Revision history for DBIx::Class
0.08111 2009-09-06 21:58:00 (UTC)
The hashref to connection_info now accepts a 'dbh_maker'
coderef, allowing better intergration with Catalyst
Fixed a complex prefetch + regular join regression introduced
in 0.08108
Fixed insert_bulk rebless handling
Fixed Storable roundtrip regression, and general serialization
SQLT related fixes:
sqlt_type is now called on the correct storage object
hooks can now see the correct producer_type (RT#47891)
optional SQLT requirements for e.g. deploy() bumped to 0.11002
Really fixed (and greatly cleaned up) postgresql autoinc sequence
Automatically detect MySQL v3 and use INNER JOIN instead of JOIN
POD improvements (including RT#48769)
Test suite tweaks (including fixes for recent CPANTS fails)
0.08109 2009-08-18 08:35:00 (UTC)
Replication updates:
Improved the replication tests so that they are more reliable
and accurate, and hopefully solve some cross platform issues.
Bugfixes related to naming particular replicants in a
'force_pool' attribute.
Lots of documentation updates, including a new Introduction.pod
Fixed the way we detect transaction to make this more reliable
and forward looking.
Fixed some trouble with the way Moose Types are used.
Made discard_chages/get_from_storage replication aware (they
now read from the master storage by default)
Refactor of MSSQL storage drivers, with some new features:
Support for placeholders for MSSQL via DBD::Sybase with proper
'uniqueidentifier' support with auto newid()
Dynamic cursor support and other MARS options for ODBC
savepoints with auto_savepoint => 1
Support for MSSQL 'money' type
Support for 'smalldatetime' type used in MSSQL and Sybase for
support for Postgres 'timestamp without timezone' type in
InflateColumn::DateTime (RT#48389)
Added new MySQL specific on_connect_call macro 'set_strict_mode'
(also known as make_mysql_not_suck_as_much)
Multiple prefetch-related fixes:
Adjust overly agressive subquery join-chain pruning
Always preserve the outer join-chain - fixes numerous
problems with search_related chaining
Deal with the distinct => 1 attribute properly when using
An extension of the select-hashref syntax, allowing labeling
SQL-side aliasing: select => [ { max => 'foo', -as => 'bar' } ]
Massive optimization of the DBI storage layer - reduce the
amount of connected() ping-calls
Some fixes of multi-create corner cases
Multiple POD improvements
Added exception when resultset is called without an argument
Improved support for non-schema-qualified tables under
Postgres (fixed last_insert_id sequence name auto-detection)
0.08108 2009-07-05 23:15:00 (UTC)
Fixed the has_many prefetch with limit/group deficiency -
it is now possible to select "top 5 commenters" while
prefetching all their comments
New resultsed method count_rs, returns a ::ResultSetColumn
which in turn returns a single count value
Even better support of count with limit
New on_connect_call/on_disconnect_call functionality (check
POD of Storage::DBI)
Automatic datetime handling environment/session setup for
Oracle via connect_call_datetime_setup()
count/all on related left-joined empty resultsets now correctly
returns 0/()
Fixed regression when both page and offset are specified on
a resultset
Fixed HRI returning too many empty results on multilevel
nonexisting prefetch
make_column_dirty() now overwrites the deflated value with an
inflated one if such exists
Fixed set_$rel with where restriction deleting rows outside
the restriction
populate() returns the created objects or an arrayref of the
created objects depending on scalar vs. list context
Fixed find_related on 'single' relationships - the former
implementation would overspecify the WHERE condition, reporting
no related objects when there in fact is one
SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class now attaches tables to the
central schema object in relationship dependency order
Fixed regression in set_column() preventing sourceless object
Fixed a bug in search_related doubling a join if the original
$rs already joins/prefetches the same relation
Storage::DBI::connected() improvements for Oracle and Sybase
Fixed prefetch+incomplete select regression introduced in
MSSQL limit (TOP emulation) fixes and improvements
0.08107 2009-06-14 08:21:00 (UTC)
Fix serialization regression introduced in 0.08103 (affects
POD fixes
Fixed incomplete ::Replicated debug output
0.08106 2009-06-11 21:42:00 (UTC)
Switched SQLite storage driver to DateTime::Format::SQLite
(proper timezone handling)
Fix more test problems
0.08105 2009-06-11 19:04:00 (UTC)
Update of numeric columns now properly uses != to determine
dirtyness instead of the usual eq
Fixes to IC::DT tests
Fixed exception when undef_if_invalid and timezone are both set
