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re::engine::PCRE2 - PCRE2 regular expression engine with jit


use re::engine::PCRE2;

if ("Hello, world" =~ /(?<=Hello|Hi), (world)/) {
    print "Greetings, $1!";


Replaces perl's regex engine in a given lexical scope with PCRE2 regular expressions provided by libpcre2-8.

This provides jit support and faster matching, but may fail in corner cases. See pcre2compat. It is typically 40% faster than the core regex engine. See "BENCHMARKS".

The goal is to pass the full core re testsuite, identify all problematic patterns and fall-back to the core re engine. From the 1330 core tests, 46 currently fail. 90% of the most popular cpan modules do work fine already. Note that older perl version do fail more regression tests. See "FAILING TESTS".

Note that some packaged libpcre2-8 libraries do not enable the jit compiler. CFLAGS=-fPIC cmake -DPCRE2_SUPPORT_JIT=ON; make PCRE2 then silently falls back to the normal PCRE2 compiler and matcher.

Check with:

perl -Mre::engine::PCRE2 -e'print re::engine::PCRE2::JIT'


Since re::engine::PCRE2 derives from the Regexp package, you can call compiled qr// objects with these methods. See PCRE2 NATIVE API MATCH CONTEXT FUNCTIONS and INFORMATION ABOUT A COMPILED PATTERN.

With older library versions which do not support a particular info method, undef is returned. E.g. hasbackslashc and framesize.



time perl5.24.1 -Mblib t/perl/regexp.t 10000 >/dev/null

Without PCRE2:


With PCRE2:

19.596s - 40% faster


About 90% of all core tests and cpan modules do work with re::engine::PCRE2 already, but there are still some unresolved problems. Esp. when the pattern is not detectable or marked as UTF-8 but the subject is, the match will be performed without UTF-8.

Try the new faster matcher with export PERL5OPT=-Mre::engine::PCRE2.

Known problematic popular modules are: Test-Harness-3.38, Params-Util-1.07 t/12_main.t 552-553, 567-568, HTML-Parser-3.72 (unicode), DBI-1.636 (EUMM problem), DBD-SQLite-1.54 (xsubpp), Sub-Name-0.21 t/exotic_names.t:105, XML-LibXML-2.0129 (local charset), Module-Install-1.18 unrecognized character after (? or (?-, Text-CSV_XS-1.28 (unicode), YAML-Syck-1.29, MD5-2.03, XML-Parser-2.44, Module-Build-0.4222, libwww-perl-6.25.

As of 0.05 the following core regression tests still fail:

perl -C -Mblib t/perl/regexp.t | grep -a TODO

# new patterns and pcre2 fails: need to fallback
143..146, # \B{gcb} \B{lb} \B{sb} \B{wb}
352,      # '^'i:ABC:y:$&:
402,      # '(a+|b){0,1}?'i
409,      # 'a*'i $&
578,      # '(b.)c(?!\N)'s:a
654,655,664, # unicode
667,      # '[[:^cntrl:]]+'u:a\x80:y:$&:a

# Pathological patterns that run into run-time PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT,
# even with huge set_match_limit 512mill
880 .. 897, # .X(.+)+[X][X]:bbbbXXXaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

# aba =~ ^(a(b)?)+$ and aabbaa =~ ^(aa(bb)?)+$
941, # ^(a(b)?)+$:aba:y:-$1-$2-:-a-- => `-a-b-', match=1
942, # ^(aa(bb)?)+$:aabbaa:y:-$1-$2-:-aa-- => `-aa-bb-', match=1
947, # ^(a\1?){4}$:aaaaaa:y:$1:aa => `', match=

# empty codeblock
1005, #TODO (??{}):x:y:-:- => error `Eval-group not allowed at runtime, use re 'eval' in regex m/(??{})/ at (eval 5663) line 1.'

