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#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#define NEED_grok_number
#define NEED_grok_numeric_radix
#define NEED_newRV_noinc
#define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
#include "ppport.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>

#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
# define snprintf _snprintf // C compilers have this in stdio.h

#if defined(_AIX) && (!defined(HAS_LONG_DOUBLE) || AIX_WORKAROUND)
#define HAVE_NO_POWL

/* Freebsd 10: It has powl, but it is too bad. strtold is good. RT #101265 */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__clang__) && defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE)

/* FIXME: still a refcount error */
#define UTF8BOM     "\357\273\277"      /* EF BB BF */
#define UTF16BOM    "\377\376"          /* FF FE or +UFEFF */
#define UTF16BOM_BE "\376\377"          /* FE FF */
#define UTF32BOM    "\377\376\000\000"  /* FF FE 00 00 or +UFEFF */
#define UTF32BOM_BE "\000\000\376\377"  /* 00 00 FE FF */

/* mingw with USE_LONG_DOUBLE (and implied USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) do use the
   non-msvcrt inf/nan stringification in sprintf(). */
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) && !defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE)
/* new ucrtd.dll runtime? We do not probe the runtime or variants in the Makefile.PL yet. */
#define STR_INF "inf"
#define STR_INF2 "inf.0"
#define STR_NAN "nan"
#define STR_QNAN "nan(ind)"
/* old standard msvcrt.dll */
#define STR_INF3 "1.#INF"
#define STR_INF4 "1.#INF.0"
#define STR_NAN2 "1.#IND"
#define STR_QNAN2 "1.#QNAN"
#define HAVE_QNAN
#elif defined(sun) || defined(__sun)
#define STR_INF "Infinity"
#define STR_NAN "NaN"
#elif defined(__hpux)
#define STR_INF "++"
#define STR_NAN "-?"
#define HAVE_NEG_NAN
#define STR_NEG_INF "---"
#define STR_NEG_NAN "?"
#define STR_INF "inf"
#define STR_NAN "nan"

/* modfl() segfaults for -Duselongdouble && 64-bit mingw64 && mingw
   runtime version 4.0 [perl #125924] */
#if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(__MINGW64__) \
#undef HAS_MODFL
#undef Perl_modf
#define Perl_modf(nv, ip) mingw_modfl(nv, ip)
long double
mingw_modfl(long double x, long double *ip)
    *ip = truncl(x);
    return (x == *ip ? copysignl(0.0L, x) : x - *ip);

#if defined(_AIX)
#define HAVE_QNAN
#undef STR_QNAN
#define STR_QNAN "NANQ"

/* some old perls do not have this, try to make it work, no */
/* guarantees, though. if it breaks, you get to keep the pieces. */
# define UTF8_MAXBYTES 13

/* 5.6: */
#define IS_NUMBER_IN_UV		      0x01 /* number within UV range (maybe not
					      int).  value returned in pointed-
					      to UV */
#define IS_NUMBER_GREATER_THAN_UV_MAX 0x02 /* pointed to UV undefined */
#define IS_NUMBER_NOT_INT	      0x04 /* saw . or E notation */
#define IS_NUMBER_NEG		      0x08 /* leading minus sign */
#define IS_NUMBER_INFINITY	      0x10 /* this is big */
#define IS_NUMBER_NAN                 0x20 /* this is not */
#define UNI_DISPLAY_ISPRINT	0x0001
/* with 5.6 hek can only be non-utf8 */
#ifndef HeKUTF8
#define HeKUTF8(he) 0
/* since 5.8.1 */
#ifndef SvIsCOW_shared_hash
#define SvIsCOW_shared_hash(pv) 0
/* 5.8.1 has a broken assert_not_ROK */
# undef assert_not_ROK
# if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(PERL_GCC_BRACE_GROUPS_FORBIDDEN)
#  define assert_not_ROK(sv)	({assert(!SvROK(sv) || !SvRV(sv));}),
# else
#  define assert_not_ROK(sv)
# endif
/* compatibility with perl <5.14 */
#ifndef HvNAMELEN_get
# define HvNAMELEN_get(hv) strlen (HvNAME (hv))
#ifndef HvNAMELEN
# define HvNAMELEN(hv) HvNAMELEN_get (hv)
#ifndef HvNAMEUTF8
# define HvNAMEUTF8(hv) 0
/* since 5.14 check use warnings 'nonchar' */
#define WARNER_NONCHAR(hi)                                      \
  Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_NONCHAR),                \
                   "Unicode non-character U+%04" UVXf " is not "  \
                   "recommended for open interchange", hi)
/* before check use warnings 'utf8' */
#elif PERL_VERSION > 10
#define WARNER_NONCHAR(hi)                                         \
  Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),                      \
                   "Unicode non-character U+%04" UVXf " is illegal " \
                   "for interchange", hi)
#define WARNER_NONCHAR(hi)                                         \
  Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),                           \
              "Unicode non-character U+%04lX is illegal", (unsigned long)hi)

/* since 5.16 */
#define GV_NO_SVGMAGIC 0
/* since 5.18 */
#ifndef SvREFCNT_dec_NN
#define SvREFCNT_dec_NN(sv) SvREFCNT_dec(sv)
/* from cperl */
#ifndef strEQc
/* the buffer ends with \0, includes comparison of the \0.
   better than strEQ as it uses memcmp, word-wise comparison. */
# define strEQc(s, c) memEQ(s, ("" c ""), sizeof(c))
#ifndef memEQc
/* excluding the final \0, so the string s may continue */
# define memEQc(s, c) memEQ(s, ("" c ""), sizeof(c)-1)

/* av_len has 2 different possible types */
#ifndef HVMAX_T
# if PERL_VERSION >= 20
#  define HVMAX_T SSize_t
# else
#  define HVMAX_T I32
# endif
/* and riter 3 */
#ifndef RITER_T
# ifdef USE_CPERL
#  if PERL_VERSION >= 25
#   define RITER_T U32
#  else
#   define RITER_T SSize_t
#  endif
# else
#   define RITER_T I32
# endif

/* three extra for rounding, sign, and end of string */
#define IVUV_MAXCHARS (sizeof (UV) * CHAR_BIT * 28 / 93 + 3)

#define F_ASCII           0x00000001UL
#define F_LATIN1          0x00000002UL
#define F_UTF8            0x00000004UL
#define F_INDENT          0x00000008UL
#define F_CANONICAL       0x00000010UL
#define F_SPACE_BEFORE    0x00000020UL
#define F_SPACE_AFTER     0x00000040UL
#define F_ALLOW_NONREF    0x00000100UL
#define F_SHRINK          0x00000200UL
#define F_ALLOW_BLESSED   0x00000400UL
#define F_CONV_BLESSED    0x00000800UL
#define F_RELAXED         0x00001000UL
#define F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN   0x00002000UL
#define F_ALLOW_TAGS      0x00004000UL
#define F_BINARY          0x00008000UL
#define F_ALLOW_BAREKEY   0x00010000UL
#define F_ALLOW_SQUOTE    0x00020000UL
#define F_ALLOW_BIGNUM    0x00040000UL
#define F_ESCAPE_SLASH    0x00080000UL
#define F_SORT_BY         0x00100000UL
#define F_ALLOW_STRINGIFY 0x00200000UL
#define F_HOOK            0x80000000UL // some hooks exist, so slow-path processing


#define INIT_SIZE   32 // initial scalar size to be allocated
#define INDENT_STEP 3  // spaces per indentation level

#define SHORT_STRING_LEN 16384 // special-case strings of up to this size

#define DECODE_WANTS_OCTETS(json) ((json)->flags & F_UTF8)

#define SB do {
#define SE } while (0)

#if __GNUC__ >= 3
# define _expect(expr,value)        __builtin_expect ((expr), (value))
# define INLINE                     static inline
# define _expect(expr,value)        (expr)
# define INLINE                     static
#ifndef LIKELY
#define LIKELY(expr)   _expect ((long)(expr) != 0, 1)
#define UNLIKELY(expr) _expect ((long)(expr) != 0, 0)

#define IN_RANGE_INC(type,val,beg,end) \
  ((unsigned type)((unsigned type)(val) - (unsigned type)(beg)) \
  <= (unsigned type)((unsigned type)(end) - (unsigned type)(beg)))

#define ERR_NESTING_EXCEEDED "json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?)"

# define JSON_STASH MY_CXT.json_stash

#define MY_CXT_KEY "Cpanel::JSON::XS::_guts"

typedef struct {
  HV *json_stash;             /* Cpanel::JSON::XS:: */
  HV *json_boolean_stash;     /* JSON::PP::Boolean::  */
  HV *jsonold_boolean_stash;  /* JSON::XS::Boolean:: if empty will be (HV*)1 */
  HV *mojo_boolean_stash;     /* Mojo::JSON::_Bool:: if empty will be (HV*)1 */
  SV *json_true, *json_false;
  SV *sv_json;
} my_cxt_t;

// the amount of HEs to allocate on the stack, when sorting keys
#define STACK_HES 64


INLINE SV * get_bool (pTHX_ const char *name);

enum {
  INCR_M_WS = 0, /* initial whitespace skipping, must be 0 */
  INCR_M_STR,    /* inside string */
  INCR_M_BS,     /* inside backslash */
  INCR_M_C0,     /* inside comment in initial whitespace sequence */
  INCR_M_C1,     /* inside comment in other places */
  INCR_M_JSON    /* outside anything, count nesting */

#define INCR_DONE(json) ((json)->incr_nest <= 0 && (json)->incr_mode == INCR_M_JSON)

typedef struct {
  U32 flags;
  U32 max_depth;
  STRLEN max_size;

  SV *cb_object;
  HV *cb_sk_object;
  SV *cb_sort_by;

  /* for the incremental parser */
  SV *incr_text;   /* the source text so far */
  STRLEN incr_pos; /* the current offset into the text */
  int incr_nest;   /* {[]}-nesting level */
  unsigned char incr_mode;
  unsigned char infnan_mode;

json_init (JSON *json)
  Zero (json, 1, JSON);
  json->max_depth = 512;

/* dTHX/threads TODO*/
/* END dtor call not needed, all of these *s refcnts are owned by the stash
  treem not C code */
static void
init_MY_CXT(pTHX_ my_cxt_t * cxt)
  cxt->json_stash            = gv_stashpvn ("Cpanel::JSON::XS",  sizeof("Cpanel::JSON::XS")-1, 1);
  cxt->json_boolean_stash    = gv_stashpvn ("JSON::PP::Boolean", sizeof("JSON::PP::Boolean")-1, 1);
  cxt->jsonold_boolean_stash = gv_stashpvn ("JSON::XS::Boolean", sizeof("JSON::XS::Boolean")-1, 0);
  cxt->mojo_boolean_stash    = gv_stashpvn ("Mojo::JSON::_Bool", sizeof("Mojo::JSON::_Bool")-1, 0);
  if ( !cxt->mojo_boolean_stash )
    cxt->mojo_boolean_stash = (HV*)1; /* invalid ptr to compare against, better than a NULL stash */
  if ( !cxt->jsonold_boolean_stash )
    cxt->jsonold_boolean_stash = (HV*)1;

  cxt->json_true  = get_bool (aTHX_ "Cpanel::JSON::XS::true");
  cxt->json_false = get_bool (aTHX_ "Cpanel::JSON::XS::false");

  cxt->sv_json = newSVpv ("JSON", 0);
  SvREADONLY_on (cxt->sv_json);

/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* utility functions */

/* Unpacks the 2 boolean objects from the global references */
get_bool (pTHX_ const char *name)
  SV *sv = get_sv (name, 1);
  SV *sv = GvSV(gv_fetchpv(name, 1, SVt_PV));
  SV* rv = SvRV(sv);
  if (!SvOBJECT(sv) || !SvSTASH(sv)) {
    SvREADONLY_off (sv);
    SvREADONLY_off (rv);
    (void)sv_bless(sv, MY_CXT.json_boolean_stash); /* bless the ref */
  SvREADONLY_on (rv);
  SvREADONLY_on (sv);
  return sv;

shrink (pTHX_ SV *sv)
  /* ignore errors */
  (void)sv_utf8_downgrade (sv, 1);

  if (SvLEN (sv) > SvCUR (sv) + 1)
#ifdef SvPV_shrink_to_cur
      SvPV_shrink_to_cur (sv);
#elif defined (SvPV_renew)
      SvPV_renew (sv, SvCUR (sv) + 1);

/* decode an utf-8 character and return it, or (UV)-1 in */
/* case of an error. */
/* we special-case "safe" characters from U+80 .. U+7FF, */
/* but use the very good perl function to parse anything else. */
/* note that we never call this function for a ascii codepoints */
decode_utf8 (pTHX_ unsigned char *s, STRLEN len, int relaxed, STRLEN *clen)
  if (LIKELY(len >= 2
             && IN_RANGE_INC (char, s[0], 0xc2, 0xdf)
             && IN_RANGE_INC (char, s[1], 0x80, 0xbf)))
      *clen = 2;
      return ((s[0] & 0x1f) << 6) | (s[1] & 0x3f);
  else {
/* Since perl 5.14 we can disallow illegal unicode above U+10FFFF.
   Before we could only warn with warnings 'utf8'.
   We accept only valid unicode, unless we are in the relaxed mode. */
    UV c = utf8n_to_uvuni (s, len, clen,
                           UTF8_CHECK_ONLY | (relaxed ? 0 : UTF8_DISALLOW_SUPER));
#elif PERL_VERSION >= 8
    UV c = utf8n_to_uvuni (s, len, clen, UTF8_CHECK_ONLY);
    if (c > PERL_UNICODE_MAX && !relaxed)
      *clen = -1;
    return c;
    /* 5.6 does not detect certain ill-formed sequences, esp. overflows,
       which are security relevant. so we add code to detect these. */
    UV c = utf8_to_uv(s, len, clen, UTF8_CHECK_ONLY);
    if (!relaxed) {
      if (!c || c > PERL_UNICODE_MAX)
        *clen = -1;
      /* need to check manually for some overflows. 5.6 unicode bug */
      else if (len >= 2
               && IN_RANGE_INC (char, s[0], 0xc0, 0xfe)
               && !IN_RANGE_INC (char, s[0], 0xc2, 0xdf)) {
        U8 *s0, *send;
        UV uv = *s;
        UV expectlen = UTF8SKIP(s);

#define UTF_CONTINUATION_MASK           ((U8) ((1U << 6) - 1))
#define UTF_ACCUMULATION_OVERFLOW_MASK                          \
        (((UV) UTF_CONTINUATION_MASK) << ((sizeof(UV) * 8) - 6))

        s0 = s;
        /*printf ("maybe overlong <%.*s> %d/%d %x %x\n", len, s, c,
                  *clen, s[0], s[1]);*/
        if (*clen > 4) {
          *clen = -1;
          return c;
        send = (U8*) s0 + ((expectlen <= len) ? len : len);
        for (s = s0 + 1; s < send; s++) {
          if (LIKELY(UTF8_IS_CONTINUATION(*s))) {
            if (uv & UTF_ACCUMULATION_OVERFLOW_MASK) {
              /*printf ("overflow\n");*/
              *clen = -1;
              return c;
	    uv = UTF8_ACCUMULATE(uv, *s);
	  else {
            /*printf ("unexpected non continuation\n");*/
            *clen = -1;
            return c;
    return c;

/* Likewise for encoding, also never called for ascii codepoints. */
/* This function takes advantage of this fact, although current gcc's */
/* seem to optimise the check for >= 0x80 away anyways. */
INLINE unsigned char *
encode_utf8 (unsigned char *s, UV ch)
  if    (UNLIKELY(ch < 0x000080))
    *s++ = ch;
  else if (LIKELY(ch < 0x000800))
    *s++ = 0xc0 | ( ch >>  6),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ( ch        & 0x3f);
  else if        (ch < 0x010000)
    *s++ = 0xe0 | ( ch >> 12),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ((ch >>  6) & 0x3f),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ( ch        & 0x3f);
  else if        (ch < 0x110000)
    *s++ = 0xf0 | ( ch >> 18),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ((ch >> 12) & 0x3f),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ((ch >>  6) & 0x3f),
    *s++ = 0x80 | ( ch        & 0x3f);

  return s;

/* convert offset to character index, sv must be string */
static STRLEN
ptr_to_index (pTHX_ SV *sv, const STRLEN offset)
  return SvUTF8 (sv)
    ? (STRLEN)utf8_distance ((U8*)(SvPVX(sv)+offset), (U8*)SvPVX (sv))
    : offset;

/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* fp hell */

/* Ulisse Monari: this is a patch for AIX 5.3, perl 5.8.8 without HAS_LONG_DOUBLE
  There Perl_pow maps to pow(...) - NOT TO powl(...), core dumps at Perl_pow(...)