on an invalid datetime column
0.08104 2009-06-10 13:38:00 (UTC)
order_by now can take \[$sql, @bind] as in
order_by => { -desc => \['colA LIKE ?', 'somestring'] }
SQL::Abstract errors are now properly croak()ed with the
correct trace
populate() now properly reports the dataset slice in case of
an exception
Fixed corner case when populate() erroneously falls back to
Work around braindead mysql when doing subquery counts on
resultsets containing identically named columns from several
Fixed m2m add_to_$rel to invoke find_or_create on the far
side of the relation, to avoid duplicates
DBIC now properly handles empty inserts (invoking all default
values from the DB, normally via INSERT INTO tbl DEFAULT VALUES
Fix find_or_new/create to stop returning random rows when
default value insert is requested (RT#28875)
Make IC::DT extra warning state the column name too
It is now possible to transparrently search() on columns
requiring DBI bind (i.e. PostgreSQL BLOB)
as_query is now a Storage::DBI method, so custom cursors can
be seamlessly used
Fix search_related regression introduced in 0.08103
0.08103 2009-05-26 19:50:00 (UTC)
Multiple $resultset -> count/update/delete fixes. Now any
of these operations will succeed, regardless of the complexity
of $resultset. distinct, group_by, join, prefetch are all
supported with expected results
Return value of $rs->delete is now the storage return value
and not 1 as it used to be
don't pass SQL functions into GROUP BY
Remove, effectively deprecating
{ select => { distinct => [ qw/col1 col2/ ] } }
Change ->count code to work correctly with DISTINCT (distinct => 1)
Removed interpolation of bind vars for as_query - placeholders
are preserved and nested query bind variables are properly
merged in the correct order
Refactor DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase to automatically
load a subclass, namely
(similar to DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC)
Refactor InflateColumn::DateTime to allow components to
circumvent DateTime parsing
Support inflation of timestamp datatype
Support BLOB and CLOB datatypes on Oracle
added master_read_weight
Storage::DBI::Replicated: storage opts from connect_info,
connect_info merging to replicants, hashref connect_info support,
improved trace output, other bug fixes/cleanups
distinct => 1 with prefetch now groups by all columns
on_connect_do accepts a single string equivalent to a one
element arrayref (RT#45159)
DB2 limit + offset now works correctly
Sybase now supports autoinc PKs (RT#40265)
Prefetch on joins over duplicate relations now works
correctly (RT#28451)
"timestamp with time zone" columns (for Pg) now get inflated with a
time zone information preserved
MSSQL Top limit-emulation improvements (GROUP BY and subquery support)
ResultSetColumn will not lose the joins infered from a parent
resultset prefetch
0.08102 2009-04-30 08:29:00 (UTC)
Fixed two subtle bugs when using columns or select/as
paired with a join (limited prefetch)
Fixed breakage of cdbi tests (RT#45551)
Some POD improvements
0.08101 2009-04-27 09:45:00 (UTC)
Fix +select, +as, +columns and include_columns being stripped
by $rs->get_column
move load_optional_class from DBIx::Class::Componentised to
Class::C3::Componentised, bump dependency
register_extra_source() now *really* fixed wrt subclassing
Added missing POD descriptions (RT#45195)
Fix insert() to not store_column() every present object column
Multiple Makefile.PL fixes
0.08100 2009-04-19 11:39:35 (UTC)
Todo out the register_extra_source test until after shipping
0.08099_08 2009-03-30 00:00:00 (UTC)
Fixed taint mode with load_namespaces
Putting IC::DateTime locale, timezone or floating_tz_ok attributes into
extra => {} has been deprecated. The new way is to put these things
directly into the columns definition
Switched MI code to MRO::Compat
Document db-side default_value caveats
Search_like() now warns to indicate deprecation in 0.09.
TxnScopeGuard left experimental state
0.08099_07 2009-02-27 02:00:00 (UTC)
multi-create using find_or_create rather than _related for post-insert
fix get_inflated_columns to check has_column_loaded
Add DBIC_MULTICREATE_DEBUG env var (undocumented, quasi-internal)
Fix up multi-create to:
correctly propagate columns loaded during multi-insert of rels
not try and insert things tagged on via new_related unless required
Possible to set locale in IC::DateTime extra => {} config
Calling the accessor of a belongs_to when the foreign_key
was NULL and the row was not stored would unexpectedly fail
Split sql statements for deploy only if SQLT::Producer returned a scalar
containing all statements to be executed
Add as_query() for ResultSet and ResultSetColumn. This makes subqueries
possible. See the Cookbook for details.