# XXX: <<<>>> pattern
1096, # ^(<(?:[^<>]+|(?3)|(?1))*>)()(!>!>!>)$:<<!>!>!>><>>!>!>!>:y:$1:<<!>!>!>><>> => `', match=
1126, # /^(?'main'<(?:[^<>]+|(?&crap)|(?&main))*>)(?'empty')(?'crap'!>!>!>)$/:<<!>!>!>><>>!>!>!>:yM:$+{main}:<<!>!>!>><>> => `', match=

# XXX: \R doesn't match an utf8::upgraded \x{85}, we need to
# always convert the subject and pattern to utf-8 for these cases
# to work
1378, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) foo(\R+)bar:foo\r
1380, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) (\R+)(\V):foo\r
1381, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) foo(\R)bar:foo\x{85}bar:y:$1:\x{85} => `', match=
1382, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) (\V)(\R):foo\x{85}bar:y:$1-$2:o-\x{85} => `�-�', match=1
1394, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) foo(\v+)bar:foo\r
1396..1398, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) (\v+)(\V):foo\r
1405,1407..1409, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) foo(\h+)bar:foo\t\x{A0}bar:y:$1:\t\x{A0} => `', match=

# regressions in 5.8.x (only) introduced by change 30638
1433, # /^\s*i.*?o\s*$/s:io

1446, #/\N{}\xe4/i:\xc4:y:$&:\xc4 => error `Unknown charname '' is deprecated. Its use will be fatal in Perl 5.28 at (eval 7892) line 2.'
1484, # /abc\N {U+41}/x:-:c:-:Missing braces => `-', match=
1485, # /abc\N {SPACE}/x:-:c:-:Missing braces => `-', match=
1490, # /\N{U+BEEF.BEAD}/:-:c:-: => `-', match=

1495, # \c`:-:ac:-:\"\\c`\" is more clearly written simply as \"\\ \" => `-', match=
1496, # \c1:-:ac:-:\"\\c1\" is more clearly written simply as \"q\" => `-', match=

1514, # \c?:\x9F:ey:$&:\x9F => `\', match=

1575, # [\8\9]:\000:Sn:-:- => `-', match=
1576, # [\8\9]:-:sc:$&:Unrecognized escape \\8 in character class => `[', match=

1582, # [\0]:-:sc:-:Need exactly 3 octal digits => `-', match=
1584, # [\07]:-:sc:-:Need exactly 3 octal digits => `-', match=
1585, # [\07]:7\000:Sn:-:- => `-', match=
1586, # [\07]:-:sc:-:Need exactly 3 octal digits => `-', match=

1599, # /\xe0\pL/i:\xc0a:y:$&:\xc0a => `/', match=

1618, # ^_?[^\W_0-9]\w\z:\xAA\x{100}:y:$&:\xAA\x{100} => `^', match=
1621, # /s/ai:\x{17F}:y:$&:\x{17F} => `/', match=

1630, # /[^\x{1E9E}]/i:\x{DF}:Sn:-:- => `-', match=
1639, # /^\p{L}/:\x{3400}:y:$&:\x{3400} => `�', match=1
1642, # /[s\xDF]a/ui:ssa:Sy:$&:ssa => `sa', match=1

1648, # /ff/i:\x{FB00}\x{FB01}:y:$&:\x{FB00} => `/', match=
1649, # /ff/i:\x{FB01}\x{FB00}:y:$&:\x{FB00} => `/', match=
1650, # /fi/i:\x{FB01}\x{FB00}:y:$&:\x{FB01} => `/', match=
1651, # /fi/i:\x{FB00}\x{FB01}:y:$&:\x{FB01} => `/', match=

# These test that doesn't cut-off matching too soon in the string for
# multi-char folds
1669, # /ffiffl/i:abcdef\x{FB03}\x{FB04}:y:$&:\x{FB03}\x{FB04} => `/', match=
1670, # /\xdf\xdf/ui:abcdefssss:y:$&:ssss => `/', match=
1672, # /st/i:\x{DF}\x{FB05}:y:$&:\x{FB05} => `/', match=
1673, # /ssst/i:\x{DF}\x{FB05}:y:$&:\x{DF}\x{FB05} => `/', match=
# [perl #101970]
1678, # /[[:lower:]]/i:\x{100}:y:$&:\x{100} => `/', match=
1679, # /[[:upper:]]/i:\x{101}:y:$&:\x{101} => `/', match=
# Was matching 'ss' only and failing the entire match, not seeing the
# alternative that would succeed
1683, # /s\xDF/ui:\xDFs:y:$&:\xDFs => `/', match=
1684, # /sst/ui:s\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST}:y:$&:s\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST} => `/', match=
1685, # /sst/ui:s\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T}:y:$&:s\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T} => `/', match=

