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<<if: ZXIDBOOK>>
<<else: >>Java JNI Interface to ZXID
<<author: Sampo Kellomäki (>>
<<cvsid: $Id: zxid-java.pd,v 1.7 2010-01-08 02:10:09 sampo Exp $>>
<<class: article!a4paper!!ZXID-JAVA 01>>
<<define: ZXDOC=ZXID Java Interface>>

<<abstract: Identity Management toolkit implements standalone SAML 2.0 and
Liberty ID-WSF 2.0 stacks. This document describes the Java glue.


<<maketoc: 1>>

1 Introduction

Most Java +Servlets+ can be SSO enabled without any additional
programming effort. provides a fully packaged SSO
component that can be added to any servlet deployment (e.g. under
Tomcat) to provide SSO functionality just by configuring the servlet
engine (e.g. Tomcat). The provides an example of how
this is done.

The Java glue for ZXID was generated using swig(1), however, the swig
interface is not a retrofit: the whole ZXID API was designed to
be easily swiggifiable.

The main aim of the glue is supporting the easy and simple API, see
<<link:zxid-simple.html: zxid_simple()>> for general
reference. Only differences and language specifics are covered in this

1.1 Other documents


9 Java Native API (JNI): zxidjava package and zxidjni class

<<fi: >>

9.1 Installing Binaries or from Package

Currently (2009) itself does not distribute relevant binaries. However,
we may in future. You are also welcome to contribute binaries so we distribute
them, or point people to them in this documentation.

(*** WIP)

9.1.1 TAS3 Distributions

If you are TAS3 ( deployer, you should use
T3-SSO-ZXID-JAVA from their component pool.

9.2 Building the JNI from Source

The steps are

  wget  # Remember to check for latest version
  tar xf zxid-0.40.tgz
  cd zxid-0.40
  make javazxid                       # Also builds libzxid and main distribution

You must have set ~JNI_INC~ variable correctly in the Makefile (or in and ~javac~ must be in path (or you must set ~JAVAC~
variable). For the servlet or Tomcat support, you must make sure
~SERVLET_PATH~ points to your servlet-api.jar file. The ZXID Java
interface has been mainly tested with ~j2sdk1.4.2~ and some versions
of Java SDK 1.5.

> *Advanced compile*:
> If you have done changes that require regeneration of the
> zxidjava/zxid_wrap.c file you should build with
>  <<tt: make javazxid ENA_GEN=1 >>
> but this requires that you have swig(1) installed. Depending
> on the changes, it may also require and gperf(1),
> see "Compilation for Experts" section, above, for full
> explanation. As of January 2007, all of the Java JNI interface
> is swig(1) generated - there are no human authored files. However,
> we anticipate building a helper Java library to facilitate
> use of the JNI - contributions welcome.

After compilation, just copy the class files and the
to suitable locations in your system (Makefile lacks any specific
Java installation target because the author has not yet made up his
mind about what makes sense). When you run Java programs that
use the zxidjni class, you must make sure the is
found by the dynamic linker - usually this means setting ~LD_LIBRARY_PATH~
environment variable. The shell script demonstrates
how to do this for the example CGI program

9.1.1 MacOS X: JNI Notes

* The resulting library is called libzxidjni.jnilib
* You may need to supply additional arguments to
  java command:

    java -classpath .:zxidjava -Djava.library.path=zxidjava zxid

* On Mac, it seems ~export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=zxidjava~ is not needed.

