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require 5.006;

    die "'forks' is currently not supported on this system (Win32).\n"
     if ($^O =~ m#Win32# or $ENV{THIS_IS_WIN32});

use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.10;
eval "use Devel::Required";

### Perl version-specific code modifications and modified requirements ###
my $old = 'forks.xs';
my $new = "$";;
my @from = (
    qq{#    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%]\n},
    qq{#    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%];\\[\$\@\%]\n},
    qq{#    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%]\$;\\[\$\@\%]\n}
my @to = (
    qq{    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%]\n},
    qq{    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%];\\[\$\@\%]\n},
    qq{    PROTOTYPE: \\[\$\@\%]\$;\\[\$\@\%]\n}

my @extra_prereq;
if ($] < 5.008) { # no complex prototypes before 5.8.0, we need to filter also
    my @from_tmp = @from;
    @from = @to;
    @to = @from_tmp;
    push @extra_prereq,qw(Filter::Util::Call 0);
} elsif ($] >= 5.009) { # 5.9.0 and later requires filter to support 'shared' variable attribute
    push @extra_prereq,qw(Filter::Util::Call 0);

warn "Fixing prototypes in $old\n";
open my $in,'<',$old   or die "Could not open $old: $!\n";;
open my $out,'>',$new  or die "Could not create $new: $!\n";;

while (<$in>) {
    my $filtered = 0;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @from; $i++) {
        if ($_ eq $from[$i]) {
            print $out $to[$i];
            $filtered = 1;
    print $out $_ unless $filtered;

close $out        or die "Could not close $new: $!\n";
close $in         or die "Could not close $old: $!\n";
chmod 0644, $old  or die "Could not change permissions on $old\n";
unlink $old       or die "Could not remove $old\n";
rename $new,$old  or die "Could not rename $new to $old\n";
chmod 0444, $old  or die "Could not change permissions on $old\n";

### Determine whether ithreads simulated feature may be used ###
use Config ();
my $simulate_useithreads = 0;
unless ($Config::Config{useithreads}) {
    # Taken from ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.16 (Michael Schwern) so that 
    # the prompt() function can be emulated for older versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
    my $isa_tty = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT));
    if ($isa_tty) {
        print "\nIt appears your perl was not built with native ithreads.\n"
            ."\nWould you like to create references to forks, such that\n"
            ."using 'use threads' and 'use threads::shared' will quietly\n"
            ."load forks and forks::shared? [no] ";
        if (<STDIN> =~ /^y(?:es)?$/) {
            $simulate_useithreads = 1;
            print "\n";
            print "NOTE: Be sure to 'make install UNINST=1' when installing\n"
               ."      module to insure that old modules do not\n"
               ."      shadow the new forks modules.\n";
            print "\n";

if ($simulate_useithreads) {
#    eval {
#package MY; # so that "SUPER" works right
#sub all_target {
#    my $inherited = shift->SUPER::all_target(@_);
#    $inherited .= 
#        qq{\t-(\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/ && \$(RM_F) blib/lib/ || \$(NOOP)\n}
#        .qq{\t-(\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/threads/ && \$(RM_F) blib/lib/threads/ || \$(NOOP)\n}
#        .qq{\t-\$(CP) blib/lib/ blib/lib/\n}
#        .qq{\t-\$(CP) blib/lib/forks/ blib/lib/threads/\n}
#        .qq{\t-\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/ && perl -pi -e 's\/(\\\$\$forks::threads_override =\\s*) 0;\/\$\$1 1;\/' blib/lib/ || \$(NOOP)\n};
#    $inherited;
#    };
#    eval {
require ExtUtils::MM_Any; #kludge: MY::all_target doesn't work (as of MakeMaker 6.17)
require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
*ExtUtils::MM_Any::__all_target = \&ExtUtils::MM_Any::all_target;
*ExtUtils::MM_Unix::__all_target = \&ExtUtils::MM_Unix::all_target;
*ExtUtils::MM_Any::all_target = *ExtUtils::MM_Unix::all_target = sub {
    my $inherited = shift->__all_target(@_);
    $inherited .= 
        qq{\t-(\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/ && \$(RM_F) blib/lib/ || \$(NOOP)\n}
        .qq{\t-(\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/threads/ && \$(RM_F) blib/lib/threads/ || \$(NOOP)\n}
        .qq{\t-\$(CP) blib/lib/ blib/lib/\n}
        .qq{\t-\$(CP) blib/lib/forks/ blib/lib/threads/\n}
        .qq{\t-\$(TEST_F) blib/lib/ && perl -pi -e 's\/(\\\$\$forks::threads_override =\\s*) 0;\/\$\$1 1;\/' blib/lib/ || \$(NOOP)\n};

### Standard MakeMaker Makefile.PL directives ###
package main;
WriteMakefile (
 NAME       => "forks",
 AUTHOR     => 'Eric Rybski (',
 ABSTRACT   => 'forks - emulate threads with fork',
 VERSION_FROM   => 'lib/',

 PREREQ_PM  => {@extra_prereq,qw(
            Attribute::Handlers 0
            Devel::Required     0.07
            List::MoreUtils     0.15
            File::Spec          0
            IO::Socket          1.18
            Scalar::Util        1.09
            Storable            0
            Time::HiRes         0
(MM->can('signature_target') ? (SIGN => 1) : ()),