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use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use t::common qw( new_dbm new_fh );

sub is_undef {
 ok(!defined $_[0] || ref $_[0] eq 'DBM::Deep::Null', $_[1])

use_ok( 'DBM::Deep' );

my $dbm_factory = new_dbm(
    locking => 1,
    autoflush => 1,
while ( my $dbm_maker = $dbm_factory->() ) {
    my $db = $dbm_maker->();

    SKIP: {
        skip "This engine doesn't support singletons", 8
            unless $db->supports( 'singletons' );

        $db->{a} = 1;
        $db->{foo} = { a => 'b' };
        my $x = $db->{foo};
        my $y = $db->{foo};

        is( $x, $y, "The references are the same" );

        delete $db->{foo};
        is_undef( $x, "After deleting the DB location, external references are also undef (\$x)" );
        is_undef( $y, "After deleting the DB location, external references are also undef (\$y)" );
        is( eval { $x + 0 }, undef, "DBM::Deep::Null can be added to." );
        is( eval { $y + 0 }, undef, "DBM::Deep::Null can be added to." );
        is_undef( $db->{foo}, "The {foo} location is also undef." );

        # These shenanigans work to get another hashref
        # into the same data location as $db->{foo} was.
        $db->{foo} = {};
        delete $db->{foo};
        $db->{foo} = {};
        $db->{bar} = {};

        is_undef( $x, "After re-assigning to {foo}, external references to old values are still undef (\$x)" );
        is_undef( $y, "After re-assigning to {foo}, external references to old values are still undef (\$y)" );

        my $file = __FILE__;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
        eval {
            $line = __LINE__;   $db->{stext} = $x;
        is $@, "Assignment of stale reference at $file line $line.\n",
            'assigning a stale reference to the DB dies w/FATAL warnings';
            no warnings FATAL => "all";
            use warnings 'uninitialized'; # non-FATAL
            $db->{stext} = $x;     $line = __LINE__;
            is $w, "Assignment of stale reference at $file line $line.\n",
              'assigning a stale reference back to the DB warns';
            no warnings 'uninitialized';
            $w = undef;
            $db->{stext} = $x;
            is $w, undef,
              'stale ref assignment warnings can be suppressed';

	eval {                   $line = __LINE__+1;
          () = $x->{stit};
        like $@,
          qr/^Can't use a stale reference as a HASH at \Q$file\E line(?x:
             ) $line\.?\n\z/,
          'Using a stale reference as a hash dies';
	eval {                   $line = __LINE__+1;
          () = $x->[28];
        like $@,
          qr/^Can't use a stale reference as an ARRAY at \Q$file\E line(?x:
             ) $line\.?\n\z/,
          'Using a stale reference as an array dies';

 my $null = bless {}, 'DBM::Deep::Null';
 cmp_ok $null, 'eq', undef, 'DBM::Deep::Null compares equal to undef';
 cmp_ok $null, '==', undef, 'DBM::Deep::Null compares ==ual to undef';

    skip "What do we do with external references and txns?", 2;

    my $dbm_factory = new_dbm(
        locking   => 1,
        autoflush => 1,
        num_txns  => 2,
    while ( my $dbm_maker = $dbm_factory->() ) {
        my $db = $dbm_maker->();

        $db->{foo} = { a => 'b' };
        my $x = $db->{foo};

            $db->{foo} = { c => 'd' };
            my $y = $db->{foo};

            # XXX What should happen here with $x and $y?
            is( $x, $y );
            is( $x->{c}, 'd' );


$dbm_factory = new_dbm(
    locking => 1,
    autoflush => 1,
    external_refs => 1,
while ( my $dbm_maker = $dbm_factory->() ) {
    my $db = $dbm_maker->();

    SKIP: {
# Should this feature rely on singleton support? (This question is cur-
# ently irrelevant, as all back ends support it.)
#        skip "This engine doesn't support singletons", 8
#            unless $db->supports( 'singletons' );

        $db->{a} = 1;
        $db->{foo} = { a => 'b' };
        my $x = $db->{foo};
        my $y = $db->{foo};
	my $x_str = "$x";

        is( $x, $y, "The references are the same in e_r mode" );

        delete $db->{foo};
	   $x, $x_str,
          'After deletion, external refs still stringify the same way ($x)'
	   $y, $x_str,
          'After deletion, external refs still stringify the same way ($y)'
        is $x->{a}, 'b', 'external refs still point to live data';
        undef $x;
        is $y->{a}, 'b',
          'ext refs are still live after other ext refs have gone';
        is( $db->{foo}, undef, "The ref in the DB was actually deleted." );

        # These shenanigans work to get another hashref
        # into the same data location as $db->{foo} was.
        # Or they would if external_refs mode were off.
        $db->{foo} = {};
        delete $db->{foo};
        $db->{foo} = {};
        $db->{bar} = {};

        is( $y->{a}, 'b',
           "After re-assigning to the DB loc, external refs styll live" );

        $db->{stext} = $y;
        undef $y;
        is $db->{stext}{a}, 'b',
          'assigning a zombie hash to the DB wholly revives it';

        # Now we must redo all those tests with arrays
        $db->{foo} = [ 'swew','squor' ];
        $x = $db->{foo};
        $y = $db->{foo};
	$x_str = "$x";

        is( $x, $y, "The references are the same in e_r mode (arrays)" );

        delete $db->{foo};
	   $x, $x_str,
          'After deletion, ext ary refs still stringify the same way ($x)'
	   $y, $x_str,
          'After deletion, ext ary refs still stringify the same way ($y)'
        is $x->[0], 'swew', 'external ary refs still point to live data';
        undef $x;
        is $y->[0], 'swew',
          'ext ary refs are still live after other ext refs have gone';
          $db->{foo}, undef,
         "The ary ref in the DB was actually deleted."

        # These shenanigans work to get another ref
        # into the same data location as $db->{foo} was.
        # Or they would if external_refs mode were off.
        $db->{foo} = [];
        delete $db->{foo};
        $db->{foo} = [];
        $db->{bar} = [];

        is( $y->[1], 'squor',
           "After re-assigning to the DB loc, ext ary refs styll live" );

        $db->{stext} = $y;
        undef $y;
        is $db->{stext}[1], 'squor',
          'assigning a zombie array to the DB wholly revives it';


# Make sure that global destruction triggers the freeing of externally ref-
# erenced aggregates.
 my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
 (my $esc_filename = $filename) =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;
 system $^X, '-Mblib',
   # We must use package variables here, to avoid freeing them before
   # global destruction.
  '-e use DBM::Deep;',
  "-e tie %db, 'DBM::Deep', file => '$esc_filename', external_refs => 1;",
  '-e $db{foo} = ["hello"];',
  '-e $db{bar} = {"olleh"=>1};',
  '-e $a = $db{foo};',
  '-e $b = $db{bar};',
  '-e delete $db{foo};',
  '-e delete $db{bar};',
 # And in case a future version does not write over freed sectors:
 system $^X, '-Mblib',
  '-e use DBM::Deep;',
  "-e tie %db, 'DBM::Deep', file => '$esc_filename', external_refs => 1;",
  '-e $db{foo} = ["goodybpe", 1,2,3,5,56];',
 local $/;
 my $db = <$fh>;
 unlike $db, qr/hello/,
  'global destruction frees externally referenced arrays';
 unlike $db, qr/olleh/,
  'global destruction frees externally referenced hashes';