Massive rewrite of Ordered to properly handle position constraints and
to make it more matpath-friendly
deploy_statements called ddl_filename with the $version and $dir arguments
in the wrong order.
columns/+columns attributes now support { as => select } hahsrefs
support for views both in DBIC and via deploy() in SQLT
0.08099_06 2009-01-23 07:30:00 (UTC)
Allow a scalarref to be supplied to the 'from' resultset attribute
Classes submitted as result_class for a resultsource are now
automatically loaded via ensure_loaded()
'result_class' resultset attribute, identical to result_class()
add 'undef_on_null_fk' option for relationship accessors of type 'single'.
This will prevent DBIC from querying the database if one or more of
the key columns IS NULL
for 'belongs_to' rels, 'undef_on_null_fk' defaults to true.
fixed scope unaware last_insert_id fetching for MSSQL
an sqlt_deploy_hook can now be shared between result sources using
a configurable callback trigger
new order_by => { -desc => 'colname' } syntax supported
PG array datatype supported
insert should use store_column, not set_column to avoid marking
clean just-stored values as dirty. New test for this
regression test for source_name
0.08099_05 2008-10-30 21:30:00 (UTC)
Rewrite of Storage::DBI::connect_info(), extended with an
additional argument format type
InflateColumn::DateTime: add warning about floating timezone
InflateColumn::DateTime: possible to enforce/skip inflation
delete throws exception if passed arguments to prevent drunken mishaps.
Fix storage to copy scalar conds before regexping to avoid
trying to modify a constant in odd edge cases
Related resultsets on uninserted objects are now empty
Fixed up related resultsets and multi-create
Fixed superfluous connection in ODBC::_rebless
Fixed undef PK for first insert in ODBC::Microsoft_SQL_Server
Added virtual method to Versioned so a user can create upgrade
path across multiple versions (jgoulah)
Better (and marginally faster) implementation of the HashRefInflator
hash construction algorithm
Allow explicit specification of ON DELETE/ON UPDATE constraints
when using the SQLT parser
0.08099_04 2008-07-24 01:00:00
Functionality to storage to enable a sub to be run without FK checks
Fixed $schema->clone bug which caused clone and source to share
internal hash refs
Added register_extra_source methods for additional sources
Added datetime_undef_if_invalid for InflateColumn::DateTime to
return undef on invalid date/time values
Added search_related_rs method to ResultSet
add a make_column_dirty method to Row to force updates
throw a clear exception when user tries multi-has_many prefetch
SQLT parser prefixes index names with ${table}_idx_ to avoid clashes
mark ResultSetManager as deprecated and undocument it
pod fix (RT #32988)
add Test::Exception to test requirements (RT #34256)
make ash's build_requires/META.yml fixes work better
is_deferable support on relations used by the SQL::Translator
Refactored DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned
Syntax errors from resultset components are now reported correctly
sqltargs respected correctly in deploy et al.
Added support for savepoints, and using them automatically in
nested transactions if auto_savepoint is set in connect_info.
Changed naming scheme for constraints and keys in the sqlt parser;
names should now be consistent and collision-free.
Improve handling of explicit key attr in ResultSet::find
Add warnings for non-unique ResultSet::find queries
Changed Storage::DBI::Replication to Storage::DBI::Replicated and
refactored support.
By default now deploy/diff et al. will ignore constraint and index
Add ResultSet::_is_deterministic_value, make new_result filter the
values passed to new to drop values that would generate invalid SQL.
Use Sub::Name to name closures before installing them. Fixes
incompatibility with Moose method modifiers on generated methods.
0.08010 2008-03-01 10:30
Fix t/94versioning.t so it passes with latest SQL::Translator
0.08009 2008-01-20 13:30
Made search_rs smarter about when to preserve the cache to fix
mm prefetch usage
Added Storage::DBI subclass for MSSQL over ODBC.
Added freeze, thaw and dclone methods to Schema so that thawed
objects will get re-attached to the schema.