# [perl #111400].  Tests the first Y/N boundary above 255 for each of these.
1699, # /[[:alnum:]]/:\x{2c1}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1701, # /[[:alpha:]]/:\x{2c1}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1703, # /[[:graph:]]/:\x{377}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1706, # /[[:lower:]]/:\x{101}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1708, # /[[:print:]]/:\x{377}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1711, # /[[:punct:]]/:\x{37E}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1713, # /[[:upper:]]/:\x{100}:y:-:- => `-', match=
1715, # /[[:word:]]/:\x{2c1}:y:-:- => `-', match=

# $^N, $+ on backtrackracking
1739, # ^(.)(?:(..)|B)[CX]:ABCDE:y:$^N-$+:A-A => `-', match=1
1741, # ^(.)(?:BC(.)|B)[CX]:ABCDE:y:$^N-$+:A-A => `-', match=1
1743, # ^(.)(?:(.)+)*[BX]:ABCDE:y:$^N-$+:A-A => `-', match=1
1746, # ^(.)(BC)*[BX]:ABCDE:y:$^N-$+:A-A => `-', match=1
1749, # ^(.)(B)*.[CX]:ABCDE:y:$^N-$+:A-A => `-', match=1

# [perl #114220]
1793, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) /[\H]/:\x{BF}:y:$&:\xBF => `�', match=1
1794, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) /[\H]/:\x{A0}:n:-:- => false positive
1795, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) /[\H]/:\x{A1}:y:$&:\xA1 => `�', match=1

# \W in pattern -> !UTF8: add UTF if subject is UTF8 [#15]
1804..1807, # \w:\x{200C}:y:$&:\x{200C} => `\', match=
#1805, # \W:\x{200C}:n:-:- => false positive
#1806, # \w:\x{200D}:y:$&:\x{200D} => `\', match=
#1807, # \W:\x{200D}:n:-:- => false positive

# again missing UTF [#15]
1818..1820, # /^\D{11}/a:\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}\x{10FFFF}:n:-:- => false positive
1823, # (utf8::upgrade($subject)) \Vn:\xFFn/:y:$&:\xFFn => `�n', match=1
1830, # a?\X:a\x{100}:y:$&:a\x{100} => `a�', match=1
1892, # /^\S+=/d:\x{3a3}=\x{3a0}:y:$&:\x{3a3}= => `Σ=', match=1
1893, # /^\S+=/u:\x{3a3}=\x{3a0}:y:$&:\x{3a3}= => `Σ=', match=1
1936, # /[a-z]/i:\N{KELVIN SIGN}:y:$&:\N{KELVIN SIGN} => `/', match=
1937, # /[A-Z]/ia:\N{KELVIN SIGN}:y:$&:\N{KELVIN SIGN} => `/', match=
1939, # /[A-Z]/i:\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S}:y:$&:\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S} => `/', match=

1964, # \N(?#comment){SPACE}:A:c:-:Missing braces on \\N{} => `-', match=
1983, # /(?xx:[a b])/x:\N{SPACE}:n:-:- => false positive
1985, # /(?xx)[a b]/x:\N{SPACE}:n:-:- => false positive

# [perl #125825]
1945, # /(a+){1}+a/:aaa:n:-:- => false positive

# [perl 128420] recursive matches
1976, # aa$|a(?R)a|a:aaa:y:$&:aaa => `a', match=1

Note that core tests suite also reveals that about a similar number of fails occur with older perls, without PCRE2. Many of them pass with PCRE2.

Failures in older perls:

-5.12:  629, 1367 (fatal)
-5.10:  40..51, 90..91, 93..94, 96..97, 105, 356, 539,
        541, 543, 577, 1360, 1416, 1418, 1456..1457,
-5.12:  1448, 1521, 1524, 1577..1578, 1594..1596,
        1598, 1674..1675
-5.14:  1633..1634
-5.16:  871, 1745, 1789, 1816
-5.18:  1674..1675, 1856..1857, 1885..1886, 1889
-5.20:  138..142
-5.22:  139, 1958, 1965
-5.24:  1977

Invalid tests for older perls (fatal):

-5.14: 1684..1996
-5.20: 1896..1996
-5.26: 1981..1996


Reini Urban


Copyright 2007 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason. Copyright 2017 Reini Urban.

The original version was copyright 2006 Audrey Tang and Yves Orton.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.