  Base code is from
  This is my change to fs_pow that goes into libc/libm for calling fmod/exp/log.
  NEED TO MODIFY Makefile, after perl Makefile.PL by adding "-lm" onto the LDDLFLAGS line */
static double fs_powEx(double x, double y)
    double p = 0;

    if (0 > x && fmod(y, 1) == 0) {
        if (fmod(y, 2) == 0) {
            p =  exp(log(-x) * y);
        } else {
            p = -exp(log(-x) * y);
    } else {
        if (x != 0 || 0 >= y) {
            p =  exp(log( x) * y);
    return p;

/* scan a group of digits, and a trailing exponent */
static void
json_atof_scan1 (const char *s, NV *accum, int *expo, int postdp, int maxdepth)
  UV  uaccum = 0;
  int eaccum = 0;

#if defined(HAVE_BAD_POWL)
  *accum = strtold(s, NULL);
  /* if we recurse too deep, skip all remaining digits */
  /* to avoid a stack overflow attack */
  if (UNLIKELY(--maxdepth <= 0))
    while (((U8)*s - '0') < 10)

  for (;;)
      U8 dig = (U8)*s - '0';

      if (UNLIKELY(dig >= 10))
          if (dig == (U8)((U8)'.' - (U8)'0'))
              json_atof_scan1 (s, accum, expo, 1, maxdepth);
          else if ((dig | ' ') == 'e' - '0')
              int exp2 = 0;
              int neg  = 0;


              if (*s == '-')
                  neg = 1;
              else if (*s == '+')

              while ((dig = (U8)*s - '0') < 10)
                exp2 = exp2 * 10 + *s++ - '0';

              *expo += neg ? -exp2 : exp2;



      uaccum = uaccum * 10 + dig;

      /* if we have too many digits, then recurse for more */
      /* we actually do this for rather few digits */
      if (uaccum >= (UV_MAX - 9) / 10)
          if (postdp) *expo -= eaccum;
          json_atof_scan1 (s, accum, expo, postdp, maxdepth);
          if (postdp) *expo += eaccum;


  /* this relies greatly on the quality of the pow () */
  /* implementation of the platform, but a good */
  /* implementation is hard to beat. */
  /* (IEEE 754 conformant ones are required to be exact) */
  if (postdp) *expo -= eaccum;
  /* powf() unfortunately is not accurate enough */
  *accum += uaccum * fs_powEx(10., *expo );
  *accum += uaccum * Perl_pow (10., *expo);
  *expo += eaccum;

static NV
json_atof (const char *s)
  NV accum = 0.;
  int expo = 0;
  int neg  = 0;

  if (*s == '-')
      neg = 1;

  /* a recursion depth of ten gives us >>500 bits */
  json_atof_scan1 (s, &accum, &expo, 0, 10);

  return neg ? -accum : accum;

/* target of scalar reference is bool?  -1 == nope, 0 == false, 1 == true */
static int
ref_bool_type (pTHX_ SV *sv)
  svtype svt = SvTYPE (sv);

  if (svt < SVt_PVAV)
      STRLEN len = 0;
      char *pv = svt ? SvPV (sv, len) : 0;

      if (len == 1) {
        if (*pv == '1')
          return 1;
        else if (*pv == '0')
          return 0;


  return -1;

/* returns whether scalar is not a reference in the sense of allow_nonref */
static int
json_nonref (pTHX_ SV *scalar)
  if (!SvROK (scalar))
    return 1;

  scalar = SvRV (scalar);

  if (!SvOBJECT (scalar) && ref_bool_type (aTHX_ scalar) >= 0)
    return 1;

  if (SvOBJECT (scalar)) {
    HV *bstash   = MY_CXT.json_boolean_stash;
    HV *oldstash = MY_CXT.jsonold_boolean_stash;
    HV *mstash   = MY_CXT.mojo_boolean_stash;
    HV *stash    = SvSTASH (scalar);

    if (stash == bstash || stash == mstash || stash == oldstash)
      return 1;
  return 0;

/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* encoder */

/* structure used for encoding JSON */
typedef struct
  char *cur;  /* SvPVX (sv) + current output position */
  char *end;  /* SvEND (sv) */
  SV *sv;     /* result scalar */
  JSON json;
  U32 indent; /* indentation level */
  UV limit;   /* escape character values >= this value when encoding */
} enc_t;

need (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, STRLEN len)
  DEBUG_v(Perl_deb(aTHX_ "need enc: %p %p %4ld, want: %lu\n", enc->cur, enc->end,
                   (long)(enc->end - enc->cur), (unsigned long)len));
  assert(enc->cur <= enc->end);
  if (UNLIKELY(enc->cur + len >= enc->end))
      STRLEN cur = enc->cur - (char *)SvPVX (enc->sv);
      SvGROW (enc->sv, cur + (len < (cur >> 2) ? cur >> 2 : len) + 1);
      enc->cur = SvPVX (enc->sv) + cur;
      enc->end = SvPVX (enc->sv) + SvLEN (enc->sv) - 1;

encode_ch (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, char ch)
  need (aTHX_ enc, 1);
  *enc->cur++ = ch;

static void
encode_str (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, char *str, STRLEN len, int is_utf8)
  char *end = str + len;

  /* perl5.6 encodes to utf8 automatically, reverse it */
  if (is_utf8 && (enc->json.flags & F_BINARY))
      str = (char *)utf8_to_bytes((U8*)str, &len);
      if (!str)
	croak ("illegal unicode character in binary string", str);
      end = str + len;
  need (aTHX_ enc, len);

  while (str < end)
      unsigned char ch = *(unsigned char *)str;
      DEBUG_v(Perl_deb(aTHX_ "str  enc: %p %p %4ld, want: %lu\n", enc->cur, enc->end,
                       (long)(enc->end - enc->cur), (long unsigned)len));
      if (LIKELY(ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x80)) /* most common case */
          assert(enc->cur <= enc->end);
          if (UNLIKELY(ch == '"')) /* but with slow exceptions */
              need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\';
              *enc->cur++ = '"';
          else if (UNLIKELY(ch == '\\'))
              need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\';
              *enc->cur++ = '\\';
          else if (UNLIKELY(ch == '/' && (enc->json.flags & F_ESCAPE_SLASH)))
              need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\';
              *enc->cur++ = '/';
          else {
            need (aTHX_ enc, 1);
            *enc->cur++ = ch;

          assert(enc->cur <= enc->end);
          switch (ch)
            case '\010': need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\'; *enc->cur++ = 'b'; ++len; ++str; break;
            case '\011': need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\'; *enc->cur++ = 't'; ++len; ++str; break;
            case '\012': need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\'; *enc->cur++ = 'n'; ++len; ++str; break;
            case '\014': need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\'; *enc->cur++ = 'f'; ++len; ++str; break;
            case '\015': need (aTHX_ enc, 2);
              *enc->cur++ = '\\'; *enc->cur++ = 'r'; ++len; ++str; break;

                  STRLEN clen;
                  UV uch;

                  if (is_utf8 && !(enc->json.flags & F_BINARY))
                      uch = decode_utf8 (aTHX_ (unsigned char *)str, end - str,
                                         enc->json.flags & F_RELAXED, &clen);
                      if (clen == (STRLEN)-1)
                        croak ("malformed or illegal unicode character in string [%.11s], cannot convert to JSON", str);
                      uch = ch;
                      clen = 1;

                  if (uch < 0x80/*0x20*/ || uch >= enc->limit)
		      if (enc->json.flags & F_BINARY)
                          /* MB cannot arrive here */
                          need (aTHX_ enc, 4);
                          *enc->cur++ = '\\';
                          *enc->cur++ = 'x';
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [(uch >>  4) & 15];
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [ uch & 15];
                          len += 3;
                      else if (uch >= 0x10000UL)
                          if (uch >= 0x110000UL)
                            croak ("out of range codepoint (0x%lx) encountered, unrepresentable in JSON", (unsigned long)uch);

                          need (aTHX_ enc, 12);
                          sprintf (enc->cur, "\\u%04x\\u%04x",
                                   (int)((uch - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800),
                                   (int)((uch - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00));
                          enc->cur += 12;
                          len += 11;
                          need (aTHX_ enc, 6);
                          *enc->cur++ = '\\';
                          *enc->cur++ = 'u';
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [ uch >> 12      ];
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [(uch >>  8) & 15];
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [(uch >>  4) & 15];
                          *enc->cur++ = PL_hexdigit [ uch & 15];
                          len += 5;

                      str += clen;
                  else if (enc->json.flags & F_LATIN1)
                      need (aTHX_ enc, 1);
                      *enc->cur++ = uch;
                      str += clen;
                  else if (enc->json.flags & F_BINARY)
                      need (aTHX_ enc, 1);
                      *enc->cur++ = uch;
                      str += clen;
                  else if (is_utf8)
                      need (aTHX_ enc, clen);
                      len += clen;
                          *enc->cur++ = *str++;
                      while (--clen);
                    { /* never more than 11 bytes needed */
                      need (aTHX_ enc, UTF8_MAXBYTES);
                      enc->cur = (char*)encode_utf8 ((U8*)enc->cur, uch);
                      len += UTF8_MAXBYTES - 1;


encode_const_str (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, const char *str, STRLEN len, int is_utf8)
  encode_str (aTHX_ enc, (char *)str, len, is_utf8);

encode_indent (pTHX_ enc_t *enc)
  if (enc->json.flags & F_INDENT)
      int spaces = enc->indent * INDENT_STEP;

      need (aTHX_ enc, spaces);
      memset (enc->cur, ' ', spaces);
      enc->cur += spaces;

encode_space (pTHX_ enc_t *enc)
  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ' ');

encode_nl (pTHX_ enc_t *enc)
  if (enc->json.flags & F_INDENT)
      encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '\n');

encode_comma (pTHX_ enc_t *enc)
  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ',');

  if (enc->json.flags & F_INDENT)
    encode_nl (aTHX_ enc);
  else if (enc->json.flags & F_SPACE_AFTER)
    encode_space (aTHX_ enc);

static void encode_sv (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, SV *sv);

static void
encode_av (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, AV *av)
  HVMAX_T i, len = av_len (av);

  if (enc->indent >= enc->json.max_depth)

  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '[');
  if (len >= 0)
      encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); ++enc->indent;

      for (i = 0; i <= len; ++i)
          SV **svp = av_fetch (av, i, 0);

          encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);

          if (svp)
            encode_sv (aTHX_ enc, *svp);
            encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);

          if (i < len)
            encode_comma (aTHX_ enc);

      encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); --enc->indent; encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);
  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ']');

static void
encode_hk (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, HE *he)
  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');

  if (HeKLEN (he) == HEf_SVKEY)
      SV *sv = HeSVKEY (he);
      STRLEN len;
      char *str;
      SvGETMAGIC (sv);
      str = SvPV (sv, len);

      encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, SvUTF8 (sv));
    encode_str (aTHX_ enc, HeKEY (he), (STRLEN)HeKLEN (he), HeKUTF8 (he));

  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');

  if (enc->json.flags & F_SPACE_BEFORE) encode_space (aTHX_ enc);
  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ':');
  if (enc->json.flags & F_SPACE_AFTER ) encode_space (aTHX_ enc);

/* compare hash entries, used when all keys are bytestrings */
static int
he_cmp_fast (const void *a_, const void *b_)
  int cmp;

  HE *a = *(HE **)a_;
  HE *b = *(HE **)b_;

  STRLEN la = HeKLEN (a);
  STRLEN lb = HeKLEN (b);

  if (!(cmp = memcmp (HeKEY (b), HeKEY (a), lb < la ? lb : la)))
    cmp = lb - la;

  return cmp;

/* compare hash entries, used when some keys are sv's or utf-x */
static int
he_cmp_slow (const void *a, const void *b)
  return sv_cmp (HeSVKEY_force (*(HE **)b), HeSVKEY_force (*(HE **)a));

static void
encode_hv (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, HV *hv)
  HE *he;

  if (enc->indent >= enc->json.max_depth)

  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '{');

  /* for canonical output we have to sort by keys first */
  /* caused by randomised hash orderings */
  if (enc->json.flags & F_CANONICAL && !SvTIED_mg((SV*)hv, PERL_MAGIC_tied))
      RITER_T i, count = hv_iterinit (hv);

      if (SvMAGICAL (hv))
          /* need to count by iterating. could improve by dynamically building the vector below */
          /* but I don't care for the speed of this special case. */
          /* note also that we will run into undefined behaviour when the two iterations */
          /* do not result in the same count, something I might care for in some later release. */

          count = 0;
          while (hv_iternext (hv))

          hv_iterinit (hv);

      if (count)
          int fast = 1;
          HE *hes_stack [STACK_HES];
          HE **hes = hes_stack;

          // allocate larger arrays on the heap
          if (count > STACK_HES)
              SV *sv = sv_2mortal (NEWSV (0, count * sizeof (*hes)));
              hes = (HE **)SvPVX (sv);

          i = 0;
          while ((he = hv_iternext (hv)))
              hes [i++] = he;
              if (HeKLEN (he) < 0 || HeKUTF8 (he))
                fast = 0;

          assert (i == count);

          if (fast)
            qsort (hes, count, sizeof (HE *), he_cmp_fast);
              /* hack to forcefully disable "use bytes" */
              COP cop = *PL_curcop;
              cop.op_private = 0;


              SAVEVPTR (PL_curcop);
              PL_curcop = &cop;

              qsort (hes, count, sizeof (HE *), he_cmp_slow);


          encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); ++enc->indent;

          while (count--)
              encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);
              he = hes [count];
              encode_hk (aTHX_ enc, he);
              encode_sv (aTHX_ enc, UNLIKELY(SvMAGICAL (hv)) ? hv_iterval (hv, he) : HeVAL (he));

              if (count)
                encode_comma (aTHX_ enc);

          encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); --enc->indent; encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);
      if (hv_iterinit (hv) || SvMAGICAL (hv))
        if ((he = hv_iternext (hv)))
            encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); ++enc->indent;

            for (;;)
                encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);
                encode_hk (aTHX_ enc, he);
                encode_sv (aTHX_ enc, UNLIKELY(SvMAGICAL (hv)) ? hv_iterval (hv, he) : HeVAL (he));

                if (!(he = hv_iternext (hv)))

                encode_comma (aTHX_ enc);

            encode_nl (aTHX_ enc); --enc->indent; encode_indent (aTHX_ enc);

  encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '}');

/* implement convert_blessed, sv is already unref'ed here */
static void
encode_stringify(pTHX_ enc_t *enc, SV *sv, int isref)
  char *str = NULL;
  STRLEN len;
  SV *pv = NULL;
  svtype type = SvTYPE(sv);
  MAGIC *mg;

/* SvAMAGIC without the ref */
#define MyAMG(sv) (SvOBJECT(sv) && HvAMAGIC(SvSTASH(sv)))
#define MyAMG(sv) (SvOBJECT(sv) && (SvFLAGS(sv) & SVf_AMAGIC))
#define MyAMG(sv) (SvOBJECT(sv) && ((SvFLAGS(sv) & SVf_AMAGIC) \
        || ((mg = mg_find((SV*)SvSTASH(sv), PERL_MAGIC_overload_table)) \
            && mg->mg_ptr && AMT_AMAGIC((AMT*)mg->mg_ptr))))

  if (isref && SvAMAGIC(sv))
  /* if no string overload found, check allow_stringify */
  else if (!MyAMG(sv) && !(enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_STRINGIFY)) {
    if (isref && !(enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN))
      croak ("cannot encode reference to scalar '%s' unless the scalar is 0 or 1",
             SvPV_nolen (sv_2mortal (newRV_inc (sv))));
    encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
  /* sv_2pv_flags does not accept those types: */
  if (type != SVt_PVAV && type != SVt_PVHV && type != SVt_PVFM) {
    /* the essential of pp_stringify */
    pv = newSVpvs("");
    sv_copypv(pv, sv);
    str = SvPVutf8_force(pv, len);
    char *s;
    if (isref) {
      pv = AMG_CALLun(sv,string);
      len = SvCUR(pv);
      str = SvPVX(pv);
    else {
      pv = newSVpvs("");
      s = SvPV(sv,len);
      if (SvUTF8(sv))
      str = SvPVutf8_force(pv, len);
    if (!len) {
      encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
  } else {
    /* manually call all possible magic on AV, HV, FM */
    if (SvGMAGICAL(sv)) mg_get(sv);
    if (MyAMG(sv)) { /* force a RV here */
      SV* rv = newRV(SvREFCNT_inc(sv));
      HV *stash = SvSTASH(sv);
      if (!SvSTASH(rv) || !(SvFLAGS(sv) & SVf_AMAGIC)) {
        sv_bless(rv, stash);
        SvFLAGS(sv) |= SVf_AMAGIC;
      pv = AMG_CALLunary(rv, string_amg);
      pv = AMG_CALLun(rv, string);
      TAINT_IF(pv && SvTAINTED(pv));
      if (pv && SvPOK(pv)) {
        str = SvPVutf8_force(pv, len);
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
        encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, 0);
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
  if (!str)
    encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
  else {
    if (isref != 1)
      encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
    encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, 0);
    if (isref != 1)
      encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
  if (pv) SvREFCNT_dec(pv);

#undef MyAMG


/* encode objects, arrays and special \0=false and \1=true values
   and other representations of booleans: JSON::PP::Boolean, Mojo::JSON::_Bool
static void
encode_rv (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, SV *rv)
  svtype svt;
  GV *method;
  SV *sv = SvRV(rv);

  SvGETMAGIC (sv);
  svt = SvTYPE (sv);

  if (UNLIKELY(SvOBJECT (sv)))
      HV *bstash   = MY_CXT.json_boolean_stash; /* JSON-XS-3.x interop (Types::Serialiser/JSON::PP::Boolean) */
      HV *oldstash = MY_CXT.jsonold_boolean_stash; /* JSON-XS-2.x interop (JSON::XS::Boolean) */
      HV *mstash   = MY_CXT.mojo_boolean_stash; /* Mojo::JSON::_Bool interop */
      HV *stash    = SvSTASH (sv);

      if (stash == bstash || stash == mstash || stash == oldstash)
          if (SvIV (sv))
            encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "true", 4, 0);
            encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "false", 5, 0);
      else if ((enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_TAGS)
            && (method = gv_fetchmethod_autoload (stash, "FREEZE", 0)))
          int count, items;

          EXTEND (SP, 2);
          PUSHs (rv);
          PUSHs (MY_CXT.sv_json);

          count = call_sv ((SV *)GvCV (method), G_ARRAY);
          items = count;

          /* catch this surprisingly common error */
          if (SvROK (TOPs) && SvRV (TOPs) == sv)
            croak ("%s::FREEZE method returned same object as was passed instead of a new one",
                   HvNAME (SvSTASH (sv)));

          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '(');
          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
          encode_str (aTHX_ enc, HvNAME (stash), HvNAMELEN (stash), HvNAMEUTF8 (stash));
          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ')');
          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '[');

          while (count)
              encode_sv (aTHX_ enc, SP[1 - count--]);

              if (count)
                encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ',');

          encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, ']');

          SP -= items;