Moved dbicadmin to JSON::Any wrapped for a sane API
(also fixes RT #32393)
introduced DBIx::Class::set_inflated_columns
DBIx::Class::Row::copy uses set_inflated_columns
0.08008 2007-11-16 14:30:00
Fixed join merging bug (test from Zby)
When adding relationships, it will throw an exception if you get the
foreign and self parts the wrong way round in the condition
ResultSetColumn::func() now returns all results if called in list
context; this makes things like func('DISTINCT') work as expected
Many-to-many relationships now warn if the utility methods would
InflateColumn::DateTime now accepts an extra parameter of timezone
to set timezone on the DT object (thanks Sergio Salvi)
Added sqlt_deploy_hook to result classes so that indexes can be
Added startup checks to warn loudly if we appear to be running on
RedHat systems from perl-5.8.8-10 and up that have the bless/overload
patch applied (badly) which causes 2x -> 100x performance penalty.
(Jon Schutz)
ResultSource::reverse_relationship_info can distinguish between
sources using the same table
Row::insert will now not fall over if passed duplicate related objects
Row::copy will not fall over if you have two relationships to the
same source with a unique constraint on it
0.08007 2007-09-04 19:36:00
patch for Oracle datetime inflation (
added on_disconnect_do
on_connect_do and on_disconnect_do take coderefs and arrayrefs
0.08006 2007-08-12 15:12:00
Move to using Class::C3::Componentised
Remove warn statement from DBIx::Class::Row
0.08005 2007-08-06
add timestamp fix re rt.cpan 26978 - no test yet but change
clearly should cause no regressions
provide alias for related_resultset via local() so it's set
correctly at resultset construction time (fixes RestrictWithObject)
fixes bind params in debug statements
(original test from abraxxa)
fixed storage->connected fork bug
(test and fix from Radu Greab)
add 1; to for stuff that still uses it
refactor Statistics to create debugging filehandle to fix bug with
closed STDERR, update docs and modify Versioned to use Statistics
(original fix from diz)
0.08004 2007-08-06 19:00:00
fix storage connect code to not trigger bug via auto-viv
(test from aherzog)
fixup cursor_class to be an 'inherited' attr for per-package defaults
add default_resultset_attributes entry to Schema
optimisation in DBI::Cursor to check software_limit before falling
back to base Cursor->all
fix bug with create_multi not inserting non-storage objects
(test and fix from davinchi)
DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup made empty subclass of
fixed an ugly bug regarding $dbh->{AutoCommit} and transactions
ensure_class_loaded handles non-classnames better.
non-destructive hashref handling for connect_info options
count no longer returns negative values after slice
(report and test from JOHANL)
rebless before building datetime_parser
(patch from mattlaw / Matt Lawrence)
0.08003 2007-07-14 18:01:00
improved populate bulk_insert mode
fixed up multi_create to be more intelligent about PK<->PK rels
fix many-many rels to not use set_columns
Unmarked deploy as experimental since it isn't anymore
Removed Cwd dep since it's not required and causes problems
with debian packaging
Patch to fix ? in data for NoBindVars (from Tom Hukins)
Restored mk_classaccessor method for compatibility
Fixed group_by problem with oracle limit syntax
Fixed attr merging problem
Fixed $rs->get_column w/prefetch problem
0.08002 2007-06-20 06:10:00
add scope guard to Row::insert to ensure rollback gets called
more heuristics in Row::insert to try and get insert order right
eliminate vestigial code in PK::Auto
more expressive DBI errors
soften errors during deploy
ensure_connected before txn_begin to catch stomping on transaction
new method "rethrow" for our exception objects
0.08001 2007-06-17 21:21:02
Cleaned up on_connect handling for versioned
removed DateTime use line from multi_create test
hid DBIx::ContextualFetch::st override in CDBICompat
0.08000 2007-06-17 18:06:12
Fixed DBIC_TRACE debug filehandles to set ->autoflush(1)
Fixed circular dbh<->storage in HandleError with weakref
0.07999_06 2007-06-13 04:45:00
tweaked to make last_insert_id take multiple column names
Fixed DBIC::Storage::DBI::Cursor::DESTROY bug that was
messing up exception handling
added exception objects to eliminate stacktrace/Carp::Clan
output redundancy
setting $ENV{DBIC_TRACE} defaults stacktrace on.
