll => 2,
      Banner => $select_database_banner,

   return \%select_httpd_for_liferay;


my $select_database_for_liferay=sub {

   #my @options=('MySQL','PostgresSQL');
   my @options=('MySQL');
   #my @options=('MySQL','Microsoft SQL Server','Oracle Database',
   #             'IBM DB2','PostgresSQL','Sybase','Apache Derby',
   #             'Firebird','Informix','Ingres','SAP DB');
   # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
   # wget
   # vi public-yum-el5.repo
   # yum install oracle-validated

   my $select_database_banner=<<'END';

    ___      _        _     ___       _        _
   / __| ___| |___ __| |_  |   \ __ _| |_ __ _| |__  __ _ ___ ___
   \__ \/ -_) / -_) _|  _| | |) / _` |  _/ _` | '_ \/ _` (_-</ -_)
   |___/\___|_\___\__|\__| |___/\__,_|\__\__,_|_.__/\__,_/__/\___|

   An additional server will be launched, and a supporting database for
   use by Liferay Portal (ce) will be installed. Please choose a database:

   my %select_database_for_liferay=(

      Name => 'select_database_for_liferay',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@options,
         Result => $select_httpd_for_liferay,

      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $select_database_banner,

   return \%select_database_for_liferay;


our $select_liferay_setup=sub {

   my @options=('Liferay & Tomcat on 1 Server & 1 JVM',
                'Liferay & Tomcat on 1 Server & 2 Clustered JVMs',
                'Liferay & Tomcat on 2 Servers & 2 Clustered JVMs',
                'Liferay & Tomcat on 2 Servers & 4 Clustered JVMs');
   my $liferay_setup_banner=<<'END';

    _    _  __                      ___      _
   | |  (_)/ _|___ _ _ __ _ _  _   / __| ___| |_ _  _ _ __
   | |__| |  _/ -_) '_/ _` | || |  \__ \/ -_)  _| || | '_ \
   |____|_|_| \___|_| \__,_|\_, |  |___/\___|\__|\_,_| .__/
                            |__/                     |_|

   Choose the Liferay setup you wish to demo. Note that more servers
   means more expense, and more JVMs means less permformance on a
   small instance type. Consider a medium or large instance type (previous
   screens) if you wish to test more than 1 JVM on a server. You can
   navigate backwards and make new selections with the [<] LEFTARROW key.

   my %select_liferay_setup=(

      Name => 'select_liferay_setup',
      Item_1 => {

         Text => ']C[',
         Convey => \@options,
         Result => $select_database_for_liferay,

      Scroll => 1,
      Banner => $liferay_setup_banner,
   return \%select_liferay_setup,