          FREETMPS; LEAVE;
      else if ((enc->json.flags & F_CONV_BLESSED)
            && (method = gv_fetchmethod_autoload (stash, "TO_JSON", 0)))


          XPUSHs (rv);

          /* calling with G_SCALAR ensures that we always get a 1 return value */
          call_sv ((SV *)GvCV (method), G_SCALAR);
          /* catch this surprisingly common error */
          if (SvROK (TOPs) && SvRV (TOPs) == sv)
            croak ("%s::TO_JSON method returned same object as was passed instead of a new one", HvNAME (SvSTASH (sv)));

          sv = POPs;

          encode_sv (aTHX_ enc, sv);

          FREETMPS; LEAVE;
      else if ((enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_BIGNUM)
               && stash
               && ((stash == gv_stashpvn ("Math::BigInt", sizeof("Math::BigInt")-1, 0))
                || (stash == gv_stashpvn ("Math::BigFloat", sizeof("Math::BigFloat")-1, 0))))
        encode_stringify(aTHX_ enc, rv, 1);
      else if (enc->json.flags & F_CONV_BLESSED)
        encode_stringify(aTHX_ enc, sv, 0);
      else if (enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_BLESSED)
        encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
        croak ("encountered object '%s', but neither allow_blessed, convert_blessed nor allow_tags settings are enabled (or TO_JSON/FREEZE method missing)",
               SvPV_nolen (sv_2mortal (newRV_inc (sv))));
  else if (svt == SVt_PVHV)
    encode_hv (aTHX_ enc, (HV *)sv);
  else if (svt == SVt_PVAV)
    encode_av (aTHX_ enc, (AV *)sv);
  else if (svt < SVt_PVAV && svt != SVt_PVGV)
      int bool_type = ref_bool_type (aTHX_ sv);

      if (bool_type == 1)
        encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "true", 4, 0);
      else if (bool_type == 0)
        encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "false", 5, 0);
      else if (enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_STRINGIFY)
        encode_stringify(aTHX_ enc, sv, SvROK(sv));
      else if (enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN)
        encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
        croak ("cannot encode reference to scalar '%s' unless the scalar is 0 or 1",
               SvPV_nolen (sv_2mortal (newRV_inc (sv))));
  else if (enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN)
    encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
    croak ("encountered %s, but JSON can only represent references to arrays or hashes",
           SvPV_nolen (sv_2mortal (newRV_inc (sv))));

static void
encode_sv (pTHX_ enc_t *enc, SV *sv)
  SvGETMAGIC (sv);

  if (UNLIKELY(sv == &PL_sv_yes ))
      encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "true", 4, 0);
  else if (UNLIKELY(sv == &PL_sv_no ))
      encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "false", 5, 0);
  else if (SvNOKp (sv))
      char *savecur, *saveend;
      char inf_or_nan = 0;
      NV nv = SvNVX(sv);
      /* trust that perl will do the right thing w.r.t. JSON syntax. */
      need (aTHX_ enc, NV_DIG + 32);
      savecur = enc->cur;
      saveend = enc->end;

#if defined(HAVE_ISINF) && defined(HAVE_ISNAN)
      /* With no stringify_infnan we can skip the conversion, returning null. */
      if (enc->json.infnan_mode == 0) {
# if defined(USE_QUADMATH) && defined(HAVE_ISINFL) && defined(HAVE_ISNANL)
        if (UNLIKELY(isinfl(nv) || isnanl(nv)))
# else
        if (UNLIKELY(isinf(nv) || isnan(nv)))
# endif
          goto is_inf_or_nan;
      quadmath_snprintf(enc->cur, enc->end - enc->cur, "%.*Qg", (int)NV_DIG, nv);
      (void)Gconvert (nv, NV_DIG, 0, enc->cur);

#ifdef STR_INF4
      if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF)
                   || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF2)
                   || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF3)
                   || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF4)))
#elif STR_INF2
      if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF)
                   || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF2)))
      if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_INF)))
        inf_or_nan = 1;
#if defined(__hpux)
      else if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NEG_INF)))
        inf_or_nan = 2;
      else if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NEG_NAN)))
        inf_or_nan = 3;
      else if
#ifdef HAVE_QNAN
# ifdef STR_QNAN2
        (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NAN)
                  || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_QNAN)
                  || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NAN2)
                  || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_QNAN2)))
# else
        (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NAN)
                  || strEQc(enc->cur, STR_QNAN)))
# endif
        (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur, STR_NAN)))
        inf_or_nan = 3;
      else if (*enc->cur == '-') {
#ifdef STR_INF4
        if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF)
                     || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF2)
                     || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF3)
                     || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF4)))
#elif STR_INF2
        if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF)
                   || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF2)))
        if (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_INF)))
          inf_or_nan = 2;
        else if
#ifdef HAVE_QNAN
# ifdef STR_QNAN2
          (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_NAN)
                    || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_QNAN)
                    || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_NAN2)
                    || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_QNAN2)))
# else
          (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_NAN)
                    || strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_QNAN)))
# endif
          (UNLIKELY(strEQc(enc->cur+1, STR_NAN)))
            inf_or_nan = 3;
      if (UNLIKELY(inf_or_nan)) {
#if defined(HAVE_ISINF) && defined(HAVE_ISNAN)
        if (enc->json.infnan_mode == 0) {
          strncpy(enc->cur, "null\0", 5);
        else if (enc->json.infnan_mode == 1) {
          const int l = strlen(enc->cur);
          memmove(enc->cur+1, enc->cur, l);
          *enc->cur = '"';
          *(enc->cur + l+1) = '"';
          *(enc->cur + l+2) = 0;
        else if (enc->json.infnan_mode == 3) {
          if (inf_or_nan == 1)
            strncpy(enc->cur, "\"inf\"\0", 6);
          else if (inf_or_nan == 2)
            strncpy(enc->cur, "\"-inf\"\0", 7);
          else if (inf_or_nan == 3)
            strncpy(enc->cur, "\"nan\"\0", 6);
        else if (enc->json.infnan_mode != 2) {
          croak ("invalid stringify_infnan mode %c. Must be 0, 1, 2 or 3",
      if (SvPOKp (sv) && !strEQ(enc->cur, SvPVX (sv))) {
        STRLEN len;
        char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
        enc->cur = savecur;
        enc->end = saveend;
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
        encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, SvUTF8 (sv));
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
        *enc->cur = 0;
      else {
        NV intpart;
        if (!( inf_or_nan || Perl_modf(SvNVX(sv), &intpart) || SvIOK(sv)
            || strchr(enc->cur,'e') || strchr(enc->cur,'E')
               /* !!1 with 5.8 */
               || (SvPOKp(sv) && strEQc(SvPVX(sv), "1")
                   && SvNVX(sv) == 1.0) /* yes */
               ) )
            char *tempend = enc->cur + strlen(enc->cur);
            strncpy(tempend, ".0\0", 3);
        enc->cur += strlen (enc->cur);
  else if (SvIOKp (sv))
      char *savecur, *saveend;
      /* we assume we can always read an IV as a UV and vice versa */
      /* we assume two's complement */
      /* we assume no aliasing issues in the union */
      if (SvIsUV (sv) ? SvUVX (sv) <= 59000
                      : SvIVX (sv) <= 59000 && SvIVX (sv) >= -59000)
          /* optimise the "small number case" */
          /* code will likely be branchless and use only a single multiplication */
          /* works for numbers up to 59074 */
          I32 i = (I32)SvIVX (sv);
          U32 u;
          char digit, nz = 0;

          need (aTHX_ enc, 6);
          savecur = enc->cur;
          saveend = enc->end;

          *enc->cur = '-'; enc->cur += i < 0 ? 1 : 0;
          u = i < 0 ? -i : i;

          /* convert to 4.28 fixed-point representation */
          u = u * ((0xfffffff + 10000) / 10000); /* 10**5, 5 fractional digits */

          /* now output digit by digit, each time masking out the integer part */
          /* and multiplying by 5 while moving the decimal point one to the right, */
          /* resulting in a net multiplication by 10. */
          /* we always write the digit to memory but conditionally increment */
          /* the pointer, to enable the use of conditional move instructions. */
          digit = u >> 28; *enc->cur = digit + '0'; enc->cur += (nz = nz || digit); u = (u & 0xfffffffUL) * 5;
          digit = u >> 27; *enc->cur = digit + '0'; enc->cur += (nz = nz || digit); u = (u & 0x7ffffffUL) * 5;
          digit = u >> 26; *enc->cur = digit + '0'; enc->cur += (nz = nz || digit); u = (u & 0x3ffffffUL) * 5;
          digit = u >> 25; *enc->cur = digit + '0'; enc->cur += (nz = nz || digit); u = (u & 0x1ffffffUL) * 5;
          digit = u >> 24; *enc->cur = digit + '0'; enc->cur += 1; /* correctly generate '0' */
          *enc->cur = 0;
          /* large integer, use the (rather slow) snprintf way. */
          need (aTHX_ enc, IVUV_MAXCHARS);
          savecur = enc->cur;
          saveend = enc->end;
          enc->cur +=
                ? snprintf (enc->cur, IVUV_MAXCHARS, "%" UVuf, (UV)SvUVX (sv))
                : snprintf (enc->cur, IVUV_MAXCHARS, "%" IVdf, (IV)SvIVX (sv));

      if (SvPOKp (sv) && !strEQ(savecur, SvPVX (sv))) {
        STRLEN len;
        char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
        enc->cur = savecur;
        enc->end = saveend;
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
        encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, SvUTF8 (sv));
        encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
        *enc->cur = 0;
  else if (SvPOKp (sv))
      STRLEN len;
      char *str = SvPV (sv, len);
      encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
      encode_str (aTHX_ enc, str, len, SvUTF8 (sv));
      encode_ch (aTHX_ enc, '"');
  else if (SvROK (sv))
    encode_rv (aTHX_ enc, sv);
  else if (!SvOK (sv) || enc->json.flags & F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN)
    encode_const_str (aTHX_ enc, "null", 4, 0);
    croak ("encountered perl type (%s,0x%x) that JSON cannot handle, check your input data",
           SvPV_nolen (sv), (unsigned int)SvFLAGS (sv));

static SV *
encode_json (pTHX_ SV *scalar, JSON *json)
  enc_t enc;

  if (!(json->flags & F_ALLOW_NONREF) && json_nonref (aTHX_ scalar))
    croak ("hash- or arrayref expected (not a simple scalar, use allow_nonref to allow this)");

  enc.json      = *json;        = sv_2mortal (NEWSV (0, INIT_SIZE));
  enc.cur       = SvPVX (;
  enc.end       = SvEND (;
  enc.indent    = 0;
  enc.limit     = enc.json.flags & F_ASCII  ? 0x000080UL
                : enc.json.flags & F_BINARY ? 0x000080UL
                : enc.json.flags & F_LATIN1 ? 0x000100UL
                                            : 0x110000UL;

  SvPOK_only (;
  encode_sv (aTHX_ &enc, scalar);
  encode_nl (aTHX_ &enc);

  SvCUR_set (, enc.cur - SvPVX (;
  *SvEND ( = 0; /* many xs functions expect a trailing 0 for text strings */

  if (!(enc.json.flags & (F_ASCII | F_LATIN1 | F_BINARY | F_UTF8)))
    SvUTF8_on (;

  if (enc.json.flags & F_SHRINK)
    shrink (aTHX_;


/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* decoder */

/* structure used for decoding JSON */
typedef struct
  char *cur; /* current parser pointer */
  char *end; /* end of input string */
  const char *err; /* parse error, if != 0 */
  JSON json;
  U32 depth; /* recursion depth */
  U32 maxdepth; /* recursion depth limit */
} dec_t;

decode_comment (dec_t *dec)
  /* only '#'-style comments allowed a.t.m. */

  while (*dec->cur && *dec->cur != 0x0a && *dec->cur != 0x0d)

decode_ws (dec_t *dec)
  for (;;)
      char ch = *dec->cur;

      if (ch > 0x20)
          if (UNLIKELY(ch == '#'))
              if (dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED)
                decode_comment (dec);
      else if (ch != 0x20 && ch != 0x0a && ch != 0x0d && ch != 0x09)
        break; /* parse error, but let higher level handle it, gives better error messages */


#define ERR(reason) SB dec->err = reason; goto fail; SE

#define EXPECT_CH(ch) SB \
  if (*dec->cur != ch)		\
    ERR (# ch " expected");	\
  ++dec->cur;			\

#define DEC_INC_DEPTH if (++dec->depth > dec->json.max_depth) ERR (ERR_NESTING_EXCEEDED)
#define DEC_DEC_DEPTH --dec->depth

static SV *decode_sv (pTHX_ dec_t *dec);

