use strict;
use Cwd;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = '1.22';
my $test = Test::Builder->new();
my $test_bool = 1;
my $plan = 0;
my $counter = 0;
sub import {
my $self = shift;
my $caller = caller;
my %plan = @_;
for my $func ( qw( ok_manifest ) ) {
no strict 'refs';
*{$caller."::".$func} = \&$func;
$plan = 1 if(exists $plan{tests});
sub ok_manifest{
my ($hashref,$msg) = @_;
$test->plan(tests => 1) unless $plan;
my $is_hashref = 1;
$is_hashref = 0 unless ref($hashref);
$msg = $hashref unless $is_hashref;
my $bool = 1;
my $home = Cwd::realpath( dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs($0)) . '/..' );
my $manifest = Cwd::realpath( $home . '/MANIFEST' );
my $skip;
eval { $skip = Cwd::realpath( $home . '/MANIFEST.SKIP' ); 1; };
my @missing_files = ();
my @files_plus = ();
my $arref = ['/blib' , '/_build'];
my $filter = $is_hashref &&
$hashref->{filter} ? $hashref->{filter} : [];
my $comb = $is_hashref &&
$hashref->{bool} &&
$hashref->{bool} =~ m/^and$/i ?
'and' :
push @$arref, @{$hashref->{exclude}}
if $is_hashref and exists $hashref->{exclude} and
ref($hashref->{exclude}) eq 'ARRAY';
croak 'path in excluded array must be "absolute"' unless m!^/!;
my $path = $home . $_;
next unless -e $path;
$_ = Cwd::realpath($path);
@$arref = grep { defined }@$arref;
unless( open my $fh, '<', $manifest ){
$bool = 0;
$msg = "can't open $manifest";
{ # extra block to use "last"
my $files_in_skip = _read_skip( $skip, \$msg, \$bool );
last unless $files_in_skip;
my @files;
while( my $fh_line = <$fh> ){
if( $fh_line =~ /^\s*([^\s#]\S*)/ and $fh_line !~ /^META\.yml/ ){
push @files, $1;
#my @files = grep{!/^\s*$/ and !/^META\.yml/}<$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp @files;
local $/ = "\r";
chomp @files;
for my $tfile(@files){
$tfile = (split(/\s{2,}/,$tfile,2))[0];
next unless -e $home . '/' . $tfile;
$tfile = Cwd::realpath($home . '/' . $tfile);
my (@dir_files,%files_hash,%excluded);
@files_hash{@files} = ();
find({no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub{
my $file = $File::Find::name;
my $is_excluded = _is_excluded(
push(@dir_files,Cwd::realpath($file)) if -f $file and !$is_excluded;
$excluded{$file} = 1 if -f $file and $is_excluded
#use Data::Dumper;
#print STDERR ">>",++$counter,":",Dumper(\@files,\@dir_files);
for my $file(@dir_files){
for my $check(@files){
if($file eq $check){
delete $files_hash{$check};
next SFILE;
$bool = 0;
delete $files_hash{$_} for keys %excluded;
@files_plus = sort keys %files_hash;
$bool = 0 if scalar @files_plus > 0;
} # close extra block
my $diag = 'The following files are not named in the MANIFEST file: '.
join(', ',@missing_files);
my $plus = 'The following files are not part of distro but named in the MANIFEST file: '.
join(', ',@files_plus);
$test->diag($diag) if scalar @missing_files >= 1 and $test_bool == 1;
$test->diag($plus) if scalar @files_plus >= 1 and $test_bool == 1;
sub _not_ok_manifest{
$test_bool = 0;
$test_bool = 1;
sub _is_excluded{
my ($file,$dirref,$filter,$bool,$files_in_skip,$home) = @_;
my @excluded_files = qw(pm_to_blib Makefile META.yml Build pod2htmd.tmp
pod2htmi.tmp Build.bat .cvsignore);
if ( $files_in_skip and 'ARRAY' eq ref $files_in_skip ) {
(my $local_file = $file) =~ s{\Q$home\E/?}{};
for my $rx ( @{$files_in_skip} ) {
my $regex = qr/$rx/;
return 1 if $local_file =~ $regex;
my @matches = grep{ $file =~ /$_$/ }@excluded_files;
if($bool eq 'or'){
push @matches, $file if grep{ref($_) and ref($_) eq 'Regexp' and $file =~ /$_/}@$filter;
push @matches, $file if grep{$file =~ /^\Q$_\E/}@$dirref;
if(grep{$file =~ /$_/ and ref($_) and ref($_) eq 'Regexp'}@$filter and
grep{$file =~ /^\Q$_\E/ and not ref($_)}@$dirref){
push @matches, $file;
return scalar @matches;
sub _read_skip {
my ($skip, $msg, $bool) = @_;
return [] unless $skip and -e $skip;
my @files;
if( -e $skip and not open my $skip_fh, '<', $skip ) {
$$bool = 0;
$$msg = "can't open $skip";
else {
while ( my $line = <$skip_fh> ) {
chomp $line;
next if $line =~ m{ \A \s* \# }x;
my ($file,$comment);
if (($file, $comment) = $line =~ /^'(\\[\\']|.+)+'\s*(.*)/) {
$file =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g;
else {
($file, $comment) = $line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
next unless $file;
push @files, $file;
return \@files;
=head1 NAME
Test::CheckManifest - Check if your Manifest matches your distro
use Test::CheckManifest;
=head2 EXPORT
There is only one method exported: C<ok_manifest>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 ok_manifest [{exlude => $arref}][$msg]
checks whether the Manifest file matches the distro or not. To match a distro
the Manifest has to name all files that come along with the distribution.
To check the Manifest file, this module searches for a file named C<MANIFEST>.
To exclude some directories from this test, you can specify these dirs in the
ok_manifest({exclude => ['/var/test/']});
is ok if the files in C</path/to/your/dist/var/test/> are not named in the
C<MANIFEST> file. That means that the paths in the exclude array must be
"pseudo-absolute" (absolute to your distribution).
To use a "filter" you can use the key "filter"
ok_manifest({filter => [qr/\.svn/]});
With that you can exclude all files with an '.svn' in the filename or in the
path from the test.
These files would be excluded (as examples):
=over 4
=item * /dist/var/.svn/test
=item * /dist/lib/test.svn
You can also combine "filter" and "exclude" with 'and' or 'or' default is 'or':
ok_manifest({exclude => ['/var/test'],
filter => [qr/\.svn/],
bool => 'and'});
These files have to be named in the C<MANIFEST>:
=over 4
=item * /var/foo/.svn/any.file
=item * /dist/t/file.svn
=item * /var/test/test.txt
These files not:
=over 4
=item * /var/test/.svn/*
=item * /var/test/file.svn
Beside C<filter> and C<exclude> there is another way to exclude files:
C<MANIFEST.SKIP>. This is a file with filenames that should be excluded:
Great thanks to Christopher H. Laco, who did a lot of testing stuff for me and
he reported some bugs to RT.
=head1 AUTHOR
Renee Baecker, E<lt>module@renee-baecker.deE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 by Renee Baecker
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Artistic License 2.0