The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package RTx::Shredder;
use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

RTx::Shredder - Cleanup RT database


=head2 CLI

  rtx-shredder --force --plugin 'Tickets=queue,general;status,deleted'

=head2 API

Same action as in CLI example, but from perl script:

  use RTx::Shredder;
  RTx::Shredder::Init( force => 1 );
  my $deleted = RT::Tickets->new( $RT::SystemUser );
  $deleted->{'allow_deleted_search'} = 1;
  $deleted->LimitQueue( VALUE => 'general' );
  $deleted->LimitStatus( VALUE => 'deleted' );
  while( my $t = $deleted->Next ) {


RTx::Shredder is extention to RT API which allow you to delete data
from RT database. Now Shredder support wipe out of almost all RT objects
 (Tickets, Transactions, Attachments, Users...)

=head2 Command line tools(CLI)

L<rtx-shredder> script that is shipped with the distribution allow
you to delete objects from command line or with system tasks
scheduler(cron or other).

=head2 Web based interface(WebUI)

Shredder's WebUI integrates into RT's WebUI and you can find it
under Configuration->Tools->Shredder tab. This interface is similar
to CLI and give you the same functionality, but it's available
from browser.

=head2 API

L<RTx::Shredder> modules is extension to RT API which add(push) methods
into base RT classes. API is not well documented yet, but you can find
usage examples in L<rtx-shredder> script code and in F<t/*> files.


=head2 $RT::DependenciesLimit

Shredder stops with error if object has more then C<$RT::DependenciesLimit>
dependencies. By default this value is 1000. For example: ticket has 1000
transactions or transaction has 1000 attachments. This is protection
from bugs in shredder code, but sometimes when you have big mail loops
you may hit it. You can change default value, in
F<> add C<Set( $DependenciesLimit, new_limit );>

=head2 $ShredderStoragePath

By default shredder saves dumps in F</path-to-RT-var-dir/data/RTx-Shredder>,
with this option you can change path, but B<note> that value should be absolute
path to the dir you want.


L<RTx::Shredder> class implements interfaces to objects cache, actions
on the objects in the cache and backups storage.

=head2 Dependencies


our $VERSION = '0.07';
use File::Spec ();

# I can't use 'use lib' here since it breakes tests
# because test suite uses old RTx::Shredder setup from
# RT lib path

### after:     push @INC, qw(@RT_LIB_PATH@);
    push @INC, qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
    use RTx::Shredder::Constants;
    use RTx::Shredder::Exceptions;

    require RT;

    require RTx::Shredder::Record;

    require RTx::Shredder::ACE;
    require RTx::Shredder::Attachment;
    require RTx::Shredder::CachedGroupMember;
    require RTx::Shredder::CustomField;
    require RTx::Shredder::CustomFieldValue;
    require RTx::Shredder::GroupMember;
    require RTx::Shredder::Group;
    require RTx::Shredder::Link;
    require RTx::Shredder::Principal;
    require RTx::Shredder::Queue;
    require RTx::Shredder::Scrip;
    require RTx::Shredder::ScripAction;
    require RTx::Shredder::ScripCondition;
    require RTx::Shredder::Template;
    require RTx::Shredder::ObjectCustomFieldValue;
    require RTx::Shredder::Ticket;
    require RTx::Shredder::Transaction;
    require RTx::Shredder::User;


=head2 GENERIC

=head3 Init( %options )

Sets shredder defaults, loads RT config and init RT interface.

B<NOTE> that this is function and must be called with C<RTx::Shredder::Init();>.

B<TODO:> describe possible shredder options.


our %opt = ();

sub Init
    %opt = @_;

=head3 new( %options )

Shredder object constructor takes options hash and returns new object.


sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = bless( {}, ref $proto || $proto );
    $self->_Init( @_ );
    return $self;

sub _Init
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'opt'} = { %opt, @_ };
    $self->{'cache'} = {};
    $self->{'resolver'} = {};

=head3 CastObjectsToRecords( Objects => undef )

Cast objects to the C<RT::Record> objects or its ancesstors.
Objects can be passed as SCALAR (format C<< <class>-<id> >>),
ARRAY, C<RT::Record> ancesstors or C<RT::SearchBuilder> ancesstor.

Most methods that takes C<Objects> argument use this method to
cast argument value to list of records.

Returns array of the records.

