$Id: INSTALL.zxid,v 1.5 2009-10-16 13:36:33 sampo Exp $


  make         # beware of need to specify TARGET if not linux; or edit
  make all     # all bindings beyond C (perl, php, Java, mod_auth_saml for Apache httpd)
  make install

These instructions are for the impatient. See 
<<link:html/zxid-install.html: ZXID Compilation and Installation>>
aka zxid-install.pd for the complete story.

If you want to try ZXID out immediately, we recommend compiling the
library and examples and installing one of the examples as a CGI
script in an existing web server.

Install Packages for Your Distribution

TBD (*** WIP)

    # Redhat derived systems
    yum install zxid


    # Debian derived systems
    apt-get install zxid

Move to section "Configuration and Canned Demo", below.

Compilation from Source

Download and extract the source

  wget http:/   # Check for newer version, please
  tar xvzf zxid-0.83.tgz
  cd zxid-0.83

Compile all packages (C, perl, php, Java, and apache httpd interfaces)

  # N.B.  There is no configure script. The Makefile works for all
  #       supported platforms by provision of correct TARGET option.

  make all                # Compile for ix86 Linux (default), all bindings
  make all TARGET=sol8    # Compile for Solaris
  make all TARGET=macosx  # Compile for MacOS X (ix86 tested)
  make all TARGET=xmingw  # Cross compile Windows binaries using Linux

  # If errors, see section "Compilation Problems", below, and zxid-faq.pd

  make install
  ln -s /var/zxid/0.83 /var/zxid/std   # Change to match actual release
  export PATH=/var/zxid/std/bin:$PATH

Move to section "Configuration and Canned Demo", below.

Configuration and Canned Demo

For detailed configuration reference, please see
<<link:html/zxid-conf.html: ZXID Configuration Reference>> aka

For canned demo you need an IdP and a SP. Here's how:

  export PATH=/var/zxid/std/bin:$PATH   # if not already done                # For the SP
  echo NICE_NAME=Your SP Branding             >/var/zxid/zxid.conf
  echo ORG_NAME=Your Organization             >>/var/zxid/zxid.conf
  echo ORG_URL=               >>/var/zxid/zxid.conf
  echo URL= >>/var/zxid/zxid.conf /var/zxid/idp  # For the IdP
  echo NICE_NAME=Your IdP Branding            >/var/zxid/idpzxid.conf
  echo ORG_NAME=Your IdP Organization         >>/var/zxid/idpzxid.conf
  echo ORG_URL=            >>/var/zxid/idpzxid.conf
  echo URL=  >>/var/zxid/idpzxid.conf

In the above, the configuration files for SP and IdP were created. Some
configuration options are actually set in the source code of the respective
applications. In the config files you MUST set

NICE_NAME:: Used for user interface purposes (displayed to user) to identify the site.
ORG_NAME::  The name of the legal entity responsible for the site, shown to user.
ORG_URL::   Institutional web site of the legal entity, shown to user.
URL::       Entity Id of the web site. For demo, set them as shown (often set in source).


  cp zxidhlo* <webroot>/
  # configure and start your web server to recognize zxidhlo a CGI, e.g.
  mini_httpd -p 8443 -c 'zxid*' -S -E zxid.pem

  # Edit your /etc/hosts to contain (on Windows C:\Windows\System32\etc\hosts)       localhost

  # Point your browser to (zxid_simple() API version)       # Perl version      # PHP version  # Java version

  # Find an IdP to test with and configure it...
  # ... e.g. download from

See zxid-install.pd for actual tutorial out-of-box experience.

Compilation Problems

See also: zxid-faq.pd  (*** also in zxid-faq.pd)

* Makefile tries to compile a bunch of check programs early in the
  compilation to detect common problems with missing headers (include
  files) and missing libraries.

* If the checks fail, you need to adjust the -I and -L flags in Makefile
  variables CDIR and LIBS (around line 123)

* Else you can create file (recommended), that will be
  included by the main Makefile, and put your modifications there.

* If you have difficulty in finding the headers and libraries (or whether
  a package is installed at all), try the following commands

    find / -name 'stdio.h'
    find / -name 'libc.*'
    find / -name 'zlib.h'
    find / -name 'libz.*'
    find / -name 'opensslv.h'
    find / -name 'libssl.*'
    find / -name 'libcrypto.*'
    find / -name 'curlver.h'
    find / -name 'libcurl.*'
    find / -name 'ap_release.h'
    find / -name 'apr_version.h'
    find / -name 'libapr-1.*'
    find / -name 'servlet-api.jar'

  If you find more than one of any of the above, you need to be extra
  careful about which one you use.

* ZXID dependency libraries are libcurl, openssl (libssl, libcrypto), and zlib

* Usually you can use the versions that are supplied with your distribution.
  However in this case you MUST install also the headers. Usually these
  are called "development" packages. For example

    # Redhat derived systems
    yum install gcc                # Usually installs libc and libz headers
    yum install openssl-devel
    yum install curl-devel


    # Debian derived systems
    apt-get install gcc            # Usually installs libc and libz headers
    apt-get install openssl-devel
    apt-get install curl-devel

  If all else fails, compile the dependencies
  from source.

* zxid assumes openssl, libcurl, Java, and Apache to be installed
  in the locations where source distributions of those packages
  install them in their default configuration (e.g. /usr/local/ssl,
  /usr/local/httpd, etc.)

* Many distributions (e.g. Ubuntu, Redhat, SUSE, ...) choose to install
  those libraries in different places, thus requiring distribution
  specific edits to, see the find(1) commands above.

    echo 'CURL_ROOT=/usr'    >>
    echo 'OPENSSL_ROOT=/usr' >>

* The make all command attempts to build all language bindings and
  Apache module. If you do not need all bindings, you can build
  only the part relevant to you (and avoid errors irrelevant to you):

    make                    # Compile C library for ix86 Linux (default)

    make apachezxid         # optional: compile mod_auth_saml Apache module
    make apachezxid_install # optional: install

    make samlmod            # optional: compile Net::SAML perl module
    make samlmod_install    # optional: install Net::SAML

    make phpzxid            # optional: compile php_zxid PHP extension
    make phpzxid_install    # optional: install

    make javazxid           # optional: compile libzxidjni
    make javazxid_install   # optional: install and zxidjni.class

Trouble Shooting

  # N.B2: We distribute some generated files. If they are missing, you need
  #       to regenerate them: make cleaner; make dep ENA_GEN=1

  make dir                # Creates /var/zxid hierarchy