9.2 Java Servlet Example Using Tomcat

Consider following example +payload+ servlet (from

<<ignore: perl -ne 'printf "%02d %s", ++$i, $_' < >>

01 import zxidjava.*;   // Pull in the API
02 import*;
03 import javax.servlet.*;
04 import javax.servlet.http.*;
06 public class zxidappdemo extends HttpServlet {
07     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
08      throws ServletException, IOException
09     {
10      String fullURL = req.getRequestURI();
11      if (req.getQueryString() != null)
12          fullURL += "?" + req.getQueryString();
13      System.err.print("Start ZXID App Demo GET("+fullURL+")...\n");
14      HttpSession ses = req.getSession(false);  // Important: do not allow automatic session.
15      if (ses == null) {                        // Instead, redirect to sso servlet.
16          res.sendRedirect("sso?o=E&fr=" + fullURL);
17          return;
18      }
20      res.setContentType("text/html");
21      res.getOutputStream().print("<title>ZXID Demo App Protected Content</title><body><h1>ZXID Demo App Protected Content at " + fullURL + "</H1>\n");
23      // Render logout buttons (optional)
25      res.getOutputStream().print("[<a href=\"sso?gl=1&s="+ses.getValue("sesid")+"\">Local Logout</a> | <a href=\"sso?gr=1&s="+ses.getValue("sesid")+"\">Single Logout</a>]\n");
27      // The SSO servlet will have done one iteration of authorization. The following
28      // serves to illustrate, how to explicitly call a PDP from your code.
30      if ("PATH=/var/zxid/", "Action=Show", ses.getValue("sesid").toString()) == 0) {
31          res.getOutputStream().print("<p><b>Denied.</b> Normally page would not be shown, but we show the session attributes for debugging purposes.\n");
32          //res.setStatus(302, "Denied");
33      } else {
34          res.getOutputStream().print("<p>Authorized.\n");
35      }
37      // Render protected content page (your application starts working)
39      res.getOutputStream().print("<pre>HttpSession dump:\n");
40      String[] val_names = ses.getValueNames();
41      for (int i = 0; i < val_names.length; ++i) {
42          res.getOutputStream().print(val_names[i] + ": " + ses.getValue(val_names[i]) + "\n");
43      }
45      res.getOutputStream().print("</pre>");
46     }
47 }

On lines 14-18 we check whether the servlet session is active. If it
is, there is nothing more to do and we proceed to the application,
on line 20. However, if the session does not exist yet, we trigger
Single Sign-On by redirecting the user to /sso (this must match
the configuration in servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml). A very important
part of the redirect is supplying the +fr+ query string parameter (l.16)
which allows the SSO servlet to redirect the user back to the
original application after the SSO. The o=E query string parameter
is needed as well and will trigger the IdP selection screen. Alternatively
you could supply your own IdP selection screen.

On first attempt to access the protected content, the if on l.15 will
trigger, sending the user to the Single Sign-On. On second attempt (i.e.
just after the SSO) the if will not fire and application can start its
normal operation, outputting the protected content page (l.20).

On line 25 we render the logout buttons. This is optional, but your
web site user interface should include these buttons somewhere. It is
important that the query strings for the buttons indicate the
operation (gl=1 means local logout, gr=1 means Single Logout (SLO) and
the session ID (s=...)  which you can obtain from the servlet session
under name "sesid". Clicking these links will send the user to the
SSO servlet with appropriate information to end the session. After
logout, the user will land on IdP selection screen, where he can
login again, if desired.

On ll.30-35 we perform an optional authorization check. Usually, if
configured, an authorization step is taken already during the SSO
servlet phase. However, sometimes the generic authorization is
not specific enough and the application wants to make an explicit
authorization request to a PDP. Calling accomplishes
just that. It is pulled in by the import statement on l.1. The
first argument is a configuration string, which usually has just one
argument: the ZXID directory PATH (normally "/var/zxid/"),
but it could contain additional options such as

PDP_CALL_URL:: URL of the PDP to call. Default is not to call any
    PDP, i.e. attempting to call without this set
    in either /var/zxid/zxid.conf configuration file or in the
    conf string is futile.
NEED:: Comma separated list of the attributes needed for decision.
    If an attribute or a wild card is not listed in the NEED or WANT,
    it is not passed to the PDP. Thus, it is not sufficient to
    supply an attribute in query string: it is also necessary
    to list it, or a wild card, in NEED or WANT as well as in PEPMAP.
WANT:: Comma separated list of the attributes useful (but not needed)
    for decision.
PEPMAP:: How tp pass attributes from attribute pool, or the query
    string argument, to the PDP. If attribute or wild card is not
    listed in the PEPMAP, it is not passed to the PDP.