For example:

    my @objs = $shredder->CastObjectsToRecords(
        Objects => [             # ARRAY reference
            'RT::Attachment-10', # SCALAR or SCALAR reference
            $tickets,            # RT::Tickets object (isa RT::SearchBuilder)
            $user,               # RT::User object (isa RT::Record)


sub CastObjectsToRecords
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( Objects => undef, @_ );

    my @res;
    my $targets = delete $args{'Objects'};
    unless( $targets ) {
        RTx::Shredder::Exception->throw( "Undefined Objects argument" );

    if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $targets, 'RT::SearchBuilder' ) ) {
        # XXX: don't uncomment next line as it leads to terrible slowdown
        # due to select * from Tickets;
        push @res, @{$targets->ItemsArrayRef || []};
        #while( my $tmp = $targets->SUPER::Next ) { push @res, $tmp };
    } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $targets, 'RT::Record' ) ) {
        push @res, $targets;
    } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $targets, 'ARRAY' ) ) {
        foreach( @$targets ) {
            push @res, $self->CastObjectsToRecords( Objects => $_ );
    } elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $targets, 'SCALAR' ) || !ref $targets ) {
        $targets = $$targets if ref $targets;
        my ($class, $id) = split /-/, $targets;
        $class = 'RT::'. $class unless $class =~ /^RTx?::/i;
        eval "require $class";
        die "Couldn't load '$class' module" if $@;
        my $obj = $class->new( $RT::SystemUser );
        die "Couldn't construct new '$class' object" unless $obj;
        $obj->Load( $id );
        unless ( $obj->id ) {
            $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't load '$class' object with id '$id'" );
            RTx::Shredder::Exception::Info->throw( 'CouldntLoadObject' );
        die "Loaded object has different id" unless( $id eq $obj->id );
        push @res, $obj;
    } else {
        RTx::Shredder::Exception->throw( "Unsupported type ". ref $targets );
    return @res;


=head3 PutObjects( Objects => undef )

Puts objects into cache.

Returns array of the cache entries.

See C<CastObjectsToRecords> method for supported types of the C<Objects>


sub PutObjects
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( Objects => undef, @_ );

    my @res;
    for( $self->CastObjectsToRecords( Objects => delete $args{'Objects'} ) ) {
        push @res, $self->PutObject( %args, Object => $_ )

    return @res;

=head3 PutObject( Object => undef )

Puts record object into cache and returns its cache entry.

B<NOTE> that this method support B<only C<RT::Record> object or its ancesstor
objects>, if you want put mutliple objects or objects represented by different
classes then use C<PutObjects> method instead.


sub PutObject
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( Object => undef, @_ );

    my $obj = $args{'Object'};
    unless( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'RT::Record' ) ) {
        RTx::Shredder::Exception->throw( "Unsupported type '". (ref $obj || $obj || '(undef)')."'" );

    my $str = $obj->_AsString;
    return ($self->{'cache'}->{ $str } ||= { State => ON_STACK, Object => $obj } );

=head3 GetObject, GetState, GetRecord( String => ''| Object => '' )

Returns record object from cache, cache entry state or cache entry accordingly.

All three methods takes C<String> (format C<< <class>-<id> >>) or C<Object> argument.
C<String> argument has more priority than C<Object> so if it's not empty then methods
leave C<Object> argument unchecked.

You can read about possible states and thier meaning in L<RTx::Shredder::Constants> docs.


sub _ParseRefStrArgs
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (
        String => '',
        Object => undef,
    if( $args{'String'} && $args{'Object'} ) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak( "both String and Object args passed" );
    return $args{'String'} if $args{'String'};
    return $args{'Object'}->_AsString if UNIVERSAL::can($args{'Object'}, '_AsString' );
    return '';

sub GetObject { return (shift)->GetRecord( @_ )->{'Object'} }
sub GetState { return (shift)->GetRecord( @_ )->{'State'} }
sub GetRecord
    my $self = shift;
    my $str = $self->_ParseRefStrArgs( @_ );
    return $self->{'cache'}->{ $str };



sub PutResolver
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (
        BaseClass => '',
        TargetClass => '',
        Code => undef,
    unless( UNIVERSAL::isa( $args{'Code'} => 'CODE' ) ) {
        die "Resolver '$args{Code}' is not code reference";

    my $resolvers = (
            $self->{'resolver'}->{ $args{'BaseClass'} } ||= {}
        )->{  $args{'TargetClass'} || '' } ||= []
    unshift @$resolvers, $args{'Code'};

sub GetResolvers
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (
        BaseClass => '',
        TargetClass => '',

    my @res;
    if( $args{'TargetClass'} && exists $self->{'resolver'}->{ $args{'BaseClass'} }->{ $args{'TargetClass'} } ) {
        push @res, @{ $self->{'resolver'}->{ $args{'BaseClass'} }->{ $args{'TargetClass'} || '' } };
    if( exists $self->{'resolver'}->{ $args{'BaseClass'} }->{ '' } ) {
        push @res, @{ $self->{'resolver'}->{ $args{'BaseClass'} }->{''} };