/* #regen code
 my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i){
"    $i >= '0' && $i <= '9' ? $i - '0' : $i >= 'a' && $i <= 'f' ? $i - 'a' + 10
    : $i >= 'A' && $i <= 'F' ? $i - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
static const signed char decode_hexdigit[256] = {
    0 >= '0' && 0 <= '9' ? 0 - '0' : 0 >= 'a' && 0 <= 'f' ? 0 - 'a' + 10
    : 0 >= 'A' && 0 <= 'F' ? 0 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    1 >= '0' && 1 <= '9' ? 1 - '0' : 1 >= 'a' && 1 <= 'f' ? 1 - 'a' + 10
    : 1 >= 'A' && 1 <= 'F' ? 1 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    2 >= '0' && 2 <= '9' ? 2 - '0' : 2 >= 'a' && 2 <= 'f' ? 2 - 'a' + 10
    : 2 >= 'A' && 2 <= 'F' ? 2 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    3 >= '0' && 3 <= '9' ? 3 - '0' : 3 >= 'a' && 3 <= 'f' ? 3 - 'a' + 10
    : 3 >= 'A' && 3 <= 'F' ? 3 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    4 >= '0' && 4 <= '9' ? 4 - '0' : 4 >= 'a' && 4 <= 'f' ? 4 - 'a' + 10
    : 4 >= 'A' && 4 <= 'F' ? 4 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    5 >= '0' && 5 <= '9' ? 5 - '0' : 5 >= 'a' && 5 <= 'f' ? 5 - 'a' + 10
    : 5 >= 'A' && 5 <= 'F' ? 5 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    6 >= '0' && 6 <= '9' ? 6 - '0' : 6 >= 'a' && 6 <= 'f' ? 6 - 'a' + 10
    : 6 >= 'A' && 6 <= 'F' ? 6 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    7 >= '0' && 7 <= '9' ? 7 - '0' : 7 >= 'a' && 7 <= 'f' ? 7 - 'a' + 10
    : 7 >= 'A' && 7 <= 'F' ? 7 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    8 >= '0' && 8 <= '9' ? 8 - '0' : 8 >= 'a' && 8 <= 'f' ? 8 - 'a' + 10
    : 8 >= 'A' && 8 <= 'F' ? 8 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    9 >= '0' && 9 <= '9' ? 9 - '0' : 9 >= 'a' && 9 <= 'f' ? 9 - 'a' + 10
    : 9 >= 'A' && 9 <= 'F' ? 9 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    10 >= '0' && 10 <= '9' ? 10 - '0' : 10 >= 'a' && 10 <= 'f' ? 10 - 'a' + 10
    : 10 >= 'A' && 10 <= 'F' ? 10 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    11 >= '0' && 11 <= '9' ? 11 - '0' : 11 >= 'a' && 11 <= 'f' ? 11 - 'a' + 10
    : 11 >= 'A' && 11 <= 'F' ? 11 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    12 >= '0' && 12 <= '9' ? 12 - '0' : 12 >= 'a' && 12 <= 'f' ? 12 - 'a' + 10
    : 12 >= 'A' && 12 <= 'F' ? 12 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    13 >= '0' && 13 <= '9' ? 13 - '0' : 13 >= 'a' && 13 <= 'f' ? 13 - 'a' + 10
    : 13 >= 'A' && 13 <= 'F' ? 13 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    14 >= '0' && 14 <= '9' ? 14 - '0' : 14 >= 'a' && 14 <= 'f' ? 14 - 'a' + 10
    : 14 >= 'A' && 14 <= 'F' ? 14 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    15 >= '0' && 15 <= '9' ? 15 - '0' : 15 >= 'a' && 15 <= 'f' ? 15 - 'a' + 10
    : 15 >= 'A' && 15 <= 'F' ? 15 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    16 >= '0' && 16 <= '9' ? 16 - '0' : 16 >= 'a' && 16 <= 'f' ? 16 - 'a' + 10
    : 16 >= 'A' && 16 <= 'F' ? 16 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    17 >= '0' && 17 <= '9' ? 17 - '0' : 17 >= 'a' && 17 <= 'f' ? 17 - 'a' + 10
    : 17 >= 'A' && 17 <= 'F' ? 17 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    18 >= '0' && 18 <= '9' ? 18 - '0' : 18 >= 'a' && 18 <= 'f' ? 18 - 'a' + 10
    : 18 >= 'A' && 18 <= 'F' ? 18 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    19 >= '0' && 19 <= '9' ? 19 - '0' : 19 >= 'a' && 19 <= 'f' ? 19 - 'a' + 10
    : 19 >= 'A' && 19 <= 'F' ? 19 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    20 >= '0' && 20 <= '9' ? 20 - '0' : 20 >= 'a' && 20 <= 'f' ? 20 - 'a' + 10
    : 20 >= 'A' && 20 <= 'F' ? 20 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    21 >= '0' && 21 <= '9' ? 21 - '0' : 21 >= 'a' && 21 <= 'f' ? 21 - 'a' + 10
    : 21 >= 'A' && 21 <= 'F' ? 21 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    22 >= '0' && 22 <= '9' ? 22 - '0' : 22 >= 'a' && 22 <= 'f' ? 22 - 'a' + 10
    : 22 >= 'A' && 22 <= 'F' ? 22 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    23 >= '0' && 23 <= '9' ? 23 - '0' : 23 >= 'a' && 23 <= 'f' ? 23 - 'a' + 10
    : 23 >= 'A' && 23 <= 'F' ? 23 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    24 >= '0' && 24 <= '9' ? 24 - '0' : 24 >= 'a' && 24 <= 'f' ? 24 - 'a' + 10
    : 24 >= 'A' && 24 <= 'F' ? 24 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    25 >= '0' && 25 <= '9' ? 25 - '0' : 25 >= 'a' && 25 <= 'f' ? 25 - 'a' + 10
    : 25 >= 'A' && 25 <= 'F' ? 25 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    26 >= '0' && 26 <= '9' ? 26 - '0' : 26 >= 'a' && 26 <= 'f' ? 26 - 'a' + 10
    : 26 >= 'A' && 26 <= 'F' ? 26 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    27 >= '0' && 27 <= '9' ? 27 - '0' : 27 >= 'a' && 27 <= 'f' ? 27 - 'a' + 10
    : 27 >= 'A' && 27 <= 'F' ? 27 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    28 >= '0' && 28 <= '9' ? 28 - '0' : 28 >= 'a' && 28 <= 'f' ? 28 - 'a' + 10
    : 28 >= 'A' && 28 <= 'F' ? 28 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    29 >= '0' && 29 <= '9' ? 29 - '0' : 29 >= 'a' && 29 <= 'f' ? 29 - 'a' + 10
    : 29 >= 'A' && 29 <= 'F' ? 29 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    30 >= '0' && 30 <= '9' ? 30 - '0' : 30 >= 'a' && 30 <= 'f' ? 30 - 'a' + 10
    : 30 >= 'A' && 30 <= 'F' ? 30 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    31 >= '0' && 31 <= '9' ? 31 - '0' : 31 >= 'a' && 31 <= 'f' ? 31 - 'a' + 10
    : 31 >= 'A' && 31 <= 'F' ? 31 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    32 >= '0' && 32 <= '9' ? 32 - '0' : 32 >= 'a' && 32 <= 'f' ? 32 - 'a' + 10
    : 32 >= 'A' && 32 <= 'F' ? 32 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    33 >= '0' && 33 <= '9' ? 33 - '0' : 33 >= 'a' && 33 <= 'f' ? 33 - 'a' + 10
    : 33 >= 'A' && 33 <= 'F' ? 33 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    34 >= '0' && 34 <= '9' ? 34 - '0' : 34 >= 'a' && 34 <= 'f' ? 34 - 'a' + 10
    : 34 >= 'A' && 34 <= 'F' ? 34 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    35 >= '0' && 35 <= '9' ? 35 - '0' : 35 >= 'a' && 35 <= 'f' ? 35 - 'a' + 10
    : 35 >= 'A' && 35 <= 'F' ? 35 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    36 >= '0' && 36 <= '9' ? 36 - '0' : 36 >= 'a' && 36 <= 'f' ? 36 - 'a' + 10
    : 36 >= 'A' && 36 <= 'F' ? 36 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    37 >= '0' && 37 <= '9' ? 37 - '0' : 37 >= 'a' && 37 <= 'f' ? 37 - 'a' + 10
    : 37 >= 'A' && 37 <= 'F' ? 37 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    38 >= '0' && 38 <= '9' ? 38 - '0' : 38 >= 'a' && 38 <= 'f' ? 38 - 'a' + 10
    : 38 >= 'A' && 38 <= 'F' ? 38 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    39 >= '0' && 39 <= '9' ? 39 - '0' : 39 >= 'a' && 39 <= 'f' ? 39 - 'a' + 10
    : 39 >= 'A' && 39 <= 'F' ? 39 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    40 >= '0' && 40 <= '9' ? 40 - '0' : 40 >= 'a' && 40 <= 'f' ? 40 - 'a' + 10
    : 40 >= 'A' && 40 <= 'F' ? 40 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    41 >= '0' && 41 <= '9' ? 41 - '0' : 41 >= 'a' && 41 <= 'f' ? 41 - 'a' + 10
    : 41 >= 'A' && 41 <= 'F' ? 41 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    42 >= '0' && 42 <= '9' ? 42 - '0' : 42 >= 'a' && 42 <= 'f' ? 42 - 'a' + 10
    : 42 >= 'A' && 42 <= 'F' ? 42 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    43 >= '0' && 43 <= '9' ? 43 - '0' : 43 >= 'a' && 43 <= 'f' ? 43 - 'a' + 10
    : 43 >= 'A' && 43 <= 'F' ? 43 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    44 >= '0' && 44 <= '9' ? 44 - '0' : 44 >= 'a' && 44 <= 'f' ? 44 - 'a' + 10
    : 44 >= 'A' && 44 <= 'F' ? 44 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    45 >= '0' && 45 <= '9' ? 45 - '0' : 45 >= 'a' && 45 <= 'f' ? 45 - 'a' + 10
    : 45 >= 'A' && 45 <= 'F' ? 45 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    46 >= '0' && 46 <= '9' ? 46 - '0' : 46 >= 'a' && 46 <= 'f' ? 46 - 'a' + 10
    : 46 >= 'A' && 46 <= 'F' ? 46 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    47 >= '0' && 47 <= '9' ? 47 - '0' : 47 >= 'a' && 47 <= 'f' ? 47 - 'a' + 10
    : 47 >= 'A' && 47 <= 'F' ? 47 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    48 >= '0' && 48 <= '9' ? 48 - '0' : 48 >= 'a' && 48 <= 'f' ? 48 - 'a' + 10
    : 48 >= 'A' && 48 <= 'F' ? 48 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    49 >= '0' && 49 <= '9' ? 49 - '0' : 49 >= 'a' && 49 <= 'f' ? 49 - 'a' + 10
    : 49 >= 'A' && 49 <= 'F' ? 49 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    50 >= '0' && 50 <= '9' ? 50 - '0' : 50 >= 'a' && 50 <= 'f' ? 50 - 'a' + 10
    : 50 >= 'A' && 50 <= 'F' ? 50 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    51 >= '0' && 51 <= '9' ? 51 - '0' : 51 >= 'a' && 51 <= 'f' ? 51 - 'a' + 10
    : 51 >= 'A' && 51 <= 'F' ? 51 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    52 >= '0' && 52 <= '9' ? 52 - '0' : 52 >= 'a' && 52 <= 'f' ? 52 - 'a' + 10
    : 52 >= 'A' && 52 <= 'F' ? 52 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    53 >= '0' && 53 <= '9' ? 53 - '0' : 53 >= 'a' && 53 <= 'f' ? 53 - 'a' + 10
    : 53 >= 'A' && 53 <= 'F' ? 53 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    54 >= '0' && 54 <= '9' ? 54 - '0' : 54 >= 'a' && 54 <= 'f' ? 54 - 'a' + 10
    : 54 >= 'A' && 54 <= 'F' ? 54 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    55 >= '0' && 55 <= '9' ? 55 - '0' : 55 >= 'a' && 55 <= 'f' ? 55 - 'a' + 10
    : 55 >= 'A' && 55 <= 'F' ? 55 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    56 >= '0' && 56 <= '9' ? 56 - '0' : 56 >= 'a' && 56 <= 'f' ? 56 - 'a' + 10
    : 56 >= 'A' && 56 <= 'F' ? 56 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    57 >= '0' && 57 <= '9' ? 57 - '0' : 57 >= 'a' && 57 <= 'f' ? 57 - 'a' + 10
    : 57 >= 'A' && 57 <= 'F' ? 57 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    58 >= '0' && 58 <= '9' ? 58 - '0' : 58 >= 'a' && 58 <= 'f' ? 58 - 'a' + 10
    : 58 >= 'A' && 58 <= 'F' ? 58 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    59 >= '0' && 59 <= '9' ? 59 - '0' : 59 >= 'a' && 59 <= 'f' ? 59 - 'a' + 10
    : 59 >= 'A' && 59 <= 'F' ? 59 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    60 >= '0' && 60 <= '9' ? 60 - '0' : 60 >= 'a' && 60 <= 'f' ? 60 - 'a' + 10
    : 60 >= 'A' && 60 <= 'F' ? 60 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    61 >= '0' && 61 <= '9' ? 61 - '0' : 61 >= 'a' && 61 <= 'f' ? 61 - 'a' + 10
    : 61 >= 'A' && 61 <= 'F' ? 61 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    62 >= '0' && 62 <= '9' ? 62 - '0' : 62 >= 'a' && 62 <= 'f' ? 62 - 'a' + 10
    : 62 >= 'A' && 62 <= 'F' ? 62 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    63 >= '0' && 63 <= '9' ? 63 - '0' : 63 >= 'a' && 63 <= 'f' ? 63 - 'a' + 10
    : 63 >= 'A' && 63 <= 'F' ? 63 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    64 >= '0' && 64 <= '9' ? 64 - '0' : 64 >= 'a' && 64 <= 'f' ? 64 - 'a' + 10
    : 64 >= 'A' && 64 <= 'F' ? 64 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    65 >= '0' && 65 <= '9' ? 65 - '0' : 65 >= 'a' && 65 <= 'f' ? 65 - 'a' + 10
    : 65 >= 'A' && 65 <= 'F' ? 65 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    66 >= '0' && 66 <= '9' ? 66 - '0' : 66 >= 'a' && 66 <= 'f' ? 66 - 'a' + 10
    : 66 >= 'A' && 66 <= 'F' ? 66 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    67 >= '0' && 67 <= '9' ? 67 - '0' : 67 >= 'a' && 67 <= 'f' ? 67 - 'a' + 10
    : 67 >= 'A' && 67 <= 'F' ? 67 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    68 >= '0' && 68 <= '9' ? 68 - '0' : 68 >= 'a' && 68 <= 'f' ? 68 - 'a' + 10
    : 68 >= 'A' && 68 <= 'F' ? 68 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    69 >= '0' && 69 <= '9' ? 69 - '0' : 69 >= 'a' && 69 <= 'f' ? 69 - 'a' + 10
    : 69 >= 'A' && 69 <= 'F' ? 69 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    70 >= '0' && 70 <= '9' ? 70 - '0' : 70 >= 'a' && 70 <= 'f' ? 70 - 'a' + 10
    : 70 >= 'A' && 70 <= 'F' ? 70 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    71 >= '0' && 71 <= '9' ? 71 - '0' : 71 >= 'a' && 71 <= 'f' ? 71 - 'a' + 10
    : 71 >= 'A' && 71 <= 'F' ? 71 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    72 >= '0' && 72 <= '9' ? 72 - '0' : 72 >= 'a' && 72 <= 'f' ? 72 - 'a' + 10
    : 72 >= 'A' && 72 <= 'F' ? 72 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    73 >= '0' && 73 <= '9' ? 73 - '0' : 73 >= 'a' && 73 <= 'f' ? 73 - 'a' + 10
    : 73 >= 'A' && 73 <= 'F' ? 73 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    74 >= '0' && 74 <= '9' ? 74 - '0' : 74 >= 'a' && 74 <= 'f' ? 74 - 'a' + 10
    : 74 >= 'A' && 74 <= 'F' ? 74 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    75 >= '0' && 75 <= '9' ? 75 - '0' : 75 >= 'a' && 75 <= 'f' ? 75 - 'a' + 10
    : 75 >= 'A' && 75 <= 'F' ? 75 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    76 >= '0' && 76 <= '9' ? 76 - '0' : 76 >= 'a' && 76 <= 'f' ? 76 - 'a' + 10
    : 76 >= 'A' && 76 <= 'F' ? 76 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    77 >= '0' && 77 <= '9' ? 77 - '0' : 77 >= 'a' && 77 <= 'f' ? 77 - 'a' + 10
    : 77 >= 'A' && 77 <= 'F' ? 77 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    78 >= '0' && 78 <= '9' ? 78 - '0' : 78 >= 'a' && 78 <= 'f' ? 78 - 'a' + 10
    : 78 >= 'A' && 78 <= 'F' ? 78 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    79 >= '0' && 79 <= '9' ? 79 - '0' : 79 >= 'a' && 79 <= 'f' ? 79 - 'a' + 10
    : 79 >= 'A' && 79 <= 'F' ? 79 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    80 >= '0' && 80 <= '9' ? 80 - '0' : 80 >= 'a' && 80 <= 'f' ? 80 - 'a' + 10
    : 80 >= 'A' && 80 <= 'F' ? 80 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    81 >= '0' && 81 <= '9' ? 81 - '0' : 81 >= 'a' && 81 <= 'f' ? 81 - 'a' + 10
    : 81 >= 'A' && 81 <= 'F' ? 81 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    82 >= '0' && 82 <= '9' ? 82 - '0' : 82 >= 'a' && 82 <= 'f' ? 82 - 'a' + 10
    : 82 >= 'A' && 82 <= 'F' ? 82 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    83 >= '0' && 83 <= '9' ? 83 - '0' : 83 >= 'a' && 83 <= 'f' ? 83 - 'a' + 10
    : 83 >= 'A' && 83 <= 'F' ? 83 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    84 >= '0' && 84 <= '9' ? 84 - '0' : 84 >= 'a' && 84 <= 'f' ? 84 - 'a' + 10
    : 84 >= 'A' && 84 <= 'F' ? 84 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    85 >= '0' && 85 <= '9' ? 85 - '0' : 85 >= 'a' && 85 <= 'f' ? 85 - 'a' + 10
    : 85 >= 'A' && 85 <= 'F' ? 85 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    86 >= '0' && 86 <= '9' ? 86 - '0' : 86 >= 'a' && 86 <= 'f' ? 86 - 'a' + 10
    : 86 >= 'A' && 86 <= 'F' ? 86 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    87 >= '0' && 87 <= '9' ? 87 - '0' : 87 >= 'a' && 87 <= 'f' ? 87 - 'a' + 10
    : 87 >= 'A' && 87 <= 'F' ? 87 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    88 >= '0' && 88 <= '9' ? 88 - '0' : 88 >= 'a' && 88 <= 'f' ? 88 - 'a' + 10
    : 88 >= 'A' && 88 <= 'F' ? 88 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    89 >= '0' && 89 <= '9' ? 89 - '0' : 89 >= 'a' && 89 <= 'f' ? 89 - 'a' + 10
    : 89 >= 'A' && 89 <= 'F' ? 89 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    90 >= '0' && 90 <= '9' ? 90 - '0' : 90 >= 'a' && 90 <= 'f' ? 90 - 'a' + 10
    : 90 >= 'A' && 90 <= 'F' ? 90 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    91 >= '0' && 91 <= '9' ? 91 - '0' : 91 >= 'a' && 91 <= 'f' ? 91 - 'a' + 10
    : 91 >= 'A' && 91 <= 'F' ? 91 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    92 >= '0' && 92 <= '9' ? 92 - '0' : 92 >= 'a' && 92 <= 'f' ? 92 - 'a' + 10
    : 92 >= 'A' && 92 <= 'F' ? 92 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    93 >= '0' && 93 <= '9' ? 93 - '0' : 93 >= 'a' && 93 <= 'f' ? 93 - 'a' + 10
    : 93 >= 'A' && 93 <= 'F' ? 93 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    94 >= '0' && 94 <= '9' ? 94 - '0' : 94 >= 'a' && 94 <= 'f' ? 94 - 'a' + 10
    : 94 >= 'A' && 94 <= 'F' ? 94 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    95 >= '0' && 95 <= '9' ? 95 - '0' : 95 >= 'a' && 95 <= 'f' ? 95 - 'a' + 10
    : 95 >= 'A' && 95 <= 'F' ? 95 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    96 >= '0' && 96 <= '9' ? 96 - '0' : 96 >= 'a' && 96 <= 'f' ? 96 - 'a' + 10
    : 96 >= 'A' && 96 <= 'F' ? 96 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    97 >= '0' && 97 <= '9' ? 97 - '0' : 97 >= 'a' && 97 <= 'f' ? 97 - 'a' + 10
    : 97 >= 'A' && 97 <= 'F' ? 97 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    98 >= '0' && 98 <= '9' ? 98 - '0' : 98 >= 'a' && 98 <= 'f' ? 98 - 'a' + 10
    : 98 >= 'A' && 98 <= 'F' ? 98 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    99 >= '0' && 99 <= '9' ? 99 - '0' : 99 >= 'a' && 99 <= 'f' ? 99 - 'a' + 10
    : 99 >= 'A' && 99 <= 'F' ? 99 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    100 >= '0' && 100 <= '9' ? 100 - '0' : 100 >= 'a' && 100 <= 'f' ? 100 - 'a' + 10
    : 100 >= 'A' && 100 <= 'F' ? 100 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    101 >= '0' && 101 <= '9' ? 101 - '0' : 101 >= 'a' && 101 <= 'f' ? 101 - 'a' + 10
    : 101 >= 'A' && 101 <= 'F' ? 101 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    102 >= '0' && 102 <= '9' ? 102 - '0' : 102 >= 'a' && 102 <= 'f' ? 102 - 'a' + 10
    : 102 >= 'A' && 102 <= 'F' ? 102 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    103 >= '0' && 103 <= '9' ? 103 - '0' : 103 >= 'a' && 103 <= 'f' ? 103 - 'a' + 10
    : 103 >= 'A' && 103 <= 'F' ? 103 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    104 >= '0' && 104 <= '9' ? 104 - '0' : 104 >= 'a' && 104 <= 'f' ? 104 - 'a' + 10
    : 104 >= 'A' && 104 <= 'F' ? 104 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    105 >= '0' && 105 <= '9' ? 105 - '0' : 105 >= 'a' && 105 <= 'f' ? 105 - 'a' + 10
    : 105 >= 'A' && 105 <= 'F' ? 105 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    106 >= '0' && 106 <= '9' ? 106 - '0' : 106 >= 'a' && 106 <= 'f' ? 106 - 'a' + 10
    : 106 >= 'A' && 106 <= 'F' ? 106 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    107 >= '0' && 107 <= '9' ? 107 - '0' : 107 >= 'a' && 107 <= 'f' ? 107 - 'a' + 10
    : 107 >= 'A' && 107 <= 'F' ? 107 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    108 >= '0' && 108 <= '9' ? 108 - '0' : 108 >= 'a' && 108 <= 'f' ? 108 - 'a' + 10
    : 108 >= 'A' && 108 <= 'F' ? 108 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    109 >= '0' && 109 <= '9' ? 109 - '0' : 109 >= 'a' && 109 <= 'f' ? 109 - 'a' + 10
    : 109 >= 'A' && 109 <= 'F' ? 109 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    110 >= '0' && 110 <= '9' ? 110 - '0' : 110 >= 'a' && 110 <= 'f' ? 110 - 'a' + 10
    : 110 >= 'A' && 110 <= 'F' ? 110 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    111 >= '0' && 111 <= '9' ? 111 - '0' : 111 >= 'a' && 111 <= 'f' ? 111 - 'a' + 10
    : 111 >= 'A' && 111 <= 'F' ? 111 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    112 >= '0' && 112 <= '9' ? 112 - '0' : 112 >= 'a' && 112 <= 'f' ? 112 - 'a' + 10
    : 112 >= 'A' && 112 <= 'F' ? 112 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    113 >= '0' && 113 <= '9' ? 113 - '0' : 113 >= 'a' && 113 <= 'f' ? 113 - 'a' + 10
    : 113 >= 'A' && 113 <= 'F' ? 113 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    114 >= '0' && 114 <= '9' ? 114 - '0' : 114 >= 'a' && 114 <= 'f' ? 114 - 'a' + 10
    : 114 >= 'A' && 114 <= 'F' ? 114 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    115 >= '0' && 115 <= '9' ? 115 - '0' : 115 >= 'a' && 115 <= 'f' ? 115 - 'a' + 10
    : 115 >= 'A' && 115 <= 'F' ? 115 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    116 >= '0' && 116 <= '9' ? 116 - '0' : 116 >= 'a' && 116 <= 'f' ? 116 - 'a' + 10
    : 116 >= 'A' && 116 <= 'F' ? 116 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    117 >= '0' && 117 <= '9' ? 117 - '0' : 117 >= 'a' && 117 <= 'f' ? 117 - 'a' + 10
    : 117 >= 'A' && 117 <= 'F' ? 117 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    118 >= '0' && 118 <= '9' ? 118 - '0' : 118 >= 'a' && 118 <= 'f' ? 118 - 'a' + 10
    : 118 >= 'A' && 118 <= 'F' ? 118 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    119 >= '0' && 119 <= '9' ? 119 - '0' : 119 >= 'a' && 119 <= 'f' ? 119 - 'a' + 10
    : 119 >= 'A' && 119 <= 'F' ? 119 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    120 >= '0' && 120 <= '9' ? 120 - '0' : 120 >= 'a' && 120 <= 'f' ? 120 - 'a' + 10
    : 120 >= 'A' && 120 <= 'F' ? 120 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    121 >= '0' && 121 <= '9' ? 121 - '0' : 121 >= 'a' && 121 <= 'f' ? 121 - 'a' + 10
    : 121 >= 'A' && 121 <= 'F' ? 121 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    122 >= '0' && 122 <= '9' ? 122 - '0' : 122 >= 'a' && 122 <= 'f' ? 122 - 'a' + 10
    : 122 >= 'A' && 122 <= 'F' ? 122 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    123 >= '0' && 123 <= '9' ? 123 - '0' : 123 >= 'a' && 123 <= 'f' ? 123 - 'a' + 10
    : 123 >= 'A' && 123 <= 'F' ? 123 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    124 >= '0' && 124 <= '9' ? 124 - '0' : 124 >= 'a' && 124 <= 'f' ? 124 - 'a' + 10
    : 124 >= 'A' && 124 <= 'F' ? 124 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    125 >= '0' && 125 <= '9' ? 125 - '0' : 125 >= 'a' && 125 <= 'f' ? 125 - 'a' + 10
    : 125 >= 'A' && 125 <= 'F' ? 125 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    126 >= '0' && 126 <= '9' ? 126 - '0' : 126 >= 'a' && 126 <= 'f' ? 126 - 'a' + 10
    : 126 >= 'A' && 126 <= 'F' ? 126 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    127 >= '0' && 127 <= '9' ? 127 - '0' : 127 >= 'a' && 127 <= 'f' ? 127 - 'a' + 10
    : 127 >= 'A' && 127 <= 'F' ? 127 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    128 >= '0' && 128 <= '9' ? 128 - '0' : 128 >= 'a' && 128 <= 'f' ? 128 - 'a' + 10
    : 128 >= 'A' && 128 <= 'F' ? 128 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    129 >= '0' && 129 <= '9' ? 129 - '0' : 129 >= 'a' && 129 <= 'f' ? 129 - 'a' + 10