It is important that you address NEED and PEPMAP in your configuration.
Without them the attributes supplied in query string argument
will not be passed on to the PDP.

The second argument ("Action=Show") allows you to pass in attributes
that were not part of the context before. Each attribute is considered
accoring to NEED, WANT, and PEPMAP configurations and is classified
as belonging in Subject, Resource, Action, or Environment categories.
You would typically supply using thsi argument the specifics of
the application dependent operation that is to be authorized.

The third argument specifies the ZXID session ID, which is used to
fetch some additional attributes.

9.2.1 Configuring SSO Servlet to Tomcat

In addition to your own applet that redirects to the SSO servlet,
you need to configure Tomcat to recognize both your applet and
the SSO applet. This is typically done by editing servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml
file (servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml in zxid source tree). Consider

01 <web-app>
03   <display-name>ZXID SSO Servlet Example</display-name>
04   <description>SSO capability for other servlets.</description>
06   <servlet>
07     <servlet-name>zxidsrvlet</servlet-name>
08     <servlet-class>zxidsrvlet</servlet-class>
09   </servlet>
11   <servlet-mapping>
12     <servlet-name>zxidsrvlet</servlet-name>
13     <url-pattern>/sso</url-pattern>
14   </servlet-mapping>
16   <servlet>
17     <servlet-name>zxidappdemo</servlet-name>
18     <servlet-class>zxidappdemo</servlet-class>
19   </servlet>
21   <servlet-mapping>
22     <servlet-name>zxidappdemo</servlet-name>
23     <url-pattern>/appdemo</url-pattern>
24   </servlet-mapping>
26 </web-app>

Here lines 16-24 represent your own payload application.  The
<servlet-name> is used to match together <servlet> and the
<servlet-mapping> sections. <servlet-class> points to the Java class
file that implements the servler, in this case
zxidappdemo.class. Finally <url-pattern> specifies where in the web
servers hierarchy the servlet will appear. Here you have to realize
that the pattern will be prefixed by the directory path where the
servlet lives (i.e. in our example the actual path is

ll.06-14 represent the SSO servlet. As can be seen, the corresponding
class file is zxidsrvlet.class, which you will find at top level
of the zxid distribution after compiling. The <url-pattern>
and the servlet directory MUST match the redirection on l.16
of the servlet code example above. If application servlet and
the SSO servlet live in the same directory, mere local redirect
will do the trick, as illustrated on l.16.

The <url-patterm> also MUST correspond to the URL parameter in the
/var/zxid/zxid.conf file (the URL parameter is also prefix of the
EntityID which is also the Well Know Location (WKL) for metadata

9.3 Running as servlet under Tomcat

ZXID distribution contains subdirectory called ~servlet~. You should
link this into webapps directory of Tomcat servlet container

  cd ~/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps
  ln -s ~/zxid-0.34/servlet zxidservlet

and also

  cd ~/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps/zxidservlet/WEB-INF
  ln -s ../.. classes

You also need to set ~allowLinking~ flag in 
apache-tomcat-5.5.20/conf/context.xml (the ~reloadable~
flag avoids having to restart Tomcat if you recompile
the .class file):

  <Context allowLinking="true" reloadable="true">...