    return @res;

sub ApplyResolvers
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( Dependency => undef, @_ );
    my $dep = $args{'Dependency'};

    my @resolvers = $self->GetResolvers(
        BaseClass   => $dep->BaseClass,
        TargetClass => $dep->TargetClass,

    unless( @resolvers ) {
        die "Couldn't find resolver for dependency '". $dep->AsString ."'";
    foreach( @resolvers ) {
        eval { $_->(
                Shredder  => $self,
                BaseObject   => $dep->BaseObject,
                TargetObject => $dep->TargetObject,
        ) };
        die "Resolver failed: $@" if $@;


sub WipeoutAll
    my $self = $_[0];

    foreach ( values %{ $self->{'cache'} } ) {
        next if $_->{'State'} & (WIPED | IN_WIPING);
        $self->Wipeout( Object => $_->{'Object'} );

sub Wipeout
    die "Couldn't begin transaction" unless $RT::Handle->BeginTransaction;

    eval { (shift)->_Wipeout( @_ ) };
    if( $@ ) {
        die $@ if RTx::Shredder::Exception::Info->caught;
        die "Couldn't wipeout object: $@";

    die "Couldn't commit transaction" unless $RT::Handle->Commit;

sub _Wipeout
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( CacheRecord => undef, Object => undef, @_ );

    my $record = $args{'CacheRecord'};
    $record = $self->PutObject( Object => $args{'Object'} ) unless $record;
    return if $record->{'State'} & (WIPED | IN_WIPING);

    $record->{'State'} |= IN_WIPING;

    my $object = $record->{'Object'};
    unless( $object->BeforeWipeout ) {
        RTx::Shredder::Exception->throw( "BeforeWipeout check returned error" );
    my $deps = $object->Dependencies( Shredder => $self );

        WithFlags => DEPENDS_ON | VARIABLE,
        Callback  => sub { $self->ApplyResolvers( Dependency => $_[0] ) },
        WithFlags    => DEPENDS_ON,
        WithoutFlags => WIPE_AFTER | VARIABLE,
        Callback     => sub { $self->_Wipeout( Object => $_[0]->TargetObject ) },

    my $insert_query = $object->_AsInsertQuery;
    $self->DumpSQL( Query => $insert_query );
    $record->{'State'} |= WIPED; delete $record->{'Object'};

        WithFlags => DEPENDS_ON | WIPE_AFTER,
        WithoutFlags => VARIABLE,
        Callback => sub { $self->_Wipeout( Object => $_[0]->TargetObject ) },


sub ValidateRelations
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( @_ );

    foreach my $record( values %{ $self->{'cache'} } ) {
        next if( $record->{'State'} & VALID );
        $record->{'Object'}->ValidateRelations( Shredder => $self );


Shredder allow you to store data you delete in files as scripts with SQL

=head3 SetFile( FileName => '<ISO DATETIME>-XXXX.sql', FromStorage => 1 )

Calls C<GetFileName> method to check and translate file name, then checks
if file is empty, opens it. After this you can dump records with C<DumpSQL>

Returns name and handle.

B<NOTE:> If file allready exists then file content would be overriden.
Also in this situation method prints warning to the STDERR unless C<force>
shredder's option is used.

    # file from storage with default name format
    my ($fname, $fh) = $shredder->SetFile;
    # file from storage with custom name format
    my ($fname, $fh) = $shredder->SetFile( FileName => 'shredder-XXXX.backup' );
    # file with path relative to the current dir
    my ($fname, $fh) = $shredder->SetFile( FromStorage => 0, FileName => 'backups/shredder.sql' );
    # file with absolute path
    my ($fname, $fh) = $shredder->SetFile( FromStorage => 0, FileName => '/var/backups/shredder-XXXX.sql' );


sub SetFile
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = $self->GetFileName( @_ );
    if( -s $file ) {
        print STDERR "WARNING: file '$file' is not empty, content would be overwriten\n" unless $opt{'force'};
    open my $fh, ">$file" or die "Couldn't open '$file' for write: $!";
    ($self->{'opt'}->{'sqldump_fn'}, $self->{'opt'}->{'sqldump_fh'}) = ($file, $fh);
    return ($file, $fh);

=head3 GetFileName( FileName => '<ISO DATETIME>-XXXX.sql', FromStorage => 1 )

Takes desired C<FileName> and flag C<FromStorage> then translate file name to absolute
path by next rules:
* Default C<FileName> value is C<< <ISO DATETIME>-XXXX.sql >>;
* if C<FileName> has C<XXXX> (exactly four uppercase C<X> letters) then it would be changed with
digits from 0000 to 9999 range, with first one notexistant value;
* if C<FromStorage> argument is true then result path would always be relative to C<StoragePath>;
* if C<FromStorage> argument is false then result would be relative to the current dir unless it's
allready absolute path.