    : 129 >= 'A' && 129 <= 'F' ? 129 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    130 >= '0' && 130 <= '9' ? 130 - '0' : 130 >= 'a' && 130 <= 'f' ? 130 - 'a' + 10
    : 130 >= 'A' && 130 <= 'F' ? 130 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    131 >= '0' && 131 <= '9' ? 131 - '0' : 131 >= 'a' && 131 <= 'f' ? 131 - 'a' + 10
    : 131 >= 'A' && 131 <= 'F' ? 131 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    132 >= '0' && 132 <= '9' ? 132 - '0' : 132 >= 'a' && 132 <= 'f' ? 132 - 'a' + 10
    : 132 >= 'A' && 132 <= 'F' ? 132 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    133 >= '0' && 133 <= '9' ? 133 - '0' : 133 >= 'a' && 133 <= 'f' ? 133 - 'a' + 10
    : 133 >= 'A' && 133 <= 'F' ? 133 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    134 >= '0' && 134 <= '9' ? 134 - '0' : 134 >= 'a' && 134 <= 'f' ? 134 - 'a' + 10
    : 134 >= 'A' && 134 <= 'F' ? 134 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    135 >= '0' && 135 <= '9' ? 135 - '0' : 135 >= 'a' && 135 <= 'f' ? 135 - 'a' + 10
    : 135 >= 'A' && 135 <= 'F' ? 135 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    136 >= '0' && 136 <= '9' ? 136 - '0' : 136 >= 'a' && 136 <= 'f' ? 136 - 'a' + 10
    : 136 >= 'A' && 136 <= 'F' ? 136 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    137 >= '0' && 137 <= '9' ? 137 - '0' : 137 >= 'a' && 137 <= 'f' ? 137 - 'a' + 10
    : 137 >= 'A' && 137 <= 'F' ? 137 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    138 >= '0' && 138 <= '9' ? 138 - '0' : 138 >= 'a' && 138 <= 'f' ? 138 - 'a' + 10
    : 138 >= 'A' && 138 <= 'F' ? 138 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    139 >= '0' && 139 <= '9' ? 139 - '0' : 139 >= 'a' && 139 <= 'f' ? 139 - 'a' + 10
    : 139 >= 'A' && 139 <= 'F' ? 139 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    140 >= '0' && 140 <= '9' ? 140 - '0' : 140 >= 'a' && 140 <= 'f' ? 140 - 'a' + 10
    : 140 >= 'A' && 140 <= 'F' ? 140 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    141 >= '0' && 141 <= '9' ? 141 - '0' : 141 >= 'a' && 141 <= 'f' ? 141 - 'a' + 10
    : 141 >= 'A' && 141 <= 'F' ? 141 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    142 >= '0' && 142 <= '9' ? 142 - '0' : 142 >= 'a' && 142 <= 'f' ? 142 - 'a' + 10
    : 142 >= 'A' && 142 <= 'F' ? 142 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    143 >= '0' && 143 <= '9' ? 143 - '0' : 143 >= 'a' && 143 <= 'f' ? 143 - 'a' + 10
    : 143 >= 'A' && 143 <= 'F' ? 143 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    144 >= '0' && 144 <= '9' ? 144 - '0' : 144 >= 'a' && 144 <= 'f' ? 144 - 'a' + 10
    : 144 >= 'A' && 144 <= 'F' ? 144 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    145 >= '0' && 145 <= '9' ? 145 - '0' : 145 >= 'a' && 145 <= 'f' ? 145 - 'a' + 10
    : 145 >= 'A' && 145 <= 'F' ? 145 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    146 >= '0' && 146 <= '9' ? 146 - '0' : 146 >= 'a' && 146 <= 'f' ? 146 - 'a' + 10
    : 146 >= 'A' && 146 <= 'F' ? 146 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    147 >= '0' && 147 <= '9' ? 147 - '0' : 147 >= 'a' && 147 <= 'f' ? 147 - 'a' + 10
    : 147 >= 'A' && 147 <= 'F' ? 147 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    148 >= '0' && 148 <= '9' ? 148 - '0' : 148 >= 'a' && 148 <= 'f' ? 148 - 'a' + 10
    : 148 >= 'A' && 148 <= 'F' ? 148 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    149 >= '0' && 149 <= '9' ? 149 - '0' : 149 >= 'a' && 149 <= 'f' ? 149 - 'a' + 10
    : 149 >= 'A' && 149 <= 'F' ? 149 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    150 >= '0' && 150 <= '9' ? 150 - '0' : 150 >= 'a' && 150 <= 'f' ? 150 - 'a' + 10
    : 150 >= 'A' && 150 <= 'F' ? 150 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    151 >= '0' && 151 <= '9' ? 151 - '0' : 151 >= 'a' && 151 <= 'f' ? 151 - 'a' + 10
    : 151 >= 'A' && 151 <= 'F' ? 151 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    152 >= '0' && 152 <= '9' ? 152 - '0' : 152 >= 'a' && 152 <= 'f' ? 152 - 'a' + 10
    : 152 >= 'A' && 152 <= 'F' ? 152 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    153 >= '0' && 153 <= '9' ? 153 - '0' : 153 >= 'a' && 153 <= 'f' ? 153 - 'a' + 10
    : 153 >= 'A' && 153 <= 'F' ? 153 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    154 >= '0' && 154 <= '9' ? 154 - '0' : 154 >= 'a' && 154 <= 'f' ? 154 - 'a' + 10
    : 154 >= 'A' && 154 <= 'F' ? 154 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    155 >= '0' && 155 <= '9' ? 155 - '0' : 155 >= 'a' && 155 <= 'f' ? 155 - 'a' + 10
    : 155 >= 'A' && 155 <= 'F' ? 155 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    156 >= '0' && 156 <= '9' ? 156 - '0' : 156 >= 'a' && 156 <= 'f' ? 156 - 'a' + 10
    : 156 >= 'A' && 156 <= 'F' ? 156 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    157 >= '0' && 157 <= '9' ? 157 - '0' : 157 >= 'a' && 157 <= 'f' ? 157 - 'a' + 10
    : 157 >= 'A' && 157 <= 'F' ? 157 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    158 >= '0' && 158 <= '9' ? 158 - '0' : 158 >= 'a' && 158 <= 'f' ? 158 - 'a' + 10
    : 158 >= 'A' && 158 <= 'F' ? 158 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    159 >= '0' && 159 <= '9' ? 159 - '0' : 159 >= 'a' && 159 <= 'f' ? 159 - 'a' + 10
    : 159 >= 'A' && 159 <= 'F' ? 159 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    160 >= '0' && 160 <= '9' ? 160 - '0' : 160 >= 'a' && 160 <= 'f' ? 160 - 'a' + 10
    : 160 >= 'A' && 160 <= 'F' ? 160 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    161 >= '0' && 161 <= '9' ? 161 - '0' : 161 >= 'a' && 161 <= 'f' ? 161 - 'a' + 10
    : 161 >= 'A' && 161 <= 'F' ? 161 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    162 >= '0' && 162 <= '9' ? 162 - '0' : 162 >= 'a' && 162 <= 'f' ? 162 - 'a' + 10
    : 162 >= 'A' && 162 <= 'F' ? 162 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    163 >= '0' && 163 <= '9' ? 163 - '0' : 163 >= 'a' && 163 <= 'f' ? 163 - 'a' + 10
    : 163 >= 'A' && 163 <= 'F' ? 163 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    164 >= '0' && 164 <= '9' ? 164 - '0' : 164 >= 'a' && 164 <= 'f' ? 164 - 'a' + 10
    : 164 >= 'A' && 164 <= 'F' ? 164 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    165 >= '0' && 165 <= '9' ? 165 - '0' : 165 >= 'a' && 165 <= 'f' ? 165 - 'a' + 10
    : 165 >= 'A' && 165 <= 'F' ? 165 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    166 >= '0' && 166 <= '9' ? 166 - '0' : 166 >= 'a' && 166 <= 'f' ? 166 - 'a' + 10
    : 166 >= 'A' && 166 <= 'F' ? 166 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    167 >= '0' && 167 <= '9' ? 167 - '0' : 167 >= 'a' && 167 <= 'f' ? 167 - 'a' + 10
    : 167 >= 'A' && 167 <= 'F' ? 167 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    168 >= '0' && 168 <= '9' ? 168 - '0' : 168 >= 'a' && 168 <= 'f' ? 168 - 'a' + 10
    : 168 >= 'A' && 168 <= 'F' ? 168 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    169 >= '0' && 169 <= '9' ? 169 - '0' : 169 >= 'a' && 169 <= 'f' ? 169 - 'a' + 10
    : 169 >= 'A' && 169 <= 'F' ? 169 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    170 >= '0' && 170 <= '9' ? 170 - '0' : 170 >= 'a' && 170 <= 'f' ? 170 - 'a' + 10
    : 170 >= 'A' && 170 <= 'F' ? 170 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    171 >= '0' && 171 <= '9' ? 171 - '0' : 171 >= 'a' && 171 <= 'f' ? 171 - 'a' + 10
    : 171 >= 'A' && 171 <= 'F' ? 171 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    172 >= '0' && 172 <= '9' ? 172 - '0' : 172 >= 'a' && 172 <= 'f' ? 172 - 'a' + 10
    : 172 >= 'A' && 172 <= 'F' ? 172 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    173 >= '0' && 173 <= '9' ? 173 - '0' : 173 >= 'a' && 173 <= 'f' ? 173 - 'a' + 10
    : 173 >= 'A' && 173 <= 'F' ? 173 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    174 >= '0' && 174 <= '9' ? 174 - '0' : 174 >= 'a' && 174 <= 'f' ? 174 - 'a' + 10
    : 174 >= 'A' && 174 <= 'F' ? 174 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    175 >= '0' && 175 <= '9' ? 175 - '0' : 175 >= 'a' && 175 <= 'f' ? 175 - 'a' + 10
    : 175 >= 'A' && 175 <= 'F' ? 175 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    176 >= '0' && 176 <= '9' ? 176 - '0' : 176 >= 'a' && 176 <= 'f' ? 176 - 'a' + 10
    : 176 >= 'A' && 176 <= 'F' ? 176 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    177 >= '0' && 177 <= '9' ? 177 - '0' : 177 >= 'a' && 177 <= 'f' ? 177 - 'a' + 10
    : 177 >= 'A' && 177 <= 'F' ? 177 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    178 >= '0' && 178 <= '9' ? 178 - '0' : 178 >= 'a' && 178 <= 'f' ? 178 - 'a' + 10
    : 178 >= 'A' && 178 <= 'F' ? 178 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    179 >= '0' && 179 <= '9' ? 179 - '0' : 179 >= 'a' && 179 <= 'f' ? 179 - 'a' + 10
    : 179 >= 'A' && 179 <= 'F' ? 179 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    180 >= '0' && 180 <= '9' ? 180 - '0' : 180 >= 'a' && 180 <= 'f' ? 180 - 'a' + 10
    : 180 >= 'A' && 180 <= 'F' ? 180 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    181 >= '0' && 181 <= '9' ? 181 - '0' : 181 >= 'a' && 181 <= 'f' ? 181 - 'a' + 10
    : 181 >= 'A' && 181 <= 'F' ? 181 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    182 >= '0' && 182 <= '9' ? 182 - '0' : 182 >= 'a' && 182 <= 'f' ? 182 - 'a' + 10
    : 182 >= 'A' && 182 <= 'F' ? 182 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    183 >= '0' && 183 <= '9' ? 183 - '0' : 183 >= 'a' && 183 <= 'f' ? 183 - 'a' + 10
    : 183 >= 'A' && 183 <= 'F' ? 183 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    184 >= '0' && 184 <= '9' ? 184 - '0' : 184 >= 'a' && 184 <= 'f' ? 184 - 'a' + 10
    : 184 >= 'A' && 184 <= 'F' ? 184 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    185 >= '0' && 185 <= '9' ? 185 - '0' : 185 >= 'a' && 185 <= 'f' ? 185 - 'a' + 10
    : 185 >= 'A' && 185 <= 'F' ? 185 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    186 >= '0' && 186 <= '9' ? 186 - '0' : 186 >= 'a' && 186 <= 'f' ? 186 - 'a' + 10
    : 186 >= 'A' && 186 <= 'F' ? 186 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    187 >= '0' && 187 <= '9' ? 187 - '0' : 187 >= 'a' && 187 <= 'f' ? 187 - 'a' + 10
    : 187 >= 'A' && 187 <= 'F' ? 187 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    188 >= '0' && 188 <= '9' ? 188 - '0' : 188 >= 'a' && 188 <= 'f' ? 188 - 'a' + 10
    : 188 >= 'A' && 188 <= 'F' ? 188 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    189 >= '0' && 189 <= '9' ? 189 - '0' : 189 >= 'a' && 189 <= 'f' ? 189 - 'a' + 10
    : 189 >= 'A' && 189 <= 'F' ? 189 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    190 >= '0' && 190 <= '9' ? 190 - '0' : 190 >= 'a' && 190 <= 'f' ? 190 - 'a' + 10
    : 190 >= 'A' && 190 <= 'F' ? 190 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    191 >= '0' && 191 <= '9' ? 191 - '0' : 191 >= 'a' && 191 <= 'f' ? 191 - 'a' + 10
    : 191 >= 'A' && 191 <= 'F' ? 191 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    192 >= '0' && 192 <= '9' ? 192 - '0' : 192 >= 'a' && 192 <= 'f' ? 192 - 'a' + 10
    : 192 >= 'A' && 192 <= 'F' ? 192 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    193 >= '0' && 193 <= '9' ? 193 - '0' : 193 >= 'a' && 193 <= 'f' ? 193 - 'a' + 10
    : 193 >= 'A' && 193 <= 'F' ? 193 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    194 >= '0' && 194 <= '9' ? 194 - '0' : 194 >= 'a' && 194 <= 'f' ? 194 - 'a' + 10
    : 194 >= 'A' && 194 <= 'F' ? 194 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    195 >= '0' && 195 <= '9' ? 195 - '0' : 195 >= 'a' && 195 <= 'f' ? 195 - 'a' + 10
    : 195 >= 'A' && 195 <= 'F' ? 195 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    196 >= '0' && 196 <= '9' ? 196 - '0' : 196 >= 'a' && 196 <= 'f' ? 196 - 'a' + 10
    : 196 >= 'A' && 196 <= 'F' ? 196 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    197 >= '0' && 197 <= '9' ? 197 - '0' : 197 >= 'a' && 197 <= 'f' ? 197 - 'a' + 10
    : 197 >= 'A' && 197 <= 'F' ? 197 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    198 >= '0' && 198 <= '9' ? 198 - '0' : 198 >= 'a' && 198 <= 'f' ? 198 - 'a' + 10
    : 198 >= 'A' && 198 <= 'F' ? 198 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    199 >= '0' && 199 <= '9' ? 199 - '0' : 199 >= 'a' && 199 <= 'f' ? 199 - 'a' + 10
    : 199 >= 'A' && 199 <= 'F' ? 199 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    200 >= '0' && 200 <= '9' ? 200 - '0' : 200 >= 'a' && 200 <= 'f' ? 200 - 'a' + 10
    : 200 >= 'A' && 200 <= 'F' ? 200 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    201 >= '0' && 201 <= '9' ? 201 - '0' : 201 >= 'a' && 201 <= 'f' ? 201 - 'a' + 10
    : 201 >= 'A' && 201 <= 'F' ? 201 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    202 >= '0' && 202 <= '9' ? 202 - '0' : 202 >= 'a' && 202 <= 'f' ? 202 - 'a' + 10
    : 202 >= 'A' && 202 <= 'F' ? 202 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    203 >= '0' && 203 <= '9' ? 203 - '0' : 203 >= 'a' && 203 <= 'f' ? 203 - 'a' + 10
    : 203 >= 'A' && 203 <= 'F' ? 203 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    204 >= '0' && 204 <= '9' ? 204 - '0' : 204 >= 'a' && 204 <= 'f' ? 204 - 'a' + 10
    : 204 >= 'A' && 204 <= 'F' ? 204 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    205 >= '0' && 205 <= '9' ? 205 - '0' : 205 >= 'a' && 205 <= 'f' ? 205 - 'a' + 10
    : 205 >= 'A' && 205 <= 'F' ? 205 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    206 >= '0' && 206 <= '9' ? 206 - '0' : 206 >= 'a' && 206 <= 'f' ? 206 - 'a' + 10
    : 206 >= 'A' && 206 <= 'F' ? 206 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    207 >= '0' && 207 <= '9' ? 207 - '0' : 207 >= 'a' && 207 <= 'f' ? 207 - 'a' + 10
    : 207 >= 'A' && 207 <= 'F' ? 207 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    208 >= '0' && 208 <= '9' ? 208 - '0' : 208 >= 'a' && 208 <= 'f' ? 208 - 'a' + 10
    : 208 >= 'A' && 208 <= 'F' ? 208 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    209 >= '0' && 209 <= '9' ? 209 - '0' : 209 >= 'a' && 209 <= 'f' ? 209 - 'a' + 10
    : 209 >= 'A' && 209 <= 'F' ? 209 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    210 >= '0' && 210 <= '9' ? 210 - '0' : 210 >= 'a' && 210 <= 'f' ? 210 - 'a' + 10
    : 210 >= 'A' && 210 <= 'F' ? 210 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    211 >= '0' && 211 <= '9' ? 211 - '0' : 211 >= 'a' && 211 <= 'f' ? 211 - 'a' + 10
    : 211 >= 'A' && 211 <= 'F' ? 211 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    212 >= '0' && 212 <= '9' ? 212 - '0' : 212 >= 'a' && 212 <= 'f' ? 212 - 'a' + 10
    : 212 >= 'A' && 212 <= 'F' ? 212 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    213 >= '0' && 213 <= '9' ? 213 - '0' : 213 >= 'a' && 213 <= 'f' ? 213 - 'a' + 10
    : 213 >= 'A' && 213 <= 'F' ? 213 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    214 >= '0' && 214 <= '9' ? 214 - '0' : 214 >= 'a' && 214 <= 'f' ? 214 - 'a' + 10
    : 214 >= 'A' && 214 <= 'F' ? 214 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    215 >= '0' && 215 <= '9' ? 215 - '0' : 215 >= 'a' && 215 <= 'f' ? 215 - 'a' + 10
    : 215 >= 'A' && 215 <= 'F' ? 215 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    216 >= '0' && 216 <= '9' ? 216 - '0' : 216 >= 'a' && 216 <= 'f' ? 216 - 'a' + 10
    : 216 >= 'A' && 216 <= 'F' ? 216 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    217 >= '0' && 217 <= '9' ? 217 - '0' : 217 >= 'a' && 217 <= 'f' ? 217 - 'a' + 10
    : 217 >= 'A' && 217 <= 'F' ? 217 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    218 >= '0' && 218 <= '9' ? 218 - '0' : 218 >= 'a' && 218 <= 'f' ? 218 - 'a' + 10
    : 218 >= 'A' && 218 <= 'F' ? 218 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    219 >= '0' && 219 <= '9' ? 219 - '0' : 219 >= 'a' && 219 <= 'f' ? 219 - 'a' + 10
    : 219 >= 'A' && 219 <= 'F' ? 219 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    220 >= '0' && 220 <= '9' ? 220 - '0' : 220 >= 'a' && 220 <= 'f' ? 220 - 'a' + 10
    : 220 >= 'A' && 220 <= 'F' ? 220 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    221 >= '0' && 221 <= '9' ? 221 - '0' : 221 >= 'a' && 221 <= 'f' ? 221 - 'a' + 10
    : 221 >= 'A' && 221 <= 'F' ? 221 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    222 >= '0' && 222 <= '9' ? 222 - '0' : 222 >= 'a' && 222 <= 'f' ? 222 - 'a' + 10
    : 222 >= 'A' && 222 <= 'F' ? 222 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    223 >= '0' && 223 <= '9' ? 223 - '0' : 223 >= 'a' && 223 <= 'f' ? 223 - 'a' + 10
    : 223 >= 'A' && 223 <= 'F' ? 223 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    224 >= '0' && 224 <= '9' ? 224 - '0' : 224 >= 'a' && 224 <= 'f' ? 224 - 'a' + 10
    : 224 >= 'A' && 224 <= 'F' ? 224 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    225 >= '0' && 225 <= '9' ? 225 - '0' : 225 >= 'a' && 225 <= 'f' ? 225 - 'a' + 10
    : 225 >= 'A' && 225 <= 'F' ? 225 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    226 >= '0' && 226 <= '9' ? 226 - '0' : 226 >= 'a' && 226 <= 'f' ? 226 - 'a' + 10
    : 226 >= 'A' && 226 <= 'F' ? 226 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    227 >= '0' && 227 <= '9' ? 227 - '0' : 227 >= 'a' && 227 <= 'f' ? 227 - 'a' + 10
    : 227 >= 'A' && 227 <= 'F' ? 227 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    228 >= '0' && 228 <= '9' ? 228 - '0' : 228 >= 'a' && 228 <= 'f' ? 228 - 'a' + 10
    : 228 >= 'A' && 228 <= 'F' ? 228 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    229 >= '0' && 229 <= '9' ? 229 - '0' : 229 >= 'a' && 229 <= 'f' ? 229 - 'a' + 10
    : 229 >= 'A' && 229 <= 'F' ? 229 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    230 >= '0' && 230 <= '9' ? 230 - '0' : 230 >= 'a' && 230 <= 'f' ? 230 - 'a' + 10
    : 230 >= 'A' && 230 <= 'F' ? 230 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    231 >= '0' && 231 <= '9' ? 231 - '0' : 231 >= 'a' && 231 <= 'f' ? 231 - 'a' + 10
    : 231 >= 'A' && 231 <= 'F' ? 231 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    232 >= '0' && 232 <= '9' ? 232 - '0' : 232 >= 'a' && 232 <= 'f' ? 232 - 'a' + 10
    : 232 >= 'A' && 232 <= 'F' ? 232 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    233 >= '0' && 233 <= '9' ? 233 - '0' : 233 >= 'a' && 233 <= 'f' ? 233 - 'a' + 10
    : 233 >= 'A' && 233 <= 'F' ? 233 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    234 >= '0' && 234 <= '9' ? 234 - '0' : 234 >= 'a' && 234 <= 'f' ? 234 - 'a' + 10
    : 234 >= 'A' && 234 <= 'F' ? 234 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    235 >= '0' && 235 <= '9' ? 235 - '0' : 235 >= 'a' && 235 <= 'f' ? 235 - 'a' + 10
    : 235 >= 'A' && 235 <= 'F' ? 235 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    236 >= '0' && 236 <= '9' ? 236 - '0' : 236 >= 'a' && 236 <= 'f' ? 236 - 'a' + 10
    : 236 >= 'A' && 236 <= 'F' ? 236 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    237 >= '0' && 237 <= '9' ? 237 - '0' : 237 >= 'a' && 237 <= 'f' ? 237 - 'a' + 10
    : 237 >= 'A' && 237 <= 'F' ? 237 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    238 >= '0' && 238 <= '9' ? 238 - '0' : 238 >= 'a' && 238 <= 'f' ? 238 - 'a' + 10
    : 238 >= 'A' && 238 <= 'F' ? 238 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    239 >= '0' && 239 <= '9' ? 239 - '0' : 239 >= 'a' && 239 <= 'f' ? 239 - 'a' + 10
    : 239 >= 'A' && 239 <= 'F' ? 239 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    240 >= '0' && 240 <= '9' ? 240 - '0' : 240 >= 'a' && 240 <= 'f' ? 240 - 'a' + 10
    : 240 >= 'A' && 240 <= 'F' ? 240 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    241 >= '0' && 241 <= '9' ? 241 - '0' : 241 >= 'a' && 241 <= 'f' ? 241 - 'a' + 10
    : 241 >= 'A' && 241 <= 'F' ? 241 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    242 >= '0' && 242 <= '9' ? 242 - '0' : 242 >= 'a' && 242 <= 'f' ? 242 - 'a' + 10
    : 242 >= 'A' && 242 <= 'F' ? 242 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    243 >= '0' && 243 <= '9' ? 243 - '0' : 243 >= 'a' && 243 <= 'f' ? 243 - 'a' + 10
    : 243 >= 'A' && 243 <= 'F' ? 243 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    244 >= '0' && 244 <= '9' ? 244 - '0' : 244 >= 'a' && 244 <= 'f' ? 244 - 'a' + 10
    : 244 >= 'A' && 244 <= 'F' ? 244 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    245 >= '0' && 245 <= '9' ? 245 - '0' : 245 >= 'a' && 245 <= 'f' ? 245 - 'a' + 10
    : 245 >= 'A' && 245 <= 'F' ? 245 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    246 >= '0' && 246 <= '9' ? 246 - '0' : 246 >= 'a' && 246 <= 'f' ? 246 - 'a' + 10
    : 246 >= 'A' && 246 <= 'F' ? 246 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    247 >= '0' && 247 <= '9' ? 247 - '0' : 247 >= 'a' && 247 <= 'f' ? 247 - 'a' + 10
    : 247 >= 'A' && 247 <= 'F' ? 247 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    248 >= '0' && 248 <= '9' ? 248 - '0' : 248 >= 'a' && 248 <= 'f' ? 248 - 'a' + 10
    : 248 >= 'A' && 248 <= 'F' ? 248 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    249 >= '0' && 249 <= '9' ? 249 - '0' : 249 >= 'a' && 249 <= 'f' ? 249 - 'a' + 10
    : 249 >= 'A' && 249 <= 'F' ? 249 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    250 >= '0' && 250 <= '9' ? 250 - '0' : 250 >= 'a' && 250 <= 'f' ? 250 - 'a' + 10
    : 250 >= 'A' && 250 <= 'F' ? 250 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    251 >= '0' && 251 <= '9' ? 251 - '0' : 251 >= 'a' && 251 <= 'f' ? 251 - 'a' + 10
    : 251 >= 'A' && 251 <= 'F' ? 251 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    252 >= '0' && 252 <= '9' ? 252 - '0' : 252 >= 'a' && 252 <= 'f' ? 252 - 'a' + 10
    : 252 >= 'A' && 252 <= 'F' ? 252 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    253 >= '0' && 253 <= '9' ? 253 - '0' : 253 >= 'a' && 253 <= 'f' ? 253 - 'a' + 10
    : 253 >= 'A' && 253 <= 'F' ? 253 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    254 >= '0' && 254 <= '9' ? 254 - '0' : 254 >= 'a' && 254 <= 'f' ? 254 - 'a' + 10
    : 254 >= 'A' && 254 <= 'F' ? 254 - 'A' + 10 : -1 ,
    255 >= '0' && 255 <= '9' ? 255 - '0' : 255 >= 'a' && 255 <= 'f' ? 255 - 'a' + 10
    : 255 >= 'A' && 255 <= 'F' ? 255 - 'A' + 10 : -1