The file servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml describes the example zxid
application. The actual application lives in servlet/WEB-INF/classes
which is actually just a symlink back to the top level of the ZXID
distribution. Therefore the zxidhello.class file appears on the top
level and the wrapper classes, which are scoped in ~zxidjava~ package,
appear in zxidjava/ subdirectory. From the servlet container's
perspective the directory appears to be

After ~make javazxid~ and restart of Tomcat (~killall java;
apache-tomcat-5.5.20/bin/, you can access the application
using URL (defined in servlet/WEB-INF/web.xml)

  make javazxid
  export JAVA_HOME=/apps/java/j2sdk1.4.2
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/zxid-0.34/zxidjava:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  cd ~/apache-tomcat-5.5.20      # Need to be here to avoid class path problems
  killall java; bin/
  tail -f ~/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/logs/catalina.out &

N.B. You should make sure resolves to the machine
where you are running Tomcat, e.g. localhost (

9.4 Using ZXID with AXIS2

9.5 Programming with ZXID Java API

For detailed usage examples of the Java interface you should study
the file.

The Java interface is contained in a package called ~zxidjava~. This
package contains the main wrapper class ~zxidjni~ as well as a number
of data type specific classes. The ~zxidjni~ class is just
a container for procedural zxid API - all methods of this class
are static.

To start using the ZXID Java interface you need to do two

  import zxidjava.*;

somewhere near top of your program pulls in the zxidjava package,
including the zxidjni class. Then you need to have a static
initializer somewhere in your program to pull in the

  public class myprog {
    static {

    public static void main(String argv[]) throws
      // ...

From here on you can call the C API procedures as static methods
of the zxidjni class, e.g:

  cf = zxidjni.new_conf("/var/zxid/");

Note that the ~zxid_~ prefix is omitted in favour of the ~zxidjni~
class name qualifier.

9.5.1 Integrating SSO Directly to Your Java Servlet

Although provides a "no programming required"
SSO integration for Servlet, just like mod_auth_saml provides
for Apache httpd, sometimes you will want to integrate SSO
directly into your servlet, e.g. to avoid distributing a second

(*** also in zxid-simple.pd)


  01 import zxidjava.*;
  02 import*;
  03 import javax.servlet.*;
  04 import javax.servlet.http.*;
  05 public class zxidhlo extends HttpServlet {
  06   static { System.loadLibrary("zxidjni"); }
  07   static final String conf
  08     = "PATH=/var/zxid/&URL=";
  09   public void do_zxid(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String qs)
  10                       throws ServletException, IOException {
  11     String ret = zxidjni.simple(conf, qs, 0xd54);
  12     switch (ret.charAt(0)) {
  13     case 'L':  /* Redirect: ret == "LOCATION: urlCRLF2" */
  14       res.sendRedirect(ret.substring(10, ret.length() - 4));
  15       return;
  16     case '<':
  17       switch (ret.charAt(1)) {
  18       case 's':  /* <se:  SOAP envelope */
  19       case 'm':  /* <m20: metadata */
  20         res.setContentType("text/xml");
  21         break;
  22       default:
  23         res.setContentType("text/html");
  24       break;
  25       }
  26       res.setContentLength(ret.length());
  27       res.getOutputStream().print(ret);
  28       break;
  29     case 'd': /* Logged in case */
  30       //my_parse_ldif(ret);
  31       res.setContentType("text/html");
  32       res.getOutputStream().print(zxidjni.fed_mgmt(conf, sesid, 0xd54));
  33       break;
  34     default:
  35       System.err.print("Unknown zxid_simple() response:");
  36       System.err.print(ret);
  37     }
  38   }
  39   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
  40                     throws ServletException, IOException {
  41     // LECP/ECP PAOS header checks
  42     do_zxid(req, res, req.getQueryString());
  43   }
  44   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
  45                      throws ServletException, IOException {
  46     String qs;
  47     int len = req.getContentLength();
  48     byte[] b = new byte[len];
  49     int got = req.getInputStream().read(b, 0, len);
  50     qs = new String(b, 0, got);
  51     do_zxid(req, res, qs);
  52   }
  53 }