Returns file absolute path.

See example for method C<SetFile>


sub GetFileName
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( FileName => '', FromStorage => 1, @_ );

    # default value
    my $file = $args{'FileName'};
    unless( $file ) {
        require POSIX;
        $file = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S-XXXX.sql", gmtime );

    # convert to absolute path
    if( $args{'FromStorage'} ) {
        $file = File::Spec->catfile( $self->StoragePath, $file );
    } elsif( !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $file ) ) {
        $file = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );

    # check mask
    if( $file =~ /XXXX[^\/\\]*$/ ) {
        my( $tmp, $i ) = ( $file, 0 );
        do {
            $tmp = $file;
            $tmp =~ s/XXXX([^\/\\]*)$/sprintf("%04d", $i).$1/e;
        } while( -e $tmp && $i < 9999 );
        $file = $tmp;

    if( -f $file ) {
        unless( -w _ ) {
            die "File '$file' exists, but is read-only";
    } elsif( !-e _ ) {
        unless( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $file ) ) {
            $file = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );

        # check base dir
        my $dir = File::Spec->join( (File::Spec->splitpath( $file ))[0,1] );
        unless( -e $dir && -d _) {
            die "Base directory '$dir' for file '$file' doesn't exist";
        unless( -w $dir ) {
            die "Base directory '$dir' is not writable";
    } else {
        die "'$file' is not regular file";

    return $file;

=head3 StoragePath

Returns absolute path to storage dir. By default it's
(in default RT install would be F</opt/rt3/var/data/RTx-Shredder>),
but you can change this value with config option C<$RT::ShredderStoragePath>.
See C<CONFIGURATION> sections in this doc.

See C<SetFile> and C<GetFileName> methods description.


sub StoragePath
    return $RT::ShredderStoragePath if $RT::ShredderStoragePath;
    return File::Spec->catdir( $RT::VarPath, qw(data RTx-Shredder) );

sub DumpSQL
    my $self = shift;
    return unless exists $self->{'opt'}->{'sqldump_fh'};

    my %args = ( Query => undef, @_ );
    $args{'Query'} .= "\n" unless $args{'Query'} =~ /\n$/;

    my $fh = $self->{'opt'}->{'sqldump_fh'};
    return print $fh $args{'Query'} or die "Couldn't write to filehandle";


=head1 NOTES

=head2 Database indexes

To speed up shredding you can add several indexes to your DB.

    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_CGM1 ON CachedGroupMembers(MemberId, GroupId, Disabled);
    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_CGM2 ON CachedGroupMembers(ImmediateParentId, MemberId);

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX SHREDDER_GM1 ON GroupMembers(MemberId, GroupId);

    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_TXN1 ON Transactions(ReferenceType, OldReference);
    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_TXN2 ON Transactions(ReferenceType, NewReference);
    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_TXN3 ON Transactions(Type, OldValue);
    CREATE INDEX SHREDDER_TXN4 ON Transactions(Type, NewValue);

If shredding is slow anyway then you have to get list of slow queries, for example
mysql has special options to turn on log of slow queries, queries that takes
more than one second can be considered as slow, then send the log to the L</AUTHOR>.

=head2 Database transactions support

Since RTx-Shredder-0.03_01 extension uses database transactions and should
be much safer to run on production servers.

=head2 Foreign keys

Mainstream RT doesn't use FKs, but at least I posted DDL script that creates them
in mysql DB, note that if you use FKs then this two valid keys don't allow delete
Tickets because of bug in MySQL:

  ALTER TABLE Tickets ADD FOREIGN KEY (EffectiveId) REFERENCES Tickets(id);
  ALTER TABLE CachedGroupMembers ADD FOREIGN KEY (Via) REFERENCES CachedGroupMembers(id);



I need your feedback in all cases: if you use it or not,
is it works for you or not.

=head2 Testing

Don't skip C<make test> step while install and send me reports if it's fails.
Add your own tests, it's easy enough if you've writen at list one perl script
that works with RT. Read more about testing in F<t/>.

=head2 Reporting

Send reports to L</AUTHOR> or to the RT mailing lists.

=head2 Documentation

Many bugs in the docs: insanity, spelling, gramar and so on.
Patches are wellcome.

=head2 Todo

Please, see Todo file, it has some technical notes
about what I plan to do, when I'll do it, also it
describes some problems code has.

=head2 Repository

You can find repository of this project at

=head1 AUTHOR

    Ruslan U. Zakirov <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
Perl distribution.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<rtx-shredder>, L<rtx-validator>