static UV
decode_4hex (dec_t *dec)
  signed char d1, d2, d3, d4;
  unsigned char *cur = (unsigned char *)dec->cur;

  d1 = decode_hexdigit [cur [0]]; if (UNLIKELY(d1 < 0)) ERR ("exactly four hexadecimal digits expected");
  d2 = decode_hexdigit [cur [1]]; if (UNLIKELY(d2 < 0)) ERR ("exactly four hexadecimal digits expected");
  d3 = decode_hexdigit [cur [2]]; if (UNLIKELY(d3 < 0)) ERR ("exactly four hexadecimal digits expected");
  d4 = decode_hexdigit [cur [3]]; if (UNLIKELY(d4 < 0)) ERR ("exactly four hexadecimal digits expected");

  dec->cur += 4;

  return ((UV)d1) << 12
       | ((UV)d2) <<  8
       | ((UV)d3) <<  4
       | ((UV)d4);

  return (UV)-1;

static UV
decode_2hex (dec_t *dec)
  signed char d1, d2;
  unsigned char *cur = (unsigned char *)dec->cur;

  d1 = decode_hexdigit [cur [0]]; if (UNLIKELY(d1 < 0)) ERR ("exactly two hexadecimal digits expected");
  d2 = decode_hexdigit [cur [1]]; if (UNLIKELY(d2 < 0)) ERR ("exactly two hexadecimal digits expected");
  dec->cur += 2;
  return ((UV)d1) << 4
       | ((UV)d2);
  return (UV)-1;

static UV
decode_3oct (dec_t *dec)
  IV d1, d2, d3;
  unsigned char *cur = (unsigned char *)dec->cur;

  d1 = (IV)(cur[0] - '0'); if (d1 < 0 || d1 > 7) ERR ("exactly three octal digits expected");
  d2 = (IV)(cur[1] - '0'); if (d2 < 0 || d2 > 7) ERR ("exactly three octal digits expected");
  d3 = (IV)(cur[2] - '0'); if (d3 < 0 || d3 > 7) ERR ("exactly three octal digits expected");
  dec->cur += 3;
  return (d1 * 64) + (d2 * 8) + d3;
  return (UV)-1;

static SV *
_decode_str (pTHX_ dec_t *dec, char endstr)
  SV *sv = 0;
  int utf8 = 0;
  char *dec_cur = dec->cur;
  unsigned char ch;
  int allow_squote = (dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_SQUOTE) && (endstr == 0x27);

      char buf [SHORT_STRING_LEN + UTF8_MAXBYTES];
      char *cur = buf;

          ch = *(unsigned char *)dec_cur++;

          if (UNLIKELY(ch == endstr))
          else if (UNLIKELY(ch == '\\'))
              switch (*dec_cur)
                  case '\\':
                  case '/':
                  case '"': *cur++ = *dec_cur++; break;

                  case 'b': ++dec_cur; *cur++ = '\010'; break;
                  case 't': ++dec_cur; *cur++ = '\011'; break;
                  case 'n': ++dec_cur; *cur++ = '\012'; break;
                  case 'f': ++dec_cur; *cur++ = '\014'; break;
                  case 'r': ++dec_cur; *cur++ = '\015'; break;

                  case 'x':
		      UV c;
		      if (!(dec->json.flags & F_BINARY))
                        ERR ("illegal hex character in non-binary string");
                      dec->cur = dec_cur;
                      c = decode_2hex (dec);
                      if (c == (UV)-1)
                        goto fail;
		      *cur++ = c;
		      dec_cur += 2;
                  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
		  case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
		      UV c;
		      if (!(dec->json.flags & F_BINARY))
                        ERR ("illegal octal character in non-binary string");
                      dec->cur = dec_cur;
                      c = decode_3oct (dec);
                      if (c == (UV)-1)
                        goto fail;
		      *cur++ = c;
		      dec_cur += 3;
                  case 'u':
                      UV lo, hi;

                      dec->cur = dec_cur;
                      hi = decode_4hex (dec);
                      dec_cur = dec->cur;
                      if (hi == (UV)-1)
                        goto fail;
		      if (dec->json.flags & F_BINARY)
                        ERR ("illegal unicode character in binary string");

                      /* possibly a surrogate pair */
                      if (hi >= 0xd800) {
                        if (hi < 0xdc00) {
                          if (dec_cur [0] != '\\' || dec_cur [1] != 'u')
                            ERR ("missing low surrogate character in surrogate pair");