9.6 Known Problems and Limitations

The zx_str type is generally NOT nul terminated. We try to
map these in the SWIG type maps, but any function returning
char* currently maps to Java String type, yet there is no
way of knowing how long the string type is. Therefore
it's not safe to call functions returning char*. For example,

  int zx_LEN_SO_sa_Action(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_sa_Action_s* x);
  char* zx_ENC_SO_sa_Action(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_sa_Action_s* x, char* p);
  struct zx_str* zx_EASY_ENC_SO_sa_Action(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_sa_Action_s* x);

The intent of the LEN_SO plus ENC_SO pair is that you first compute
length, allocate sufficient buffer, and then render the encoding into
the buffer. The ENC_SO in fact returns char* one past the end of the
string. It is NOT safe to cal ENC_SO from Java because the SWIG
generated interface would make Java believe that the char* one past
end of string is a C string in its own right. Thus the only
safe one to call is the EASY_ENC_SO variant.

9.7 Troubleshooting class loader

9.7.1 Symlinks

If you get

  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: zxidhlo

Then you forgot to turn on the symlinks (see ~allowLinking~, above).

9.7.2 Class Path

If you get

  javax.servlet.ServletException: Error allocating a servlet instance

  root cause

  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet
        java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
        java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass($100($ Method)

Then the problem is with class path. Apparently running the script from anywhere
else than top level of Tomcat distribution produces the above error.


If you get

  javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating servlet class zxidhlo

  root cause

  java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no zxidjni in java.library.path
        sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

Then it is not finding zxidjava/ Either say

  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/zxid-0.34/zxidjava:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

or place in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib. Note that the
library name really is despite the misleading exception
suggesting just "zxidjni".

9.7.4 Native Library Already Loaded

If you get

  java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /home/sampo/zxid/zxidjava/ already loaded in another classloader
        sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

Then ... ? Currently it seems you have to restart Tomcat.



In essence the Java environment has arbitrary restriction that same
library can not be used twice, e.g. due to two instances of same
application. Most trivial way around this is to create two copies
of the with different names.

9.7.5 Win32 Java loanLibrary() error

  java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Given procedure could not be found


No documented solution to this mystery error. It is believed to come
from Windows dynamic linker.

9.8 Logging and Debugging Tips

In case you add debug prints, the stderr (System.err) output
appears to go by default to apache-tomcat-5.5.20/logs/catalina.out

9.9 Debugging under jdb and gdb

Debugging the JNI C code would appear to require running java or jdb
under gdb and setting break points in the C code. Unfortunately this
appears to be particularly tricky. A possible approach is to introduce
a sleep(1) in the C code and then use gdb to attach to the java
process. Unfortunately even this method does not seem to allow us to
set break points.

  export QUERY_STRING=''

N.B. In following "$" means Unix shell prompt, "%" gdb prompt, and ">"
jdb prompt.

  $ gdb jdb
  % set env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=zxidjava
  % set env
  % r zxid
  > stop at zxid:24
  > run
  > next      # or step
  > print cf
  > cont

<<if: ZXIDBOOK>>
<<else: >>

96 License

Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Symlabs (, All Rights Reserved.
Author: Sampo Kellomäki (

See file COPYING for complete information.

97 FAQ extract

See zxid-faq.pd for full story.

97.1 Compilation Problems

97.1.5 All files under zx missing

(*** also appears in README.zxid FAQ)

You need to symlink zx to zxid source directory, thus

  ln -s . zx

If you do not have it, then you will get a lot of file inclusion errors for
headers that are supposed to be in path starting by zx/

The symlink is there to keep all hand written source files on top
level of directory for ease of development, yet allow inclusions to go
through ~zx~ subdirectory. When zxid is installed, it goes to
/usr/include/zx. Hence the symlink keeps the includes the same whether
developing or using installed version.

97.1.6 Compiler Warnings

(*** also appears in README.zxid FAQ)

If you compile zxid with compiler warnings turned on (CFLAGS += -Wall),
you will see quite a number of warnings, most of which are
unwarranted. Since the warnings are unwarranted, I ship zxid Makefile
with warnings turned off. If this bothers you, feel free to investigate
the warnings and report to me any issues you uncover.