added stacktrace option to Schema, makes throw_exception
use "confess"
make database handles use throw_exception by default
make database handles supplied by a coderef use our
standard HandleError/RaiseError/PrintError
add "unsafe" connect_info option to suppress our setting
of HandleError/RaiseError/PrintError
removed several redundant evals whose sole purpose was to
provide extra debugging info
fixed page-within-page bug (reported by nilsonsfj)
fixed rare bug when database is disconnected inbetween
"$dbh->prepare_cached" and "$sth->execute"
0.07999_05 2007-06-07 23:00:00
Made source_name rw in ResultSource
Fixed up SQL::Translator test/runtime dependencies
Fixed t/60core.t in the absence of DateTime::Format::MySQL
Test cleanup and doc note (ribasushi)
0.07999_04 2007-06-01 14:04:00
pulled in Replication storage from branch and marked EXPERIMENTAL
fixup to ensure join always LEFT after first LEFT join depthwise
converted the vendor tests to use schema objects intead of schema
classes, made cleaned more reliable with END blocks
versioning support via DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned
find/next now return undef rather than () on fail from Bernhard Graf
rewritten collapse_result to fix prefetch
moved populate to resultset
added support for creation of related rows via insert and populate
transaction support more robust now in the face of varying AutoCommit
and manual txn_begin usage
unbreak back-compat for Row/ResultSet->new_result
Added Oracle/ for Oracle >= 8 to support
Oracle <= 9i, and provide Oracle with a better join method for
later versions. (I use the term better loosely.)
The SQL::T parser class now respects a relationship attribute of
is_foreign_key_constrain to allow explicit control over wether or
not a foreign constraint is needed
resultset_class/result_class now (again) auto loads the specified
class; requires Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.05002+
added get_inflated_columns to Row
%colinfo accessor and inflate_column now work together
More documentation updates
Error messages from ->deploy made more informative
connect_info will now always return the arguments it was
originally given
A few small efficiency improvements for load_classes
and compose_namespace
0.07006 2007-04-17 23:18:00
Lots of documentation updates
deploy now takes an optional 'source_names' parameter (dec)
Quoting for for columns_info_for
RT#25683 fixed (multiple open sths on DBD::Sybase)
CDBI compat infers has_many from has_a (Schwern)
Fix ddl_filename transformation (Carl Vincent)
0.07999_02 2007-01-25 20:11:00
add support for binding BYTEA and similar parameters (w/Pg impl)
add support to Ordered for multiple ordering columns
mark and compose_connection as deprecated
switch tests to compose_namespace
ResultClass::HashRefInflator added
Changed row and rs objects to not have direct handle to a source,
instead a (schema,source_name) tuple of type ResultSourceHandle
0.07005 2007-01-10 18:36:00
fixup changes file
remove erroneous .orig files - oops
0.07004 2007-01-09 21:52:00
fix find_related-based queries to correctly grep the unique key
fix InflateColumn to inflate/deflate all refs but scalar refs
0.07003 2006-11-16 11:52:00
fix for #22740 (use $^X instead of hardcoded "perl")
Tweaks to resultset to allow inflate_result to return an array
Fix UTF8Columns to work under Perl <= 5.8.0
Fix up new_result in ResultSet to avoid alias-related bugs
Made new/update/find handle 'single' rel accessor correctly
Fix NoBindVars to be safer and handle non-true bind values
Don't blow up if columns_info_for returns useless results
Documentation updates
0.07999_01 2006-10-05 21:00:00
add connect_info option "disable_statement_caching"
create insert_bulk using execute_array, populate uses it
added DBIx::Class::Schema::load_namespaces, alternative to
added source_info method for source-level metadata (kinda like
Some of ::Storage::DBI's code/docs moved to ::Storage
DBIx::Class::Schema::txn_do code moved to ::Storage
Storage::DBI now uses exceptions instead of ->ping/->{Active} checks
Storage exceptions are thrown via the schema class's throw_exception
DBIx::Class::Schema::throw_exception's behavior can be modified via
columns_info_for is deprecated, and no longer runs automatically.
You can make it work like before via
__PACKAGE__->column_info_from_storage(1) for now
Replaced DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup and Class::Data::Accessor with
Class::Accessor::Grouped. Only user noticible change is to
table_class on ResultSourceProxy::Table (i.e. table objects in
schemas) and, resultset_class and result_class in ResultSource.
