Revision history for Test-Deep
0.119 2015-09-29
- remove use of Test::NoWarnings for user-facing tests
0.118 2015-07-27 TRIAL RELEASE
- overloading of & and | no longer can change All or Any objects
found as arguments
- an All as an argument to an All constructed is flattened out into its
All-ed values; the same goes for Any
0.117 2015-06-21
- do not lose argument(s) to import
0.116 2015-06-20
- on its own, :preload options uses default group of exports
0.115 2015-01-09
- worked around a bug in chained goto on 5.8.5
0.114 2014-12-11
- improve prereqs metadata (thanks, Karen Etheridge)
- add a noneof() set test (thanks, Peter Haworth)
- regexponly hasn't worked... ever. now it does
- passing :preload to import loads all plugins up front
- a few more tests have been documented
- the many exports of Test::Deep are now documented!
0.113 2014-08-22
- fix a compile error (!!) in RegexpOnly
- fix some documentation typos (thanks, ZOFFIX)
- add license to META file
0.112 2013-11-30
- rebuild MANIFEST, adding two forgotten files
0.111 2013-11-30
- When printing diagnostics, differentiate the type of a blessed object
from the name of the class itself (RT#78288, caused by changes to how
blessed objects are treated in 0.109) (thanks, Karen Etheridge)
- Typo fixes (thanks, David Steinbrunner)
- Fixes to clarity and accuracy of documentation (thanks, Michael Hamlin)
- Add metadata links to repo and issue tracker
- Added obj_isa for testing ->isa without falling back to ref($x)
- Added the *experimental* ":v1" export group to skip importing
Isa, isa, and blessed
0.110 2012-06-16
Allow methods() and listmethods() to work again on class methods
(RT#77804) (thanks, Ricardo Signes!)
0.109 2012-02-16
UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERAL::can are no longer called as functions:
this was deprecated in UNIVERSAL 1.03. (RT#74760, Karen Etheridge)
the code that builds the exporter configuration is cleaned up; more
documentation of how it may change (for the better, without breaking
stuff) should appear in the near future
0.108 2010-10-15
simple (stringwise) comparison should now be much faster (thanks,
0.107 2009-10-28
New maintainer: Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
On 5.10.0 and newer perl, install to the "site" directory, not the
core perl directory in @INC. (Prior to 5.10.0, @INC ordering was
unfortunate, and fixing the install target would make upgrading
cope with new stringification of qr{} objects in 5.13.x+ (thanks,
fix Pod escaping errors (thanks, FWIE)
Release after dev.
Fix for perl 5.010.1 - the code to check the version and act
correctly on regexp refs treated .1 as behaving like 5.011.
Document behaviour of cmp_bag when a non ARRAY-ref argument is passed
to it. Explicity test for this a die with a useful message.
Document and export cmp_details and deep_diag, thanks to Tom Hukins
for the patch.
Detect whether isa() is being called with 1 or 2 arguments and
dispatch to the correct function. This is hacky but fixes the problem
of clashing with UNIVERSAL::isa().
Behave well when a code comparator doesn't give diagnostics. Thanks
to Alex Kapranoff.
Fix an overloading problem with All and Any. Thanks to Kostas
Chatzikokolakis for reporting the bug and especially for explaining
how to fix it :)
Added a nasty hack to smooth over a problem in Test::Tester.
Apply patch from Andreas Koenig (ANDK) to cope with Perl 5.11's new
REGEXP objects.
Don't explode on perl's that don't have weakrefs. If they're not
available, just don't weaken the refs. It means refs can be cached
for longer than desirable but it's better than explodiing.
This doesn't fix all of te problems with perl 5.005 but I'm pushing
it out because the previous version number upsets
Cleaned up Test::Deep::NoTest by making it call Test::Deep's import,
that way it will always be in sync for exports. Also added some POD
Added notest_extra.t to check that things are correctly exported and
Add cmp_details but left it undocumented. It manages localising the
stack etc. Factored eq_deeply and cmp_deeply through that. This meant
adding an icky hack into deep_diag. I should clean that whole thing
Remove $name from params of eq_deeply, in code and docs, it was
Fixed doc typo for re().
Fix diagnostics for code(), it was always printing undef instead of
the got value.
%WrapCache was keeping references to external data. It's now
local()ised at the start of a comparison just like the other caches
(why I didn't do that when I added it, I don't know). Thanks to
Matthijs Bomhoff for reporting the problem.