                          dec_cur += 2;

                          dec->cur = dec_cur;
                          lo = decode_4hex (dec);
                          dec_cur = dec->cur;
                          if (lo == (UV)-1)
                            goto fail;

                          if (lo < 0xdc00 || lo >= 0xe000)
                            ERR ("surrogate pair expected");

                          hi = (hi - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (lo - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
                          if (UNLIKELY(
                                 !(dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED)
                                 && (((hi & 0xfffe) == 0xfffe)
                                  || ((hi & 0xffff) == 0xffff)))) {
                        else if (UNLIKELY(hi < 0xe000)) {
                          ERR ("missing high surrogate character in surrogate pair");

/* check 66 noncharacters U+FDD0..U+FDEF, U+FFFE, U+FFFF
   and U+1FFFE, U+1FFFF, U+2FFFE, U+2FFFF, ... U+10FFFE, U+10FFFF (issue #74)
   and warn as in core.
   The WG's consensus was to leave the full range present
   in the ABNF and add the interoperability guidance about
   values outside the Unicode accepted range. According to the Unicode
   standard, illformed subsequences should be replaced by U+FFFD
   REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. (See Unicode PR #121: Recommended Practice
   for Replacement Characters). Several parsers use replacement
   characters, while other keep the escaped form or produce an
   non-Unicode character (see Section 5 - Parsing Contents).  This
   values are not for interchange, only for application internal use.
   They are different from private use.  Most parsers accept these.
                          if (UNLIKELY(
                                 !(dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED)
                                 && ((hi >= 0xfdd0 && hi <= 0xfdef)
                                  || (hi >= 0xfffe && hi <= 0xffff)))) {
                      if (hi >= 0x80)
                          utf8 = 1;
                          cur = (char*)encode_utf8 ((U8*)cur, hi);
                        *cur++ = hi;

                    ERR ("illegal backslash escape sequence in string");
          else if (LIKELY(ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x80)) {
            *cur++ = ch;
            if (UNLIKELY(allow_squote && ch == 0x27)) {
          else if (ch >= 0x80)
              STRLEN clen;


              decode_utf8 (aTHX_ (U8*)dec_cur, dec->end - dec_cur,
                           dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED, &clen);
              if (clen == (STRLEN)-1)
                ERR ("malformed UTF-8 character in JSON string");

                *cur++ = *dec_cur++;
              while (--clen);

              utf8 = 1;
          else if (dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED && ch == '\t') {
            *cur++ = ch;
          } else

              if (!ch)
                ERR ("unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string");
                ERR ("invalid character encountered while parsing JSON string");
      while (cur < buf + SHORT_STRING_LEN);

        STRLEN len = cur - buf;

        if (sv)
            STRLEN cur = SvCUR (sv);

            if (SvLEN (sv) <= cur + len)
              SvGROW (sv, cur + (len < (cur >> 2) ? cur >> 2 : len) + 1);

            memcpy (SvPVX (sv) + SvCUR (sv), buf, len);
            SvCUR_set (sv, SvCUR (sv) + len);
          sv = newSVpvn (buf, len);
  while (*dec_cur != endstr);


  if (sv)
      SvPOK_only (sv);
      *SvEND (sv) = 0;

      if (utf8)
        SvUTF8_on (sv);
    sv = newSVpvn ("", 0);

  dec->cur = dec_cur;
  return sv;

  dec->cur = dec_cur;
  return 0;

decode_str (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  return _decode_str(aTHX_ dec, '"');

decode_str_sq (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  return _decode_str(aTHX_ dec, 0x27);

static SV *
decode_num (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  int is_nv = 0;
  char *start = dec->cur;

  /* [minus] */
  if (*dec->cur == '-')

  if (*dec->cur == '0')
      if (*dec->cur >= '0' && *dec->cur <= '9')
         ERR ("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
  else if (*dec->cur < '0' || *dec->cur > '9')
    ERR ("malformed number (no digits after initial minus)");
    while (*dec->cur >= '0' && *dec->cur <= '9');

  /* [frac] */
  if (*dec->cur == '.')

      if (*dec->cur < '0' || *dec->cur > '9')
        ERR ("malformed number (no digits after decimal point)");

      while (*dec->cur >= '0' && *dec->cur <= '9');

      is_nv = 1;

  /* [exp] */
  if (*dec->cur == 'e' || *dec->cur == 'E')

      if (*dec->cur == '-' || *dec->cur == '+')

      if (*dec->cur < '0' || *dec->cur > '9')
        ERR ("malformed number (no digits after exp sign)");

      while (*dec->cur >= '0' && *dec->cur <= '9');

      is_nv = 1;

  if (!is_nv)
      int len = dec->cur - start;

      /* special case the rather common 1..5-digit-int case */
      if (*start == '-')
        switch (len)
            case 2: return newSViv (-(IV)(                                                                          start [1] - '0' *     1));
            case 3: return newSViv (-(IV)(                                                         start [1] * 10 + start [2] - '0' *    11));
            case 4: return newSViv (-(IV)(                                       start [1] * 100 + start [2] * 10 + start [3] - '0' *   111));
            case 5: return newSViv (-(IV)(                    start [1] * 1000 + start [2] * 100 + start [3] * 10 + start [4] - '0' *  1111));
            case 6: return newSViv (-(IV)(start [1] * 10000 + start [2] * 1000 + start [3] * 100 + start [4] * 10 + start [5] - '0' * 11111));
        switch (len)
            case 1: return newSViv (                                                                                start [0] - '0' *     1);
            case 2: return newSViv (                                                               start [0] * 10 + start [1] - '0' *    11);
            case 3: return newSViv (                                             start [0] * 100 + start [1] * 10 + start [2] - '0' *   111);
            case 4: return newSViv (                          start [0] * 1000 + start [1] * 100 + start [2] * 10 + start [3] - '0' *  1111);
            case 5: return newSViv (      start [0] * 10000 + start [1] * 1000 + start [2] * 100 + start [3] * 10 + start [4] - '0' * 11111);

        UV uv;
        int numtype = grok_number (start, len, &uv);
        if (numtype & IS_NUMBER_IN_UV) {
          if (numtype & IS_NUMBER_NEG)
              if (uv <= (UV)(IV_MAX) + 1)
                return newSViv (-(IV)uv);
            return newSVuv (uv);

      len -= *start == '-' ? 1 : 0;

      /* does not fit into IV or UV, try NV */
      if ((sizeof (NV) == sizeof (double) && DBL_DIG >= len)
          #if defined (LDBL_DIG)
          || (sizeof (NV) == sizeof (long double) && LDBL_DIG >= len)
        /* fits into NV without loss of precision */
        return newSVnv (json_atof (start));

      if (dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_BIGNUM) {
        SV* pv = newSVpvs("require Math::BigInt && return Math::BigInt->new(\"");
        sv_catpvn(pv, start, dec->cur - start);
        sv_catpvs(pv, "\");");
        eval_sv(pv, G_SCALAR);
          SV *retval = SvREFCNT_inc(POPs);
          return retval;

      /* everything else fails, convert it to a string */
      return newSVpvn (start, dec->cur - start);

  if (dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_BIGNUM) {
    SV* pv = newSVpvs("require Math::BigFloat && return Math::BigFloat->new(\"");
    sv_catpvn(pv, start, dec->cur - start);
    sv_catpvs(pv, "\");");
    eval_sv(pv, G_SCALAR);
      SV *retval = SvREFCNT_inc(POPs);
      return retval;

  /* loss of precision here */
  return newSVnv (json_atof (start));

  return 0;

static SV *
decode_av (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  AV *av = newAV ();

  decode_ws (dec);

  if (*dec->cur == ']')
    for (;;)
        SV *value;

        value = decode_sv (aTHX_ dec);
        if (!value)
          goto fail;

        av_push (av, value);

        decode_ws (dec);

        if (*dec->cur == ']')
        if (*dec->cur != ',')
          ERR (", or ] expected while parsing array");


        decode_ws (dec);

        if (*dec->cur == ']' && dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED)

  return newRV_noinc ((SV *)av);

  SvREFCNT_dec (av);
  return 0;

static SV *
decode_hv (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  SV *sv;
  HV *hv = newHV ();
  int allow_squote = dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_SQUOTE;
  int allow_barekey = dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_BAREKEY;
  int relaxed = dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED;
  char endstr = '"';

  decode_ws (dec);

  if (*dec->cur == '}')
    for (;;)
        int is_bare = allow_barekey;

        if (UNLIKELY(allow_barekey
                         && *dec->cur >= 'A' && *dec->cur <= 'z'))
        else if (UNLIKELY(allow_squote)) {
          if (*dec->cur != '"' && *dec->cur != 0x27) {
            ERR ("'\"' or ''' expected");
          else if (*dec->cur == 0x27)
            endstr = 0x27;
        } else {
          EXPECT_CH ('"');

        /* heuristic: assume that */
        /* a) decode_str + hv_store_ent are abysmally slow. */
        /* b) most hash keys are short, simple ascii text. */
        /* => try to "fast-match" such strings to avoid */
        /* the overhead of decode_str + hv_store_ent. */
          SV *value;
          char *p = dec->cur;
          char *e = p + 24; /* only try up to 24 bytes */

          for (;;)
              /* the >= 0x80 is false on most architectures */
              if (!is_bare &&
                  (p == e || *p < 0x20 || *(U8*)p >= 0x80 || *p == '\\'
                   || allow_squote))
                  /* slow path, back up and use decode_str */
                  /* utf8 hash keys are handled here */
                  SV *key = _decode_str (aTHX_ dec, endstr);
                  if (!key)
                    goto fail;

                  decode_ws (dec); EXPECT_CH (':');

                  decode_ws (dec);
                  value = decode_sv (aTHX_ dec);
                  if (!value)
                      SvREFCNT_dec (key);
                      goto fail;

                  hv_store_ent (hv, key, value, 0);
                  SvREFCNT_dec (key);

              else if (*p == endstr
                       || (is_bare &&
                           (*p == ':' || *p == ' ' || *p == 0x0a
                            || *p == 0x0d || *p == 0x09)))
                  /* fast path, got a simple key */
                  char *key = dec->cur;
                  U32 len = p - key;
                  assert(p >= key && p - key < I32_MAX);
#if PTRSIZE >= 8
                  /* hv_store can only handle I32 len, which might overflow */
                  /* perl5 just silently truncates it, cperl panics */
                  if (UNLIKELY(p - key > I32_MAX))
                    ERR ("Hash key too large");
                  if (!relaxed && UNLIKELY(hv_exists (hv, key, len))) {
                    ERR ("Duplicate keys not allowed");

                  dec->cur = p + 1;

                  decode_ws (dec); if (*p != ':') EXPECT_CH (':');

                  decode_ws (dec);
                  value = decode_sv (aTHX_ dec);
                  if (!value)
                    goto fail;

                  /* Note: not a utf8 hash key */
                  hv_common (hv, NULL, key, len, 0,
                             HV_FETCH_ISSTORE|HV_FETCH_JUST_SV, value, 0);
                  hv_store (hv, key, len, value, 0);


        decode_ws (dec);

        if (*dec->cur == '}')

        if (*dec->cur != ',')
          ERR (", or } expected while parsing object/hash");


        decode_ws (dec);

        if (*dec->cur == '}' && dec->json.flags & F_RELAXED)

  sv = newRV_noinc ((SV *)hv);

  /* check filter callbacks */
  if (dec->json.flags & F_HOOK)
      if (dec->json.cb_sk_object && HvKEYS (hv) == 1)
          HE *cb = NULL, *he;

          hv_iterinit (hv);
          he = hv_iternext (hv);
          hv_iterinit (hv);

          /* the next line creates a mortal sv each time it's called. */
          /* might want to optimise this for common cases. */
          if (LIKELY((long)he))
            cb = hv_fetch_ent (dec->json.cb_sk_object, hv_iterkeysv (he), 0, 0);

          if (cb)
              I32 count;

              XPUSHs (HeVAL (he));
              sv_2mortal (sv);

              PUTBACK; count = call_sv (HeVAL (cb), G_ARRAY); SPAGAIN;

              if (count == 1)
                  sv = newSVsv (POPs);
                  PUTBACK; FREETMPS; LEAVE;
                  return sv;

              SvREFCNT_inc (sv);
              SP -= count;

      if (dec->json.cb_object)
          I32 count;

          XPUSHs (sv_2mortal (sv));

          PUTBACK; count = call_sv (dec->json.cb_object, G_ARRAY); SPAGAIN;

          if (count == 1)
              sv = newSVsv (POPs);
              return sv;

          SvREFCNT_inc (sv);
          SP -= count;

  return sv;

  SvREFCNT_dec (hv);
  return 0;

static SV *
decode_tag (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  SV *tag = 0;
  SV *val = 0;

  if (!(dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_TAGS))
    ERR ("malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom");


  decode_ws (dec);

  tag = decode_sv (aTHX_ dec);
  if (!tag)
    goto fail;

  if (!SvPOK (tag))
    ERR ("malformed JSON string, (tag) must be a string");

  decode_ws (dec);

  if (*dec->cur != ')')
    ERR (") expected after tag");


  decode_ws (dec);

  val = decode_sv (aTHX_ dec);
  if (!val)
    goto fail;

  if (!SvROK (val) || SvTYPE (SvRV (val)) != SVt_PVAV)
    ERR ("malformed JSON string, tag value must be an array");

    AV *av = (AV *)SvRV (val);
    HVMAX_T i, len = av_len (av) + 1;
    HV *stash = gv_stashsv (tag, 0);
    SV *sv;
    GV *method;

    if (!stash)
      ERR ("cannot decode perl-object (package does not exist)");

    method = gv_fetchmethod_autoload (stash, "THAW", 0);

    if (!method)
      ERR ("cannot decode perl-object (package does not have a THAW method)");

    EXTEND (SP, len + 2);
    /* we re-bless the reference to get overload and other niceties right */
    PUSHs (tag);
    PUSHs (MY_CXT.sv_json);

    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      PUSHs (*av_fetch (av, i, 1));

    call_sv ((SV *)GvCV (method), G_SCALAR);

    SvREFCNT_dec (tag);
    SvREFCNT_dec (val);
    sv = SvREFCNT_inc (POPs);



    return sv;

  SvREFCNT_dec (tag);
  SvREFCNT_dec (val);
  return 0;

static SV *
decode_sv (pTHX_ dec_t *dec)
  /* the beauty of JSON: you need exactly one character lookahead */
  /* to parse everything. */
  switch (*dec->cur)
      case '"': ++dec->cur; return decode_str (aTHX_ dec);
      case 0x27:
        if (dec->json.flags & F_ALLOW_SQUOTE) {
          ++dec->cur; return decode_str_sq (aTHX_ dec);
        ERR ("malformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, string or atom");
      case '[': ++dec->cur; return decode_av  (aTHX_ dec);
      case '{': ++dec->cur; return decode_hv  (aTHX_ dec);
      case '(':             return decode_tag (aTHX_ dec);

      case '-':
      case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
      case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
        return decode_num (aTHX_ dec);

      case 't':
        if (dec->end - dec->cur >= 4 && memEQc(dec->cur, "true"))
            dec->cur += 4;
            return newSVsv(MY_CXT.json_true);
          ERR ("'true' expected");


      case 'f':
        if (dec->end - dec->cur >= 5 && memEQc(dec->cur, "false"))
            dec->cur += 5;
            return newSVsv(MY_CXT.json_false);
          ERR ("'false' expected");


      case 'n':
        if (dec->end - dec->cur >= 4 && memEQc(dec->cur, "null"))
            dec->cur += 4;
            return newSVsv(&PL_sv_undef);
          ERR ("'null' expected");


        ERR ("malformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, string or atom");

  return 0;

/* decode UTF32-LE/... to UTF-8:
   $utf8 = Encode::decode("UTF-32", $string); */
static SV *
decode_bom(pTHX_ const char* encoding, SV* string, STRLEN offset)
  I32 items;

  croak ("Cannot handle multibyte BOM yet");
  return string;
  /* on older perls (<5.20) this corrupts ax */
  Perl_load_module(aTHX_ PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT, newSVpvs("Encode"),
                   NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (!get_cvs("Encode::decode", GV_NOADD_NOINIT|GV_NO_SVGMAGIC))
    croak("Multibyte BOM needs to use Encode before");
  XPUSHs(newSVpvn(encoding, strlen(encoding)));
  /* Calling Encode::Unicode::decode_xs would be faster, but we'd need the blessed
     enc hash from find_encoding() then. e.g. $Encode::Encoding{'UTF-16LE'}
     bless {Name=>UTF-16,size=>2,endian=>'',ucs2=>undef}, 'Encode::Unicode';
     And currenty we enjoy the simplicity of the BOM offset advance by 
     endianness autodetection.
  items = call_sv(MUTABLE_SV(get_cvs("Encode::decode",
  if (items >= 0 && SvPOK(TOPs)) {
    return POPs;
  } else {
    return string;

static SV *
decode_json (pTHX_ SV *string, JSON *json, STRLEN *offset_return)
  dec_t dec;
  SV *sv;
  STRLEN len, offset = 0;
  int converted = 0;

  /* work around bugs in 5.10 where manipulating magic values
   * makes perl ignore the magic in subsequent accesses.
   * also make a copy of non-PV values, to get them into a clean
   * state (SvPV should do that, but it's buggy, see below).
   * But breaks decode_prefix with offset.
  /*SvGETMAGIC (string);*/
  if (SvMAGICAL (string) || !SvPOK (string) || SvIsCOW_shared_hash(string))
    string = sv_2mortal (newSVsv (string));

  SvUPGRADE (string, SVt_PV);