These accessors no longer automatically require the classes when
0.07002 2006-09-14 21:17:32
fix quote tests for recent versions of SQLite
added reference implementation of Manual::Example
backported column_info_from_storage accessor from -current, but
fixed inflate_datetime.t tests/stringify under older Test::More
minor fixes for many-to-many relationship helpers
cleared up Relationship docs, and fixed some typos
use ref instead of eval to check limit syntax (to avoid issues with
update ResultSet::_cond_for_update_delete to handle more complicated
bugfix to Oracle columns_info_for
remove_columns now deletes columns from _columns
0.07001 2006-08-18 19:55:00
add directory argument to deploy()
support default aliases in many_to_many accessors.
support for relationship attributes in many_to_many accessors.
stop search_rs being destructive to attrs
better error reporting when loading components
UTF8Columns changed to use "utf8" instead of "Encode"
restore automatic aliasing in ResultSet::find() on nonunique queries
allow aliases in ResultSet::find() queries (in cases of relationships
with prefetch)
pass $attrs to find from update_or_create so a specific key can be
remove anonymous blesses to avoid major speed hit on Fedora Core 5's
Perl and possibly others; for more information see:
fix a pathological prefetch case
table case fix for Oracle in columns_info_for
stopped search_rs deleting attributes from passed hash
0.07000 2006-07-23 02:30:00
supress warnings for possibly non-unique queries, since
_is_unique_query doesn't infer properly in all cases
skip empty queries to eliminate spurious warnings on ->deploy
fixups to ORDER BY, tweaks to deepen some copies in ResultSet
fixup for RowNum limit syntax with functions
0.06999_07 2006-07-12 20:58:05
fix issue with from attr copying introduced in last release
0.06999_06 2006-07-12 17:16:55
documentation for new storage options, fix S::A::L hanging on to $dbh
substantial refactor of search_related code to fix alias numbering
don't generate partial unique keys in ResultSet::find() when a table
has more than one unique constraint which share a column and only one
is satisfied
cleanup UTF8Columns and make more efficient
rename _parent_rs to _parent_source in ResultSet
new FAQ.pod!
0.06999_05 2006-07-04 14:40:01
fix issue with incorrect $rs->{attrs}{alias}
fix subclassing issue with source_name
tweak quotes test to output text on failure
fix Schema->txn_do to not fail as a classmethod
0.06999_04 2006-06-29 20:18:47
disable cdbi-t/02-Film.t warning tests under AS perl
fixups to MySQL tests (aka "work round mysql being retarded")
compat tweaks for Storage debug logging
0.06999_03 2006-06-26 21:04:44
various documentation improvements
fixes to pass test suite on Windows
rewrote and cleaned up SQL::Translator tests
changed relationship helpers to only call ensure_class_loaded when the
join condition is inferred
rewrote many_to_many implementation, now provides helpers for adding
and deleting objects without dealing with the link table
reworked InflateColumn implementation to lazily deflate where
possible; now handles passing an inflated object to new()
changed join merging to not create a rel_2 alias when adding a join
that already exists in a parent resultset
Storage::DBI::deployment_statements now calls ensure_connected
if it isn't passed a type
fixed Componentized::ensure_class_loaded
InflateColumn::DateTime supports date as well as datetime
split Storage::DBI::MSSQL into MSSQL and Sybase::MSSQL
fixed wrong debugging hook call in Storage::DBI
set connect_info properly before setting any ->sql_maker things
0.06999_02 2006-06-09 23:58:33
Fixed up POD::Coverage tests, filled in some POD holes
Added a warning for incorrect component order in load_components
Fixed resultset bugs to do with related searches
added code and tests for Componentized::ensure_class_found and
NoBindVars + Sybase + MSSQL stuff
only rebless S::DBI if it is still S::DBI and not a subclass
Added `use' statement for DBD::Pg in Storage::DBI::Pg
stopped test relying on order of unordered search
bugfix for join-types in nested joins using the from attribute
obscure prefetch problem fixed
tightened up deep search_related
Fixed 'DBIx/Class/ did not return a true value' error
Revert change to test for deprecated find usage and swallow warnings
Slight wording change to new_related() POD
new specific test for connect_info coderefs
POD clarification and content bugfixing + a few code formatting fixes
POD::Coverage additions
fixed debugfh
Fix column_info stomping
0.06999_01 2006-05-28 17:19:30
add automatic naming of unique constraints
marked as deprecated and noted it will be removed by 1.0
add ResultSetColumn
refactor ResultSet code to resolve attrs as late as possible
merge prefetch attrs into join attrs
add +select and +as attributes to ResultSet
added InflateColumn::DateTime component
refactor debugging to allow for profiling using Storage::Statistics
removed Data::UUID from deps, made other optionals required
modified SQLT parser to skip dupe table names
added remove_column(s) to ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
added add_column alias to ResultSourceProxy
added source_name to ResultSource
load_classes now uses source_name and sets it if necessary
add update_or_create_related to Relationship::Base
add find_or_new to ResultSet/ResultSetProxy and find_or_new_related
to Relationship::Base
add accessors for unique constraint names and coulums to
rework ResultSet::find() to search unique constraints
CDBICompat: modify retrieve to fix column casing when ColumnCase is
CDBICompat: override find_or_create to fix column casing when
ColumnCase is loaded
reorganized and simplified tests
added Ordered
added the ability to set on_connect_do and the various sql_maker
options as part of Storage::DBI's connect_info.