Docs and code didn't match, useclass was actually requireclass,
available as both now
Changed Set and Bag to no longer issue warnings when undefs are
present. Needed to make the sort and the diagnotics
undef-aware. Thanks to Colin Kuskie for pointing this out.
Added tests for this.
Fixed inifinte recursion when adding comparators into bags. That
whole area is unpleasant - conceptually as well as
implementation-wise. Comparators no longer inherit a compare method,
so we only call the specialised compare if it exists, otherwise we
just do normal deep comparison.
Removed a debugging print.
Got the if backwards for loading Test::Builder (again for NoTest -
simples changes...). No ill effects for most people as they load it
via something else any but ApacheSession for example doesn't.
Now tetsing for lack of testing framework.
Forgot to export lots of stuff via NoTest
Added Test::Builder::NoTest so that eq_deeply can be use entirely
without Test::Builder.
Wasn't corrrectly setting $Test::Builder::Level in cmp_bag, cmp_set
and cmp_methods, this caused test error messages to include the wrong
Whitespace changes.
Slight twiddle to silence warnings from the new Test::Tester thanks to
cmp_methods, cmp_bag and cmp_set weren't passing on the test name.
Thanks to Alex Kapranoff for the patch.
Add $tolerance to Number so now you can check that 2 numbers are
equal, give or take a little bit.
Autogenerating most of the convenience constructor routines, deleted
nearly 200 lines of boilerplate. Why didn't I think of that before?
Almost every test script had the same lines at the beginning. These
are now in t/, another 200 lines of code (well 50% whitespace)
gone. Happy.
Added use warnings to the test scripts, didn't make a difference.
Added inspection of strings captured from a regex and fixed up some
re() doc errors.
When a hash or array value or amethod does not exist and the expected
value was a reference, the diagnostics were wrong because it headed
into Reftype tests. Now Test::Deep::descend catches "Does not exist"
early on.
Added listmethods()
Added subhashof and superhashof, restructured various Hash modules to
handle sub and super.
Got rid of unexported hash_elements from Test::Deep.
Fixed a problem with circular set comparisons.
The cache is more efficient, using a single layer and weak refs, also
previously it could be fooled by reused addresses for objects (this
is not just theoretical).
Now Test::Deep::descend is responsible for pushing onto the stack as
well as pulling, this means most tests don't need to think about the
stack at all
For the stack stuff, had to create lots of "only" modules these are
tests that should never be called on their own as they make
assumptions about the validity of the data, they are used as subtests
inside others
cleaned up lots of copy and paste Data::Dumper and confess and
various other bits and pieces
Test::Deep::Cmp (and it's descendants) autopush themselves onto the
stack of any Test::Deep::* that uses them. Cuts even more cruft.
Now everything uses the compare in Test::Deep::Cmp which just does a
deep comparison. This is not perfect for All and Set but it's as good
as what was happeneing before now.
Wrapping unknown reftypes as shallow
Got rid of silly use lib in the tests, shouldn't have been in public
Added dependency on Test::More
Moved from type =>, vals => to exp =>, got => in stack entries
Individual descend()s no longer pop their data from the stack, that's
taken care of by Test::Deep::descend. This made things simpler in all
the comparisons.
Added support for sub/super se/bag comparisons, thanks to Boris
Sukholitko <>
Added scalarref.t
Got rid of struct mode for num()
Large internal changes, now using a stack object rather than just an
array. This handles rendering the stack.
The comparisons handle rendering the got and expected values now.
num() and str() numify/stringify before comparing, this makes
overload of == or eq irrelevant. This also prevents problems with the
diag when something stringifies differently to it's numificiation or
differently each time you look.
fixed diag of overloaded refs to display the ref value, not the
overloaded value
nicer diags for booleans
Slight doc fix
Added coderef calling as a test
Fixed number.t to skip strict test when if Scalar::Util is not right
Major improvement of docs. No longer reads like it was written by a
drunken badger.
Overhaul of Test::Deep::descend, native types are now wrapped up in a
Test::Deep:Cmp object, moves lots of logic out of descend
Added ArrayLength, HashKeys, RefType, and Blessed comparisons
All tests now use Test::NoWarnings
Broke out descend tests into hash.t, array, regexpref.t, probably
should break out more
Updated version of Scalar::Util dependency, thanks to Steve Purkis
No longer using overload::StrVal() for looking behind overloads as
it's broken for Regexp refs in some versions of Perl.
Documented bool and included the files!!
cmp_deeply(undef, \"") calls overload::StrVal(undef)
added bool test
using Scalar::Util to get reftype and blessed class
Added prereq to Makefile.PL
First release