Revision history for Class::Accessor::Grouped.
0.10007 2012-11-08 11:54 (UTC)
- Disable tests on perls where Class::XSAccessor emits broken
error messages (RT#74883, RT#80519)
- Drop minimum perl to 5.6 (from 5.6.2)
- Switch all module loading to Module::Runtime and lose
dependency on Class::Inspector
- Fix stupid mistake causing double-require of Sub::Name when
Class::XSAccessor is not available (RT#80657)
- Simplify superclass traversal done by the 'inherited' group type
- Fix incorrect quoting of unusual hash keys (fieldnames)
- Depend on newer bugfixed Class::XSAccessor 1.15
- Improve text of ro/wo violation exceptions
- Sanity-check accessor names for well-formedness
0.10006 2011-12-30 03:52 (UTC)
- Silence warnings resulting from incomplete can() overrides
hiding get/set_simple methods
0.10005 2011-12-26 12:43 (UTC)
- Depend on newer bugfixed Class::XSAccessor
- Repack with correct metadata (RT#73100)
0.10004 2011-11-28 21:20 (UTC)
- No longer leak internal __CAG* methods into the inheritable
0.10003 2011-05-03 00:15 (UTC)
- Only require MRO::Compat for older perls
- Add examples for methods that get used most often
0.10002 Sun Dec 19 05:23:44 2010
- Fix grave bug of XS-enabled simple accessors clobbering an
existing 'around' overlay installed in the same method slot
- Require bugfixed XSAccessor, remove Win32 caveat
0.10001 Sun Dec 12 03:17:05 2010
- Fix an ActiveState Win32 incompatibility
- Fix spurious method re-invocation warnings after Class::Unload
0.10000 Sat Nov 27 17:51:04 2010
- Fix perl 5.6 failures
- Add test-time deferred coderef reinvocation checks
- Another minor (8%) speedup
0.09009 Fri Nov 26 01:31:56 2010
- Major cleanup and optimization of code (evaled coderef sharing)
- Module can now operate in PurePerl environments with 100%
compatibility (including proper naming of generated coderefs)
0.09008 Sun Oct 11 07:41:56 2010
- Put back a private undocumented method that the DBIC-CDBI compat
layer relies on :(
- Fix corner case segfaults with C::XSA and old 5.8 perls
0.09007 Sat Oct 9 10:22:56 2010 (DELETED)
- Fix corner case when get/set_simple overrides are circumvented
iff Class::XSAccessor is present
0.09006 Fri Sep 10 23:55:00 2010
- Fix bugs in ro/wo accessor generation when XSAccessor is
being used
- Better Class::XSAccessor usage control - introducing
$ENV{CAG_USE_XS} and $Class::Accessor::Grouped::USE_XS
0.09005 Wed Sep 1 04:00:00 2010
- Again, remove Class::XSAccessor for Win32 sine it still breaks
0.09004 Wed Aug 11 04:23:15 2010
- Changed the way Class::XSAccessor is invoked if available
(recommended by C::XSA author)
- Modified internal cache names to avoid real accessor clashes
- Some micro-optimizations for get_inherited
- Fixed field names with a single quote in them (patch from Jason Plum)
0.09003 Fri Apr 23 23:00:19 2010
- use Class::XSAccessor if available for 'simple' accessors, except on
MSWin32, with documentation
0.09002 Tue Oct 20 23:16:28 2009
- removing Class::XSAccessor usage for now
0.09001 Thu Oct 1 21:48:06 2009
- remove optional dep from Makefile.PL
0.09000 Sun Aug 23 20:08:09 2009
- release
0.08999_01 Tue July 7 22:06:21 2009
- Make _mk_group_accessors name the closures installed for Moose compat
- Use Class::XSAccessor if available RT#45577 (Andy Grundman)
0.08003 Sat Mar 21 9:27:24 2009
- Fixed set_inherited under C3::Componentised: RT#43702, RIBASUSHI
0.08002 Mon Nov 17 20:27:22 2008
- Removed unnecessary code in get_simple: RT#40992, BUCHMULLER Norbert
0.08001 Wed Jan 09 19:35:34 2008
- Fixed Makefile.PL tests setting that was killing older installs
0.08000 Tue Jan 08 18:22:47 2008
- Bumped version for release. No changes oherwise.
0.07009_01 Fri Dec 28 18:08::00 2007
- Tweak code for pure speed while fixing performance issue when assigning @_
under Perl 5.10.0
- Altered get_inherited to return undef rather than () when no value
set for Class::Data::(Inheritable|Accessor) compatiblity
- Fixed spelling test error
- Added WriteAll/DIST/PREOP for README
0.06000 Fri May 11 22:00:26 2007
- get_super_paths now uses mro::get_linear_isa to DTRT under C3
0.05002 Fri May 11 20:46:16 2007
- killed Class::Inspector->installed warnings
0.05001 Thur May 10 20:55:11 2007
- set_component_class now only dies if the specified class is a
installed/installable class and fails to load it.
0.05000 Tue May 08 19:42:33 2007
- Added get/set_component_class
0 04000 Sat May 05 21:17:23 2007
- Converted to Module::Install
- Added culterific tests/TEST_AUTHOR
- Converted to distro friendly version number
0.03 2006-11-07 21:33::35
- big speedup for get_inherited
- get_inherited now checks the current class first before calculating
- get_inherited now caches super_path results
0.02 2006-06-26 19:23:13
- Added return statement to end of get_inherited
- Fixed pod NAME
0.01 2006-06-26 17:38:23
- initial release