  /* work around a bug in perl 5.10, which causes SvCUR to fail an
   * assertion with -DDEBUGGING, although SvCUR is documented to
   * return the xpv_cur field which certainly exists after upgrading.
   * according to nicholas clark, calling SvPOK fixes this.
   * But it doesn't fix it, so try another workaround, call SvPV_nolen
   * and hope for the best.
   * Damnit, SvPV_nolen still trips over yet another assertion. This
   * assertion business is seriously broken, try yet another workaround
   * for the broken -DDEBUGGING.
    len = SvOK (string) ? sv_len (string) : 0;
    len = SvCUR (string);

    if (UNLIKELY(len > json->max_size && json->max_size))
      croak ("attempted decode of JSON text of %lu bytes size, but max_size is set to %lu",
             (unsigned long)len, (unsigned long)json->max_size);

  /* Detect BOM and possibly convert to UTF-8 and set UTF8 flag.
     JSON text SHALL be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32.
     Byte Order Mark - While section 8.1 states "Implementations MUST
     NOT add a byte order mark to the beginning of a JSON text",
     "implementations (...) MAY ignore the presence of a byte order
     mark rather than treating it as an error". */
  if (UNLIKELY(len > 2 && SvPOK(string))) {
    U8 *s = (U8*)SvPVX (string);
    if (*s >= 0xEF) {
      if (len >= 3 && memEQc(s, UTF8BOM)) {
        json->flags |= F_UTF8;
        offset = 3;
        SvPV_set(string, SvPVX_mutable (string) + 3);
        SvCUR_set(string, len - 3);
        /* omitting the endian name will skip the BOM in the result */
      } else if (len >= 4 && memEQc(s, UTF32BOM)) {
        string = decode_bom(aTHX_ "UTF-32", string, 4);
        json->flags |= F_UTF8;
      } else if (memEQc(s, UTF16BOM)) {
        string = decode_bom(aTHX_ "UTF-16", string, 2);
        json->flags |= F_UTF8;
      } else if (memEQc(s, UTF16BOM_BE)) {
        string = decode_bom(aTHX_ "UTF-16", string, 2);
        json->flags |= F_UTF8;
    } else if (UNLIKELY(len >= 4 && !*s && memEQc(s, UTF32BOM_BE))) {
        string = decode_bom(aTHX_ "UTF-32", string, 4);
        json->flags |= F_UTF8;

  if (LIKELY(!converted)) {
    if (DECODE_WANTS_OCTETS (json))
      sv_utf8_downgrade (string, 0);
      sv_utf8_upgrade (string);

  /* should basically be a NOP but needed for 5.6 with undef */
  if (!SvPOK(string))
    SvGROW (string, SvCUR (string) + 1);

  dec.json  = *json;
  dec.cur   = SvPVX (string);
  dec.end   = SvEND (string);
  dec.err   = 0;
  dec.depth = 0;

  if (dec.json.cb_object || dec.json.cb_sk_object)
    dec.json.flags |= F_HOOK;

  *dec.end = 0; /* this should basically be a nop, too, but make sure it's there */

  decode_ws (&dec);
  sv = decode_sv (aTHX_ &dec);

  if (offset_return) {
    if (dec.cur < SvPVX (string) || dec.cur > SvEND (string))
      *offset_return = 0;
      *offset_return = dec.cur - SvPVX (string);

  if (!(offset_return || !sv))
      /* check for trailing garbage */
      decode_ws (&dec);

      if ((dec.end - dec.cur) || *dec.cur)
          dec.err = "garbage after JSON object";
          SvREFCNT_dec (sv);
          sv = NULL;
  /* restore old utf8 string with BOM */
  if (UNLIKELY(offset)) {
    SvPV_set(string, SvPVX_mutable (string) - offset);
    SvCUR_set(string, len);

  if (!sv)
      SV *uni = sv_newmortal ();

      /* horrible hack to silence warning inside pv_uni_display */
      /* TODO: Can be omitted with newer perls */
      COP cop = *PL_curcop;
      cop.cop_warnings = pWARN_NONE;
      SAVEVPTR (PL_curcop);
      PL_curcop = &cop;
      pv_uni_display (uni, (U8*)dec.cur, dec.end - dec.cur, 20, UNI_DISPLAY_QQ);
      croak ("%s, at character offset %d (before \"%s\")",
             (int)ptr_to_index (aTHX_ string, dec.cur-SvPVX(string)),
             dec.cur != dec.end ? SvPV_nolen (uni) : "(end of string)");

  if (!(dec.json.flags & F_ALLOW_NONREF) && json_nonref(aTHX_ sv))
    croak ("JSON text must be an object or array (but found number, string, true, false or null, use allow_nonref to allow this)");

  return sv_2mortal (sv);

/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* incremental parser */

static void
incr_parse (JSON *self)
  const char *p = SvPVX (self->incr_text) + self->incr_pos;

  /* the state machine here is a bit convoluted and could be simplified a lot */
  /* but this would make it slower, so... */

  for (;;)
      /*printf ("loop pod %d *p<%c><%s>, mode %d nest %d\n", p - SvPVX (self->incr_text), *p, p, self->incr_mode, self->incr_nest);//D */
      switch (self->incr_mode)
          /* only used for initial whitespace skipping */
          case INCR_M_WS:
            for (;;)
                if (*p > 0x20)
                    if (*p == '#')
                        self->incr_mode = INCR_M_C0;
                        goto incr_m_c;
                        self->incr_mode = INCR_M_JSON;
                        goto incr_m_json;
                else if (!*p)
                  goto interrupt;


          /* skip a single char inside a string (for \\-processing) */
          case INCR_M_BS:
            if (!*p)
              goto interrupt;

            self->incr_mode = INCR_M_STR;
            goto incr_m_str;

          /* inside #-style comments */
          case INCR_M_C0:
          case INCR_M_C1:
            for (;;)
                if (*p == '\n')
                    self->incr_mode = self->incr_mode == INCR_M_C0 ? INCR_M_WS : INCR_M_JSON;
                else if (!*p)
                  goto interrupt;



          /* inside a string */
          case INCR_M_STR:
            for (;;)
                if (*p == '"')
                    self->incr_mode = INCR_M_JSON;

                    if (!self->incr_nest)
                      goto interrupt;

                    goto incr_m_json;
                else if (*p == '\\')
                    ++p; /* "virtually" consumes character after \ */

                    if (!*p) /* if at end of string we have to switch modes */
                        self->incr_mode = INCR_M_BS;
                        goto interrupt;
                else if (!*p)
                  goto interrupt;


          /* after initial ws, outside string */
          case INCR_M_JSON:
            for (;;)
                switch (*p++)
                    case 0:
                      goto interrupt;

                    case 0x09:
                    case 0x0a:
                    case 0x0d:
                    case 0x20:
                      if (!self->incr_nest)
                          --p; /* do not eat the whitespace, let the next round do it */
                          goto interrupt;

                    case '"':
                      self->incr_mode = INCR_M_STR;
                      goto incr_m_str;

                    case '[':
                    case '{':
                    case '(':
                      if (++self->incr_nest > (int)self->max_depth)
                        croak (ERR_NESTING_EXCEEDED);

                    case ']':
                    case '}':
                      if (--self->incr_nest <= 0)
                        goto interrupt;

                    case ')':

                    case '#':
                      self->incr_mode = INCR_M_C1;
                      goto incr_m_c;

  self->incr_pos = p - SvPVX (self->incr_text);
  /*printf ("interrupt<%.*s>\n", self->incr_pos, SvPVX(self->incr_text));//D */
  /*printf ("return pos %d mode %d nest %d\n", self->incr_pos, self->incr_mode, self->incr_nest);//D */

/*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* XS interface functions */


# define NODEBUG_ON \
        CvNODEBUG_on (get_cv ("Cpanel::JSON::XS::incr_text", 0));
# define NODEBUG_ON

        init_MY_CXT(aTHX_ &MY_CXT);

        NODEBUG_ON; /* the debugger completely breaks lvalue subs */


#_if PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT for embedding, but no ithreads, then CLONE is never
# called


void CLONE (...)
        MY_CXT_CLONE; /* possible declaration */
        init_MY_CXT(aTHX_ &MY_CXT);
        return; /* skip implicit PUTBACK, returning @_ to caller, more efficient*/


void END(...)
        SV * sv;
        sv = MY_CXT.sv_json;
        MY_CXT.sv_json = NULL;
        return; /* skip implicit PUTBACK, returning @_ to caller, more efficient*/

void new (char *klass)
  	SV *pv = NEWSV (0, sizeof (JSON));
        SvPOK_only (pv);
        json_init ((JSON *)SvPVX (pv));
        XPUSHs (sv_2mortal (sv_bless (
           newRV_noinc (pv),
           strEQc (klass, "Cpanel::JSON::XS") ? JSON_STASH : gv_stashpv (klass, 1)

void ascii (JSON *self, int enable = 1)
        ascii           = F_ASCII
        latin1          = F_LATIN1
        binary          = F_BINARY
        utf8            = F_UTF8
        indent          = F_INDENT
        canonical       = F_CANONICAL
        space_before    = F_SPACE_BEFORE
        space_after     = F_SPACE_AFTER
        pretty          = F_PRETTY
        allow_nonref    = F_ALLOW_NONREF
        shrink          = F_SHRINK
        allow_blessed   = F_ALLOW_BLESSED
        convert_blessed = F_CONV_BLESSED
        relaxed         = SET_RELAXED
        allow_unknown   = F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN
        allow_tags      = F_ALLOW_TAGS
        allow_barekey   = F_ALLOW_BAREKEY
        allow_singlequote = F_ALLOW_SQUOTE
        allow_bignum    = F_ALLOW_BIGNUM
        escape_slash    = F_ESCAPE_SLASH
        allow_stringify = F_ALLOW_STRINGIFY
        if (enable)
          self->flags |=  ix;
          self->flags &= ~ix;
        XPUSHs (ST (0));

void get_ascii (JSON *self)
        get_ascii           = F_ASCII
        get_latin1          = F_LATIN1
        get_binary          = F_BINARY
        get_utf8            = F_UTF8
        get_indent          = F_INDENT
        get_canonical       = F_CANONICAL
        get_space_before    = F_SPACE_BEFORE
        get_space_after     = F_SPACE_AFTER
        get_allow_nonref    = F_ALLOW_NONREF
        get_shrink          = F_SHRINK
        get_allow_blessed   = F_ALLOW_BLESSED
        get_convert_blessed = F_CONV_BLESSED
        get_relaxed         = F_RELAXED
        get_allow_unknown   = F_ALLOW_UNKNOWN
        get_allow_tags      = F_ALLOW_TAGS
        get_allow_barekey   = F_ALLOW_BAREKEY
        get_allow_singlequote = F_ALLOW_SQUOTE
        get_allow_bignum    = F_ALLOW_BIGNUM
        get_escape_slash    = F_ESCAPE_SLASH
        get_allow_stringify  = F_ALLOW_STRINGIFY
        XPUSHs (boolSV (self->flags & ix));

void max_depth (JSON *self, U32 max_depth = 0x80000000UL)
        self->max_depth = max_depth;
        XPUSHs (ST (0));

U32 get_max_depth (JSON *self)
        RETVAL = self->max_depth;

void max_size (JSON *self, U32 max_size = 0)
        self->max_size = max_size;
        XPUSHs (ST (0));

int get_max_size (JSON *self)
        RETVAL = self->max_size;

void stringify_infnan (JSON *self, IV infnan_mode = 1)
        if (infnan_mode > 3 || infnan_mode < 0) {
          croak ("invalid stringify_infnan mode %d. Must be 0, 1, 2 or 3", (int)infnan_mode);
        self->infnan_mode = (unsigned char)infnan_mode;
        XPUSHs (ST (0));
int get_stringify_infnan (JSON *self)
        RETVAL = (int)self->infnan_mode;

void sort_by (JSON *self, SV* cb = &PL_sv_yes)
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_sort_by);
        self->cb_sort_by = SvOK (cb) ? newSVsv (cb) : 0;
        if (self->cb_sort_by)
          self->flags |= F_CANONICAL;

        XPUSHs (ST (0));

void filter_json_object (JSON *self, SV *cb = &PL_sv_undef)
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_object);
        self->cb_object = SvOK (cb) ? newSVsv (cb) : 0;

        XPUSHs (ST (0));

void filter_json_single_key_object (JSON *self, SV *key, SV *cb = &PL_sv_undef)
	if (!self->cb_sk_object)
          self->cb_sk_object = newHV ();

        if (SvOK (cb))
          (void)hv_store_ent (self->cb_sk_object, key, newSVsv (cb), 0);
            (void)hv_delete_ent (self->cb_sk_object, key, G_DISCARD, 0);

            if (!HvKEYS (self->cb_sk_object))
                SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_sk_object);
                self->cb_sk_object = 0;

        XPUSHs (ST (0));

void encode (JSON *self, SV *scalar)
        PUTBACK; scalar = encode_json (aTHX_ scalar, self); SPAGAIN;
        XPUSHs (scalar);

void decode (JSON *self, SV *jsonstr)
        PUTBACK; jsonstr = decode_json (aTHX_ jsonstr, self, 0); SPAGAIN;
        XPUSHs (jsonstr);

void decode_prefix (JSON *self, SV *jsonstr)
	SV *sv;
        STRLEN offset;
        PUTBACK; sv = decode_json (aTHX_ jsonstr, self, &offset); SPAGAIN;
        EXTEND (SP, 2);
        PUSHs (sv);
        PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVuv (ptr_to_index (aTHX_ jsonstr, offset))));

void incr_parse (JSON *self, SV *jsonstr = 0)
	if (!self->incr_text)
          self->incr_text = newSVpvn ("", 0);

        /* if utf8-ness doesn't match the decoder, need to upgrade/downgrade */
        if (!DECODE_WANTS_OCTETS (self) == !SvUTF8 (self->incr_text)) {
          if (DECODE_WANTS_OCTETS (self))
              if (self->incr_pos)
                self->incr_pos = utf8_length ((U8 *)SvPVX (self->incr_text),
                                              (U8 *)SvPVX (self->incr_text) + self->incr_pos);

              sv_utf8_downgrade (self->incr_text, 0);
              sv_utf8_upgrade (self->incr_text);

              if (self->incr_pos)
                self->incr_pos = utf8_hop ((U8 *)SvPVX (self->incr_text), self->incr_pos)
                                 - (U8 *)SvPVX (self->incr_text);

        /* append data, if any */
        if (jsonstr)
            /* make sure both strings have same encoding */
            if (SvUTF8 (jsonstr) != SvUTF8 (self->incr_text)) {
              if (SvUTF8 (jsonstr))
                sv_utf8_downgrade (jsonstr, 0);
                sv_utf8_upgrade (jsonstr);

            /* and then just blindly append */
              STRLEN len;
              const char *str = SvPV (jsonstr, len);
              STRLEN cur = SvCUR (self->incr_text);

              if (SvLEN (self->incr_text) <= cur + len)
                SvGROW (self->incr_text, cur + (len < (cur >> 2) ? cur >> 2 : len) + 1);

              Move (str, SvEND (self->incr_text), len, char);
              SvCUR_set (self->incr_text, SvCUR (self->incr_text) + len);
              *SvEND (self->incr_text) = 0; /* this should basically be a nop, too, but make sure it's there */

        if (GIMME_V != G_VOID)
              SV *sv;
              STRLEN offset;
              char *endp;

              if (!INCR_DONE (self))
                  incr_parse (self);

                  if (UNLIKELY(self->incr_pos > self->max_size && self->max_size))
                    croak ("attempted decode of JSON text of %lu bytes size, but max_size is set to %lu",
                           (unsigned long)self->incr_pos, (unsigned long)self->max_size);

                  if (!INCR_DONE (self))
                      /* as an optimisation, do not accumulate white space in the incr buffer */
                      if (self->incr_mode == INCR_M_WS && self->incr_pos)
                          self->incr_pos = 0;
                          SvCUR_set (self->incr_text, 0);


              PUTBACK; sv = decode_json (aTHX_ self->incr_text, self, &offset); SPAGAIN;
              XPUSHs (sv);

              endp = SvPVX(self->incr_text) + offset;
              self->incr_pos -= offset;
              self->incr_nest = 0;
              self->incr_mode = 0;
              sv_chop (self->incr_text, (const char* const)endp);
              sv_chop (self->incr_text, (char*)endp);
          while (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY);


SV *incr_text (JSON *self)
    ATTRS: lvalue
        if (UNLIKELY(self->incr_pos))
          croak ("incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing");

        RETVAL = self->incr_text ? SvREFCNT_inc (self->incr_text) : &PL_sv_undef;


SV *incr_text (JSON *self)
        if (UNLIKELY(self->incr_pos))
          croak ("incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing");

        RETVAL = self->incr_text ? SvREFCNT_inc (self->incr_text) : &PL_sv_undef;


void incr_skip (JSON *self)
        if (self->incr_pos)
            sv_chop (self->incr_text, SvPV_nolen (self->incr_text) + self->incr_pos);
            self->incr_pos  = 0;
            self->incr_nest = 0;
            self->incr_mode = 0;

void incr_reset (JSON *self)
	SvREFCNT_dec (self->incr_text);
        self->incr_text = 0;
        self->incr_pos  = 0;
        self->incr_nest = 0;
        self->incr_mode = 0;

void DESTROY (JSON *self)
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_sk_object);
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_object);
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->cb_sort_by);
        SvREFCNT_dec (self->incr_text);


void encode_json (SV *scalar)
        _to_json    = 0
        encode_json = F_UTF8
        JSON json;
        json_init (&json);
        json.flags |= ix;
        PUTBACK; scalar = encode_json (aTHX_ scalar, &json); SPAGAIN;
        XPUSHs (scalar);

void decode_json (SV *jsonstr, SV *allow_nonref = NULL)
        _from_json  = 0
        decode_json = F_UTF8
        JSON json;
        json_init (&json);
        json.flags |= ix;
        if (ix && allow_nonref)
          json.flags |= F_ALLOW_NONREF;
        PUTBACK; jsonstr = decode_json (aTHX_ jsonstr, &json, 0); SPAGAIN;
        XPUSHs (jsonstr);