0.06003 2006-05-19 15:37:30
make find_or_create_related check defined() instead of truth
don't unnecessarily fetch rels for cascade_update
don't set_columns explicitly in update_or_create; instead use
update($hashref) so InflateColumn works
fix for has_many prefetch with 0 related rows
make limit error if rows => 0
added memory cycle tests and a long-needed weaken call
0.06002 2006-04-20 00:42:41
fix set_from_related to accept undef
fix to Dumper-induced hash iteration bug
fix to copy() with non-composed resultsource
fix to ->search without args to clone rs but maintain cache
grab $self->dbh once per function in Storage::DBI
nuke ResultSource caching of ->resultset for consistency reasons
fix for -and conditions when updating or deleting on a ResultSet
Added fix for quoting with single table
Substantial fixes and improvements to deploy
slice now uses search directly
fixes for update() on resultset
bugfix to Cursor to avoid error during DESTROY
transaction DBI operations now in debug trace output
0.06000 2006-03-25 18:03:46
Lots of documentation improvements
Minor tweak to related_resultset to prevent it storing a searched rs
Fixup to columns_info_for when database returns type(size)
Made do_txn respect void context (on the off-chance somebody cares)
Fix exception text for nonexistent key in ResultSet::find()
0.05999_04 2006-03-18 19:20:49
Fix for delete on full-table resultsets
Removed caching on count() and added _count for pager()
->connection does nothing if ->storage defined and no args
(and hence ->connect acts like ->clone under the same conditions)
Storage::DBI throws better exception if no connect info
columns_info_for made more robust / informative
ithreads compat added, fork compat improved
weaken result_source in all resultsets
Make pg seq extractor less sensitive.
0.05999_03 2006-03-14 01:58:10
has_many prefetch fixes
deploy now adds drop statements before creates
deploy outputs debugging statements if DBIX_CLASS_STORAGE_DBI_DEBUG
is set
0.05999_02 2006-03-10 13:31:37
remove test dep on YAML
additional speed tweaks for C3
allow scalarefs passed to order_by to go straight through to SQL
renamed insert_or_update to update_or_insert (with compat alias)
hidden lots of packages from the PAUSE Indexer
0.05999_01 2006-03-09 18:31:44
renamed cols attribute to columns (cols still supported)
added has_column_loaded to Row
Storage::DBI connect_info supports coderef returning dbh as 1st arg
load_components() doesn't prepend base when comp. prefixed with +
HAVING support
prefetch for has_many
cache attr for resultsets
PK::Auto::* no longer required since Storage::DBI::* handle auto-inc
minor tweak to tests for join edge case
added cascade_copy relationship attribute
clean up set_from_related
made copy() automatically null out auto-inc columns
added txn_do() method to Schema, which allows a coderef to be
executed atomically
0.05007 2006-02-24 00:59:00
tweak to Componentised for Class::C3 0.11
fixes for auto-inc under MSSQL
0.05006 2006-02-17 15:32:40
storage fix for fork() and workaround for Apache::DBI
made update(\%hash) work on row as well as rs
another fix for count with scalar group_by
remove dependency on Module::Find in 40resultsetmanager.t (RT #17598)
0.05005 2006-02-13 21:24:51
remove build dependency on
0.05004 2006-02-13 20:59:00
allow specification of related columns via cols attr when primary
keys of the related table are not fetched
fix count for group_by as scalar
add horrific fix to make Oracle's retarded limit syntax work
remove Carp require
changed UUIDColumns to use new UUIDMaker classes for uuid creation
using whatever module may be available
0.05003 2006-02-08 17:50:20
add component_class accessors and use them for *_class
small fixes to Serialize and ResultSetManager
rollback on disconnect, and disconnect on DESTROY
0.05002 2006-02-06 12:12:03
Added recommends for Class::Inspector
Added skip_all to t/40resultsetmanager.t if no Class::Inspector
0.05001 2006-02-05 15:28:10
debug output now prints NULL for undef params
multi-step prefetch along the same rel (e.g. for trees) now works
added multi-join (join => [ 'foo', 'foo' ]), aliases second to foo_2
hack PK::Auto::Pg for "table" names referencing a schema
find() with attributes works
added experimental Serialize and ResultSetManager components
added code attribute recording to DBIx::Class
fix to find() for complex resultsets
added of $storage->debugcb(sub { ... })
added $source->resultset_attributes accessor
added include_columns rs attr
0.05000 2006-02-01 16:48:30
assorted doc fixes
remove ObjectCache, not yet working in 0.05
let many_to_many rels have attrs
fix ID method in to be saner for new internals
fix t/30dbicplain.t to use ::Schema instead of
0.04999_06 2006-01-28 21:20:32
fix Storage/DBI (tried to load deprecated ::Exception component)
0.04999_05 2006-01-28 20:13:52
count will now work for grouped resultsets
added accessor => option to column_info to specify accessor name
added $schema->populate to load test data (similar to AR fixtures)
removed cdbi-t dependencies, only run tests if installed
Removed DBIx::Class::Exception
unified throw_exception stuff, using Carp::Clan
report query when sth generation fails.