Following warnings in partuclar are unwarranted:

1. Any unusued variable warnings, especially in generated code. Most
   common of these is ~se~ variable (see enc-templ.c).
2. "Suggest parenthesis around assignment when used as truth value." I
   rely on C language operator precedence. Also, in most cases the
   assignment is the only expression in the truth test - there simply
   is no opportunity for ambiguity -- and no justified case for gcc to
   warn about this.
3. "Suggest parenthesis around && when used in ||". I rely on C
   language operator precedence, hence the suggestion is redundant.

Some warnings you may want to worry about

A. "int format, long int arg". On 32 bit platforms int and long
   are both 32 bits so this warning is not an issue. On 64 bit platforms,
   however, there may be cause for worry.

97.1.7 SWIG and Java Problems

(*** also appears in README.zxid FAQ)

javac -J-Xmx128m -g zxidjava/*.java
zxidjava/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class SWIGTYPE_p_p_void
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
  public static zx_str zx_rsa_pub_enc(zx_ctx c, zx_str plain, SWIGTYPE_p_p_void rsa_pkey, int pad) {
zxidjava/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class SWIGTYPE_p_p_void
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
  public static zx_str zx_rsa_pub_dec(zx_ctx c, zx_str ciphered, SWIGTYPE_p_p_void rsa_pkey, int pad) {
zxidjava/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class SWIGTYPE_p_p_void
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
  public static zx_str zx_rsa_priv_dec(zx_ctx c, zx_str ciphered, SWIGTYPE_p_p_void rsa_pkey, int pad) {
zxidjava/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : class SWIGTYPE_p_p_void
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
  public static zx_str zx_rsa_priv_enc(zx_ctx c, zx_str plain, SWIGTYPE_p_p_void rsa_pkey, int pad) {
This was due to missing SWIG generated classes. Probably interrupted file transfer.

javac -J-Xmx128m -g zxidjava/*.java cannot find symbol
symbol  : method new_conf(java.lang.String)
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
      cf = zxidjni.new_conf("/var/zxid/");
                  ^ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method url_set(zxidjava.zxid_conf,java.lang.String)
location: class zxidjava.zxidjni
      zxidjni.url_set(cf, url);
             ^ cannot find symbol

jar cf zxidjava.jar *.class
jar cf /tmp/zxidjava.jar zxidjava/*.class

javac -J-Xmx128m -g        cannot access zxid_conf
bad class file: /Library/Java/Extensions/zxidjava.jar(zxid_conf.class)
class file contains wrong class: zxidjava.zxid_conf
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
  public static int mgmt_screen(zxid_conf cf, zxid_cgi cgi, zxid_ses ses, char op)
1 error

Underscore in linking error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: zxidjava.zxidjni.new_conf(Ljava/lang/String;)Lzxidjava/zxid_conf;
        at zxid.main(

This was due to finding some old copies from system paths.

java -classpath .:zxidjava -Djava.library.path=zxidjava zxid 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: _zxid_new_conf
        at zxidjava.zxidjniJNI._zxid_new_conf(Native Method)
        at zxidjava.zxidjni.new_conf(
        at zxid.main(

97.2 Passing Java Session between Servlets

At Java session level session can only be shared within same servlet
container. So limited sharing of data between servlets is possible.

However, to cross the servlet container boundary, currently only
method is to pass the ZXID level session ID and then recreate the
session from persistent storage using ZXID APIs. Cumbersome, but
doable. Effectively you would repeat the work done on ll.61-66 of


[SAML2core] "Assertions and Protocols for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0", Oasis Standard, 15.3.2005, saml-core-2.0-os


<<notapath: TCP/IP a.k.a xBSD/Unix n/a Perl/mod_perl PHP/mod_php Java/Tomcat>>
<<EOF: >>
<<fi: >>