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use 5.14.0;
package Router::Dumb;
  $Router::Dumb::VERSION = '0.003';
use Moose;
# ABSTRACT: yet another dumb path router for URLs

use Router::Dumb::Route;

use namespace::autoclean;

sub add_route {
  my ($self, $route) = @_;

  confess "invalid route" unless $route->isa('Router::Dumb::Route');

  my $npath = $route->normalized_path;
  if (my $existing = $self->_route_at( $npath )) {
    confess sprintf(
      "route conflict: %s would conflict with %s",

  $self->_add_route($npath, $route);

sub add_route_unless_exists {
  my ($self, $route) = @_;

  confess "invalid route" unless $route->isa('Router::Dumb::Route');

  my $npath = $route->normalized_path;
  return if $self->_route_at( $npath );

  $self->_add_route($npath, $route);

sub route {
  my ($self, $str) = @_;

  # Shamelessly stolen from Path::Router 0.10 -- rjbs, 2011-07-13
  $str =~ s|/{2,}|/|g;                          # xx////xx  -> xx/xx
  $str =~ s{(?:/\.)+(?:/|\z)}{/}g;              # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
  $str =~ s|^(?:\./)+||s unless $str eq "./";   # ./xx      -> xx
  $str =~ s|^/(?:\.\./)+|/|;                    # /../../xx -> xx
  $str =~ s|^/\.\.$|/|;                         # /..       -> /
  $str =~ s|/\z|| unless $str eq "/";           # xx/       -> xx

  confess "path didn't start with /" unless $str =~ s{^/}{};

  if (my $route = $self->_route_at($str)) {
    # should always match! -- rjbs, 2011-07-13
    confess "empty route didn't match empty path"
      unless my $match = $route->check($str);

    return $match;

  my @parts = split m{/}, $str;

  for my $candidate ($self->ordered_routes(
    sub {
         ($_->part_count == @parts and $_->has_params)
      or ($_->part_count <= @parts and $_->is_slurpy)
  )) {
    next unless my $match = $candidate->check($str);
    return $match;


has _route_map => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'HashRef',
  init_arg => undef,
  default  => sub {  {}  },
  traits   => [ 'Hash' ],
  handles  => {
    _routes   => 'values',
    _route_at => 'get',
    _add_route => 'set',

sub ordered_routes {
  my ($self, $filter) = @_;

  return sort { $b->part_count <=> $a->part_count
             || $a->is_slurpy  <=> $b->is_slurpy }
         grep { $filter ? $filter->() : 1 }




=head1 NAME

Router::Dumb - yet another dumb path router for URLs

=head1 VERSION

version 0.003


  my $r = Router::Dumb->new;

      parts       => [ qw(group :group uid :uid) ],
      target      => 'pants',
      constraints => {
        group => find_type_constraint('Int'),

  my $match = $r->route( '/group/123/uid/321' );
  # $match->target  returns 'pants'
  # $match->matches returns (group => 123, uid => 321)


Router::Dumb provides a pretty dumb router.  You can add routes and then ask
how to route a given path string.

Routes have a path.  A path is an arrayref of names.  Names that start with a
colon are placeholders.  Everything else is a literal.  Literals pieces must
appear, literally, in the string being routed.  A placeholder can be satisfied
by any value, as long as it satisfies the placeholder's constraint.  If there's
no constraint, any value works.

The special part C<*> can be used to mean "...then capture everything else into
the placeholder named C<REST>."

Most of the time, you won't be calling C<add_route>, but using some other
helper to figure out routes to add for you.  Router::Dumb ships with
L<Router::Dumb::Helper::FileMapper> and L<Router::Dumb::Helper::RouteFile>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 add_route

    parts  => [ qw( the :path parts ) ],
    target => 'target-string',
    constraints => {
      path => $moose_tc,

This method adds a new L<route|Router::Dumb::Route> to the router.

=head2 add_route_unless_exists

    parts  => [ qw( the :path parts ) ],
    target => 'target-string',

This method adds a new L<route|Router::Dumb::Route> to the router unless it
would conflict, in which case it does nothing.

=head2 route

  my $match_or_undef = $router->route( $str );

If the given string can be routed to a match, the L<match|Router::Dumb::Match>
is returned.  If not, the method returns false.

The string must begin with a C</>.

=head2 ordered_routes

  my @routes = $router->ordered_routes;

This method returns the router's routes, in the order that they will be
checked.  You probably do not want to use this method unless you really know
what you're doing.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