multi-step prefetch!
inheritance fixes
test tweaks
0.04999_04 2006-01-24 21:48:21
more documentation improvements
add columns_info_for for vendor-specific column info (Zbigniew
add SQL::Translator::Producer for DBIx::Class table classes (Jess
add unique constraint declaration (Daniel Westermann-Clark)
add new update_or_create method (Daniel Westermann-Clark)
rename ResultSetInstance class to ResultSetProxy, ResultSourceInstance
to ResultSourceProxy, and TableInstance to ResultSourceProxy::Table
minor fixes to UUIDColumns
add debugfh method and ENV magic for tracing SQL (Nigel Metheringham)
0.04999_03 2006-01-20 06:05:27
imported Jess Robinson's SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class
lots of internals cleanup to eliminate result_source_instance
added register_column and register_relationship class APIs
made Storage::DBI use prepare_cached safely (thanks to Tim Bunce)
many documentation improvements (thanks guys!)
added ->connection, ->connect, ->register_source and ->clone schema
Use croak instead of die for user errors.
0.04999_02 2006-01-14 07:17:35
Schema is now self-contained; no requirement for co-operation
add_relationship, relationships, relationship_info, has_relationship
relationship handling on ResultSource
all table handling now in /
added GROUP BY and DISTINCT support
hacked around SQL::Abstract::Limit some more in DBIC::SQL::Abstract
(this may have fixed complex quoting)
moved inflation to inflate_result in
added $rs->search_related
split compose_namespace out of compose_connection in Schema
ResultSet now handles find
various *_related methods are now ->search_related->*
added new_result to ResultSet
0.04999_01 2005-12-27 03:33:42
search and related methods moved to ResultSet
select and as added to ResultSet attrs
added DBIx::Class::Table and TableInstance for table-per-class
added DBIx::Class::ResultSetInstance which handles proxying
search etc. as a superclass of DBIx::Class::DB
assorted test and code cleanup work
0.04001 2005-12-13 22:00:00
Fix so set_inflated_column calls set_column
Syntax errors in relationship classes are now reported
Better error detection in set_primary_key and columns methods
Documentation improvements
Better transaction support with txn_* methods
belongs_to now works when $cond is a string
PK::Auto::Pg updated, only tries primary keys instead of all cols
0.04 2005-11-26
Moved get_simple and set_simple into AccessorGroup
Made 'new' die if given invalid columns
Added has_column and column_info to
Refactored away from direct use of _columns and _primaries
Switched from NEXT to Class::C3
Added an || '' to the CDBICompat stringify to avoid null warnings
Updated name section for manual pods
0.03003 2005-11-03 17:00:00
POD fixes.
Changed use to require in Relationship/Base to avoid import.
0.03002 2005-10-20 22:35:00
Minor bugfix to new (
Schema doesn't die if it can't load a class (
New UUID columns plugin (
Documentation improvements.
0.03001 2005-09-23 14:00:00
Fixes to relationship helpers
IMPORTANT: prefetch/schema combination bug fix
0.03 2005-09-19 19:35:00
Paging support
Join support on search
Prefetch support on search
0.02 2005-08-12 18:00:00
Test fixes.
Performance improvements.
Oracle primary key support.
MS-SQL primary key support.
SQL::Abstract::Limit integration for database-agnostic limiting.
0.01 2005-08-08 17:10:00
initial release